#avr | Logs for 2015-04-28

[03:36:24] <thehungus> anyone know if it is possible to debug the xmega 128A1U with a dragon over JTAG? i have avarice 2.13 (which is the latest i think?) and i can get it to connect to the part by telling it the target is an xmega 128A1 rather than 128A1U but after setting a breakpoint and starting things rolling in gdb odd things happen, eg. 'Reply contains invalid hex digit 59' or 'Cannot execute this command while the selected thread is running'. do i reall
[03:36:24] <thehungus> y need to get atmel studio if i want to debug this chip? :(
[06:50:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> DKordic, mSPI is not supported by all SPI devices..it is very specific and works kinda like i2c addressing or 9bit rs232 addressing.
[07:22:59] <fieldman> lambda
[07:23:06] <fieldman> my stuff works like a charm now
[07:23:12] <fieldman> i muddled my way thru it!
[07:23:48] <fieldman> and DKordic
[07:23:54] <fieldman> i think something you guys said helped a bit too
[07:24:03] <xrlk> no problem
[08:31:44] <mrt-prodz> I don't want to annoy anyone here but I would really appreciate if someone could tell me how you can read signed char from progmem (const char test PROGMEM = -8; pgm_read_byte(&test) returns 248)
[08:32:21] <mrt-prodz> there used to be a prog_char macro/typedef but it's now deprecated and I'm seriously confused
[08:32:35] <xrlk> hmm
[08:32:48] <xrlk> clear the buffer in the input stream
[08:32:54] <mrt-prodz> one other note I'm using the (sic) Arduino IDE
[08:39:04] <mrt-prodz> oh, actually pgm_read_byte macro returns a const unsigned char
[08:40:37] <twnqx> so?
[08:40:51] <twnqx> 8 bits are 8 bits
[08:40:59] <twnqx> assign them to a char and they are signed
[08:43:07] <Ad0> unsigned char is typically BYTE datatype
[08:43:56] <mrt-prodz> I'm actually trying to understand why only pgm_read_float returns signed value (I can't use int either)
[09:06:11] <mrt-prodz> thank you all for your help (I'm still unable to retrieve a signed char but I'll figure this out, casting won't work either or assigning to a char)
[09:06:39] <xrlk_> ya
[09:13:28] <Ad0> no BLE SoC samples before july :(
[09:57:58] <mrt-prodz> this has to be the ugliest solution I could ever find I guess
[09:57:59] <mrt-prodz> #define N(a) (a > 127 ? a - 256 : a)
[09:57:59] <mrt-prodz> #define NODE(a, b) N(pgm_read_byte(&nodes[a][b]))
[09:58:23] <mrt-prodz> it's working though
[09:59:25] <LeoNerd> Uhmmm
[09:59:28] <LeoNerd> Isn't that a signed cast?
[09:59:46] <mrt-prodz> I can't just cast to char I have no idea why
[10:00:04] <LeoNerd> int8_t surely?
[10:00:46] * mrt-prodz feels dumb now
[10:02:09] <mrt-prodz> so I have no idea what happened but now #define NODE(a, b) (char)(pgm_read_byte(&nodes[a][b]))
[10:02:10] <mrt-prodz> actually works
[10:02:19] <mrt-prodz> (or int8_t)
[10:18:10] <NicoHood> how long does it take to disable or enable an interrupt? i need to set a bit and then it should be done or does it take some more time to startup after this? mainly asking for PinInterrupts and PinChangeInterrupts.
[10:19:08] <LeoNerd> Those look like Arduino function names
[10:19:59] <NicoHood> i am talking on the register layer. not arduino
[10:20:10] <NicoHood> i developed a pinchangeinterrupt library though
[10:21:09] <NicoHood> The point is: i use those interrupts to decode IR signals. once a valid signal is received, it should hold on until the user reads the data. i could disable the interrupt until then to not distract the program with more interrupts if it doesnt read the data
[10:26:55] <LeoNerd> Well, enabling/disabling an interrupt is just a bit write into an IO register.. you'll have to check the DS carefully ot see what the timing guarantees on that are
[11:49:18] <malinus> NicoHood: you might as well just set a flag imho.
[17:49:17] <hypermagic> hello my friends
[17:59:16] <hypermagic> anybody working with atsam3 now ?
[18:29:02] <Tom_itx> ahoy there abcminiuser!
[18:29:25] <hypermagic> hey Tom_itx
[18:29:47] <hypermagic> is this atmel official channel btw ?
[18:30:01] <Tom_itx> very official
[18:30:12] <Tom_itx> not
[18:30:14] <hypermagic> that arm sam-ba thing seriously made my wonder if it is worth it to get into the thing
[18:30:23] <Tom_itx> there's also ##avr32
[18:30:37] <Tom_itx> this is the 8bit channel
[18:30:55] <hypermagic> okey ;)
[18:31:02] <hypermagic> so no arm channel yet?
[18:31:05] <Tom_itx> but we got answers to anything
[18:31:43] <hypermagic> ok well i was taking into consideration a second option instead of atsam3s devices, from nxp
[18:32:47] <hypermagic> i found a similad thing that does not have a hardware usb and looked nicer not having that sam-ba hell
[18:33:00] <hypermagic> similad/similar
[18:34:53] <abcminiuser> Ahoyhoy
[18:36:03] <hypermagic> hi abcminiuser, you work for atmel?
[18:36:10] <abcminiuser> Used to
[18:36:13] <abcminiuser> LIFX now
[18:36:27] <hypermagic> they didn't pay enough?
[18:36:42] <abcminiuser> Nah, long term GF/now fiancee was in Aus
[18:37:09] <hypermagic> while you were gone they bastardized the atsam3s !
[18:37:26] <hypermagic> just look at what they did to the programming options
[18:37:29] <abcminiuser> They did?
[18:37:33] <hypermagic> Yes
[18:37:57] <hypermagic> Where did the nice avrdude programming thing go?
[18:40:41] <hypermagic> They made some lametrojanbackdoorbooterthing and bloated it with usb, ofc they made is non-standard to make life miserable, especially on linux
[18:40:56] <hypermagic> next step is to include wifi and make it hackable from a distance
[18:43:32] <hypermagic> i found a nice project that tries to program the sams that compiled nicely on linux yesterday http://sourceforge.net/p/bossa-fork/code/ci/master/tree/ ( and here is the binary http://sourceforge.net/projects/b-o-s-s-a/ )
[18:47:32] <hypermagic> LPC1763FBD100 looks good as second option to replace an atsam3sxc, though it will not operate downto 1.8V and only has 10 bit dac