#avr | Logs for 2015-09-26

[12:10:08] <boodllebat> Hello i want to use a camera with avr but i don't know what do we call seperate camera module
[12:10:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> boodllebat, more information needed..
[12:11:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> an AVR is likely not going to handle motion video.
[12:11:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> barely will handle a single photo.
[12:11:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> remember that the ram on an AVR is very limited...4K or so for most atmega chips...16K for the atmega1284p.
[12:12:07] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: i'm not talking only for avr , i can also go for audrino or rasberry but i don't know about what do we call 'camera module'
[12:12:17] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: i'm also noob :)
[12:12:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> arduino is just an avr...usually atmega328p
[12:12:34] <antto> what are you trying to do with the camera?
[12:12:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> a camera module is a camera module.
[12:12:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> not sure what you mean by "what do we call" it
[12:13:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> avr and raspberry pi are totally different levels.
[12:13:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> like, 2 or 3 orders of magnitude different.
[12:13:38] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: i could use raspberry pi then
[12:13:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> like the difference between a bicycle and a car
[12:14:09] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: oh
[12:14:16] <antto> more like unicicle and a space shuttle ;P~
[12:14:39] <boodllebat> antto: lol
[12:14:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> an avr is an 8bit processor with under 128K of program space running at up to 20MHz.
[12:14:49] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: alright got it its 'camera module'
[12:15:03] <antto> Lambda_Aurigae there iz 256k flash too
[12:15:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> rPI runs a 700MHz or faster with 1MB of ram for program and data.
[12:15:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> antto, true....
[12:15:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> some go up to 256K
[12:15:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> rPI has 1GB,,,not 1MB....
[12:15:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've been up too long today.
[12:15:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe
[12:15:44] <antto> yes, but that's still less than even a megabyte of program
[12:16:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> and for data space, to handle camera, nowhere near enough for most cameras.
[12:16:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> boodllebat, what do you want to do with the camera?
[12:16:24] <antto> my firmware on the atmega2561 is already 100kB and not quite finished
[12:17:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> antto, I'm working pairing down code for an atmega1284p so it will actually fit on the 128K I have available.
[12:18:23] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae:oh i have a idea
[12:18:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> porting picoC to the AVR
[12:18:30] <antto> doh
[12:18:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> so I have an interpreted C....subset, but,,
[12:18:41] <antto> wut? is that a compiler?
[12:18:47] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: but i'm rookie at Electronics
[12:19:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> boodllebat, you still haven't said what you want to do with the camera...
[12:19:27] <antto> boodllebat a photo camera or a video camera?
[12:19:43] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: so i'm going to work on my idea , i'm going to hire 2-3 electronics guy and give it a shot
[12:19:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, I'm gonna guess you want to use at least a rPI or a PC or something
[12:20:29] <boodllebat> antto: both , i need both and rasberry pi is my thing i guess
[12:20:35] <antto> put a camera and a rPI in a blender, close the cap, press the button and observe the result?
[12:20:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> get an rPI and a linux compatible usb camera.
[12:20:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> or a camera module for the rPI.
[12:21:03] <antto> oh, and hire some clever people to press the button for you
[12:21:05] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: oh i've to serve those images and videos to a server
[12:21:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are a few.
[12:21:17] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: its kind of IoT thing
[12:21:23] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: just an idea now
[12:21:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, serving images and videos, specially videos, is not going to happen on an AVR.
[12:21:37] <antto> are you aware there are network cameras that already do this?
[12:21:51] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: device --> dev board --> GSM --> webserver --> processing --> and goes like this
[12:21:57] <boodllebat> antto: no
[12:22:20] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: yes i noticed that so my option is rPI now
[12:22:51] <antto> well, they already exist
[12:22:53] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: rPI + camera + linux + GSM
[12:23:05] <antto> a camera with a ethernet socket ;]
[12:23:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> why not just an android phone with a camera on it?
[12:23:13] <boodllebat> antto: yes just saw it , camera + gsm
[12:23:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> already has GSM, camera, and a full OS,,,not linux, but,,
[12:23:39] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: production cost ?
[12:23:47] <antto> and google will see whatever you see ;P~
[12:24:07] <boodllebat> antto: i can use custom rom to protect my self from google
[12:24:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> boodllebat, cheaper than what you are trying to put together.
[12:24:14] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: android uses linux
[12:24:40] <antto> yes, but it has special additives from google ;P~
[12:24:54] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: i'll be working on prototype , later i'll look for custom development board
[12:25:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> good luck.
[12:25:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> I suggest learning to walk before trying to run.
[12:25:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> if you want to build a custom device, learn the basics first...
[12:25:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> read read read READ
[12:25:46] <antto> i suggest looking into network camera prices ;P~
[12:25:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> lots of datasheets.
[12:25:50] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: i never said i'll do it
[12:26:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.ebay.com/itm/F300-GSM-Monitor-Camera-Infrared-Real-time-Video-Record-Alarm-Home-Security-/261895236506
[12:26:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> GSM camera
[12:26:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> done already.
[12:26:55] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: i said i'm already goign to hire 2-3 electronis guy just for prototype , how can you imagine me to create dev board from a guy who cannot build his own prototype and does not even know difference between AVR and rPI
[12:27:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> enjoy.
[12:27:50] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: thanks for your time and help
[12:28:00] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: that security system looks great
[12:28:10] <boodllebat> antto: yes i'm browsing
[12:28:31] <antto> the guys you'll hire will probably drink their beers for a year while you pay them, and at the end - they'll give you a network camera with the brand/logo rubbed off
[12:29:08] <boodllebat> antto: but i have no option left , if i'll learn it'll take 5 years for me to get there
[12:29:20] <boodllebat> antto: i'm helpless there
[12:29:35] <antto> depends what you want to do
[12:29:46] <antto> which so far i don't know exactly ;]
[12:30:10] <boodllebat> antto: hmm but i have to try , i can't just let it go :\
[12:30:36] <boodllebat> antto: even if i'd tell you can't help me from there
[12:30:54] <antto> uhm
[12:31:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> how many times have I heard that?
[12:31:17] <antto> so there is a secret plan underneath?
[12:31:29] <antto> and it's so good that it's secret
[12:31:37] <antto> okay, that's so familiar ;]
[12:31:49] <boodllebat> antto: i don't know if it is secret cause i'm rookie so maybe it is a trivial thing for you electronics guys
[12:32:04] <antto> me? no
[12:32:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> boodllebat, we might can tell you if it has been done already too.
[12:32:29] <antto> i can't/haven't coded on 32bit chips like the rPI and such
[12:32:42] <antto> i'm not good with electronics too
[12:32:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> everything I've seen so far from you has been done already in commercial products.
[12:32:47] <antto> i get zapped often
[12:33:01] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: hmm i don't know cause according to my search there is no such thing but still in my search radius
[12:33:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> antto, not often enough?
[12:33:15] <antto> well i'm UBER careful
[12:33:22] <antto> but i still get zapped >:(
[12:33:35] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: what did i told you ?
[12:33:48] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: oh that part
[12:33:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> antto, I haven't gotten shocked in like 10 years...unless I did it on purpose.
[12:34:10] <boodllebat> alright thanks guys , it was great help from you guys :) :D
[12:34:11] <antto> u r a h4x0r
[12:34:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> and the last 2 times I got shocked I believed someone who said the power was off.
[12:34:33] <antto> heh
[12:34:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> I gotted smarts.
[12:35:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> I don't believe nobody on that anymore.
[12:35:01] <antto> that kind of sentence from a guy who's hands aren't going to be in there is automagically false
[12:35:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> kinda like "That gun's unloaded." BANG
[12:35:44] <antto> it's like "put your hand in my pants, i swear there's nothing in there"
[12:37:55] <boodllebat> Lambda_Aurigae: antto: thanks guys for such a great advice :) good luck for all your current and future projects
[12:38:48] <antto> bloop_ you're welcome
[12:38:59] <antto> oops, uh oh
[12:40:05] <bloop_> antto ?
[12:40:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> bloop_, tab completion error after guy left.
[12:40:44] <antto> or maybe it wasn't ;P~
[12:44:07] <bloop_> antto so this is my log bot
[12:44:36] <antto> eh?
[12:47:30] <antto> i have an old habbit of noticing when someone quits with one nickname/personality to join with another
[12:47:42] <antto> it triggered ;]
[12:48:32] <boodllebat> antto: why do you reply to log bot ?
[12:48:45] <antto> why does it talk?
[12:48:50] <boodllebat> antto: it was me
[12:49:09] <boodllebat> antto: my system is still on so i get notification when you include my name there
[12:49:21] <antto> i don't believe you ;]
[12:49:46] <boodllebat> antto: huh ? what ?
[12:49:51] <antto> since when do bots use browsers to log into irc?
[12:50:08] <boodllebat> antto: its unofficial API for freenode web
[12:50:33] <antto> o_O
[12:51:42] <antto> okay..
[12:51:53] * antto readjusts his paranoia hat..
[12:52:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> make sure you get the extra thick tinfoil lining
[12:52:19] <boodllebat> antto: you can make yours too using any sever side like Node or PHP
[12:52:19] <boodllebat> antto: no big deal
[12:52:39] <antto> i got 3 lines
[12:52:55] <antto> boodllebat i don't need it.. i just don't quit ;]
[12:53:13] <antto> my eyes r like O_O all the time
[12:53:21] <antto> ()_()
[12:55:03] <boodllebat_> sorry network problem
[12:55:21] <boodllebat_> antto: sorry netowrk problem
[12:56:30] <boodllebat_> antto: so i missed conversation , did you said anything after i said 'its unofficial request call and html scraping from freenode web' ?
[12:56:53] <antto> fix yer internet pipes ;]
[12:56:57] <antto> it's leaking out
[12:57:19] <boodllebat> antto: i know
[12:57:52] <antto> are you using wireless or something?
[13:00:43] <boodllebat> antto: yes something like that
[13:01:00] <antto> that explains ;P~
[13:02:51] <boodllebat> antto: oh i'm back
[13:02:58] <boodllebat> antto: its getting worse day by day
[13:03:24] <boodllebat> antto: so we were discussing about log bots
[13:04:16] <boodllebat> antto: sorry i was not able to catch you after my last reply about 'its unofficial request calls and html scraping from freenode web'
[13:04:53] <antto> well i didn't say anything important
[13:05:12] <boodllebat> antto: oh alright :)
[13:16:21] <gorroth> yeah! woot woot
[13:16:23] <gorroth> my UART and PWM code is working together on the AVR in wonderful blissful union
[13:16:33] <gorroth> and my raspberry pi is controlling it all very gracefully :-)
[13:19:21] <boodllebat> i know something like AT commands ? does avr support AT commands for low level serial calls ?
[13:19:32] <gorroth> it supports UART
[13:20:09] <boodllebat> gorroth: can avr be used as a small modem like thing , i know this question looks logic less but i'm new :)
[13:20:30] <gorroth> i don't know; i guess it could be
[13:56:35] <antto> it can do anything which compiles properly ;P~
[14:07:34] <gorroth> and doesn't contain integer overruns like my code had
[16:44:49] <vegii> wanna hold my hand, anyone? I'd like to burn my first .hex to attiny85 with usbasp 2.0 on ubuntu
[16:45:14] <vegii> particularly, this .hex is not mine, just micronucleus bootloader
[17:31:08] <gorroth> i was gonna respond to that guy, but he's no longer in here
[19:53:49] <FrankD> ahh i cant make my own decisions!
[19:54:46] <FrankD> should i put an FTDI chip on this sensor/measurement board im making for USB out of an attiny or just do RS232 and RS232 to USB cables (which I have a bunch of laying around anyway)
[20:21:17] <Valen> RS232 is not compatible with your attiny anyway
[20:21:37] <Valen> if you want to talk TTL serial don't put a DB9 port on it
[20:23:50] <Valen> if you want rs232 then you need something like a max232 chip or whatever the cool kids are using these days FrankD
[20:26:24] <FrankD> Valen, I know
[20:26:48] <FrankD> i could make an RS232<->TTL level converter discretely for fun
[20:26:51] <FrankD> screw a max232!
[20:27:36] <Valen> have fun generating the -12v line ;-P
[20:28:13] <FrankD> pff the last thing i wired up ON A BREADBOARD was a DC boost converter from 12 to 80V
[20:28:19] <FrankD> i still have to get around to drawing up a PCB for it
[20:28:37] <FrankD> i have some decent FETs and schottky diodes in 247 packages
[20:29:08] <Valen> sure... you do that, I'll put a max232 on and go have some tea while you finish ;-P
[20:29:18] <FrankD> i like to do things the hard way to learn
[20:29:27] <FrankD> because really i dont understand nearly as much about electronics as id like to
[20:29:31] <Valen> tbh its probably better these days to go with something that speaks USB
[20:29:34] <FrankD> im a great network engineer and programmer
[20:29:37] <Valen> for a product
[20:29:43] <FrankD> well its a product for myself
[20:29:45] <FrankD> its a JFET tester
[20:29:52] <Valen> heh, I'm average at a whole bunch of things ;-> great at none
[20:29:56] <FrankD> .. that tests 96 JFETs at a time
[20:30:08] <FrankD> GO BIG OR DONT GO AT ALL, Y'KNOW
[20:30:43] <FrankD> so hey, maybe you can explain something to me.. i used a totem pole with BJTs to drive the MOSFETs in my DC-DC boost converter, right?
[20:30:58] <FrankD> now.. is the purpose of that configuration to forcefully switch the MOSFET off because of its gate capacitance?
[20:31:48] <FrankD> and i bought my first scope a few weeks ago, so it was cool being able to poke around that circuit and seeing overshoot and some oscillation out of the totem pole when it went high
[20:33:58] <Valen> sorry i am about to leave lol
[20:34:05] <FrankD> ahh :(
[20:34:23] <Valen> whats the 25 words or less and I'll have a go
[20:35:09] <FrankD> totem pole driver.. purpose.. to forcefully discharge MOSFET because of gate capacitance?
[20:35:21] <FrankD> yay/nay?
[20:36:40] <Valen> yes
[20:36:53] <FrankD> thats all i needed, that was my assumption
[20:36:55] <FrankD> thanks :)
[20:36:55] <Valen> the gate *is* a capacitor, so you need to pull it up and down
[20:37:01] <FrankD> gotchya
[20:37:10] <FrankD> and the totem pole allows you to do that where a single transistor wouldnt
[20:37:21] <Valen> the longer the gate is in the inbetween state the longer the fet is acting as a resistor rather than a switch
[20:37:34] <Valen> fine if you are making an amplifier, not so fine if you are making a power supply