#avr | Logs for 2015-04-24

[03:29:53] <Ad0> is there no definitive software library for things like SPI etc?
[03:34:01] <Guest45508> Ad0: you can use the arduino libraries ;)
[03:34:03] * Guest45508 hides
[03:41:08] <Ad0> Guest45508: lol yeah they are all over
[03:41:14] <Ad0> need to port that pin bullshit then
[03:45:02] <Ad0> I am trying to get SPI going on an attiny45
[03:45:07] <Ad0> seems like I have to use bitbanging
[03:52:07] <Guest45508> Ad0: also I don't see the point in a library. It's litreally 3 lines of codes to set the SPI up, and one line of code to use it. Why on earth would you need a library? Unless you are doing software spi, then you need to double the line amount.
[03:52:50] <Ad0> it's an attiny45
[03:53:34] <Ad0> https://github.com/JChristensen/tinySPI
[03:53:42] <Guest45508> If your avr doesn't have a spi peripheral, you gonna need to make a software implementation. But there is a big chance that you are using a wrong mcu for the job.
[03:54:20] <Guest45508> Well it's not a chance really, you ARE using the wrong mcu for the job :P. There are millions of different mcu's why would you end up picking one that can't do what you want it to do :P
[03:55:27] <Ad0> It said "SPI = yes"
[03:55:32] <Ad0> but I guess not?
[03:55:49] <Ad0> somehow the programmer works on it and it has to use something to communicate :P
[03:57:03] <Ad0> http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-2586-AVR-8-bit-Microcontroller-ATtiny25-ATtiny45-ATtiny85_Datasheet.pdf
[03:57:24] <Ad0> doesn't it have proper SPI ?
[03:58:09] <Xark> Ad0: You can do HW assisted SPI on ATTiny45 (USCI). I have some code snippets if you care. It allows you to send at Fclk/2 (better than bit-bang, basically "assisted" bit-bang).
[03:58:19] <Ad0> thanks!
[03:58:54] <Ad0> I would really like that
[03:59:14] <Xark> Ad0: I got it just about as fast as AVR328 HW SPI (where I was able to do processing between bytes) @ 20MHz. -> https://imgur.com/WKg33E7
[03:59:19] <Xark> One sec...
[03:59:45] <Ad0> lol awesome
[04:03:58] <Xark> Ad0: I only have write, but this code does a read and ignores the data. -> http://hastebin.com/rahowekega.pl
[04:04:33] <Xark> (IIRC any data read would be in USIDR after this)
[04:05:31] <Xark> (I believe you still have to set pins as output/input as appropriate, I'll spare you all that).
[04:05:48] <Ad0> cool!
[04:06:06] <Ad0> wonder how many pins left I have for actual sensors then
[04:06:36] <Xark> Hehe, if you have CS, DI, DO, and SCK, that leaves 1 :)
[04:06:55] <Ad0> lol
[04:07:12] <Ad0> that code doesn't compile in avr studio though
[04:07:26] <Ad0> expected ',' or ';' before '{' token
[04:07:35] <Xark> Oh, this is important. It is very confusing, but on ATtiny45/85 MOSI is really DO and MISO is really DI (data in and data out). Even though for ISP they are MOSI/MISO, they are reversed for USI SPI.
[04:07:50] <Xark> No, those are snippets, not compilable.
[04:08:11] <Tom_itx> gawd, what sort of code is that!!!
[04:08:17] <Xark> However cut from working code.
[04:08:20] <Tom_itx> i want it to work with no mods dammit!
[04:08:21] <Ad0> __attribute__((noinline))
[04:08:21] <Xark> Tom_itx: Inline GCC asm
[04:08:29] <Ad0> it barfs on that
[04:08:54] <Xark> Ad0: Okay, you can remove that.
[04:09:10] <Ad0> I made it compile.
[04:09:12] <Xark> (I wanted that inline on bigger chips, but not ATTiny45/85)
[04:09:18] <Ad0> you prototype it with that attribute first
[04:09:24] <Tom_itx> syntax will vary between compilers
[04:09:45] <Ad0> how do I read from SPI though
[04:10:01] <Xark> I thought AVR Studio used GCC, but it may be a different version (or perhaps C vs C++).
[04:10:31] <Xark> Ad0: Just add "return USIDR;" to that spiWrite (and make it return uint8_t).
[04:10:48] <Ad0> right
[04:10:50] <Xark> (SPI reads as it writes)
[04:10:57] <Ad0> do you have to send something to read something then?
[04:11:01] <Xark> Yes
[04:11:04] <Ad0> if you are waiting for a respons
[04:11:10] <Ad0> do you send some noop byte or something
[04:11:16] <Ad0> or "I wanna read now"
[04:11:19] <Ad0> or some crap like that
[04:11:33] <Xark> Yes, you are the master. You have to send 00 or something.
[04:11:50] <Ad0> ok
[04:11:54] <Ad0> gotcha.
[04:12:16] <Ad0> now I will make something that takes an array
[04:12:28] <Ad0> thank you so much
[04:12:47] <Xark> No problem, enjoy. :)
[04:15:05] <Ad0> thanks man
[04:15:08] <Ad0> now I need to check the pins
[04:15:24] <Ad0> there should be some avr snippet library or some huge .h file with pinout setups
[04:15:29] <Ad0> based on what model you have selected
[04:15:55] <Ad0> damn arduino articles are polluting google
[04:16:00] <Ad0> arduino arduino arduino..
[04:16:40] <Ad0> nRF24L01+ is SPI only
[04:17:39] <Ad0> https://github.com/JChristensen/tinySPI/blob/master/tinySPI.cpp
[04:17:40] <Ad0> I guess the contents of begin() is correct
[04:20:24] <Ad0> SPI_DDR_PORT etc isn't defined
[04:20:33] <Ad0> my bad
[04:25:04] <Ad0> Xark: is begin() https://github.com/JChristensen/tinySPI/blob/master/tinySPI.cpp the same as your init?
[04:25:23] <Ad0> it has some additional settings
[04:25:40] <Ad0> I am mainly thinking about USICR
[04:25:41] <Xark> Hmm...
[04:25:51] <Ad0> _BV = ?
[04:26:01] <Ad0> macro that wraps what you are doing ?
[04:26:05] <LeoNerd> Ad0: If you're trying to use an nRF24L01+ on a tiny45 .. you are aware how many pins it needs, yes? You won't have many left
[04:26:09] <Xark> SPI_DDR_PORT is his define, on ATTiny, I think you want PORTB
[04:26:16] <Xark> (not many choices...)
[04:26:34] <Ad0> LeoNerd: I need only 1 left for one sensor
[04:26:37] <Xark> _BV(x) is just (1<< (x))
[04:27:02] <Ad0> Xark: it is defined in the .h file there
[04:27:10] <Ad0> I put everything into one .h file
[04:27:14] <Ad0> your code and his setup code for pins
[04:27:20] <Ad0> + set datamode
[04:27:47] <Xark> Okay. His USICR is similar to mine (but he likes to use more instructions). :)
[04:27:53] <Xark> init^
[04:27:57] <Ad0> I tried the approach on picking the smallest chip and if I hit the wall I work my way up to more capable chips :)
[04:28:12] <LeoNerd> Ad0: ummmm, but SPI needs MISO/MOSI/SCK, then there's CSN and CE, and that's all 5 GPOIs
[04:28:23] <LeoNerd> Unless you play games with RESET
[04:28:27] <Xark> What is CSN?
[04:29:17] <LeoNerd> Xark: 'chip select not'; their term for SS#
[04:29:28] <Xark> LeoNerd: Okay, then what is CE?
[04:29:35] <Xark> (why do you need both?)
[04:29:40] <LeoNerd> Chip Enable.
[04:29:46] <Ad0> afaik I should have 2 pins left
[04:29:52] <Xark> Do you need MCU to toggle CE?
[04:29:53] <Ad0> isn't the AVRISP SPI ?
[04:30:08] <Ad0> how does that one work then
[04:30:09] <LeoNerd> CSN is part of the SPI interface; CE is what tells the radio itself to power up
[04:30:25] <Xark> LeoNerd: So, you could just wire CE to "true"?
[04:30:57] <LeoNerd> Unfortunately that doesn't quite work if you need duplex radio.. you have to be able to turn CE off again to switch between TX and RX modes
[04:31:16] <Xark> Okay, that makes sense (I have not used nRF).
[04:31:30] <LeoNerd> If you want simple TX-only, and you don't care about power usage because you're not on a battery, you could indeed hardwire it high
[04:31:54] <Ad0> http://redbearlab.com/blenano/ - unfortunally this seems like a better option hehe
[04:31:57] <Xark> Ad0: ISP doesn't need CS (aka SS CSN).
[04:32:08] <Ad0> ok
[04:32:09] <Xark> Ad0: It just yanks reset to get MCU's attention.
[04:32:21] <LeoNerd> The RESET pin is _effectively_ the SS line for ISP :)
[04:32:33] <Xark> Yep. :)
[04:33:11] <Ad0> oh well I have a full size atmega laying here
[04:33:29] <Ad0> the arduino one
[04:33:39] <Xark> Ad0: At the least you may need ATtiny84 (IRC, same part with 14 pins). :)
[04:33:44] <LeoNerd> I do plenty of nRF stuff with a tiny84 - that has many spare pins :)
[04:33:51] <Ad0> hehe
[04:33:52] <LeoNerd> I have a standard board and OS and everything ;)
[04:34:01] <Ad0> what I do need is something with as low power consumption as possible
[04:34:10] <LeoNerd> Yup
[04:34:22] <Ad0> I figured the tiny used less
[04:34:23] <LeoNerd> One of my boards doing TX-only managed to run >2 weeks on a single LiFePO4 cell
[04:34:24] <Ad0> hehe
[04:34:27] <Xark> Sleep mode (and maybe 1MHz clock depending). :)
[04:34:41] <LeoNerd> Sending a packet twice a second
[04:34:44] <Ad0> yes there are tons of things you can do
[04:34:51] <LeoNerd> I expect if you transmitted less often than that, you'd last eeeeven longe
[04:34:52] <Ad0> like enabling pullup on the stuff you dont use
[04:35:10] <Ad0> I was aiming for like 3 years
[04:35:25] <LeoNerd> https://twitter.com/cpan_pevans/status/562416772205522946 one of my boards
[04:35:29] <LeoNerd> Three *years* on one battery? Heh
[04:35:34] <Xark> LeoNerd: Those LiFePO4s are great. My bright 8mm LEDs will rainbow cycle for like 3 days -> https://imgur.com/a/S0ugQ#0
[04:35:37] <Ad0> yeah
[04:35:53] <Ad0> the home security provider has that...
[04:36:03] <Ad0> it's PIR sensors and sound sensors sending RF signals
[04:36:16] <Ad0> lasts for 3 years with a 9V battery
[04:36:26] <Ad0> so what the hell do they do
[04:37:14] <Ad0> http://shop.sectoralarm.se/batterier/batterier-domonial
[04:37:30] <LeoNerd> For a start, I don't think those run on nRF modules ;)
[04:37:43] <LeoNerd> Some of those simpler 418/433 modules might be lower power again
[04:37:53] <Ad0> it has to run on something that encrypts and pairs
[04:38:04] <Ad0> because he was running around with this PDA that registered the sensors etc
[04:38:06] <LeoNerd> Ah.. hmm. then you really do want duplex, yah
[04:38:42] <Ad0> only need to receive during pairing I guess
[04:38:59] <Ad0> so I guess those BLE modules from nordic are good
[04:39:03] <LeoNerd> I mean.. I'm pretty sure nRF + tiny84 could get you a long way.. I'm just not sure that 3 -years- is a realistic goal
[04:39:26] <Ad0> how would you measure it ? the AVR guy used a capacitor :)
[04:39:46] <Ad0> so he knew on a short timescale exactly how long it would last
[04:45:57] <Ad0> http://cratel.wichita.edu/blogs/eecsfinalreportspr2013homeautoframework/files/2013/05/IMG_0804.jpg
[04:50:40] <Ad0> what about ATTINY48-PU
[04:50:50] <Ad0> 45 is too limited
[05:31:06] <Fleck> any good lib for wiznet W5100 that supports multiple connections on single port and listening on multiple ports?
[05:46:41] <Ad0> LeoNerd: what clock must the avr run at to handle 1mbps
[05:47:14] <LeoNerd> ?
[05:47:21] <LeoNerd> Vague question is vague - more context please
[06:01:30] <LeoNerd> In unrelated news: I'm trying to make a Neopixel (WS2812) - DMX bridge. Timing is a problem. My thoughts written up: https://plus.google.com/114433557481806433076/posts/dgvWVsmNcZ7
[06:03:19] <LeoNerd> Ohman I just had The Craziest Idea Evarrrr
[06:03:41] <LeoNerd> The timing loop for writing to WS2812s is a static list of NOP instructions.
[06:04:13] <LeoNerd> I wonder if there's enough of them when I run at 16MHz, that I can poll the UART, somehow, between writing individual bits down the LED chain
[06:06:01] <LeoNerd> The long bit-time is 0.9µs; at 16MHz CPU that's a whole 14 instructions
[06:06:25] <LeoNerd> 14 instructions should be plenty of time to interleave some logic to check the RXC0 bit and read UDR0 into a static buffer, right?
[06:07:20] <Ad0> LeoNerd: what speeds do the nrf run at
[06:07:24] <Ad0> 1MBPS and 2MBPS only?
[06:07:30] <Ad0> obviously I need > 1 mhz
[06:07:49] <LeoNerd> Hrm?
[06:08:04] <LeoNerd> The air data rate of the packets over the radio doesn't relate at all to the SPI clock
[06:08:18] <LeoNerd> The SPI clock is how fast you talk to the module; the on-air data rate is how fast it sends bits over the radio
[06:08:42] <LeoNerd> There's nothing stopping you telling it to use 2Mbps over the radio, while you talk SPI at a mere 50kHz
[06:12:11] <Ad0> ok
[06:19:47] <Ad0> how long do you survive without a debugger LOL
[06:23:46] <LeoNerd> Define "debugger" - I usually don't last a day without needing to use the Saleae on something or other
[06:25:38] <Ad0> the ICE
[06:27:16] <Ad0> http://www.atmel.com/tools/atatmel-ice.aspx
[07:55:01] <Ad0> LeoNerd: http://hackaday.com/2014/02/16/nrf24l01-using-3-attiny85-pins/
[07:55:21] <LeoNerd> Heh.. yeah. I've seen it. Not sure I like it
[07:55:36] <LeoNerd> Plus it still doesn't address the problem of IRQ, which you'd presumably want if you want superlow power
[07:55:42] <LeoNerd> Really; just stick an 84 in there
[08:19:27] <Ad0> LeoNerd: yeah
[08:19:46] <Ad0> http://www.atmel.com/devices/ATTINY84A.aspx
[08:28:12] <Jartza> ...or attiny88
[08:28:23] <Jartza> much cheaper also than 85/84
[08:44:09] <aditya3098> Hey, anyone know any common devices that may contain avr chips
[08:46:36] <specing> an ardweenie.
[08:48:00] <aditya3098> apart from those
[08:48:13] <aditya3098> like anything you might find around the house
[08:48:50] <specing> aditya3098: AVRs are expensive, I have yet to see a mass-market product with an AVR inside
[08:49:27] <specing> you can get a 32-bit ARM that is 20x as fast for a quarter of the price
[08:49:38] <aditya3098> Really? What are they used for
[08:49:41] <aditya3098> ?
[08:49:47] <specing> 'they'?
[08:49:54] <aditya3098> 8bit avrs
[08:49:58] <specing> I have no idea
[08:50:21] <aditya3098> My problem with 32bit arms is that they are not breadboard friendly
[08:50:24] <twnqx> hobbyist stuff because they are much easier to use than arms
[08:50:38] <specing> ^ what twnqx said
[08:50:50] <aditya3098> So wait. Most atmel 8bit arms end up as hobby products?
[08:50:51] <twnqx> why would a company care about breadboarding stuff
[08:50:57] <specing> aditya3098: your breadboard is not ARM friendly.
[08:51:00] <twnqx> there are no 8bit arms :P
[08:51:19] <twnqx> iirc nxp makes DIP arms though :P
[08:51:28] <aditya3098> really?
[08:51:39] <specing> MicroChip makes DIP MIPS
[08:51:52] <aditya3098> Cool
[08:51:54] <twnqx> but hell, why not put a tqfp on a breakout board for DIP
[08:52:23] <aditya3098> How difficult is it to solder a smd by hand?
[08:52:40] <twnqx> "depends"
[08:52:46] <twnqx> 0.4mm pitch is quite difficult
[08:52:49] <specing> depends on the specs of your hand and soldering iron and solder
[08:53:07] <aditya3098> So, generally not something a beginer could do
[08:53:19] <specing> you can do 0.4mm pitch
[08:53:32] <specing> making a home-made board with that....good luck
[08:53:35] <twnqx> yes, you can, it's just not beginner friendy
[08:53:40] <aditya3098> Is there an arduino-type development platform for nxp chips?
[08:53:50] <twnqx> i don't make boards. i just order them from seed and the like
[08:53:55] <twnqx> lolno
[08:54:07] <aditya3098> I can get my head around some of that c, but the library support is lost
[08:54:15] <specing> C sucks
[08:54:20] <twnqx> no idea, never used any of the libs
[08:54:28] <twnqx> C only, asm where needed for me
[08:54:48] <aditya3098> or is there some giant repository of C libraries for various devices like paralel lcds and other devices?
[08:55:10] <twnqx> those are what, 20-100 loc on average?
[08:55:20] <twnqx> why bother for a library for something you can write in half an hour
[08:56:16] <aditya3098> Really? That low? I probably will go do some reading. Even though I am new to arduinos, I already started using plain chips + oscillators + usbasp for my stuff
[08:56:19] <aditya3098> Thanks
[08:56:24] <specing> there is that massive ARM library
[08:56:30] <twnqx> he's gone...
[08:56:48] <twnqx> but what do you use if not C?
[08:56:52] <specing> Ada
[08:57:01] <twnqx> mh
[08:57:06] <Thrashbarg> Forth :P
[08:59:24] <twnqx> can you use ada without OS?
[09:01:51] <Ad0> LeoNerd: does the nrf tolerate that the avrisp also is there?
[09:06:16] <specing> twnqx: yes
[09:06:37] <specing> twnqx: you can actually do more stuff in it than in C
[09:07:27] <LeoNerd> Ad0: Sure; works fine. Since its CSN line isn't asserted it just ignores the SPI bus. As it should.
[09:07:38] <LeoNerd> This being the reason to double-up the use of the chip's SPI interface for ISP
[09:08:00] * twnqx isn't quite sure about "more than C" since there's next to nothing you can't do in C
[09:08:06] <twnqx> but i'll accept that for now
[09:09:46] <specing> twnqx: "more than C" as in less painful
[09:09:56] <specing> I really love Ada's type system
[09:10:24] <twnqx> bit it's a wirth language so ~4 times the typing :P
[09:11:22] <specing> it inflates quite a bit, yeah
[09:11:40] <specing> same as VHDL
[09:16:27] <twnqx> which is i why i use verilog :P
[09:16:35] <twnqx> but yeah, i did both pascal and modula-2
[19:59:35] * Casper knocks on rue_shop3/rue_shop4/rue_house
[19:59:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> careful....I'm sure he is booby-trapped
[20:00:27] <Casper> have an idea for a cheap material that can be used in a car environnement, that I can epoxy glue some plastic to it and would resist a decade of canadian weather?
[20:00:38] <Casper> need it to be about 1x2x3"
[20:00:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> unobtanium
[20:01:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> or impossibleenium.
[20:02:10] * rue_house knocks over Casper
[20:02:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> see..told you he was booby-trapped
[20:02:45] <rue_house> Casper, hmm, PVC?
[20:02:59] <rue_house> 3"..
[20:03:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> or polyester.
[20:03:13] <Casper> and locally sourcable, cheap, and that I could finish it this week end
[20:03:25] <rue_house> so a 3" dia peice of round pvc could be slit and flattened
[20:03:32] <rue_house> and cut to size
[20:03:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> kevlar...just steal a chunk from a cop's vest.
[20:03:47] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:03:53] <Casper> https://www.dropbox.com/s/1wv7c9e5xmef3xk/2015-04-22%2001.32.13.jpg?dl=0 <=== take that, remove the front, remove the pcb, replace by something to hold it in place and a new face somehow
[20:05:17] <Casper> so.... polyester, where do you find a block of it cheapy and locally?
[20:05:50] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:05:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would get a bottle of black toner from a xerox copier and melt it down.
[20:06:00] <rue_house> you know, black paint is a great UV shield
[20:06:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> xerox toner is just powdered polyester.
[20:06:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> sharp toner is powdered pvc
[20:06:43] <rue_house> oops
[20:06:47] <rue_house> oh I mean
[20:06:50] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:51] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:51] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:51] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:51] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:52] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:53] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:55] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:57] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:06:59] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:07:01] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:07:03] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:07:05] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:07:07] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:07:09] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1010110.jpg
[20:07:11] <rue_house> oops
[20:07:17] <Casper> wouln't it be fun if rue get klined for spamming/flooding? :D
[20:07:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> maybe he should kick himself!
[20:07:34] <rue_house> its ok I'm going easy on my today
[20:07:49] <rue_house> /my/me/
[20:09:26] <rue_house> hmm my throat feels rough, I shouldn't have eaten that last crocodile
[20:09:38] <Casper> I wonder if pvc from plumbing stuff could work... however not too cheap...
[20:09:56] * rue_house smashes his head against the desk repeatedly
[20:11:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> a piece of 6 inch pipe can be cut and flattened easily enough.
[20:11:14] * rue_house keeps smashing
[20:11:44] * rue_house mumbles soemthing about rocket sceince while banging his head on the desk
[20:11:44] <Casper> does pvc actually melt? or just burn?
[20:12:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> you can melt it.
[20:12:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> also, look at that gray plastic conduit stuff.
[20:12:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think that comes in like 4 inch diameter pieces.
[20:12:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> that definitely will deform under heat.
[20:12:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's made to do so.
[20:13:58] * Casper wonders if he still have that pcv fitting...
[20:14:22] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1070053.jpg
[20:14:22] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1070053.jpg
[20:14:29] * rue_house looks up for a second
[20:14:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> rubber band tester or spring tester?
[20:15:03] <rue_house> thats pvc
[20:15:08] <rue_house> it was round
[20:16:11] <rue_house> you put in hot noodlie pvc thats round, and it comes out square
[20:17:49] <rue_house> .... nobody gets it...
[20:18:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> it was a long day.
[20:18:15] <rue_house> signed or unsigned
[20:18:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> signed.
[20:18:30] <rue_house> thats not that long
[20:18:38] <rue_house> long long long is too long tho
[20:18:49] <rue_house> even for gcc
[20:19:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is when you have to deal with sales dweebs who can't read a fucking brochure.
[20:19:30] <rue_house> oooh! those are desk marks on your head too!
[20:19:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> nope...brick wall marks.
[20:19:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> the desk broke 3 days ago.
[20:19:57] <rue_house> ooh I mistook them for pencil impressions
[20:20:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> flippin salesman sells a copier and some remote printing software....mobile print and mobile cloud print...both do the same thing,,just different methods.
[20:20:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> mobile print runs on a server in your network.
[20:20:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> mobile cloud print runs on xerox's server and sends jobs to your print server.
[20:21:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> mobile print is a one time license.
[20:21:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> mobile cloud print is either a per print job license or per machine for a year license.
[20:21:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> this idiot sells both.
[20:21:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> to the same customer
[20:21:56] <rue_house> nothing like a computer were the user plugged in *all* the connnections
[20:22:01] <rue_house> whereever they fit
[20:22:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> because he didn't know the difference...even though he had the brochure on his desk for the software...said brochure covers BOTH products.
[20:39:32] <Casper> what about cds?
[20:39:48] <Casper> can you melt them to be liquid? or it just burn?
[20:40:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably a really tight temp range but they should melt I would think.
[20:40:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> easy to scorch though I bet.
[20:42:52] <Casper> color is not important
[20:43:07] <Casper> I guess I'll take some old dead cd and try it
[20:43:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> I might use a heat gun,,,like the paint stripper kinda heat gun.
[20:44:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> that way you can adjust temp by moving it closer or farther away.
[20:44:31] <Casper> all I have is a MAPP torch :D
[20:44:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> hmmm..might get a bit toasty.
[20:44:59] <Casper> yeah<
[20:45:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use my heat gun to desolder old circuit boards in bulk.
[20:45:09] <Casper> hmmm soda bottle?
[20:45:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> again, very narrow melting range.
[20:45:27] <Casper> I use my MAPP torch to desolder too :D
[20:45:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> but can be done.
[20:46:04] <Casper> I'll check the recycle bin and see if there is some bottle there... don't think so however
[20:46:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> a 55 gallon bag of them in my back room here.
[20:47:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've started shredding milk jugs in preparation to making a filament extruder.
[20:47:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> and they store better shredded.
[20:47:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> I take a knife and slice them open then run them through this old crosscut shredder I acquired from work and rebuilt.
[20:48:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> the motor shit itself...it's now powered by an old chainsaw motor.
[20:48:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> noisy as hell but it doesn't bog down much.
[20:49:53] <Casper> lol
[20:50:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> there's another at work I have my eyes on but it weighs about 250 pounds.
[20:50:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> might have trouble getting it in my truck.
[20:50:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> motor died on that one too and was gonna cost way too much to repair.
[20:50:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> we think it took a lightning hit.
[20:50:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> customer just bought a new one and we hauled the old one off.
[20:50:50] <Casper> o.O
[20:54:06] <Casper> bbl
[22:19:24] <rue_shop3> Lambda_Aurigae, there is a shredder sitting in my yard waiting
[22:20:03] <rue_shop3> Lambda_Aurigae, I'd like to see pics if you post them