#avr | Logs for 2015-05-23

[04:13:11] <antto> abcmegauser
[05:59:26] <malinus> *abcmaxuser
[06:33:40] <tlogic> hello everybody
[06:34:32] <tlogic> i use atmega168 in a project and i can measure 2.3V on ADC6 and ADC7 without have connected anything on these two pins! Do i have conficured something wrong?
[06:58:46] <tlogic> nobody knows?
[07:00:46] <Thrashbarg> tlogic: it's because they're floating inputs. If you want to double check you can connect a resistor (10k will do) from the pin to ground and see if it measures 0V
[07:03:39] <tlogic> so if i connect an analog output to that pin without a pull down resistor will measure correctly?
[07:07:19] <Thrashbarg> I would expect so
[10:59:28] <hypermagic> Thrashbarg, or activate weak pullup ? ;>
[11:07:54] <Lambda-Aurigae> hypermagic, probably don't want a pullup if your analog source is sourcing current.
[11:08:03] <Lambda-Aurigae> if it is an analog sink then, yeah.
[11:08:13] <hypermagic> i can use a v+ referenced signal
[11:08:37] <hypermagic> though if the internal ref is used then it is ground referencd
[11:08:55] <Lambda-Aurigae> reference is irrelevant in what I said.
[11:09:02] <hypermagic> no
[11:09:24] <hypermagic> if you just sense gnd to v+ then it does not matter where you reference
[11:09:33] <Lambda-Aurigae> if you use a variable resistor between the analog input and ground then you need a pullup...sinking..
[11:09:54] <Lambda-Aurigae> if you use a variable resistor between analog and V+ then you need a pulldown...sourcing
[11:10:03] <hypermagic> the std way to input is sinking
[11:10:08] <Lambda-Aurigae> if you use a variable tap between V+ and GND then no pullup or pulldown.
[11:10:30] <Lambda-Aurigae> sexually transmitted diseases do not usually figure into it at all.
[11:11:11] <hypermagic> p refer voltage dividers
[11:12:30] <hypermagic> and well your adc is voltage measuring so you can not input resistance value, you must put a current through the resistor and measure a voltage
[11:12:54] <Lambda-Aurigae> yeah....my terminology of current was technically incorrect.
[11:13:21] <hypermagic> there are current input adcs too
[11:13:59] <hypermagic> the good thing is you can simply set a voltage measurement range using a resistor
[11:14:55] <hypermagic> you can use 2 digital pins as adc if you want btw
[11:15:30] <Lambda-Aurigae> oh?
[11:15:30] <hypermagic> it is better to use an opamp relaxation oscillator
[11:15:35] <Lambda-Aurigae> I've done it with 4 and 8.
[11:15:39] <hypermagic> and you measure frequency
[11:15:43] <Lambda-Aurigae> aahh.
[11:15:44] <Lambda-Aurigae> yes.
[11:16:08] <hypermagic> guys do this on xilinx fpgas too
[11:16:19] <hypermagic> those do not have adcű
[11:33:24] <tpw_rules> what is the default avrdude command line for an arduino?
[11:33:30] <tpw_rules> avrdude -b 19200 -c arduino -P /dev/tty.usbmodemfa131 -p atmega328p
[11:33:44] <Lambda-Aurigae> in my case,,,,avrdude -forgetarduinoforever
[11:34:07] <tpw_rules> well imagine you have 10 seconds to show somebody something and you don't have time to flash a new bootloader
[11:34:26] <Lambda-Aurigae> I don't use ardweeny myself so no clue.
[11:34:28] <Lambda-Aurigae> I would use google.
[11:34:35] <tpw_rules> then why did you talk
[11:34:59] <hypermagic> tpw_rules, well then i assume you would pukk down your panties for her
[11:35:02] <Lambda-Aurigae> because I'm an ass.
[11:35:07] <hypermagic> pull
[11:35:37] <ferdna> i just found out there is open source cola...
[11:35:39] <ferdna> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCola_
[11:35:53] <ferdna> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCola_(drink)
[11:35:59] <hypermagic> ferdna, does it have msg in it ? and phosphoric acid ?:)
[11:36:17] <ferdna> no, dont think so...
[11:36:59] <Lambda-Aurigae> just replace the icky phosphoric acid with some nice clean hydrofluoric acid....good stuff..
[11:37:06] <Lambda-Aurigae> gets right to the nerve in no time.
[11:37:38] <hypermagic> yeah
[11:37:50] <hypermagic> aspartame is cool too
[11:39:07] <ferdna> hahaha
[11:45:41] <hypermagic> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCola_%28drink%29 - i'm not drinking oil and rubber thanks
[11:54:21] <hypermagic> 2.36 kg plain granulated white table sugar
[11:54:21] <hypermagic> 2.28 L water
[11:54:21] <hypermagic> 30.0 mL caramel color
[11:54:21] <hypermagic> 17.5 mL (3.50 tsp.) 75% phosphoric acid or citric acid
[11:54:21] <hypermagic> 10.0 mL (2.00 tsp.) flavouring formula
[11:54:22] <hypermagic> 2.50 mL (0.50 tsp.) caffeine (optional)[1][2]
[11:54:25] <hypermagic> pathetic lol
[11:54:38] <hypermagic> colored sugar water
[11:56:58] <hypermagic> with oil and some rubber (and it looks like opensource cola does not contain the drugs that cola users are addicted to (apart from sugar))
[12:04:51] <hypermagic> Coca-Cola was originally one of hundreds of coca-based drinks that claimed medicinal properties and benefits to health; early marketing claimed that Coca-Cola alleviated headaches and acted as a "brain and nerve tonic".[4][5] Coca leaves were used in Coca-Cola's preparation and the small amount of cocaine present in the product gave the drinker a "buzz".[5] In 1903 Coca-Cola removed cocaine from the formula, substituting caffeine as the
[12:04:52] <hypermagic> stimulating ingredient, while dropping all the product's medicinal claims.
[12:04:52] <hypermagic> :)
[12:05:07] <hypermagic> what a ripoff, you still buy it.
[12:37:04] <aczid> hey guys, I've noticed avr-libc generates some saving/restoring code for the WDTCR register when entering/exiting ISR's
[12:37:18] <aczid> is there an easy way to disable that behaviour? the WDT isn't even used
[12:37:41] <hypermagic> yes
[12:38:49] <hypermagic> define ISR_NAKED
[12:39:06] <aczid> but then it won't save -any- registers before clobbbering them
[12:39:11] <aczid> I don't think that's gonna fix it
[12:39:21] <aczid> oh, sorry
[12:39:33] <aczid> I thought you meant __attribute__((naked))
[12:39:57] <hypermagic> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__interrupts.html
[12:40:24] <aczid> ah, perfect
[12:40:27] <aczid> thank you very much!
[12:40:55] <aczid> but yeah
[12:40:57] <hypermagic> np
[12:41:02] <aczid> no prologue / epilogue at all :(
[12:41:17] <aczid> so only really handy if you do that on your own
[12:41:43] <hypermagic> you can do it
[12:41:51] <hypermagic> it is just not automatic
[12:42:20] <hypermagic> so you do whatever you like
[12:42:25] <aczid> yeah I'll do that I think :D
[12:42:33] <aczid> thanks a lot anyway, I'm glad I asked here ^^
[12:43:16] <hypermagic> basically you only need to save what you modify
[12:43:44] <hypermagic> the interrupt will halt normal code execution and if you modify anything, you will screw up things in the code that was being executed
[12:43:56] <aczid> yeah, but that puts you almost immediately into inline asm territory unless you save all the registers which defies the purpose
[12:44:29] <aczid> but now I have compiling code for my inilne stub that just needs a push and a pop :) so it's a win already
[12:45:00] <aczid> GCC uses only 1 register now in stead of 3
[12:45:12] <aczid> and ditched about half the code
[12:46:35] <hypermagic> what are you creating?
[12:46:51] <hypermagic> i have not noticed any performance issues when calling interrupts yet
[12:47:05] <aczid> well, this is a 4MHz avr core clocked down to 500k...
[12:47:38] <aczid> and I'm trying to do bitbanging on 4000 baud :)
[12:47:48] <aczid> from C
[12:49:41] <hypermagic> hmm
[12:50:55] <hypermagic> i made a ps2 keyboard bitbanged interface with nominal 40k bit rate without problems
[12:51:08] <hypermagic> all in C
[12:51:46] <hypermagic> so you don't have troubles yet, just want to make sure ?
[12:54:35] <aczid> no, I'm actually having serious trouble
[12:55:02] <hypermagic> also note that you might have to debounce your signals
[12:55:04] <aczid> 500k isn't much though
[12:55:23] <aczid> this is for TX
[12:55:29] <hypermagic> any noise coupled in will make your interrupt crazy
[12:55:34] <aczid> for RX I'm using input capture
[12:56:27] <aczid> the clock for this ISR has a steady external source at 125k, and I want to get a bit out every 16 ticks, so I set the prescaler to 16
[12:57:06] <aczid> but this is having big problems when the compare value is less than 1
[12:57:38] <aczid> that's like 3.9kbaud
[12:58:40] <aczid> but 2-ish kbaud works
[12:58:47] <aczid> 1.8k
[12:58:59] <hypermagic> why you clocked down btw? :) will it work for 3 years with a cr2032 ?
[12:59:05] <aczid> yes :)
[12:59:09] <hypermagic> cool
[12:59:24] <aczid> exactly that battery in fact lol
[12:59:36] <hypermagic> my old bike computer is like this too, with an lcd
[12:59:50] <hypermagic> more than 3 years operation from a cr2032
[12:59:53] <aczid> I'll get it working with inline asm
[13:00:02] <aczid> pretty embedded :)
[13:00:14] <hypermagic> so you are on an atmega168pa ?
[13:00:15] <aczid> yeah I know those gadgets
[13:00:27] <aczid> no but a similar atmega
[13:00:47] <aczid> can't really say sorry. but 4MHz basic avr8 core
[13:00:54] <hypermagic> i have couple of these laying around these are ultralow power
[13:01:09] <aczid> yeah, 328 can do that too though
[13:01:24] <hypermagic> was programming with parallel port, and it started blinking the rgb led using my test code with no power connected ^^
[13:01:34] <aczid> I build a 3v arduino last week that should get some decent battery life once I disconnect the power LED
[13:01:47] <hypermagic> will work fine at 1.8V
[13:01:51] <aczid> haha yeah
[13:02:14] <aczid> I think even the 5v arduinos work okay for led blinks at 3v
[13:02:43] <hypermagic> ok well i have a few 8 pin attiny85 too
[13:02:45] <aczid> and yes the power from the programmer over ISP seems to power on most devices :)
[13:03:06] <hypermagic> but is for tiny projects
[13:03:14] <aczid> haven't really gotten into making my own boards since kits are so cheap
[13:03:26] <aczid> arduino pro mini is like 1.60$
[13:03:36] <aczid> I can't make a board for that
[13:03:46] <hypermagic> im gonna do pwm/onoff controller with bus interface using these
[13:03:56] <aczid> for what?
[13:04:06] <hypermagic> for controlling fans, motors, lights
[13:04:13] <aczid> for motor control you need some extra decoupling circuitry right
[13:04:16] <aczid> h-bridge or somesuch
[13:04:21] <hypermagic> and for sensors, like temp, light sensor
[13:04:37] <aczid> cool I've been trying to get into the same things
[13:04:47] <hypermagic> i just hook up a diode, or ntc, or transistor, and calibrate it, then it will send the data requested over the bus
[13:04:52] <aczid> got that PWM stuff on the 328 down pretty well now
[13:04:57] <hypermagic> i will put an rj45 connector on it i think
[13:05:23] <aczid> so any specific project for using PWM or just all of the above?
[13:05:28] <hypermagic> one q remains now, how to connect the bus
[13:05:54] <hypermagic> well if you want to pwm a fan or dim a light you can pwm...
[13:06:05] <aczid> you want to multiplex?
[13:06:16] <aczid> yeah I get that
[13:06:28] <hypermagic> sure i want many devices on one bus :)
[13:06:29] <aczid> it's like 'analog out' by time-slicing :)
[13:06:42] <hypermagic> i will go upto 1Mbps i tihnk
[13:06:49] <hypermagic> we'll see
[13:07:06] <aczid> well I never designed a bussed system :/
[13:07:13] <aczid> I'd guess i2c?
[13:07:22] <hypermagic> no, i have own idea
[13:07:31] <hypermagic> also adding SECDED
[13:08:17] <aczid> sounds cool
[13:09:42] <hypermagic> i did ps2 before and the computer did not even handle my parity lol.
[13:09:47] <hypermagic> consumer crap
[13:13:01] <hypermagic> so i could starburst the bus or put 2 connectors on each device and chain like that using many cables, and just direct connect
[13:13:47] <hypermagic> but for <1Mbps i don't think it would make any difference, especially with ECC
[13:18:27] <hypermagic> aczid, check out spacewire ;)
[13:29:50] <aczid> hey, my hand-coded ISR fixed it! :D
[13:29:53] <aczid> on the first go, no less
[13:30:09] <hypermagic> :)
[13:30:30] <hypermagic> yeah pusha popa can have impact on performance
[13:30:48] <aczid> Down to 12 instructions from 24, and only using r0 in stead of r0, r1 and r24
[13:30:52] <hypermagic> and you needed only 1 register
[13:30:55] <aczid> yep
[13:31:00] <aczid> quite a nice improvement
[13:31:15] <hypermagic> i was thinking about a very low freq thingy too
[13:31:15] <aczid> boss will also be pleased ;)
[13:31:28] <hypermagic> i use a 32768Hz watch crystal for time :)
[13:32:06] <aczid> hypermagic: spacewire the ESA thing?
[13:32:32] <hypermagic> +
[13:32:55] <hypermagic> the basic idea on hardware level is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_strobe_encoding
[13:33:16] <hypermagic> note, also used in ieee 1394a
[13:33:46] <aczid> ah looks kinda like manchester
[13:33:49] <hypermagic> that was too good for commercial crap, so they only use it for spacecraft, and aircraft buses now
[13:34:07] <aczid> it is manchester + its clock
[13:34:12] <hypermagic> instead of this you can have the usb
[13:34:34] <hypermagic> oh
[13:34:52] <hypermagic> note that this does not have a stable clock by definition, it is self clocked.
[13:35:26] <aczid> same for manchester, the signal is data ^ clock, where the rates are equal
[13:35:36] <aczid> or ehm, 1:2
[13:36:02] <aczid> 2 clock ticks per bit
[13:36:10] <hypermagic> no it is very different
[13:36:20] <aczid> ok I just looked at the diagram :D
[13:36:55] <aczid> ooh I see
[13:36:58] <hypermagic> you looked at the diagram and read it wonrg :P
[13:37:00] <aczid> the xor is the clock
[13:37:03] <aczid> yeah my bad
[13:37:04] <hypermagic> yes
[13:37:08] <hypermagic> there is no "clock"
[13:37:11] <hypermagic> only encoded
[13:37:13] <aczid> exactly the other way around
[13:37:17] <aczid> from my understanding
[13:39:38] <aczid> so what do you want to use that for?
[13:41:23] <hypermagic> well signal transmission on my spacecraft ofc :)
[13:43:30] <aczid> :)
[13:44:40] <aczid> I'm really quite stoked about my optimized ISR now, putting ISR_NAKED in was a good way to get to simpler assembly to start from fast
[13:45:04] <aczid> it was more naked than with __attribute__((naked)) too
[13:51:09] <jacekowski> aczid: shouldn't
[13:51:17] <jacekowski> aczid: it's same thing
[13:52:31] <hypermagic> but compiler may ignore __attribute__ i think
[14:01:11] <aczid> nah
[14:01:16] <aczid> maybe I was mistaken then
[14:01:24] <aczid> and messing around with the code while trying that :)
[14:01:58] <aczid> I can test again but will just accept that I saw seeing something that wasn't there
[14:02:06] <aczid> s/saw/was
[14:09:20] <aczid> ISR_NAKED is more expressive I guess, and less typing :)
[14:11:03] <hypermagic> __attribute__ only applies to one function
[14:22:22] <hypermagic> do you use random() in your mcus?
[14:31:42] <aczid> no
[14:31:51] <aczid> ISR_NAKED also applies to only 1 ISR right?
[14:36:36] <hypermagic> if you only write it in the ISR definition then yes, otherwise #define is global
[14:37:04] <Lambda-Aurigae> 'We can't fix any of this with violence.' `You're just afraid to use enough of it.` 'That's....probably true.'
[14:37:11] <hypermagic> you can hack apart gcc/stdlib too if you like
[14:37:37] <hypermagic> whats up Lambda-Aurigae
[14:37:49] <Lambda-Aurigae> just rereading Schlock Mercenary.
[14:38:04] <Lambda-Aurigae> helps keep me teetering on the edge of sanity.
[14:38:27] <Lambda-Aurigae> "How do you feel about the word 'Sociopath?'" `I get mistaken for one all the time.`
[14:38:41] <hypermagic> well, you are one no?
[14:38:55] <Lambda-Aurigae> but of course.
[14:39:09] <Lambda-Aurigae> or, would be if I were a social aminal..
[14:48:33] <hypermagic> Lambda-Aurigae, so, any atmel sam3 today?
[14:48:42] <Lambda-Aurigae> I don't do ARM much.
[14:49:10] <Lambda-Aurigae> only 32bit processors I play with these days are pic32 and x86.
[14:49:19] <hypermagic> atmega is still cheaper and simpler maybe
[14:49:20] <Lambda-Aurigae> with the exception of my rPI.
[14:49:38] <hypermagic> Lambda-Aurigae, no 8 bit avr either?
[14:49:57] <Lambda-Aurigae> I meant in the 32bit world, that's what I play with.
[14:50:13] <Lambda-Aurigae> on the 8bit side I do AVR, some usbPIC, and 8052.
[14:50:29] <Lambda-Aurigae> just wish there were a good 6502 microcontroller in dip package to play with but oh well.
[14:50:53] <hypermagic> bga is fine too
[14:51:11] <Lambda-Aurigae> not for me it isn't.
[14:51:17] <hypermagic> why not?
[14:51:23] <Lambda-Aurigae> kinda hard to solder.
[14:51:25] <hypermagic> deadbug it
[14:51:39] <Lambda-Aurigae> been there, done that, need better glasses.
[14:51:58] <hypermagic> that does not sound good
[14:52:32] <Lambda-Aurigae> I like my through-hole stuff for now..just easier for me to play with.
[14:52:55] <hypermagic> but you have to drill
[14:53:00] <hypermagic> and it is large
[14:53:13] <Lambda-Aurigae> don't have to drill.
[14:53:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> that's what solderless breadboards and perfboard are for.
[14:53:27] <hypermagic> hmm ok
[14:53:35] <hypermagic> i dont have any
[14:53:45] <Lambda-Aurigae> and I love wire wrap but don't have much of that around these days.
[14:54:16] <hypermagic> i tried knotting wires to things, it *works*
[14:54:32] <Lambda-Aurigae> wire wrap is an art form.
[14:54:38] <Lambda-Aurigae> I learned it as a kid.
[14:54:45] <hypermagic> you need a braided uhmwpe line
[14:54:57] <hypermagic> and use a constrictor knot for example
[14:55:10] <hypermagic> pull it as hard as possible without destroying anything
[14:56:55] <Lambda-Aurigae> could always do spot welded wiring too.
[14:57:16] <hypermagic> hmm yea
[14:57:23] <Lambda-Aurigae> did that a few times for the fun of it.
[14:57:29] <hypermagic> but you don't have spot welder all the time with you
[14:57:37] <hypermagic> but you can stuff a fishing line in your pocket
[14:57:41] <Lambda-Aurigae> localized high current low voltage pulses.
[14:58:06] <hypermagic> will spot welding work fine for braided wire?
[14:58:19] <Lambda-Aurigae> dunno..never tried.
[14:58:21] <hypermagic> you would need to melt through the whole braid
[14:58:30] <Lambda-Aurigae> works well for cat3 phone wire.
[14:58:39] <hypermagic> you mean the solid core type
[14:58:54] <Lambda-Aurigae> yup.
[14:59:01] <hypermagic> the braided type is flexible and is harder to break
[14:59:16] <Lambda-Aurigae> lay two pieces together, clamp the spot welder across them and hit the trigger...POP...they stick..
[14:59:27] <hypermagic> :)
[14:59:31] <hypermagic> what energy level you use?
[14:59:33] <Lambda-Aurigae> no fuss, no muss, no solder.
[14:59:36] <hypermagic> 50J ?
[14:59:40] <hypermagic> 20V ?
[15:00:06] <Lambda-Aurigae> I was using a 12V car battery and some carbon contacts.
[15:00:11] <hypermagic> haha
[15:00:27] <hypermagic> so you do plasma welding then
[15:01:03] <hypermagic> i was assuming a capacitive spot welder that is controlled
[15:01:11] <Lambda-Aurigae> yup..
[15:01:41] <hypermagic> maybe this is the reason why you don't see
[15:01:46] <Lambda-Aurigae> a bank of 8 15000pF 60V caps hooked to ye olde car battery
[15:01:47] <aandrew> well.. it is controlled... by the peak current capability and charge level of the battery
[15:01:56] <hypermagic> looking at the plasma will damage your ees
[15:01:58] <hypermagic> eyes
[15:02:09] <Lambda-Aurigae> no spark really...that's all contained inside the push button.
[15:02:18] <hypermagic> lol
[15:02:26] <Lambda-Aurigae> which doesn't last too long..
[15:02:38] <hypermagic> i'd hold the "spark" in a large mosfet
[15:02:39] <Lambda-Aurigae> but the carbon contacts make good contact and don't arc if you keep them pressed tight.
[15:02:47] <Lambda-Aurigae> hey, I was 14 when I did it!
[15:02:59] <Lambda-Aurigae> I don't think mosfets existed back then..or if they did I couldn't afford them.
[15:03:03] <hypermagic> what are we talking about?
[15:03:14] <hypermagic> haha haha
[15:03:19] <hypermagic> you 200 year old?
[15:03:21] <Lambda-Aurigae> I'm 47 now.
[15:03:30] <Lambda-Aurigae> back then mosfets were pricy.
[15:03:34] <hypermagic> hmm
[15:04:01] <hypermagic> so you use solder again?
[15:04:13] <hypermagic> the crap lead-free ?
[15:57:01] <Lambda-Aurigae> hypermagic, yeah..I use solder..but some years back I bought a giant roll of lead full solder..
[15:57:06] <Lambda-Aurigae> haven't used half of it yet.
[15:57:57] <hypermagic> welding is superior anyway and costs nothing
[15:58:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> as long as you are welding the metal to metal without any external metal to add to it.
[15:59:06] <Lambda-Aurigae> unfortunately, my favorit form of welding does not lend itself very well to electronics.
[15:59:58] <Lambda-Aurigae> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pr94Lk5a5k
[16:27:34] <aczid> yuck now both the calling function and the ISR are working like 1 assembly program with reserved registers from the arguments :D
[16:29:21] <aczid> works super reliably now \o/
[16:32:52] <hypermagic> well isr has nothing to do with c, c is portable, isr is not
[16:40:47] <aczid> same goes for signal handlers on Unix then
[16:41:53] <aczid> I merely meant to say I was bypassing the C calling convention entirely now
[16:46:08] <hypermagic> aczid, so will you turn the safety off now on the machine gun ? ;)
[16:51:01] <aczid> yeah I guess I'm trying to say I'm living on the edge now :P
[20:53:01] <ad0nis> I'm trying to program an atmel rzusbstick with the killerbee firmware using avrdude, and getting the error: "avrdude: jtagmkII_program_disable(): bad response to leave progmode command: RSP_FAILED"
[20:53:18] <ad0nis> I'm able to program the device using another firmware provided by the manufacturer, so it appears that my programmer is in functioning order, and the hardware works-ish...
[20:53:34] <ad0nis> That would tend to lead me to believe that the firmware file is bad, but it's the same one the project has been using for a long time, and I don't see any complaints like mine..
[20:53:49] <ad0nis> Any assistance would be appreciated.
[20:56:17] <Lambda-Aurigae> first, I would need to know what a rzusbstick is and what killerbee firmware is.
[20:56:29] <Lambda-Aurigae> I would recommend talking to the creators of those two things.
[21:01:15] <Lambda-Aurigae> other than that, it sounds like you have a conflict between libusb0 and the jungo usb driver.
[21:01:36] <Lambda-Aurigae> I'm guessing you need the jungo driver and need to uninstall the libusb0.
[21:02:18] <Lambda-Aurigae> http://www.eevblog.com/forum/microcontrollers/looking-for-the-latest-avr-command-line-tools-%28v1-0-11%29/
[21:02:28] <Lambda-Aurigae> I suggest looking for your error on there and follow the leader.
[21:02:37] <Lambda-Aurigae> google is your friend.
[21:02:52] <Lambda-Aurigae> took me less than 5 minutes to find a solution that will likely work.
[22:09:25] <ad0nis> Lambda-Aurigae: Thanks for the response. I have tried it from both atmel studio (fully updated) on windows, and I've tried it on my linux system with avrdude with the same results. As for what an rzusbstick and a killerbee firmware are, the following page should give some good info: https://github.com/riverloopsec/killerbee
[22:10:33] <ad0nis> In Atmel Studio, I was told to program it as an AT90USB1287, if that's more useful.
[22:19:15] <hypermagic> <Lambda-Aurigae> first, I would need to know what a rzusbstick is and what killerbee firmware is. - hahaha it is a drone equipped with machine gun
[22:21:20] <ad0nis> hypermagic: It's actually an 802.15.4 Security testing device, but what you said would be fun too.
[22:27:38] <DarkSector> Is the AT86RF230 deprecated? Every vendor has a very little stock
[22:29:04] <hypermagic> never heard of it
[22:29:12] <hypermagic> what are you up to ?
[22:29:51] <DarkSector> It's a primary chip on the ATAVRRZUSBSTICK
[22:30:01] <hypermagic> o i see "High Performance RF-CMOS 2.4 GHz Ra
[22:30:01] <hypermagic> dio Transceiver"
[22:30:23] <hypermagic> well you can always buy any competitor
[22:30:51] <DarkSector> Could you please give example?
[22:30:58] <DarkSector> ATmega128RFA1?
[22:34:10] <hypermagic> i dont use rf chips now
[22:34:29] <hypermagic> why don't you check your distributor's stock?
[22:34:40] <hypermagic> you can buy what they sell
[22:35:57] <DarkSector> Hmm
[23:47:55] <xrlk> where can I get cheap caps to replace the ones in my monitor
[23:47:59] <xrlk> 16v 1000uF
[23:48:08] <xrlk> digikey has $8 shipping
[23:50:03] <hypermagic> xrlk, from another monitor
[23:50:07] <hypermagic> lol
[23:50:18] <xrlk> lol
[23:50:39] <hypermagic> motherboards used to have 16V caps sometimes too
[23:50:59] <hypermagic> and sometimes psus but i often just see 10V caps used for 12V ...
[23:51:10] <xrlk> I have a mobo in a box
[23:51:12] <xrlk> i could check
[23:51:30] <hypermagic> you can use 2x10V caps in series as a ghetto solution too
[23:52:11] <hypermagic> the tft has 12-13V power i think