#avr | Logs for 2015-10-26

[04:17:44] <ali1234> gorroth: well, aren't you going to tell us what the problem was?
[04:54:44] <averowsky> Hi guys I managed to get raw values from my mpu6050. To convert this values to be in g units I have to multiple divide it by sensitivity correct ?
[04:55:01] <averowsky> Im talking about accelerometer..
[04:55:20] <averowsky> in datasheet I have sensitivity for accelerometer in LSB/g
[04:56:01] <averowsky> So as far as I understand I need to divide raw value by constant from datasheet representing particaular sensitivity ??
[04:58:47] <kristoiv> Why are the Atmega88PV cheaper than the Atmega48PV on farnell? Are they just more used or? And what does PV stand for? (picopower? what else?)
[06:10:05] <rf0x> hello, i have a question regarding addresses of instructions
[06:10:25] <rf0x> when i use avr-objdump on a binary, i see an address of the main function
[06:10:56] <rf0x> when i run this binary on an avr, i get the value of the program counter (via assembly trickery) and it is not in the same address range
[06:11:21] <rf0x> i am pretty sure that i get the correct value for the program counter because i also print parts of the stack and the return address on the stack fits
[06:11:42] <rf0x> is there some kind of remapping of addresses for instrutions?
[06:14:52] <Emil_> Can you post proof of concept code?
[06:30:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> some things return byte addresses, some are word addresses.
[06:47:13] <rf0x> Lambda_Aurigae: yes, they are word addresses, need to multiply by 2
[06:58:22] <Tom_itx> fifo or lifo?
[06:59:04] <Tom_itx> or just wtf-o
[09:03:23] <inflex> lo there Tom_itx
[12:44:06] <Jartza> evening
[13:23:27] <antto> does anyone know if the RESET pin on an atmega has internal pull-up?
[13:23:33] <LeoNerd> Usually
[13:23:37] <LeoNerd> DS will likely say
[13:55:05] <Knaldgas> antto: Some of the tiny devices didn't/don't have
[13:55:26] <antto> ahumz, but this was about atmega
[13:59:10] <Knaldgas> Which atmega
[14:00:19] <antto> 162
[14:02:27] <Knaldgas> antto: have you tried the full datasheet page 264?
[14:04:05] <antto> no, i just guess this would be common for most atmegas and somebody would probably know
[14:04:32] <antto> and if i open one more thing imma crash so badly ;]
[16:04:19] <aczid> TIL there is an AVR emulator for LaTeX
[16:04:25] <aczid> https://gitlab.brokenpipe.de/stettberger/avremu/tree/master
[19:37:31] <SM0TVI> Is there a ceremonial first project one is to do when one does ones first AVR project? Blinky LED?
[19:38:28] <twnqx> i can't even remember what the first thing i did with them was
[19:38:37] <twnqx> oh wait, i do
[19:39:31] <twnqx> i used one to emulate a mechanical input selector in my amp that died, together with an analog switch that already fit on the PCB
[19:39:39] <Tom_itx> yes led blink
[19:39:59] <Tom_itx> aka 'hello world' of the imbedded world
[19:40:17] <twnqx> i still do that to see if my toolchain works :)
[19:40:32] * SM0TVI puts resistor and LED to the to-buy list for next month.
[19:41:03] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_howto_main_index.php
[19:41:06] <Tom_itx> tutorial
[19:42:14] <twnqx> SM0TVI: buy more. they will be good debug material later on :P
[19:42:41] <SM0TVI> twnqx: Okay, baggie of 330R's and red leds then :3
[19:43:24] <twnqx> ah, the progress in LEDs... when i was young, we'd use 180Rs in 5V systems
[19:43:27] <Tom_itx> ebay
[19:43:30] <Tom_itx> cheaper
[19:44:48] <Tom_itx> when i was young they used neon indicator bulbs instead
[19:44:57] <twnqx> ... just how old ARE you
[19:45:26] <Tom_itx> they hadn't even dreamed about leds yet
[19:45:43] <Tom_itx> man hadn't walked on the moon yet
[19:45:44] <twnqx> ...
[19:45:58] <Tom_itx> the earth was the center of the solar system....
[19:46:46] <Tom_itx> i had a dinousar as a pet
[19:47:06] <twnqx> :( wish i was you
[19:47:19] <twnqx> i'd want a pet dino
[19:47:31] <Tom_itx> fred flinstone had one
[20:48:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> I remember neon glow bulbs!
[20:49:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> nice little AC power feed.