#avr | Logs for 2015-09-04

[10:42:48] <t4nk434> hey guys!
[10:43:01] <t4nk434> anyone there?!?
[11:54:01] <gorroth> i have an avr running at 3.3v (i think it's about 8-10 MHz, but i'm not 100% sure), and i have F_CPU set to 8000000UL. all i'm doing is running an infinite loop that blinks my LED for 1 second "on" and 1 second "off". this sometimes works, but every few blinks, i get a weird behavior where the LED goes on for a second, and then blips off for maybe a tenth of a second, and then comes back on. and it will repeat that pattern for a bit before going back to t
[11:54:08] <gorroth> but it keeps doing that
[11:54:10] <gorroth> any tips or ideas?
[11:55:50] <gorroth> i'm using _delay_ms, btw. perhaps there is a better way?
[12:09:55] <Chillum> I had a similar effect when I was using a crystal with no capacitors
[12:13:28] <gorroth> well, i'm using the AVR's internal oscillator
[12:13:37] <gorroth> i know it's not extremely precise, but it should do better than that
[12:14:51] <Chillum> which avr is it?
[12:14:56] <gorroth> atmega88
[12:15:06] <gorroth> i'm going to enable clock output on PB0 and hook an LED up
[12:15:18] <gorroth> i am not lucky enough to have an oscilloscope
[12:18:56] <gorroth> the problem is actually worse if i put a connector between the negative terminal of the LED and ground
[12:19:05] <gorroth> s/connector/resistor/
[12:20:13] <Chillum> I don't know the 88, but perhaps you are undervolted for the speed you are using?
[12:20:25] <Chillum> just a guess
[12:21:52] <gorroth> maybe. the valid input voltages range between 1.8v and 5.5v, and i'm connected to an rpi that is providing 3.3v
[12:22:23] <gorroth> i turned on the BOD detector for 1.8v, but i don't have external circuitry hooked up to let me know if if browned out
[12:25:40] <gorroth> maybe i'll just bite the bullet and install the voltage translators so that i can connect the avr directly to a 5v source but not burn up the rpi
[12:25:48] <gorroth> see if that works better