#avr | Logs for 2015-06-24

[04:03:40] <umquant> Can anyone reccomend a library for parsing HTTP requests?
[04:03:48] <umquant> on a 32bit avr
[04:06:36] <jacekowski> umquant: a web server you mean?
[04:07:21] <umquant> jacekowski, Unfortunately no. That would be easy huh? We are using a WiFI module with a web stack built in (but very limited)
[04:07:55] <umquant> I am wanting to add on by creating custom URI endpoints. So my plan was to handle HTTP requests and dynamically serve content
[04:08:41] <umquant> I think this may actually be what I need https://github.com/joyent/http-parser
[04:27:21] <DO9XE> hey abcminiuser :) i've got a question to aproblem i ran into :)
[04:27:38] <abcminiuser> Be quick, not feeling well
[04:27:50] <abcminiuser> Was about to sign off and go to bed
[04:29:13] <DO9XE> can the generic report size be smaler than what i try to write into *data ? I'vo got strange disconnects after sending & reading data with the computer
[04:29:32] <DO9XE> In the generic HID project
[04:29:44] <abcminiuser> You must send the full report size, or the host will think it is malformed
[04:29:57] <abcminiuser> HID wasn't designed for variable generic data
[04:30:37] <DO9XE> and if the actual data is less then the generic size?
[04:31:51] <abcminiuser> Just had a look at the LUFA code, the report is allocated in the class driver
[04:32:03] <abcminiuser> So anything you don't fill in the callback will be zero, but will still be sent
[04:32:31] <DO9XE> okay, thank you :) I'll try on with that :)
[04:32:45] <DO9XE> good night :)
[06:53:59] <LeoNerd> Mmm.. My QFN ATmegas have arrived. Looks.. er.. . kinda small
[06:54:14] <LeoNerd> They also came in a rediculously huge box
[06:57:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's normal.
[06:57:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> microchip and maxim are the only ones that ship stuff in small boxes in my experience.
[07:01:44] * Xark got a massive package for a few "tiny" Cypress PSoC chips (was amazing the amount of packaging). :)
[07:09:34] <Tekkkz> Can someone please have a look here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31023449/pyserial-datasend-doesnt-receive-data its about serial communication
[07:18:30] <Valen> Tekkkz: I haven't looked in detail but have you tried a physical loopback?
[07:18:49] <Valen> IE connect pins 2+3 of your serial cable, make sure that bit is working
[07:19:36] <Valen> also have you tried a simpler python program?
[07:19:52] <Tekkkz> hi
[07:20:16] <Tekkkz> so, #1 yeah with a simpler program i it worked, but i dont have this programm anymore
[07:20:23] <Tekkkz> 2# which cable do you mean?
[07:20:28] <Tekkkz> i have usb ^^
[07:20:58] <Tekkkz> Valen, btw, when i send from avr to pc it works
[07:21:00] <Valen> yes and is its output serial or are you using lufa or some other thing to talk native serial over usb
[07:21:14] <Tekkkz> lufa
[07:21:31] <Valen> ahh
[07:22:21] <Tekkkz> hmm
[07:22:45] <Tekkkz> any ideas?
[07:23:27] <Valen> here is one I wrote for lufa in python http://pastebin.com/eGzv7LUR
[07:23:53] <Valen> it reads lines from a CSV file and spits them out at a set rate in binary to the AVR
[07:24:04] <Valen> it may well melt your brain with bad style
[07:24:07] <Valen> but it seemed to work
[07:24:59] <Tekkkz> so how exactly does it works?
[09:36:07] <LeoNerd> Ohman.. reading the Xmega datasheets gets confusing. There's about 20 peripherals in here, and almost every one of them has a "CTRL" register
[09:36:12] <LeoNerd> I guess they ran out of unique names
[11:11:37] <Shavik> So I have a question about SPI with multiple AVR's. 1 Master, 4 slaves. I've read quite a few of the application notes about isolation resistors on the spi lines to protect the ISP and the various methods such as selecting the clock line etc. But what I was thinking was each slave is a module that has it's own ISP. The master also has it's own ISP. I (poorly) drew a diagram of what I'm talkign about. http://i.imgur.com/EHGR7he.j
[11:11:37] <Shavik> pg
[11:11:43] <Shavik> err.. it broke the link. http://i.imgur.com/EHGR7he.jpg
[11:12:38] <Shavik> I've read that people have had good results under 4Mhz with 1k spi series resistors but with my setup in t hat each slave is removable from the system, I was hoping to distribute the resistors so that each module would also have protection
[11:12:53] <Shavik> But I don't know if this is a foolish approach. Was hoping to get someone's superior advice
[11:31:03] <LeoNerd> Since these are all digital signalling lines into high-impedence inputs, there's no significant current flowing
[11:31:30] <LeoNerd> Therefore the exact resistance values don't overly matter. I usually pick the smallest resistance that keeps a nice safety margin below the worst-case current flow between opposing drivers
[11:31:43] <LeoNerd> E.g. 220R keeps under 10mA at 5V
[11:32:20] <LeoNerd> MCU ports can generally do at least 20 or 30mA. Whereas, 220R is low enough to not appreciably affect slew rate
[11:35:54] <Shavik> Well I think the goal is that if something is talking over the SPI lines, then it won't interfere with the ISP programming the device.
[11:36:02] <Shavik> So basically the ISP is always the "loudest".
[11:36:15] <Shavik> I'll admit I don't fully understand it but trying to dig into it more.
[11:37:00] <Shavik> Read AVR042 and AVR910 more times than I can count. heh
[11:37:40] <Shavik> Page 7 in AVR042. Figure 3-2 http://www.atmel.com/images/atmel-2521-avr-hardware-design-considerations_applicationnote_avr042.pdf
[11:42:10] <Shavik> I'm just trying to make this fairly robust. I've got to say, all of this seems like a decent headache so I've considered just doing full duplex 485 or something but that seems like overkill for a backplane device with cards
[12:40:03] * sebus gotta question
[12:40:20] <sebus> is this possible in C to change return address from interrupt?
[12:42:02] <LeoNerd> Possibly, via Unwarranted Chumminess With Compiler
[12:42:14] <LeoNerd> I'm not sure I'd do that though
[12:57:30] <aandrew> "Unwarranted Chumminess With Compiler"
[12:57:33] <aandrew> this needs to be a compiler warning
[12:57:44] <aandrew> -Wchum
[13:10:55] <aftest28> @jartza Hey! I was wondering if I would be able to send you a few emails. I am really interested in your work with ST7032 and ATTINYs. I've been goofing around with a newhaven display on my spare time.
[13:22:55] <aftest28> If you're able, my email is andrew.burry@gmail.com. Thanks!
[14:21:15] <Strangework> Hey guys, I've got a strange problem which I cannot debug. Typically my google-fu is on point, though I plainly do not know how to find a solution to this situation. I am attempting to burn a bootloader onto my Arduino Mega board using avrdude. After setting the fuses and lock bits, I issue the command to begin the burn. Somehow, avrdude claims that the burn is 99% right off the bat, only taking another second to burn a few more bytes. The ver
[14:22:43] <Strangework> Using these fuses: extended - FD, high - D8, low - FF
[14:23:40] <Xark> Strangework: What programmer?
[14:24:13] <Strangework> Xark, AVR ISP MK2
[14:24:59] <Xark> Strangework: Hmm. Can you perhaps try it with Atmel Studio device programmer?
[14:25:20] <Strangework> I am afraid I am running off a Linux machine, Xark :(
[14:25:36] <Strangework> I had been able to do this before, it's only now that it's acting up
[14:25:54] <Strangework> I am still able to uplaod sketches
[14:26:29] <Xark> Strangework: Yeah. Not sure. I am unable to use avrdude with my AVRISPmkII (I think Jungo vs libusb conflict or something).
[14:27:18] <Xark> Strangework: As an "end-run" perhaps you can use this http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=11635
[14:28:13] <Strangework> What do you mean by 'end-run', Xark? Thanks your help btw
[14:28:27] <Xark> Strangework: A different way to get a bootloader on a part.
[14:34:23] <Strangework> Alright, I'll investigate that option. Thanks again, Xark
[16:26:36] <RikusW> Strangework: some arduino boards got a cap on the reset line causing programming to fail