#avr | Logs for 2015-04-16

[00:18:33] <rue_house> about 6 months if not topped up
[00:23:18] <rue_house> somewhere someone lost a *
[09:06:23] <Ad0> has anyone fooled around with nrf51822 ?
[10:03:13] <skroon> hi
[15:40:10] <Jordan_U> I feel like I'm missing something obvious. I am trying to get "Stand-alone MMC boot loader R0.01" working and as a test I'm trying to just slow down the CPU, so I've added "#include <avr/power.h>" to the top of main.c, and "clock_prescale_set(clock_div_256);" to the beginning of main. When I try to compile I'm getting "main.c:55:2: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘clock_prescale_set’" even though it should be ...
[15:40:16] <Jordan_U> ... declared in <avr/power.h>, which I have included. Here is the complete main.c: http://paste.debian.net/167183/ and here is the full output from "make" : http://paste.debian.net/167185/ .
[15:51:20] <Ad0> does anyone know of wristwatch sized LCDs
[15:59:35] <malinus> Ad0: I just saw one today at http://smart-prototyping.com
[16:02:35] <Ad0> cool malinus
[16:02:47] <Ad0> I need a display that can work well in daylight and poor lighting conditions
[16:18:42] <malinus> Ad0: add a led.
[16:43:43] <xrlk> has anyone looked at this https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/nextion-a-cost-effective-high-performance-tft-hmi
[16:43:49] <xrlk> damn it sold out for the lowest tier
[16:46:07] <learath> xrlk: ... a new cheap display controller?
[16:46:26] <xrlk> is it worth the try tho
[16:46:34] <xrlk> i'm not experienced or anything
[16:46:47] <learath> that does not look particularly revolutionary
[16:46:52] <Mr_Sheesh> Ad0 - Could use a Palm IIIx or the like as a display?
[16:46:53] <learath> there's another line that does something similar
[16:46:53] <xrlk> ok
[16:48:25] <xrlk> should I just get one of those TFT displays from aliexpress
[16:59:43] <Ad0> Mr_Sheesh: maybe
[17:00:06] <Ad0> too big for a wrist watch format though