#avr | Logs for 2015-05-25

[04:22:05] <cubeast> hello, quick question
[04:22:25] <cubeast> what's the proper way to stop timer1 on an attiny like attiny85
[04:22:56] <cubeast> should I clear the clock source bits in TCCR1
[04:23:18] <cubeast> or use the PSR1 flag in GTCCR
[04:52:27] <Fleck> cubeast: disable clock? for example - set prescaler to No Clock Source CS00; CS01 & CS02 bits in TCCR0B
[04:52:58] <cubeast> what's the difference between the two approaches I mentioned?
[04:53:18] <cubeast> and it's TCCR1
[04:53:34] <cubeast> there is no TCCR1A or TCCR1B for AtTiny85
[04:54:29] <cubeast> according to the datasheet (page 94), the PSR1 bit will clear the prescaler for Timer1
[04:54:53] <cubeast> and I'm wondering whether this has the same effect as manually clearing the CS bits from TCCR1 or are there any quirks?
[05:03:04] <Fleck> cubeast: should be the same
[11:09:52] <osteri> as I understand: ATmega -family doesn't have USB drivers in ASF :<
[11:10:08] <osteri> only XMEGA and AVR32 has
[11:44:20] <hypermagic> hi
[11:45:36] <hypermagic> Lambda-Aurigae, http://www.amazon.com/Dyneema-Fishing-Strong-Braided-Strands/dp/B00EUWBQ70
[11:46:19] <Lambda-Aurigae> osteri, LUFA
[11:46:30] <hypermagic> im gonna count my bit error rate in my ddr3-1333 non-ecc ram now, tips ?
[11:46:33] <Lambda-Aurigae> osteri, LUFA is a USB stack for 8bit AVR
[11:46:47] <Lambda-Aurigae> use a really powerful magnifying glass.
[12:04:53] <osteri> Lambda-Aurigae: yup
[12:05:46] <osteri> seems like using ASF with atmega doesn't offer anything
[13:09:21] <hypermagic> i almost completely destroyed a hotplate :)
[13:09:29] <hypermagic> but it still heats
[15:27:29] <aczid> remember how yesterday I was interleaving asm code in both a function and an ISR? today I put all the code in the function again and wait for the flags to set, because the overhead of calling an ISR is actually pretty serious. ret/reti costs 4 cycles!
[15:28:01] <aczid> and also the compiler understands the code better and doesn't save/restore stack frames between the function and the ISR, which saves a lot of code/cycles
[15:28:48] <aczid> it doesn't create a stack frame anymore at all now, the function is now 'pure' in a sense
[15:29:31] <aczid> thought that might be an interesting thought to leave here :)
[16:35:07] <hypermagic> hi
[16:36:02] <hypermagic> aczid, i just do dirty c code usually, gcc does a good job in assemblizing it
[17:38:40] <hypermagic> H4xx0r t00lz, binary, ASM, RE t00lz, linux http://pastebin.com/dEfvRqEy
[18:20:41] <twnqx> i feel you missed the most relevant one, ida pro :P
[18:23:20] <hypermagic> that is not opensource :(
[18:27:38] <twnqx> i choose the best tool over politics