#avr | Logs for 2015-06-20

[00:00:43] <j9k> what's so bad about it? besides the windows part
[00:03:01] <Casper> everything?
[01:24:22] <DarkSector> visual studio
[01:24:28] <DarkSector> that's bad
[01:58:34] <j9k> Microsoft bad
[01:58:42] <j9k> Linux good
[01:58:48] <j9k> uggg
[06:57:02] <inflex> Ughh, anyone ever found a SATA power socket part on the likes of Element14 ?
[06:57:07] <inflex> (PCB mount)
[06:58:02] <inflex> <=- like the one on this PCIe card
[06:58:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en/connectors-interconnects/pluggable-connectors/1443104?k=sata%20connector
[06:58:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> how many you want?
[06:59:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh, sata power...
[07:00:11] <inflex> ja, doing a power-controller board for SATA... would rather a clean plug-socket situation, rather than hacking in to an existing cable
[07:00:45] <inflex> Other option I suppose is doing the full SATA 7+15 combo, just hope I don't feck up the routing/signallng for the data lines
[07:02:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> interestingly, not finding it on digikey.
[07:03:14] <inflex> yeah... hilarious isn't it :(
[07:03:46] <inflex> Might have to just go the 7+15 full connectors and hope I don't mangle the signalling too much
[07:07:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> found what looks like a chinese wholesaler who has them
[07:08:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> but that's 10k quantity order most likely.
[07:11:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> interestingly, neither molex or 3M make them.
[07:11:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> they make the 22 and 7 pin but not the 15pin only.
[07:16:00] <inflex> odd isn't it.
[07:16:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> gotta figure out who makes them
[07:16:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> then can find who sells them.
[07:16:47] <inflex> meh, like I said, I'll probably just end up getting male-female pair of the 22 pin units
[07:17:01] <inflex> put my power switching parts in the middle, then plug the whole module in to the back of the drive
[07:19:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/15Pin-SATA-Connector-to-PCB-SMT_60217399184.html
[07:19:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> 1000 minimum quantity from there.
[07:21:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok..would love to stay and play but gotta go get stuff around for a cookout today.
[07:31:54] <inflex> It's a western conspiracy to make us keep using those horrible "molex" connectors.
[13:35:15] <hegemoOn> hello
[13:36:21] <hegemoOn> http://pastebin.com/FHDNLi06
[13:36:25] <hegemoOn> what could be wrong ???
[17:02:53] <hegemoOn> got it
[17:02:57] <hegemoOn> first erase then flash
[17:15:54] <anasver> On an XMEGA can I use the UART and the TWI on one Port, if the USART-XCK and the TWI-SCL are on the same pin? I don't need the XCK.
[17:26:12] <LeoNerd> I wouldn't share clocks like that
[17:32:05] <anasver> so when I use the UART I will alway use up three pins?
[19:54:40] <ferdna> http://tinyurl.com/pduejj6
[19:54:46] <ferdna> do any of you knows where i could get this spray paint:
[19:57:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> amazon.com has it.
[19:57:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> you don't want to know the price though.
[19:59:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> guessing that's a case of 12.
[20:10:41] <ferdna> Lambda_Aurigae, yes... i just need one!
[20:10:52] <ferdna> anywhere else where i can get it?
[20:12:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> I saw two pages on google that had places selling it.
[20:12:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> most of them online.
[20:12:42] <ferdna> but will they ship same day?
[20:12:47] <ferdna> that is my issue i need them now
[20:12:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh.
[20:12:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> have you tried a local paint store?
[20:13:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> it appears there are other brands of the same kind of paint too.
[20:13:33] <ferdna> Lambda_Aurigae, yes, homedepot, walmart and sherwin williams...
[20:13:42] <ferdna> Lambda_Aurigae, i havent seen any others...
[20:15:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> have you tried walmart?
[20:15:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> they sell krylon
[20:16:01] <ferdna> yes.
[20:16:08] <ferdna> ferdna> Lambda_Aurigae, yes, homedepot, walmart and sherwin williams...
[20:16:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh..missed the walmart entry there.
[20:17:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=krylon+reflect-a-lite&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=31886031156&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14401431145330536647&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_2vq41w02kr_b
[20:17:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> two other similar products I think.
[20:19:17] <ferdna> oh yeah... saw those..
[20:20:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> and home depot has it.
[20:20:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Specialty-12-oz-Clear-Reflective-Spray-Paint-6-Pack-214944/202058511
[20:21:43] <ferdna> Lambda_Aurigae, i just went to home depot and no they dont have it in stock
[20:21:43] <ferdna> :/
[20:25:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> then I've no other recommendations beyond making yourself a chemical foundry and creating your own.
[20:30:39] <ferdna> Lambda_Aurigae, hahaha
[23:19:37] <ferdna> ...
[23:19:38] <ferdna> ..
[23:19:40] <ferdna> .
[23:19:50] <FL4SHK> ..
[23:19:51] <FL4SHK> ...
[23:20:14] <ferdna> ...
[23:20:15] <ferdna> ..
[23:20:16] <ferdna> .
[23:20:29] <Casper> ,,
[23:21:06] <ferdna> dots!!! dots casper!!!
[23:21:26] <Casper> ok ok
[23:21:27] <Casper> ;
[23:21:40] <Casper> oh you mean dotS!
[23:21:41] <Casper> :
[23:21:56] <ferdna> hahaha
[23:22:46] <Casper> what about... ยจ ?
[23:23:00] <ferdna> those are german... dont count...