#avr | Logs for 2015-03-30

[00:06:18] <hypermagic> Flipp_, yes... if it does not autozero itself at power-on it may have small amount of offset and it will probably drift with temperature
[00:06:30] <hypermagic> hello my friends
[03:15:42] <skroon> is it possible in gdb to "ignore a certain ISR" when using step or next?
[03:17:42] <malinus> skroon: there is "until" iirc, then you can just "next" :)?
[03:19:27] <malinus> skroon: this was a somehow interesting question (even though I never had to do it before). This seems to be the answer - https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Skipping-Over-Functions-and-Files.html
[03:26:12] <tecdroid> hi
[03:33:35] <skroon> malinus: cool thanks,
[03:34:16] <malinus> np. I've learned something new too :)
[03:36:19] <skroon> everyday the same here :)
[03:36:21] <skroon> which si good
[03:45:56] <tecdroid> help! ^^ i have an xmega128a1 board which comes with ability for bootloading but without bootloader which can be downloaded from product home page. According to the manual, AVRStudio should work fine to upload it. Sadly, i don't have it (linux) and avrdude doesn't upload..
[03:46:53] <tecdroid> if i try to upload the .hex to flash, i got a content mismatch, when writing to boot, it says out of bounds error..
[08:38:51] <Tekkkz> Hey Guys, Hey LeoNerd: i dont get it
[08:38:57] <LeoNerd> Hi
[08:38:59] <LeoNerd> Still busy :PO
[08:39:12] <Tekkkz> I have not enought skill to get a serial communication via usb
[08:39:29] <LeoNerd> Have you looked at any of the tutorials or anything?
[08:39:41] <LeoNerd> Seriously, find a page that says "Do X. Do Y. Do Z". Do those things. In order.
[08:40:13] <Tekkkz> hm, maybe you know someone who wold make an easy and verry basic/simple example of the lufa cdc where just a value sends and receives? LeoNerd: yes i tryed but didnt worked
[08:41:22] <LeoNerd> Right. Well, that's already something to work on then
[08:41:38] <LeoNerd> Show me which one you were following, explain where you got up to and how it didn't work
[08:41:42] <LeoNerd> That's a good starting point for me to assist
[08:42:48] <Tekkkz> i didnt found a tutorial, but i was looking at the example code for VirtualSerial device (cdc) directly provided by lufa, but i even didnt got it compiled
[08:43:03] <LeoNerd> Ah.
[08:43:24] <Tekkkz> maybe you can find a tutorial
[08:43:32] <Tekkkz> i was searching several strings at google
[08:43:35] <LeoNerd> Well, if the standard example fails to compile surely that's an issue for upstream anyway..?
[08:43:36] <Tekkkz> didnt found anything
[08:43:42] <Tekkkz> nah
[08:43:49] <Tekkkz> its for usb.... not m32u4
[08:43:56] <Tekkkz> so its ok when there are some errors
[08:44:14] <twnqx> if you fix it for mXXuY
[08:44:18] <twnqx> give me the patch
[08:44:21] <twnqx> too lazy to do it myself
[08:44:56] <Tekkkz> okay
[08:45:03] <Tekkkz> but i dont think that i will fix it
[08:45:08] <twnqx> :(
[08:45:19] <Tekkkz> then i can start writing the own firmware direcctly instead of cloning their for m32u4
[08:45:24] <twnqx> speaking of that
[08:45:38] <twnqx> where are my esp wlan chips actually...
[08:45:59] <Tekkkz> ??
[08:46:09] <twnqx> that's what i wanted it for :P
[08:46:55] <Tekkkz> ah okay
[08:47:08] <Tekkkz> i need usb communication for my own 3d printer
[08:49:07] <Tekkkz> ok, @all: Who wants to write a basic and simple firmware for m32u4 where it communicates via usb with pc, e.g. sending data like 0xff and receiving some values? If everybody is too "lazy" for it: i'll give you 5€ for this work :D
[08:49:58] <twnqx> the problem is
[08:50:08] <twnqx> that you need to write a driver for your OS then
[08:50:25] <LeoNerd> Since it will take me more than *counts* 4 minutes to do that, that isn't worth the pay :P
[08:51:03] <Tekkkz> hm
[08:51:23] <Tekkkz> own driver? nah, the vusb works with libusb verry well, so with python serial lib too
[08:51:32] <Tekkkz> LeoNerd: how much $$$ you wanna have?
[08:51:43] <twnqx> he said 75 per hour :P
[08:51:57] <LeoNerd> I usually work in GBP, but that sounds about right as an exchange rate.
[08:52:10] <twnqx> you're cheap :P
[08:52:15] <Tekkkz> 75? ill give you 5, comeone
[08:53:32] <Tekkkz> *comeon
[08:54:21] <hypermagic> ;>
[08:54:29] <Tekkkz> hypermagic: interested?
[08:54:40] <hypermagic> give him 2kg bacon
[08:54:51] <twnqx> he's british
[08:54:56] <LeoNerd> Honestly, I'm sure if you spent as much effort actually trying to work on this, as you do trying to get me to do your work for you, you'd have solved it by now
[08:55:01] <twnqx> would need blood sausage
[08:55:04] <LeoNerd> Hah
[08:55:46] <Tekkkz> LeoNerd: nope. I dot know how and there is no tutorial, im not an expert so i cant get it by my own
[08:55:46] <hypermagic> Tekkkz, im not really into drivers, especially for win*
[08:55:54] <Tekkkz> hypermagic: nono, no drivers
[08:56:08] <twnqx> yeah, i have the same prob. you need more basic usb knowledge than i have :D
[08:56:11] <Tekkkz> just a firmware for serial usb comminuaciton for m32u4
[08:56:31] <hypermagic> just grab the atmel example, or vusb
[08:56:40] <Tekkkz> but, if i should be honest, actually im not interested at learning usb, i jsut want to have a communication
[08:56:52] <hypermagic> oh the u part has builtin usb i think
[08:56:52] <Tekkkz> vusb: i want ot use the hardware usb
[08:57:02] <Tekkkz> atmel's example? where? which?
[08:57:04] <LeoNerd> That's a LUFA thing
[08:57:05] <LeoNerd> Really
[08:57:19] <Tekkkz> There are no lfua tutorials
[08:57:23] <LeoNerd> Seriously. Grab LUFA source. Find their standard "CDC echo" or whatever example. Build it
[08:57:35] <Tekkkz> i cant build it for m32u4, i said it already
[08:57:40] <LeoNerd> http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/lufa-cdc-virtual-serial-example
[08:57:41] <hypermagic> Tekkkz, using the builtin usb is no challenge
[08:57:45] <LeoNerd> ^-- 5 seconds of google
[08:57:50] <Tekkkz> LeoNerd: dont work
[08:57:58] <Tekkkz> /dont explain well
[08:58:03] <Tekkkz> hypermagic: is isnt?
[08:58:12] <twnqx> LeoNerd: that's exactly what we were talking about that needs adapation for the megaU
[08:58:41] <LeoNerd> Read down to the last comment. The example is wrong.
[09:02:40] <malinus> RTFM :P
[09:04:48] <Tekkkz> i have no plan man .. im at the barber now, byebye
[09:06:05] <malinus> maybe try "man plan"
[09:06:07] <malinus> :D
[09:06:15] <LeoNerd> no plan, no forward
[09:06:18] <malinus> *badum tchi*
[09:57:21] <Tekkkz> im back
[10:21:46] <Tekkkz> LeoNerd, malinus, twnqx, hypermagic: anyone knows a good tutorial for m32U4 serial communication via usb?
[10:24:39] <LeoNerd> Not since the last time you asked; a mere few hours ago.
[10:25:24] <Tekkkz> but you found one at this time? i didnt noticed everything in our conversation cause i was preparing for the abrber
[10:25:37] <malinus> Tekkkz: read the lufa demo
[10:25:42] <malinus> *doc
[10:25:43] <Tekkkz> i did already
[10:25:45] <Tekkkz> doc
[10:25:52] <malinus> try the demo
[10:25:54] <Tekkkz> there is a doc? where, couldnt find yet
[10:25:59] <malinus> ...
[10:26:02] <Tekkkz> w8
[10:26:09] <Tekkkz> ahh
[10:26:11] <Tekkkz> doxygen
[10:26:13] <Tekkkz> yaya
[10:26:40] <malinus> 1) read the doc about the virtual serial 2) play around with the virtual serial example
[10:26:53] <malinus> There really isn't much to it, so there is no tutorial.
[10:27:06] <Tekkkz> okay
[10:27:42] <LeoNerd> I suggest just implementing a trivial echo-reply thing at first
[10:27:51] <LeoNerd> A serial device that just outputs back anything you send into it
[10:27:51] <Tekkkz> yeah
[10:27:56] <Tekkkz> no implement
[10:27:58] <Tekkkz> standalone first
[10:27:59] <LeoNerd> Pretty easy to test that one.
[10:28:14] <malinus> You have all the functions ready for you.
[10:28:22] <Tekkkz> so it is at linux then an acm device and i can access it via screen right?
[10:28:37] <malinus> I suggest using picocom
[10:28:40] <malinus> justWerks
[10:28:41] <LeoNerd> I use socat myself
[10:28:56] <LeoNerd> But there's many ways to attack that one. I dislike screen doing it
[10:29:14] <malinus> yeah, it requires some setup too iirc
[10:30:21] <LeoNerd> My main annoyance with screen is that it fiddles too much.. it tries to re-interpret keys, escape sequences, altscreen, etc...
[10:30:31] <LeoNerd> socat is really tiny and minimal; it just connects two bytestreams, basically
[10:30:37] <Tekkkz> ill use socat then, but first im making the firmware - give me some time
[10:32:27] <malinus> LeoNerd: won't it require any setup (with something like stty)?
[10:34:18] <Tekkkz> one question: at the makefile, i have the adafruit board, waht should i set BOARD to?
[10:35:49] <LeoNerd> malinus: That's part of the commandline args
[10:39:12] <Tekkkz> hm what a board must i use?
[10:41:50] <Tekkkz> ahh, ADAFRUIT32U4
[11:25:16] <hypermagic> some interesting info about GPS :) http://gpsinformation.net/main/gpslock.htm
[11:25:34] <hypermagic> here is how quartz clock works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz_clock here is the schematic of a quartz oscillator: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierce_oscillator
[11:25:48] <hypermagic> The Accuracy and Stability of Quartz Watches - Time and Frequency http://tf.nist.gov/general/pdf/2276.pdf
[11:57:27] <Tekkkz> is m32u4 avr8?
[11:58:56] <gjm> yes
[11:59:19] <gjm> "The low-power Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller featuring 32KB self-programming flash program memory, 2.5KB SRAM, 1KB EEPROM…"
[11:59:34] <Tekkkz> ahh it means tahts its 6bit
[11:59:37] <Tekkkz> *8
[12:00:55] <specing> thats a weird amount of sram
[12:01:25] <LeoNerd> On the 32U4? Yah..
[12:01:40] <LeoNerd> Most notably not a power of 2
[12:02:08] <LeoNerd> Maybe Atmel put 2Ki on it and found it wasn't quiiiiite enough to fit all that fancy USB stuff, and someone said "Oh, just put a littlebit more on"
[12:02:37] <specing> or you know... you could just take a cortex-m and have more flash, more ram, more peripherals and it would be cheaper
[12:02:56] <LeoNerd> Aw but nowhere near as pretty, IMHO
[12:03:05] <LeoNerd> Though I'll accept that aesthetics are subjective ;)
[12:03:08] <LeoNerd> .oO( and hard to spell )
[12:03:08] <specing> same package
[12:03:19] <LeoNerd> I meant logically... CPU-architecture
[12:41:34] <hypermagic> well, it works hahaha http://www.instructables.com/id/Binary-Marble-Clock/step4/The-CPU-Crystal/
[15:47:11] <Tekkkz> Hi
[15:47:28] <Tekkkz> I got the usb working!! LeoNerd and others
[15:48:27] <LeoNerd> :)
[15:49:29] <Tekkkz> It was pretty easy
[15:49:52] <Tekkkz> im doing a clear src for it tomorrow so you can have a look at it if you want
[15:50:01] <Tekkkz> maybe it interests you
[15:51:27] <ColdKeyboard> Anyone had an issue with SIM900 GSM/GPRS module where at the boot it sends decimal 49 49 49 49 and after that NET LED blinks to notify that it has connected to network but I don't get RDY from the module or response to (any) AT command? :\
[18:19:49] <uskerine> hi, do printf/puts buffer in gcc-AVR?
[18:20:18] <uskerine> I have noticed that if writting several printf's a delay routine must be inserted between printfs, otherwise some characters are lost
[18:29:26] <malinus> what is your stdout?
[18:39:40] <uskerine> HW UART
[18:42:44] <malinus> uskerine: maybe it's just how you handle the stream? Try making a simple function that just loops over a char string?
[18:46:01] <uskerine> a loop with putchar works fine
[18:46:17] <uskerine> but then I try printf and it is easy to get some characters missing if I loop printfs
[18:46:33] <uskerine> I am using: FILE uart_output = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);
[19:09:19] <Casper> uskerine: your serial lib must have a bug, or instead of waiting before adding more data to the buffer it discard some data (which I consider that a bug and not a feature)
[19:39:42] <uskerine> Casper I am following this
[19:39:42] <uskerine> http://www.appelsiini.net/2011/simple-usart-with-avr-libc
[19:40:50] <uskerine> btw, any recommended library for Nokia5110 in C? I have download one in C++ but I do not use C++ so I am wondering if there could be something in plain C
[19:41:23] <Casper> last time I used peter fleury's uart lib
[19:42:59] <uskerine> Casper did you use printf?
[19:43:44] <malinus> uskerine: adafruit got a library in C for that display iirc
[19:43:45] <Casper> with it yes
[19:43:59] <malinus> (but ardubio)
[19:44:16] <Casper> and it halt the code until the last printf fit in the buffer
[19:44:32] <uskerine> I'll keep the link Casper
[19:45:00] <uskerine> thanks
[19:46:48] <uskerine> malinus can that library -which I am trying to locate- be used in gcc? (atmel studio)
[19:47:13] <uskerine> I found that, it is cpp too
[19:54:33] <malinus> oh okay sorry
[19:55:00] <malinus> but yeah, it's avr-gcc but probably with a shitone dependencies on arduino stuff
[19:58:41] <uskerine> I don't know cpp but seems easy to port to plain c
[19:58:58] <uskerine> I have been wondering if it might be worth to learn c++ and use with AVR, but I found that's a hot and recurrent topic (http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/once-again-c-and-bloated-code?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=80632)