#avr | Logs for 2015-08-05

[00:30:51] <Mr_Sheesh> rue_school - AVR is an Atmel-made microcontroller, fyi
[00:45:43] * Casper wonders if there is some way to calculate the ntc temperature without a LUT and without heavy math...
[00:52:47] <Mr_Sheesh> Casper, you could probably fit a polynomial of some kind to the curve, then run a few iterations to solve it for your observed thermistor reading?
[00:58:23] <Casper> Mr_Sheesh: thing is, I'm thinking of making a general function for "any" ntc
[00:58:53] <Casper> and of course, the real formula use natural log :D
[01:07:24] <Casper> the more I think about it, the more a LUT would be smaller I think
[01:08:27] <Casper> a 1024 entry LUT, even if I use 16 bits... it's only 2k...
[01:09:12] <Casper> ... which is still 1/4 of the flash of this chip... but for this project I don't need the full range
[01:13:12] <Mr_Sheesh> You could offload the LUT to an SEEPROM, too, just look it up when needed, just needs ~2 pins
[01:36:33] <rue_school> Mr_Sheesh, dude, ....
[01:37:38] <rue_school> Mr_Sheesh, ...
[01:39:29] <Mr_Sheesh> rue_school, hmmm?
[01:51:04] * Mr_Sheesh shakes his head, I cannot mind read, no idea what that was about
[02:08:01] <Mr_Sheesh> Look up a 24AA044 on digikey or microchip's site, that is one sample Serial EEPRom; 2 pins for reading (SDA and SCL), you could just assert WP (write protection) and pick A1 & A2 to suit yourself. No idea how mentioning that is objectionable at all. Trying to help here if they're low on storage
[03:14:06] <LeoNerd> rue_school: Oh it's a full measuring monitor, not just an overload limiter
[03:16:12] <martinus> Another interesting project I'll have to add to my long, long list: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1921870
[03:17:47] <martinus> tl;dr: A DIY RC TX/RX module.
[08:35:50] <rue_school> LeoNerd, it occurs to me that the program I posted on hackaday will tell what offset to use
[08:35:57] <rue_school> and the gain is the gain
[08:36:04] <rue_school> so yo ucould work out the resistors
[08:45:47] <LeoNerd> rue_school: offset?
[09:46:42] <bss36504> Is there any way to align a large array in flash to a page starting address? For example, if you had a datastructure the size of a flash page, but the compiler had it straddling page boundries, it would take longer to write large chunks of data to it because both pages would need to be written.
[12:42:18] <sebus> Damn... I hate it. Anyone has a good source where I can buy original microchip/general instruments AY-3-8913 chips?
[12:43:06] <LeoNerd> I'm not sure #avr is the most ideal place ;)
[12:43:26] <sebus> But someone might have one, hah
[12:43:40] <sebus> grabbed from speccy / arcade or something :D
[12:44:08] <sebus> Already wasted about $60 on ebay, ali
[12:44:16] <sebus> all fake ones / damaged
[12:53:06] <grummund> that's the sort of thing i have laying in my junk draw
[12:59:50] <Jartza> evening
[13:01:50] <Jartza> sebus: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AY-3-8913-General-Instruments-DIP-24-Integrated-Circuit-from-UK-Seller-/181785818844?hash=item2a534776dc
[13:05:43] <sebus> Jartza hummm...
[13:06:42] <Jartza> sebus: that link is from a friend of mine who collects arcade games :)
[13:06:52] <Jartza> said he had ordered from that seller
[13:08:13] <Jartza> but I have no personal experience on that
[13:08:41] <sebus> That's why I am afraid a little bit.
[13:10:18] <sebus> Already wasted $60. Buying old parts was always a risk.
[13:10:41] <sebus> Same I had with MOS chips for my sid player.
[13:11:20] <sebus> But if your friend said "ok" then maybe I'll go for it.
[13:43:37] <_bazhang_> join #chan
[13:43:42] <_bazhang_> oops, missed the /
[13:54:51] <bss36504> Quick guys, he's getting away! After him!
[16:22:46] <Jordan_U> I am using asserts in Atmel studio, and when an assertion fails I would like to be able to easily tell which assert failed and why. Ideally I would like to be able to start a debug session and have it break exactly where the assertion failed so that I can examine relevant variables. How would you suggest accomplishing this?
[16:27:18] <FL4SHK> Does anyone here know I could use the USB serial features of an Arduino without using the Arduino IDE?
[16:27:31] <FL4SHK> I am currently only using the IDE for access to the libraries and uploading code
[16:27:45] <FL4SHK> I'd like to switch away from the IDE entirely
[16:47:14] <rue_school> LeoNerd, yea I dont think that circuit works for you, you want the one thats on a priece of paper in my shop
[16:53:33] <Strangework> FL4SHK, I did that pretty recently. All one needs to do is compile the Arduino libraries and compile your code using avr-gcc. Uploading can be handled by avrdude
[16:57:45] <LeoNerd> rue_school: Mmm?
[16:59:19] <rue_school> you need the schematic I have pinned on the wall of my shop
[16:59:32] <rue_school> cant downlaod it.. grrr
[17:02:55] <FL4SHK> Strangew1rk: that sounds good
[17:02:57] <FL4SHK> thanks