#avr | Logs for 2015-07-01

[03:45:39] <LeoNerd> Fee fye foe fum... where the hell is my heatgun?
[03:45:47] <LeoNerd> ... OK so it doesn't *quite* rhyme
[16:06:37] <superbia> does it make a difference if i try to flash an avr that is in the same time acting as my keyboard ?
[16:25:41] <Casper> superbia: yes and no: when the programming will start (if you use an ISP) it will put it in reset, so will lose the functionality while it flash. If you use a bootloader then youi need to reset it anyway
[16:29:53] <superbia> well i finally was able to reset it to enter the bootloader for like 40th time
[16:34:58] <Casper> :D
[16:35:10] <Casper> part of why I don't use a bootloader
[16:51:30] <superbia> i had to reset
[16:51:35] <superbia> than twice reset
[16:51:41] <superbia> to enter the bootloader :)
[17:03:28] <kdehl> God damn, I hate getting stuck on everything and nothing.
[17:06:25] <Casper> kdehl: you know... you shouln't have put glue on everyting and nothing... Glue don't belong there! Now, good luck to clean it up :D
[17:07:06] <kdehl> Yeah, or solder. The more lead the better.
[17:09:09] <kdehl> I'm trying to access an external SRAM chip. It's supposed to be so simple and basic. But I can't get it to work reliably.
[17:10:45] <Casper> by reliably what do you mean?
[17:10:53] <Casper> corrupted data?
[17:11:15] <kdehl> Yeah. The address gets messed up, it seems.
[17:11:33] <kdehl> Lemme clean out the code and paste it.
[17:11:46] <Casper> long wire? breadboard? missing decoupling cap?
[17:11:53] <Casper> and parallel sram?
[17:12:06] <kdehl> Breadboard.
[17:12:12] <kdehl> Parallel SRAM.
[17:12:38] <kdehl> I put in some delays but that messed it up even worse. Very strange, methinks.
[17:13:23] <kdehl> It's a dual-port SRAM: IDT7134SA-55P. I have connected CE and OE on the right side to GND.
[17:13:42] <kdehl> No I haven't. I have connected those to Vcc. :)
[17:13:50] <kdehl> Which disables it from that side.
[17:14:17] <kdehl> The left side, on the other hand, to which I have connected the AVR, have its CE and OE connected to GND.
[17:14:28] <Casper> you sure that the sram is compatible with the avr?
[17:15:35] <Valen> are you manually interacting with the sram (IE via your program) or have you wired the sram in as the fancy extra memory some AVR's can do
[17:16:47] <kdehl> All manually.
[17:20:20] <kdehl> https://paste.kde.org/p0j0h9wag
[17:21:19] <kdehl> I'm clearing the memory, putting in two values, and then read back all values again. In the last step I get sevral more values back than the ones I wrote.
[17:24:36] <kdehl> Is it the part of mem_write() where I latch in the data to the external memory, perhaps? I must have misunderstood something.
[17:26:43] <kdehl> Oops. I found one mistake.
[17:27:11] <kdehl> I ought to put DDRB = 0x00; _after_ I have latched in the data.
[17:27:16] <kdehl> Same result overall, though.
[17:34:13] <kdehl> I might have to sleep on this.