#avr | Logs for 2015-04-25

[08:54:31] <LeoNerd> Hrmmm.. Dilema. Use up the final two GPIO pins on what's supposed to be a fairly flexible layout, or make more code changes and board edits to move all the LEDs onto a '595; thus giving me back all the current LED outputs, minus one for the new SS line
[08:54:44] <LeoNerd> (Since I'm already talking SPI *anyway* I get the SPI port itself for free)
[08:55:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> never look a gift SPI in the MOSI
[11:46:30] <rue_house> LeoNerd, when you put the leds on the 595, tie a pwm-able pin to the output enable
[16:15:07] <LeoNerd> rue_house: Curious idea... though I don't need PWM'ed LEDs.. but an interesting one to remember for another time, certainly