#avr | Logs for 2015-07-13

[02:09:40] <Haohmaru> if an input pin is electrically busted - what value would it read?
[02:13:20] <Casper> anything
[02:13:42] <Casper> can be fried to low, to high or give random results
[02:14:03] <Casper> depending on what and how it busted
[02:14:38] <Haohmaru> you know i was afraid of exactly THAT answer :>
[02:15:57] <Casper> atleast you wasn't affraid of me... or... was you? BOO! :D
[02:16:07] * Haohmaru runs
[02:16:27] <Haohmaru> damn ghosts >:/
[02:20:46] <Casper> what happened to your avr?
[02:29:55] <Haohmaru> nothing.. i'm just thinking in advance
[02:30:45] <Casper> ok
[02:31:05] <Haohmaru> i want to have a jumper for a certain mode, and i wanted to plan which pin value is better to be the default value based on that
[02:31:10] <Haohmaru> but it's not gonna work ;]
[02:33:16] <Casper> the input should be relativelly hard to break
[02:34:21] <Haohmaru> don't underestimate the powah of destruction
[07:38:20] <Haohmaru> a programmer for Xmegas.. i mostly find the one from olimex
[07:38:31] <Haohmaru> i suppose it's decent enough, right?
[09:46:55] <twnqx> Haohmaru: doesn't any ISP do?
[09:54:26] <Haohmaru> twnqx but.. xmegas use "PDI" .. and that is kinda alien to me
[09:55:45] <gjm> Haohmaru: you can try use USBasp
[09:55:59] <Haohmaru> :/
[09:56:04] <gjm> http://hackaday.com/2012/08/19/programming-the-xmega-with-an-isp/
[09:56:11] <Haohmaru> USBasp is..
[09:56:17] <Haohmaru> ugh.. a hack
[09:56:30] <Haohmaru> the whole USBASP is a hack.. especially mine
[09:56:36] <gjm> welp
[09:56:55] <LeoNerd> Don't most Xmegas these days have USB controllers? I'd imagine you'd just use a bootloader + firware that can do avr109-style
[09:57:02] <LeoNerd> I do that even on the mega32U4
[09:57:18] <Haohmaru> who's gonna put the bootloader on there?
[09:57:19] <gjm> it's called DFU
[09:57:41] <twnqx> if it's like 16/32u2/4, atmel ships them preprogrammed
[09:57:47] <LeoNerd> Yah
[09:57:58] <LeoNerd> Though it helps to have a supporting CDC driver in your program, too
[09:58:08] <Haohmaru> well..
[09:58:24] <LeoNerd> The genuine Arduino bootloader + CDC driver coƶperate to do the autoreset ability. :) I find that super-cool
[09:58:29] <LeoNerd> It avoids you needing to hit the RESET button
[09:58:30] <Haohmaru> so i'll have to solder the chips on a board with a USB connector just to flash them?
[09:58:46] <LeoNerd> The stock Atmel avr109 loader, or Adafruit's one, doesn't seem to do it
[09:59:05] <twnqx> usb connector instead of isp
[09:59:45] <Haohmaru> gotta think about this.. but generally in certain situations this is not acceptable
[10:00:03] <Haohmaru> having plain-easy USB on the thing with a bootloader.. meh
[10:00:07] <twnqx> then use usbasp and avrdude...
[10:00:37] <Haohmaru> i've only had bad luck with usbasp.. the USB-part of it specifically
[10:00:49] <twnqx> avr isp mkii with software update
[10:00:51] <LeoNerd> Eh.. my USBasp device works fiiiine
[10:00:52] <twnqx> can do it, too
[10:01:14] <LeoNerd> It even has the "feature" that it has such a high resistance on the +5V line that it's basically impossible to kill it by short-circuit ;)
[10:01:15] <Haohmaru> yes.. avrisp mk2.. hence my question
[10:01:18] <LeoNerd> It just browns out
[10:01:28] <Haohmaru> is the one from olimex decent-ish?
[10:01:40] <twnqx> i have a jatag mk1 cloen from them
[10:01:47] <twnqx> and i am not particularly delighted
[10:02:37] <Haohmaru> wellz.. the original avrisp mk2 by atmel is kinda hard to obtain here :/
[10:02:44] <Haohmaru> okay.. imma think about it
[21:15:44] <Hexum064> hey all. Has anyone had any experience with doing USB multipacket and ping-pong operation on the xmegas?