#avr | Logs for 2015-10-15

[02:35:48] <FrankD> http://tinyurl.com/qyefyuz <-- woot first SMD soldering job
[02:36:02] <FrankD> ironically the TSSOP came out better than the SOIC-20 ATTiny1634 on the other side of the board :p
[04:49:12] <apo_> why does that want me to have a google account?
[08:11:07] <sim642> Can I put my ISR(USART1_RX_vect) into a secondary .c file and still have it properly work?
[08:12:30] <sim642> I'd rather have it with all my other communication functions but I'm not sure how ISRs are handled during linking
[08:18:34] <LeoNerd> Should be fine
[08:20:06] <sim642> and I don't need to put any forward declaration like thing into the header?
[08:55:47] <gorroth> sim642: i havn't done that yet, but no, i doubt it
[08:56:12] <gorroth> sim642: the MCU look for your code at addresses defined in the symbol file, if it uses that, or at specific addresses
[08:56:20] <gorroth> it doesn't understand things such as header files
[09:07:15] <gorroth> sim642: according to m m48/88/168 sheet, vectors are placed at the beginning of the program with the address of where to go for each kind of interrupt. the MCU then jumps to that address when the interrupt is enabled. i'm sure the MCU must be doing some setup so it knows where to return when the ISR is complete
[09:07:21] <gorroth> but that's basically it.
[09:07:23] <gorroth> so it doesn't matter where you put your ISr
[09:07:27] <gorroth> iSR*
[09:07:32] <gorroth> ISR*
[09:07:39] * gorroth can't keyboard
[09:54:47] <xrlk> How would design a machine to rotate/pan a 5kg camera
[09:54:53] <xrlk> *I
[09:55:33] <xrlk> I was thinking some kind of stepper motors
[09:56:18] <xrlk> idk tho
[09:56:34] <xrlk> not very good @ this
[14:25:45] <tat> well any idea how this line of c code is able to allwayes return 0.00
[14:25:45] <tat> https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/blob/Release/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp#L4043
[14:26:08] <tat> it would suggest that 200.00 - 0.00, will return 200.00
[15:09:22] <gorroth> i would guess it returns 0 because there's a bug in that code somewhere
[15:43:30] <antto> gorroth void function?
[15:44:56] <gorroth> what?
[15:45:19] <antto> sorry, was looking at tat's link and your nick ;P~
[15:45:23] <gorroth> oh
[15:45:29] <antto> 'o-o'
[15:45:37] <gorroth> the function isn't returning anything directly. it's setting an array though
[15:45:46] <gorroth> that code is large, and it's not obvious
[15:46:08] <gorroth> but if it got 0, it's either a bug, or he has wrong ideas on how it's supposed to work based on the input he gave it
[15:46:39] <antto> dafuq is that #ifdef there in the middle?
[15:46:53] <antto> smells like trouble ;]
[15:51:46] <gorroth> yeah
[15:51:49] <gorroth> i saw a lot of that too
[15:52:01] <gorroth> i'm just guessing that code has a bug from overcomplexity and needs to be simplified
[21:59:49] <rue_shop4> I think this m328 arduino board from china is running off the internal osc
[22:02:06] <rue_shop4> arg, what happened to whats-his-names fuse calculator?
[22:04:59] <Casper> http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
[22:07:19] <rue_shop4> oh, new domain name
[22:07:26] <rue_shop4> oops, I borked the 328
[22:07:35] <rue_shop4> I wonder if that external crystal dosn't work
[22:08:08] <rue_shop4> arg
[22:08:19] <rue_shop4> have to find my 1Mhz injector now
[22:08:50] <Casper> you know, I have a 25MHz capable "injector"
[22:09:04] <rue_shop4> wont help me now
[22:10:14] <rue_shop4> into pin 7
[22:10:15] <rue_shop4> ok
[22:21:15] <rue_shop4> odd, it wont unbrick
[22:23:29] <Casper> use the right pin, slow down the programmer
[22:29:47] <inflex> need to flash a laptop motherboard BIOS chip, (so8), got plenty of spare AVR programmers (USB AT2313 chips etc), is there's an AVR based linux-USB SPI/BIOS flasher project?
[22:29:58] <inflex> Maybe it'll just be simpler if I buy a $50 one from eBay
[22:30:53] <Casper> inflex: you sure there is no bios recovery on that laptop?
[22:32:04] <inflex> might just buy this - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/CH341A-Series-24-EEPROM-BIOS-Writer-25-SPI-routing-LCD-Flash-USB-Programmer-/141691088982?hash=item20fd727056:g:xycAAOSw~OdVemKn
[22:32:19] <inflex> Casper: tried, even contacted DELL to get the unlock master password... no avail.
[22:32:32] <inflex> pulled the board out, can't see any BIOS reset option jumpers
[22:32:42] <Casper> what model?
[22:33:02] <inflex> DELL 15R 5520 Inspiron laptop
[22:33:16] <inflex> Dell gave me 5 different codes, none worked
[22:33:28] <inflex> their final offer... "replace the mainboard"
[22:33:43] <inflex> At least it's a W7 board, so I don't have to fret about the SLIC
[22:34:59] <inflex> Anyhow, at $17, that USB based programmer is worth a gamble... doubt linux will have much support for it, but at least it might work
[22:35:17] <Casper> let me check something
[22:35:21] <inflex> ok
[22:37:22] <Casper> on lots of laptop there is 2 points to short under the hd or memory...
[22:37:28] <Casper> trying to find if that one have it
[22:37:47] <inflex> yeah, been looking myself too
[22:39:31] <inflex> It's a LA-8241P board
[22:39:42] <inflex> I see CLRP1 and CLRP2
[22:40:34] <inflex> ah, found CLRP1 is short-CMOS
[22:40:39] <inflex> ( going through schem)
[22:41:58] <Casper> I guess one of the 2 is clear password...
[22:42:28] <Casper> I guess remove batt, remove power, short, plug, power on and go to the bios while still shorting...
[22:43:50] <Casper> somehow, no info on dell... weird
[22:48:42] <inflex> alas, shorting P1 didn't remove the lock
[22:49:18] <inflex> *tries P2* P2 is listed as "ME CMOS", where's P1 is just "CMOS"
[22:49:25] <inflex> not of the diff
[22:54:02] <inflex> interesting P2 cleared now lets me boot without a password, can't access setup yet, but might retry the DELL supplied codes
[23:01:33] <inflex> Casper: sadly, nope, nothing worked there :\
[23:01:48] <inflex> Casper: looks like the pw lock is something outside of the normal cmos/rtc reset
[23:05:35] <Casper> yup, different jumper
[23:08:23] <inflex> Casper: looked around the BIOSs, UH2 & UH6, found JP2 but that's a 3V MOSFET gate/switch
[23:08:41] <inflex> and yes, I've got both UH2 & 6 on this board, which makes things more 'interesting'
[23:09:52] <Casper> btw, is there any data on the hd?
[23:10:04] <Casper> because chance is that there is an hd password too, saved in the bios
[23:12:27] <inflex> I've pulled the HDD it's just the bare board
[23:12:50] <Casper> ok
[23:12:57] <inflex> don't think the client cares about the HDD/data
[23:13:08] <inflex> barely used laptop... just unusable :\