#avr | Logs for 2015-08-31

[01:34:39] <gorroth> hi
[01:36:23] <lald> Hello
[01:39:53] <gorroth> right now, i'm trying to figure out how to use avr-libc to enable and use the PWMs on my ATmega88
[01:40:20] <gorroth> the demo code on the avr-libc website has some tips, but i'm still parsing it and the atmega88 data sheet
[02:00:25] <Casper> gorroth: the PWM is not that hard, but a bit confusing
[02:01:49] <Casper> short story: it use the timers, so you first need to set the prescaller so it count at the right speed. Then select which output mode you want... Set the compare value to when you want it to change, and max to whatever you want the counter to count up to before it reset
[02:02:06] <Casper> and the output mode will tell you which pin it will use
[02:02:24] <Casper> I hope it is not too confusing, bed time for me
[03:39:00] <Jartza> allo
[04:39:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> merninish.
[09:00:19] <rue_school> hmm
[09:27:19] <edmont> hi
[09:29:13] <edmont> has anyone used the user signature memory in the atmega?
[09:32:46] <edmont> it seems avrdude has support for usersig with atxmega devices, but when trying with my atmega256rfr2 it's not working
[09:36:44] <RikusW> I'm not sure it works on mega
[09:40:47] <edmont> according to the datasheet, the flash has 3 pages that can be accessed with the NEMCR – Flash Extended-Mode Control-Register
[12:59:21] <gorroth> Casper: thanks for the info. some of that i knew, and some of that i didn't. looking at the demo code, it looks like i just have to access some registers to setup the counters and go from there. it also looks like i need an ISR to respond to the PWM events
[16:06:16] <Jartza> hallo
[17:05:29] <Yoduza> is it schema right for usb jack for Arduino Nano V3 ? Cable - USB A, Device - USBmini http://abcibc.com/images/info/usb/usb-sr.png