#avr | Logs for 2015-04-08

[02:48:55] <DO9XE> Guys? i need your help :/ I got some lufa code, which worked fine on the mega32u2. now i got another prototype with the mega32u4 and I added some TWI code. Now it crys about undefined refferences for twi, but NOT for twi_init, but only for twi_starttransmission and sendbyte :P any suggestions?
[03:47:19] <Ad0> DO9XE: is lufa if you want to make some kind of an USB device?
[03:53:09] <LeoNerd> Yup
[03:54:57] <DO9XE> solved it. you need to add something to the makefile :p
[03:55:16] <DO9XE> didn't have to do that for spi :P
[04:11:53] <Ad0> DO9XE: was suspecting the makefile
[11:54:13] <oal> Is it possible to use printf and read stdout using the simulator in Atmel Studio?
[11:54:43] <LeoNerd> Presumably if you printf to the UART and watch that?
[11:57:14] <oal> We haven't covered UART yet (university course), but I'll look into that. I'm so used to printing to the terminal for debugging etc in other languages
[12:08:10] <theBear> uart is just a thing that handles serial stuff for you.... tell it a speed and maybe some stuff like start/stop/parity bits and # of data bits, then jam data into it, read data out of it, it handles all the serial timing and tricky bits