#avr | Logs for 2015-08-22

[03:02:43] <Yoduza> avr-gcc samples ?
[03:23:59] <antto> wut samples?
[03:40:43] <Jartza> wut?
[05:50:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> vegii, v-usb is not generally ardweeny compatible.
[06:30:06] <vegii> Lambda_Aurigae, well, anything will do as long as it works and lets me use attiny85 as HID
[06:38:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> vegii, have you tried one of the sample projects? you will need avr-gcc to compile it and avrdude to upload it.
[06:42:19] <vegii> Lambda_Aurigae, idk how to upload it (ubuntu)
[06:42:48] <vegii> I have two USB-TTL devices and an arduino uno r3
[06:43:56] <vegii> I tried flashing the arduino with arduinoISP but there were deviceID issues or something like that
[06:44:34] <vegii> I mean... when actually trying to use the arduinoisp with avrdude
[06:44:52] <vegii> (to flash an attiny)
[07:02:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> sorry, I can not help with anything arduino.
[07:03:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are dozens of schematics out there for stk200 parallel port clones you can build. Serial port versions too. If you must have usb, buy a commercial programmer.
[07:21:49] <vegii> meh, thx
[10:06:58] <vegii> is it possible to use arduino as ISP to program attiny85?
[10:07:29] <vegii> also, what programmer should I buy to program attiny85?
[10:07:39] <Fleck> I use usbasp
[10:07:45] <Fleck> and yes, you can use arduino
[10:07:55] <vegii> do You use itt on windows?
[10:08:21] <Fleck> no, on linux
[10:08:38] <vegii> Fleck, pls teach me
[10:08:41] <Fleck> but you can use it on windows too
[10:09:47] <Fleck> open arduino IDE -> File -> Examples -> ArduinoISP
[10:10:01] <vegii> Fleck, I'd like to make a tiny, attiny85-based USB device that would move mouse and trigger capslock
[10:10:20] <vegii> yeah, slashed the Arduino ISP on Uno r3
[10:10:31] <vegii> *flashed
[10:11:42] <vegii> but idk how to flash a program (especially a V-USB one that requires clock calibration) to attiny
[10:12:14] <Fleck> isn't clock cal just a writing to register values? :D
[10:12:31] <vegii> idk
[10:13:22] <vegii> I have no avr experience outside arduino IDE
[10:15:44] <Fleck> vegii: well, no-one arrives in this world with knowledge :)
[10:17:22] <vegii> I'll go make a veroboard arduinoISP attiny socket shield
[10:17:47] <vegii> can I include an oscillator on it, or is it not necessary?
[10:18:09] <vegii> because pins 2 and 3 on attiny85 are not used by wires
[10:19:17] <vegii> Fleck, may I ask for the avrdude command You're using with arduinoISP?
[10:19:36] <vegii> and a tarball would be awesome...
[10:19:41] <Fleck> I am not using arduinoISP :)
[10:20:08] <Fleck> but comments in sketch: This sketch turns the Arduino into a AVRISP
[10:20:20] <Fleck> so tell avrdude to use AVRISP
[10:20:30] <vegii> oh, thx
[10:20:39] <vegii> I was telling avrdude to use arduino
[13:21:57] <Jartza> evening
[14:46:13] <vegii> >.< why doesn't it work?
[16:12:16] <postmodern> so i have an AVR ISP hooked up via USB, but avrdude refuses to use /dev/ttyUSB*
[16:12:36] <postmodern> i tried explicitly specifying -P usb:1:3 (based on lsusb output), but no luck
[16:12:52] <postmodern> avrdude: Error: Could not find USBtiny device (0x1781/0xc9f)
[16:23:59] <postmodern> ah it was the -B 1
[16:39:37] <Hexum064> Hey all. Has anyone ever programmed an exmega via PDI?
[17:29:49] <Getty> i am getting crazy trying to make Timer2 work on compare with an external 1Hz clock
[17:30:07] <Getty> like i can set OCR2 to 1 and then have CTC2 set and then my TIMER2_COMP_vect is called every 2 second
[17:30:14] <Getty> but whatever the hell i try i cant make it every second
[17:30:45] <Getty> interestingly if i try to use TIMER2_COMPA_vect or COMPB_vect it crashs every 2 seconds ;) i actually still try to find out what COMPA and COMPB are at all
[17:35:46] <Tom_itx> Hexum064, yes
[17:38:37] <Jartza> hmmh
[17:38:44] <Jartza> I guess I'm quite done with the VGA code
[18:04:27] <Hexum064> Tom_itx:How did you hook it up (wire it up)? Directly to the chip from the programmer or was it part of another board?
[18:07:25] <etanosulfonico> i connect with jumpers from the programmer cable to protoboard with the chip
[18:17:57] <Getty> it seems we cant do that 1 sec. counting like we want to....
[18:28:21] <Hexum064> etanosulfonico:was that forme?
[18:28:24] <Hexum064> for me*
[18:38:30] <Tom_itx> xplain board
[18:40:19] <Getty> come on ;) someone could at least show some sympathy ;)
[18:43:55] <Hexum064> aah
[18:47:50] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/6pin_PDI.jpg
[18:47:56] <Tom_itx> that's the plug pinout
[18:48:49] <Tom_itx> remember they're 3.3v chips though
[18:49:00] <Tom_itx> make sure your programmer is too
[18:58:20] <etanosulfonico> Hexum064: yes is for you
[21:01:19] <postmodern> i'm trying to make a simple LED to blink at 1000 ms (1s) on PD7, but what i see in the logic analyzer is a saw tooth wave every 16ms
[21:02:49] <Casper> what about your -O ? using -O3 ? try -O0
[21:07:50] <postmodern> -Os
[21:08:04] <postmodern> also just realized i was missing a second _delay_ms(1000) between off/on
[21:08:15] <postmodern> now it's blinking, but veeery slowly
[21:08:22] <postmodern> much longer duration than 1000ms
[21:11:17] <Kre10s> I'm using an atiny84. I set up pinchange interrupts on int0 and enter sleep (idle) from within an interrupt handler... docs say during idle interrupts are still enabled. Is there any reason why the chip would enter sleep mode but not come back out?
[21:11:21] <postmodern> it's on for 14s and off for 10s
[21:16:09] <Tom_itx> check ckdiv8
[21:16:11] <Tom_itx> fuse
[21:27:33] <postmodern> hmm also how do you prevent a UART cable's gnd from leaking voltage into the circuit
[21:30:25] <Tom_itx> it must not be a good GND
[21:50:56] <Mr_Sheesh> Sounds like an evil Gnd if it's leaking voltage :P
[21:53:59] <spiderkeys_> Hey everyone. I've got a strange problem that I've been trying to figure out for a few hours now. I've got an I2C device that doesn't like to work if it is powered on before my atmega2560 boots, but if I reset its power after startup, it works fine. When failing, my TWSR is reading 0x20 (MT_SLA_NACK) after sending the SLA+W
[21:54:43] <spiderkeys_> I'm not sure what MT_SLA_NACK means at that point, but it is consistent behaviour
[23:03:03] <fobboyandy> hey guys. has anyone bought avr mcus on ebay before? how are those generic ones compared to the original Atmel ones?
[23:07:51] <Tom_itx> you get what you pay for
[23:13:17] <fobboyandy> yeah might as well use a couple more dollars and get a real one since am working on usb stuff
[23:22:14] <Casper> do not trust anything from ebay, lots of counterfeit
[23:22:25] <Casper> and... generic atmel? no such thing
[23:22:50] <Casper> unless you mean generic arduino, then it's different, if it have a true atmel chip on it
[23:23:48] <fobboyandy> i was about to move on to atmega328 instead of using the attiny85 so i saw them selling on ebay
[23:23:52] <fobboyandy> for a pretty good price
[23:24:06] <fobboyandy> was just wondering if they work the same way as the real ones do
[23:26:15] <Casper> linky?
[23:27:14] <fobboyandy> http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-PCS-ATMEGA328P-PU-Microcontrolle-r-With-ARDUINO-UNO-R3-Bootloader-/140810130918?hash=item20c8f015e6
[23:27:16] <fobboyandy> something like this
[23:27:38] <fobboyandy> in the description it clearly says the brand isn't Atmel and MPN : does not apply
[23:28:33] <Casper> I think it's most likelly a seller lazyness
[23:29:03] <fobboyandy> why do you think mcu's can't be faked lol
[23:29:18] <fobboyandy> chinese people fake anything
[23:29:20] <Casper> it can be, it will be a non-functional unit
[23:29:26] <Casper> however
[23:29:35] <Casper> 138193 sales...
[23:29:47] <Casper> I don't think that guy is a scammer
[23:29:49] <fobboyandy> wait why exactly can't these be faked AND functional?
[23:30:03] <fobboyandy> not like the architecture is super secret
[23:30:13] <Casper> too costy
[23:31:06] <Casper> might want to send him a message asking if they are genuine atmel chip
[23:31:50] <fobboyandy> dude if he said yes would i believe him?
[23:32:41] <fobboyandy> have you tried any ebay microcontrollers before?
[23:32:45] <Casper> dunnot, I buy then off digikey
[23:33:36] <fobboyandy> i dont think the microcontrollers themselves are expensive. just feel like the shipping is ripping me off lol
[23:36:41] <Casper> 1 = 5.17, 10=46.21 so the ebay is quite inexpensive ($cad)
[23:43:06] <fobboyandy> oh btw
[23:43:29] <fobboyandy> which exactly are the mcus that have integrated usb
[23:44:36] <fobboyandy> oh nevermind it says usb controller right on the side