#avr | Logs for 2015-11-08

[00:34:20] <gorroth> i just connected my newly soldered Arduino Pro Mini to my Raspberry Pi, and i was at least able to provide power to it. so, i'm hopeful that i didn't completely screw the soldering job
[00:45:22] <Xark> gorroth: No magic smoke yet is always a good sign. :) I assume 8MHz 3.3v Pro Mini (or "overclocking")?
[00:49:42] <Casper> it's amazing how much magic smoke is contained in some mosfet
[00:50:15] <gorroth> Xark: actually, i can't remember what rating it is. i think it might be 5v 16 mhz, but i was checking it using just 3.3v
[00:50:25] <gorroth> and the back of mine isn't properly marked so i know which one it is
[00:51:05] <Xark> I have had really good luck running 16MHz at 3.3v (even though technically overclocking/undervolting).
[00:51:51] <Xark> Maybe issues in 120 deg F factory etc., but mostly "fine". :)
[00:53:40] <gorroth> well, i remember i bought 5v 16 mhz ones. and i bought some voltage level translators to assist them
[00:53:54] <gorroth> i wish i had gotten 3.3v 8 mhz ones, but oh well. that was before i really knew what i was getting into
[00:54:25] <Xark> Just put regulated 3.3v onto 3.3v pin (and ignore VIN) and they will be 16MHz at 3.3v. :)
[00:54:27] <gorroth> but still, they should have properly marked this
[00:54:47] <Xark> gorroth: You may be able to "squint" and see if 8 or 16 on xtal osc.
[00:55:02] <gorroth> i can't. i put on my eye glasses and can't even read it
[00:55:06] <gorroth> but
[00:55:09] <gorroth> i looked at my email
[00:55:16] <gorroth> it shows my order, which i remember anyway
[00:56:38] <gorroth> 3.3v at 16 mhz will be unstable probably
[00:56:42] <gorroth> i read something about that
[00:57:10] <gorroth> anyway, it's eventually going to be powered directly from a regulated 5v source, and i can use the voltage translators to talk to those things
[00:57:43] <gorroth> luckily, 16 mhz scaled down to 2 mhz still leaves me with plenty of room in the 16-bit pwm for 50 hz signals :)
[00:57:51] <Xark> As I mentioned it is 99% likely to be totally fine.
[00:58:09] <Xark> The spec calls for like 3.6v for 16Mhz (so it is very close).
[00:58:09] <gorroth> maybe, but i don't want to risk it. i've already had enough trouble so far
[00:58:37] <Xark> gorroth: Well, if you are really paranoid, you can set CLKDIV to 2 (and it will divide master clock by 2).
[00:58:55] <gorroth> i don't have a solid enough code base yet or enough things well-known in my physical setup to try something like that. too many moving parts if i do that
[00:58:59] <gorroth> nah
[00:59:09] <Xark> It is just a "poke" in main (or setup).
[00:59:09] <gorroth> i can just run it at 16 mhz at 5v and be even more fine
[00:59:24] <Xark> Or do that (with level translation to RPi). :)
[00:59:44] <gorroth> it won't be directly connected to the rpi for very long :) but in the meantime, yes
[00:59:49] <gorroth> i'm going to get the xbee pro working soon
[00:59:56] <gorroth> and then i can do uploads and things like that over the xbee :)
[01:00:05] <gorroth> i'll still need the translators though
[01:06:07] <gorroth> well, i'm actually in Springfield, IL tonight, visiting some family, and i forgot a lot of my electronics stuff up in Chicago
[01:06:20] <gorroth> so, i guess i should get in bed anyway and read some "2600" magazine :)
[01:06:25] <gorroth> goodnight, hardware hackers :)
[02:18:57] <tipstick> Can someone help get on the right path to start hacking on a ATMEGA32U4?
[02:19:17] <Tom_itx> to do what?
[02:19:20] <tipstick> I downloaded avrasm2
[02:19:25] <Tom_itx> it's got a bootloader in it
[02:19:38] <Tom_itx> use flip or dfu programmer to upload code to it
[02:20:36] <tipstick> My long term goal is to build a keyboard, for now a blinking led or something like that would be a good start
[02:21:09] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/
[02:21:16] <Tom_itx> blink away
[02:22:02] <Mr_Sheesh> tipstick, chording or qwerty or dvorak? :)
[02:23:41] <tipstick> Originally I wanted dvorak, but then I found it contributed to the RSI so I'm probably gonna drop back to qwerty :P
[02:25:02] <tipstick> Code examples will probably help. Thanks
[02:25:28] <Tom_itx> take a look at LUFA
[02:29:39] <tipstick> that also may come in handy, though I'm just starting out with asm and hardware
[02:30:14] <tipstick> Got any good resources on how to get started? Or datasheets and code examples are the way to go? :D
[02:31:20] <tipstick> I read some articles microcontrollers, the components they have, but they were not specificly on the AVR family and seemed to get dry quite fast
[02:31:56] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/asm/
[02:31:59] <Tom_itx> asm blinky
[02:33:04] <cehteh> why asm?
[02:33:24] <Tom_itx> why not?
[02:33:32] <cehteh> sounds masochistic
[02:33:47] <tipstick> Why not, indeed. Its a for fun project :)
[02:33:56] <cehteh> well ok then
[02:34:10] <Tom_itx> i did it to learn asm a bit
[02:45:54] <Mr_Sheesh> asm or c (I cross back & forth, both are handy) - Nighters
[12:14:57] <WormFood> Does someone have the file avr_tools_device_file.xsd on their hard drive, from AVR Studio?
[12:17:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> not I.
[12:20:26] <WormFood> Jesus H. Fuck! It's 730 meg...for a damn IDE. How can it be so huge?
[12:22:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's windows...and it's visual stupidio.
[12:22:17] <WormFood> And they force me to give up an email address to get the download link. WTF?!? Can someone give me the download link for the offline installer for Atmel Studio?
[12:22:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> again, not I.
[12:22:55] <WormFood> Lambda_Aurigae, Atmel Studio contains Microsoft Vistual Stupidio?
[12:22:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> it don't work on linux so I deleted.
[12:23:05] <WormFood> huh?
[12:23:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmel studio is built on microsoft visual studio.
[12:23:13] <WormFood> it doesn't run on Linux
[12:23:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is microsoft visual studio with atmel addons basically.
[12:23:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> correct...it does not run on linux.
[12:23:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is windows only.
[12:23:44] <WormFood> AVR/Atmel studio has never worked on Linux.
[12:23:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> correct.
[12:24:09] <WormFood> Yeah, I'm not interested in their IDE, I just want their data files.
[12:24:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> actually, I had one version of it,,,3.something as I recall,,,that ran under wine on linux.
[12:24:34] <WormFood> I also am not interested in it, since it does not run on Linux...however, I want that data they have in it.
[12:24:46] <WormFood> I haven't needed to use it, in quite some time.
[12:25:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> same here.
[12:25:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> I do download the new versions when they come out just to try though.
[12:25:19] <WormFood> The only time I really needed it, is when I had to count cycles in a loop. I could do a lot of math, and rack my brains, or just run it through the emulator, and see what I need to adjust.
[12:25:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> then delete them.
[12:25:52] <WormFood> If I absolutely have to run it, I can do so in a virtual computer.
[12:26:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[12:26:26] <WormFood> That's what I've been doing lately, with hex-rays, since I can't get a waurez version for Linux.
[12:26:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm sure someone here runs windows with atmel studio.
[12:26:54] <WormFood> I'm also sure of that.
[12:27:02] <WormFood> in fact, I'd bet money on it.
[12:27:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use vmware when I need virtual machines.
[12:27:23] <WormFood> ditto
[12:27:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> haven't run windows at home in several years...not sure I even have a windows vm anymore.
[12:27:48] <WormFood> I have one Windows machine, in the livingroom, on the TV, just so guests can use it.
[12:28:14] <WormFood> I was seriously considering switching it to Linux, since hardly anyone uses it, and when they do, it's almost always for the web browser.
[12:28:31] <WormFood> I had an interesting problem the other week, that I solved with vmware.
[12:29:26] <WormFood> I was playing around, and I installed Windows in a physical partition, under vmware, so I can boot on the bare metal, or the virtual metal. I screwed up, and it overwrote the bootsector for both of the hard drives in my laptop.
[12:29:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> my work computers are windows...only because xerox manuals are tightly integrated into explorer and windows and I can't get them to work on linux.
[12:29:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> ouch.
[12:30:03] <WormFood> so, it was ONLY booting Windows, which is the exact opposite of what I want. I forgot about the state of the computer, and grabbed it, when I was heading out on a 3 day trip.
[12:30:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've done the multi-dual-anywhere-boot thing with vmware before...it was kinda neat but a pain to get setup.
[12:30:30] <WormFood> So, I get to the hotel, turn on the computer, and it's fuckin' Winblows....and I don't have a USB stick with me.
[12:30:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> start with windows, then install linux, then install vmware and make it look at metal partitions.
[12:30:46] <WormFood> no need to install Linux
[12:30:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's how I ended up doing it.
[12:30:57] <WormFood> just use the debian network installer
[12:31:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> back then I couldn't get windows to install a dual-boot thingie.
[12:31:15] <WormFood> and boot from a virtual cd, with full hard drive access, and let it fix the boot sector.
[12:31:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> that should work too.
[12:31:31] <WormFood> It worked very well.
[12:31:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> this was back in,,,,2003 or so when I was doing it.
[12:31:47] <WormFood> it was just painfully slow to download vmware in China
[12:32:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> haha.
[12:32:07] <WormFood> the debian cd was no problem, as there are local mirrors, but vmware...holy shit, that was slow!
[12:32:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> never been to china myself.
[12:32:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> closest was south korea back in the 80s.
[12:32:36] <WormFood> I've been closer to north korea, than south korea
[12:32:47] <WormFood> But, I've also been all over China.
[12:32:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> I was in the US Air Force and was sent there to install some equipment.
[12:33:02] <WormFood> I've probably been to 100 different cities, in the last 8 years here.
[12:33:07] <WormFood> Cool.
[12:33:23] <WormFood> My dad was in the Air Force. They sent him to Vietnam.
[12:33:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> got my 2nd Dan in Tae Kwon Do there too...and 3 broken ribs in the process.
[12:33:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> my father volunteered for 2 tours of duty in vietnam.
[12:33:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> doing search and rescue for downed aircrews.
[12:33:47] <WormFood> ribs, like rules, were meant to be broken.
[12:34:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh...I broke rules too...wasn't supposed to go to that part of town or to do that test..
[12:34:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> 6 in the room, last 2 standing advance.
[12:34:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> no points involved.
[12:35:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> not like the weenies in this country where you spar for points..there you spar for your life or close to it.
[12:35:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> my instructor was traditional and I was regularly bruised and occasionally broken after training sessions.
[12:36:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> many broken fingers, toes, a couple of ribs, collar bone,
[12:36:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> but, I was stubborn(stupid) and kept going back for more.
[12:36:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> and I learned.
[12:37:29] <WormFood> That is how you learn
[12:37:51] <WormFood> fall down, get up, and do it again, and eventually, you'll learn how not to fall down.
[12:40:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> he said he would grant the rank of 1st Dan when a student could knock him down.
[12:40:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> I did it..but made a serious mistake.
[12:40:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> I let him back up.
[20:03:32] <zhoeon> Would someone know how I can get avrdude to tolerate my USB being on /dev/usb/hiddev1 rathern than /dev/ttyAMA... ? Is this normal on a very new linux kernel ? I get avrdude: jtag3_open_common(): JTAGICE3/EDBG port names must start with "usb"