#avr | Logs for 2015-04-14

[00:13:58] <Valen> Tom_itx: you ever get a new modem?
[09:38:50] <DusteD> Hei everybody! :) I'm having trouble understading why my ISR(WDT_vect) function is only called once after setting up watchdog with _WD_CONTROL_REG |= (1<<_WD_CHANGE_BIT) | (1<<WDE); and _WD_CONTROL_REG = (1<<WDIE);
[09:39:24] <DusteD> do i need to "clear" something in the isr to make it call it again next time ?
[09:41:20] <LeoNerd> That's a feature of the WDT, yes
[09:41:26] <LeoNerd> Every single time the interrupt fires, you have to re-arm it for next time
[09:42:03] <DusteD> ah, alright, I'm not seeing that being done, I'm looking at the Entropy arduino sketch for reference, I'll look into how to re-arm it
[09:42:59] <LeoNerd> I think you just have to set WDIE again
[09:46:58] <DusteD> LeoNerd, got it working, it seems I'm not allowed to set it from inside the isr
[09:47:27] <DusteD> I'm wondering how the entropy library for arduino has ever worked (i've also had no luck getting that one to shoot more than once)
[13:31:35] <Tekkkz_> hello, i want to use eclipse as ide for development of avr
[13:31:44] <Tekkkz_> i downloaded the plugin and everything works fine
[13:32:01] <Tekkkz_> the past time i didnt used a ide
[13:32:22] <Tekkkz_> and i want to build a project which uses LUFA
[13:33:01] <Tekkkz_> does anybody know a good google searchstring or whatever how i can configure LUFA is library so it can be build and used in other projects via linking?
[13:35:58] <Tekkkz_> anybody an idea or is this question better to ask at the eclipse irc channel? - i dont know
[13:36:24] <LeoNerd> The general silence suggests probably most people in here don't use Eclipse, or at least, with AVR code. I personally don't.
[13:38:19] <Tom_itx> i tried it once and dumped it right away because it kept locking up the pc
[13:39:20] <Tom_itx> i never really saw the need for it, just wanted to try it
[13:40:12] <Tekkkz_> what should i use then?
[13:40:20] <Tom_itx> a text editor
[13:40:25] <Tom_itx> pn
[13:53:09] <malinus> Tekkkz_: emacs or vim.
[13:53:26] <Tekkkz_> i used vim, but now want a ide
[13:53:49] <malinus> no, no you don't. Give it another month :)
[13:54:04] <malinus> :P
[14:05:05] <Tekkkz_> nah
[14:05:06] <Tekkkz_> i want
[14:05:10] <Tekkkz_> im done with vim
[14:05:13] <Tekkkz_> too shitty
[14:08:09] <malinus> 2no
[14:08:16] <malinus> Tekkkz_: it's just you :))
[14:08:33] <Tekkkz_> its just me?? what do you mean?
[14:16:55] <Tom_itx> Tekkkz_, you don't need to pm me any more.
[14:17:05] <Tom_itx> if you need help the channel will help
[14:17:24] <Tekkkz_> [20:24] <Tekkkz_> i got it so much working like here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29614838/eclipse-avr-include-extern-project-library [20:24] <Tekkkz_> you know why the error is there? i know: i didnt linked it, and if i , look this error: [20:44] <Tekkkz_> so [20:44] <Tekkkz_> this error: [20:44] <Tekkkz_> http://pastie.org/10092438 [20:44] <Tekkkz_> what does it mean, why is it raised
[14:17:39] <aczid> CLion is an ide that seemingly supports Vim
[14:17:49] <aczid> haven't tried it myself but a coleague of mine is using it
[14:18:06] <aczid> he's an avid vim user
[14:19:14] <Tekkkz_> ahahaha: Free 30-day trial for Linux => sorry, nope ;)
[14:19:15] <aczid> atom.io also supports Vim movements
[14:19:40] <aczid> yeah the licensing is a bit odd... :/
[14:19:50] <aczid> you can make Vim do a lot of IDE-like features on its own anyway
[14:20:46] <Tekkkz_> but i want to use eclipse
[14:20:49] <Tekkkz_> :/
[14:21:49] <aczid> your loss
[14:22:03] <aczid> it's up to you of course
[14:22:10] <Tekkkz_> okay
[14:22:16] <Tekkkz_> atom.io downloaded, eclipse removed
[14:22:30] <aczid> yeah that one looked interesting
[14:22:53] <aczid> haven't tried it myself yet either
[20:24:00] <m4t> i got a strange i2c issue related to clock stretching
[20:24:52] <m4t> i'm using this library https://github.com/niclashoyer/usitwi slightly modified to wrap in slave.c "USI_SLAVE_GET_DATA_AND_SEND_ACK:" with STRETCH_CLOCK(); RELEASE_CLOCK();
[20:25:12] <m4t> i can stretch the clock for an arbitrary amount of time, and when my master addresses the slave to read a byte, the first byte is clocked out fine
[20:25:19] <m4t> SDA stays high throughout the whole second byte.
[20:25:34] <m4t> like it only thinks there's one byte to send.
[20:26:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://sites.google.com/site/geekattempts/home-1/drive-an-old-laptop-display-from-an-avr LVDS with AVR
[20:41:34] <m4t> heh nevermind my i2c_read function didn't send an ack bit :-)