#avr | Logs for 2015-03-21

[00:04:20] <Xark> Tom_itx: Bummer. Windows is a pain to debug (opaque).
[00:04:51] <Xark> Tom_itx: BTW, cores won't help AS6 much. Perhaps an SSD. :)
[00:05:04] <Xark> ...perhaps
[00:09:03] <Casper> Xark: a pain to debug you say?
[00:09:12] <Casper> I have a pxe boot setup at work
[00:09:29] <Casper> it work on MOST computer, but on some it just refuse to work
[00:09:56] <Casper> with an unknown error 0x0000007d or alike
[00:10:02] <Casper> still trying to figure it out
[00:10:40] <Casper> and to make things even more entertaining, the 32 bits may not work, but the 64 bits may work
[00:10:45] <Xark> Heh, totally. We have a system that gets random TCP connection fails on source control. We *think* it is Skype related (but uninstalling doesn't fix). Only happens with fast (1GbEn) connection...
[00:11:18] <Casper> Xark: I guess you eliminated the ethernet and cable as a possibility?
[00:13:12] <Xark> Casper: Oh yeah, we set up fresh PCs (and only after Skype install it crapped out - but as I mention uninstall won't fix it). We suspect crappy "network hook" that can't always keep up with really fast connection.
[00:13:29] <Casper> possible...
[00:13:38] <Casper> skype was already a shitty product
[00:13:49] <Casper> and now that microsoft bought it... it went even worst
[00:13:57] <Xark> (We have a biz need for Skype or we would ditch it). As is we are just "isolating" it to a few notebooks. :)
[00:16:11] <Casper> I have an issue at work, where the spooler crash if I use the hp tcp/ip port
[00:16:27] <Casper> and the standard tcp/ip make the printing program freeze for like 15 seconds
[00:16:53] <Casper> and of course, that printer refuse to work on linux somehow...
[00:17:00] <Casper> else I'ld have used that workaround
[00:17:47] <Casper> the cartridge is still 80% full... once it's gone we're probably replacing that printer...
[00:17:59] <Casper> unless they give windows 10 drivers (lol?)
[00:20:39] * Casper wonders if there is some boot option for winpe3 to make it more verbose
[06:59:42] <Tekkkz> Lambda_Aurigae, RattusRattus, Anyone: can you help me with my problem: my code is sth wrong to generate a square wave with atmega32u4; src.zip: http://forums.adafruit.com/download/file.php?id=23990 => more detailed explanation:http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=70454&p=358180
[07:05:39] <Tekkkz> can someone help me please?
[07:10:42] <uskerine> what is a static function and why do I have one here? http://pastebin.com/dZKfeLi5
[07:14:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> static function definitions will mark this symbol as internal. So it will not be visible for linking from outside, but only to functions in the same compilation unit, usually the same file.
[07:14:58] <uskerine> why is static needed for initSoftwareUart() ?
[07:15:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> kinda like private functions in C++ classes but instead of being inside a class it is inside a file
[07:15:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> no clue.
[07:15:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> take it out and see if it still works.
[07:15:34] <Tekkkz> Lambda_Aurigae: are you not tired today and can help me pls?
[07:15:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tekkkz, I have no clue why your software doesn't work...sorry.
[07:16:00] <Tekkkz> okay
[07:16:03] <Tekkkz> so let me explain
[07:16:55] <Tekkkz> i want to generate a square wave with the timer0 in ctc mode of my atmega32u4, you undersatnd?
[07:17:41] <uskerine> Lambda_Aurigae might it be because it sets up a state machine variable "STATE" -which obviously needs to be static- ?
[07:17:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> I understand. I do not know why your code does not work..someone else might be able to figure it out.
[07:18:05] <Tekkkz> ahh so you have no clue what i did wrong?
[07:18:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> uskerine, usually that is setup as a static variable I tould think which is different.
[07:18:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tekkkz, that is what I just said twice.
[07:19:06] <Tekkkz> hmpf
[07:33:37] <uskerine> Does the HW USART of the ATmega328 (I guess it is the same for all AVR) uses any of the internal timer/counters?
[07:34:56] <uskerine> -as far as I read in the datasheet it does not, but I am used to the 8051 where UART uses one of the internal timers-
[07:43:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> hw usart on avr does not rely on timers...just on the main clock.
[07:48:58] <jacekowski> divided main clock
[08:31:06] <Tekkkz> DO9XE: hi, kannst du mir bei timern helfen?
[08:31:25] <DO9XE> begrenzt :D
[08:31:51] <Tekkkz> hm, kannste mal pls mein projekt saugen: http://forums.adafruit.com/download/file.php?id=23990
[08:32:15] <DO9XE> was ist denn genau das problem?
[08:32:39] <Tekkkz> laut meinem code müsste alles richtig sein timer0 beim atmega32u4 in ctc zu nutzen
[08:33:00] <Tekkkz> aber: es ensteht weder ein square-wave noch die errechnete frequ
[08:33:23] <Tekkkz> er hat immer, egal welcher OCR0A (vergleichswert) 500hz und eine quadratisch abfallenden ende
[08:35:41] <Tekkkz> und
[08:35:49] <Tekkkz> ich vermute dass iwas an makefile falsch ist
[08:35:51] <DO9XE> puhh, das ist mehr als ich von Timern verstehe :/ hatte bisher nicht so mit denen zu tun :D
[08:35:54] <Tekkkz> kannst du evtl mal chekcen?
[08:36:06] <DO9XE> makefiles nehem ich auch immer nur fertige :D
[08:36:21] <Tekkkz> hm ok, das ist doof dass du net helfen kannst ;(
[08:36:39] <DO9XE> ich nehme für signalgenerierung meistens nen DDS ;)
[08:36:45] <Tekkkz> dds?
[08:36:56] <DO9XE> Direkte digitale synthese
[08:37:08] <Tekkkz> hm was das?
[08:37:23] <DO9XE> du gibst z.b. nen 28 bit datenwort rein und am ende ist nen sinus, warte hab dazu nen artikel .)
[08:37:46] <DO9XE> http://lueth-labs.de/projekte/AD9833-DDS.pdf
[08:39:39] <Tekkkz> ahh ok, bin jz mal kurz weg, ich gucks mir später mal genauer an, aber das ist ne gute idee für ne wave nen extra dafür vorgesehenen chip zu nehmen
[08:39:45] <Tekkkz> naja, bis später
[08:48:07] <LeoNerd> I have a random question, although maybe people won't know the answer
[08:49:06] <LeoNerd> I'm looking at the 32U4 pinout currently.. I see it has only 2 pins on PORTE (PE2, PE6) and only two pins on port PORTC (PC6, PC7). Why would Atmel do that, rather than calling all four pins PORTC, and doing away with PORTE entirely?
[08:49:12] <LeoNerd> I don't get why they're grouped up so strangely
[08:49:44] <Tekkkz> hi
[08:49:50] <Tekkkz> you know how to use the m32u4?
[08:49:52] <Tekkkz> nice
[08:49:54] <Tekkkz> can you help me
[08:50:17] <Tekkkz> http://forums.adafruit.com/download/file.php?id=23990 <= its my code, pls get it
[08:50:23] <Tekkkz> my main.c is correct for:
[08:50:25] <LeoNerd> I wouldn't say I know it any more than anything else; I've not bought one yet ;)
[08:50:31] <Tekkkz> timer0 in ctc
[08:50:37] <Tekkkz> but::
[08:51:18] <Tekkkz> at the toggle of the pin is not the calculated frequency, therie is everytime 500hz and not a clear square wave, if i change the compare value(ocr0a) still 500hz
[08:51:28] <Tekkkz> i think sth is wrong with my makefile, can you chekc please?
[08:51:34] <uskerine> thanks Lambda_Aurigae
[08:55:51] <Tekkkz> LeoNerd: are you already checking it?
[09:01:19] <LeoNerd> Hm, I haven't looked, no
[09:01:22] <malinus> Tekkkz: post the code up somewhere so I don't have to download it
[09:01:30] <malinus> the *complete* code
[09:01:41] <Tekkkz> okay
[09:02:54] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/h0w
[09:02:56] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/h0x
[09:02:58] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/h0y
[09:03:00] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/h0z
[09:03:15] <Tekkkz> board.h; iocomfort.h ; main.c ; Makefile
[09:04:30] <Laurenceb_> hi, anyone familiar with afroesc firmware here?
[09:04:49] <Tekkkz> uhh, ehh, at main.c i dont have the code in the while loop anymore and the TOGGLE in ISR is un-commended
[09:06:06] <Tekkkz> shuold i update the file?
[09:08:52] <Laurenceb_> http://pastebin.com/3Jd789jR
[09:09:43] <Laurenceb_> im especially confused by line 2884
[09:09:52] <Laurenceb_> its turning off its own I2C ?
[09:11:32] <Tekkkz> LOL!!!
[09:11:36] <Tekkkz> malinus:
[09:11:43] <Tekkkz> stop stop stop checking it
[09:11:45] <specing> who writes 3k lines of assembly?
[09:11:46] <Tekkkz> i found sth out
[09:11:51] <specing> wtf
[09:11:58] <malinus> Oh okay, great
[09:12:07] <Tekkkz> nono, not the solution, but a core problem
[09:12:21] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/h0A -> i just put on the led, right?
[09:13:15] <Laurenceb_> specing: Simon-- and dongs
[09:13:19] <Laurenceb_> they are crazy
[09:14:55] <Tekkkz> malinus: but: with this code, the led turns on, its grate
[09:14:58] <Tekkkz> *great
[09:15:18] <malinus> nice
[09:15:22] <Tekkkz> but when i uncommend the ISR (not the code inside it, just the ISR as it is, then it dont works
[09:15:28] <Tekkkz> so => makefile problem?
[09:16:23] <malinus> when it's commentet, it keeps resetting
[09:16:29] <malinus> hence the led keep being on
[09:16:46] <Tekkkz> sorry i dont understand what you siad
[09:16:47] <malinus> Because it doesn't have a valid address to the ISR
[09:16:48] <Tekkkz> *said
[09:17:12] <Tekkkz> so the isr is wrong spelled?
[09:17:25] <uskerine> is there any recommended variable naming convention while coding C for AVR? -same for functions-
[09:18:14] <malinus> Tekkkz: if you have an interrupt on, but don't set a valid address to the ISR routine, the mcu will restart.
[09:18:28] <Tekkkz> so i need to do sth at the interrupt?
[09:18:35] <malinus> sth?
[09:18:40] <specing> uskerine: don't code in C :)
[09:18:42] <Tekkkz> something
[09:18:53] <Tekkkz> specing: in asm ? haha
[09:18:59] <specing> Tekkkz: In Ada
[09:19:11] <Tekkkz> ada? hm ill check it out
[09:19:30] <malinus> Tekkkz: no, the interrupt can be empty. Or you can use the avr-gcc defines, I think it goes something like EMPTY_ISR(isr_vector_name)
[09:19:45] <malinus> look it up in the docs
[09:19:51] <Tekkkz> okay let me check sth
[09:20:02] <specing> Ada is used for writing firmware for safety-critical systems (satellites (e.g. ESA rosseta spacecraft, avionics (boeing), medical stuff, ...)
[09:20:32] <Tekkkz> ahh okay, whats so good at ada to write those things in it?
[09:20:39] <Tekkkz> malinus: aha
[09:20:45] <Tekkkz> i found sth out again
[09:21:08] <Tekkkz> you see that i commended out the init_timer() at my main() function
[09:21:15] <vsync_> python in used for writing firmware for life-critical systems
[09:21:23] <uskerine> the soviet's russian space shuttle had software written in PROLOG
[09:21:42] <malinus> ATM machines run on embedded windows
[09:21:45] <vsync_> and also ruby-on-rails
[09:21:47] <malinus> (xp)
[09:22:07] <Tekkkz> malinus: i dis-commendd it now, so i init_timer in main, okay?
[09:22:14] <Tekkkz> but isr still commended
[09:22:18] <Tekkkz> and it works, ofc
[09:22:31] <malinus> like I've said, I don't think it works
[09:22:35] <Tekkkz> but if i uncommend the isr too, it dont works => sth with isr is not right
[09:22:42] <Tekkkz> wait
[09:22:50] <malinus> your mcu is in a deadlock
[09:23:01] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/h0D > works!
[09:23:26] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/h0E > doesnt work
[09:23:45] <Tekkkz> and my mcu is ok, i tested a hex file what is using timers > worked
[09:23:52] <Tekkkz> so sth at my makefile is wrong i think
[09:24:03] <Tekkkz> maybe i used a wrong argument at avr-gcc
[09:25:21] <malinus> "OCR0A = 0x26;", why would anyone ever do that :|
[09:25:39] <Tekkkz> ??
[09:26:22] <Tekkkz> whats wrong?
[09:27:08] <Tekkkz> malinus: isnt it how to use ctc mode?
[09:27:29] <vsync_> pray, do tell malinus
[09:27:50] <vsync_> malinus: furious googling?
[09:28:32] <Tekkkz> vsync_: what does pray mean?
[09:28:37] <malinus> vsync_: what
[09:28:52] <vsync_> answer... Tekkkz you don't need to know
[09:29:23] <Tekkkz> hm ok
[09:29:26] <malinus> vsync_: you being cheeky cunt m8?
[09:30:52] <vsync_> actually, you are
[09:31:14] <vsync_> still unable to answer it kind of proves it
[09:31:21] <vsync_> i have to run now, toodles both of you
[09:33:09] <malinus> Tekkkz: 1) use the avr-gcc defines, and bit manipulation, when changing registers. I.e. "TCCR0B = _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00);" instead of "OCR0A = 0x26;". 2) What happens when "it works", and when it "doesn't work"?
[09:34:09] <Tekkkz> malinus: what avr-gcc defines?? and wtf do you mean with "TCCR0B = _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00);" instead of "OCR0A = 0x26;"; they are both different registers; when it works my led lights up, when not, nothing
[09:41:31] <Tekkkz> with every isr it doesnt works
[09:41:39] <Tekkkz> so why cant i use the ISR function?
[09:42:48] <malinus> Don't use magic numbers - use bit manipulation, is what I meant.
[09:43:01] <malinus> And the defined bit-names
[09:43:53] <Tekkkz> magic numbers? what do you mean?
[09:44:13] <malinus> 0x26
[09:44:25] <Tekkkz> man
[09:44:26] <malinus> oh nvm
[09:44:28] <Tekkkz> its in
[09:44:31] <Tekkkz> OCR0A
[09:44:35] <Tekkkz> there must be a number
[09:44:38] <Tekkkz> no bits
[09:44:41] <Tekkkz> its the compare value
[09:44:43] <Tekkkz> ;)
[09:44:44] <malinus> yeah, true, my bad.
[09:44:49] <Tekkkz> haha no problem :D
[09:46:28] <malinus> Tekkkz: I'm not sure why the second link doesn't work. But I'm pretty sure that the first link doesn't actually work. When you comment out the ISR, routine, but still enable the interrupt (TIMSK0 = _BV(OCIE0A)), the mcu will restart every time the ctc fires. Hence the led will stay on for ever.
[09:46:45] <Tekkkz> okay, i found sth out, but im eating a cake, when im back we work on it again, ca 10 minutes away now
[09:47:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> something about the sith?
[09:47:34] <LeoNerd> So.. Hrm. Opinions online slightly differ: Does the 32U4 still have normal SPI-based ISP? I.e. can I just stick a 6pin adapter on it and burn programs?
[09:47:51] <LeoNerd> It doesn't mention SPI as such in the data sheet, but it sounds similar enough
[09:47:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> LeoNerd, check the datasheet.
[09:48:31] <malinus> LeoNerd: how else would you program it? - of course isp works :)
[09:49:06] <malinus> don't answer it with one of the other methods of programming avr's please :P
[09:49:14] <LeoNerd> PDI, JTAG?
[09:49:18] <malinus> damn you
[09:49:19] <LeoNerd> It defintely has JTAG
[09:49:20] <malinus> haha
[09:49:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> section 28.8, page 343....serial programming pin mapping
[09:49:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> although, it does appear to be pdi
[09:49:45] <LeoNerd> Yes, it calls that "serial", and PDI
[09:49:46] <LeoNerd> Not SPI
[09:50:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> so it is PDI, not SPI
[09:50:23] <LeoNerd> Is that a different thing?
[09:50:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is.
[09:51:29] <malinus> if you have avrisp, it should be able to do both.
[09:51:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> or one of Tom_itx's programmers
[09:52:06] <LeoNerd> Oh... It is SPI really
[09:52:09] <LeoNerd> It's not PDI
[09:52:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> PDI is what is used on the xmega chips
[09:52:21] <LeoNerd> It still has data in / data out / clock
[09:52:32] <LeoNerd> They just call it something not-quite-SPI because it does'nt use the device's actual SPI port
[09:52:39] <LeoNerd> like most of the ATmegas
[09:52:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah....I'm seeing that...it does look similar.
[09:52:55] <malinus> oh
[09:53:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> head is pounding too much for me to do a full comparison.
[09:53:07] <LeoNerd> huh.. wait... it *does* use the SPI pins
[09:53:08] <LeoNerd> Mah
[09:53:25] <LeoNerd> OK new question: I really don't care what it is; can I burn it with my USBASP?
[09:53:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> no clue...I don't have that chip and don't use usbasp.
[09:54:30] <LeoNerd> Mmm... various breakout boards seem to still have the ISP6 header on
[09:54:32] <LeoNerd> So that suggests so
[09:55:23] <LeoNerd> Ugh.. :/ Why is it that a generic 32U4 breakout board costs /more/ than an Arduino Pro Micro, and yet does less things?
[09:55:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm betting that is regular spi-like ISP on that chip.
[09:55:55] <LeoNerd> Yah
[09:55:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> as PDI just uses Data and Clock.
[09:55:59] <LeoNerd> It sounds so
[09:56:03] <LeoNerd> http://www.ladyada.net/products/atmega32u4breakout/
[09:56:30] <malinus> LeoNerd: you can get a arduino pro micro forunder $10?
[09:56:33] <LeoNerd> Claims to have: " …reprogramming ISP header so we could program the board directly without the bootloader
[09:57:14] <LeoNerd> malinus: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00RWSIU6Y GBP6 == USD8.97
[09:57:36] <LeoNerd> But it has stupid Arduino pin numbering, and LEDs, and all that crap
[09:57:45] <Tekkkz> LeoNerd: m32u4 spi _> yes
[09:57:56] <LeoNerd> They waste two of the GPIO pins on the TX/RX LEDs
[09:58:06] <Tekkkz> http://www.ladyada.net/products/atmega32u4breakout/ i have this
[09:58:08] <malinus> who cares what bootloader it has. Or what they call the pins :P
[09:58:20] <LeoNerd> Tekkkz: any good?
[09:58:38] <LeoNerd> malinus: I don't mind the bootloader. I mind that the pins have stupid naming so I always have to cross-reference to work out things in the data sheet
[09:58:45] <LeoNerd> And sometimes I get those wrong, because some of the labelling is wrong. :(
[09:58:47] <Tekkkz> hm yes its okay, necessary pins are avalable and bootloader is great too
[09:59:03] <LeoNerd> And then I waste two hours not getting my board to work because I had MOSI/MISO the wrong way round
[09:59:10] <Tekkkz> malinus: what was our last sentence?
[10:00:06] <Tekkkz> haha
[10:00:08] <Tekkkz> ahh ye
[10:00:11] <malinus> LeoNerd: sounds like a great excuse to make your own board :D!
[10:00:21] <LeoNerd> malinus: adn then hand-solder the chip? :P Nothanks
[10:00:36] <malinus> yeah that package is kinda small
[10:00:55] <Tekkkz> no, its easy to solder!! malinus: you know that it is possible to toggle the OC0A pin directly through the timer without isr?
[10:01:07] <LeoNerd> UGH Damnit Atmel, why do you put the peripherals in silly places??
[10:01:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> which is why I use pic32mx250f128b or pic32mx270f256b chips for usb interface.
[10:01:18] <LeoNerd> {INT0/1/2/3} == {SDA,SCL,TX1,RX1}
[10:01:24] <LeoNerd> What if I want to use interrupts *and* I2C at the same time??
[10:01:39] * LeoNerd wants a crossbar router, damnit
[10:01:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> LeoNerd, use PCI
[10:01:48] <LeoNerd> PCI is change; I want level-based
[10:01:53] <Tekkkz> malinus: http://ix.io/h0H works fine, with a nice square wave
[10:02:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> then bitbang i2c
[10:02:13] <Tekkkz> so something doesnt work with ISR's, maybe my makefile, can you check it please
[10:02:52] <malinus> Tekkkz: you soldered the atmega32u4 yourself?
[10:03:31] <Tekkkz> yes
[10:03:52] <Tekkkz> but can we still focus on ISR please malinus
[10:04:03] <malinus> Tekkkz: I'm not sure, sorry.
[10:04:12] <Tekkkz> mhh, can you please check my makefile?
[10:04:24] <Tekkkz> all commadnline arguments (CFLAGS; LDFLAGS) ?
[10:04:30] <Tekkkz> pleeeaaasee
[10:05:20] <malinus> Tekkkz: looked fine. Also your code seems fine now, and it works. So what is the problem? If you make it toggle on ctc, why even use the ISR anyway?
[10:06:37] <Tekkkz> beacuse i need to toggle several pins, and others, not this one
[10:16:15] <Tekkkz> ok, i checked out the isr for INT1
[10:16:27] <Tekkkz> => with isr my code doesnt work, i can say!
[10:16:40] <Tekkkz> My code doesnt work with ANY ISR!
[10:16:48] <Tom_itx> fix it
[10:17:35] <Tekkkz> how?
[10:19:48] * LeoNerd orders an Adafruit 32U4
[10:23:13] <Tekkkz> 16:01:01 Tekkkz | hup i had a timeout, did someon wrote something after │ gambakufu
[10:23:15] <Tekkkz> 16:01:06 Tekkkz | 15:55:50 Tom_itx | fix it │ GargantuaSauce
[10:23:17] <Tekkkz> 16:01:11 Tekkkz | 15:56:37 Tekkkz | how?
[10:23:43] <Tekkkz> Tom_itx | fix it => HOW?
[10:24:25] <Tekkkz> hup i had a timeout, did someon wrote something after
[10:24:30] <Tekkkz> 15:55:50 Tom_itx | fix it
[10:24:34] <Tekkkz> 15:56:37 Tekkkz | how?
[10:24:49] <Tekkkz> sry for spam, sth went wrong
[10:25:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> sith went wrong?
[10:25:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> what is it with the text messaging shorthand?
[10:26:06] <Tekkkz> something, we learned it at school
[10:26:13] <Tekkkz> sth
[10:26:16] <Tekkkz> = something
[10:26:36] <Tekkkz> Lambda_Aurigae: did anyone wrote sth after 15:56:37 Tom_itx | fix it?
[10:26:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> no.
[10:26:46] <Tekkkz> okay
[10:26:54] <Tekkkz> so Tom_itx how should i fix this?
[10:26:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> to fix it, you have to read the datasheet and figure out what has been done wrong.
[10:27:09] <Tekkkz> it ahs todo sth with my makefile
[10:27:13] <Tekkkz> cause just isr dont work
[10:27:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> try finding a tutorial that does something similar to what you want to do and work from there.
[10:27:42] <Tekkkz> i have it already for atmega328p
[10:27:47] <Tekkkz> and i know how to do this
[10:27:51] <Tekkkz> my c code is not wrong
[10:27:57] <Tekkkz> i dont know where the problem is
[10:28:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> then compare the datasheets for the two chips and see what is different in what you are wanting to do.
[10:28:59] <Tekkkz> no, it cant solve the problem cause it have nothing todo with something, its an unsolveable problem, not false at code, not false at system, i dont know
[10:29:04] <Tekkkz> and the datasheet cant help
[10:29:10] <Tekkkz> cause my code is correct
[10:29:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> then contact atmel and report the chip doesn't work.
[10:29:40] <Tekkkz> but it works with arduino ;(
[10:29:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> so?
[10:30:18] <Tekkkz> the guy who tested with arduino used SIGNAL instead of ISR, buts its old
[10:30:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> you need to figure out what is different between the two devices. once you figure that out and correct for it, then it should work.
[10:31:17] <Tekkkz> is have nothing todo with difference between the two chips
[10:31:26] <Tekkkz> because the ocde is the same
[10:31:43] <Tekkkz> i just dont know why isr dont work, maybe im compiling with wrong parameters
[10:31:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> something is different or it would work on both.
[10:32:13] <Tekkkz> it was long time ago when i used the 328p but code was the same
[10:32:23] <Tekkkz> and it doesnt matter, code is correct
[10:51:09] <Tom_itx> read the data and erratta
[10:51:21] <Tom_itx> see what's going wrong
[10:51:23] <Tekkkz> data and errata? whats errata?
[10:51:34] <Tom_itx> google it
[10:51:41] <Tom_itx> things the mfg fucked up on
[10:52:30] <Tekkkz> ahh, the shorten datasheet
[10:52:36] <Tekkkz> any tips what im looking for?
[10:56:44] <Tom_itx> what interrupt are you using?
[12:00:18] <Tekkkz> im using TIMER0_COMPA
[12:03:35] <Tom_itx> Tekkkz, some reading material for you: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/abcminiuser/articles/avr_timers_index.php and http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/abcminiuser/articles/avr_interrupts_index.php
[12:04:47] <Tekkkz> so you are sure this will solve my problem? cause im not sure that the problem is in code, so you think this will solve?
[12:06:09] <Tom_itx> everything on irc is free. take it for what it's worth
[12:06:21] <Tekkkz> hä?
[12:06:26] <Tekkkz> waht do you mean?
[12:07:20] <Tom_itx> free advise can't be worth much
[12:07:37] <Tekkkz> ofc not , but i dont think it will solve the problem but i will have a look
[12:19:48] <markm_> "Details on configurations can be found in the datasheet for each peripheral" <-- every peripheral has a separate data sheet?
[12:20:17] <markm_> and does the data sheet give marketing bullshit or technical info?
[12:20:58] <Tom_itx> uh huh
[12:23:23] <Tekkkz> okay pure hardware ctc is working at me
[12:26:36] <Tekkkz> Tom_itx: your code isnt helpful to solve my problem, i already know how everything works, so we need to go deeper
[12:27:12] * Tom_itx puts on a diving tank
[12:33:52] <Tekkkz> hö? why diving tank?
[12:46:02] <Tom_itx> <Tekkkz> Tom_itx: so we need to go deeper
[12:46:14] <Tekkkz> haha
[12:46:16] <Tekkkz> :D
[12:46:27] <Tekkkz> nono, not so deep, just into the chip ;)
[12:49:40] <Tekkkz> so you can still help me?
[12:49:50] <Tom_itx> leaving now..
[12:49:59] <Tekkkz> hmm okay, see you, byebye
[12:58:32] <Laurenceb_> can someone explain this?
[12:58:33] <Laurenceb_> http://pastebin.com/mC8gVbNc
[12:59:02] <Tekkkz> whats there?
[12:59:07] <Tekkkz> whats the problem?
[12:59:09] <markm_> is there a way to extract EVERY example project without having to click on new->example project (wait 2 minutes) ad infinitum?
[12:59:21] <markm_> i just want the ENTIRE example source tree in a human readable form
[13:00:28] <Tekkkz> Laurenceb_: i have no plan how this works
[13:00:49] <Laurenceb_> why does that call double the wait time?
[13:00:50] <Laurenceb_> lines 1-3
[13:01:00] <Tekkkz> i know what you mean
[13:01:03] <Tekkkz> but i have no plan
[13:01:05] <Tekkkz> looks strange
[13:01:44] <Laurenceb_> its the afroesc code
[13:01:48] <Laurenceb_> http://pastebin.com/3Jd789jR
[13:02:21] <Laurenceb_> also it looks like the timing is off
[13:02:29] <Laurenceb_> im trying to count frames on high speed video
[13:02:34] <Tekkkz> i know, but i dont understand why wait_240 = rcal 120 is, it should be 2*120
[13:03:06] <Laurenceb_> my audio has become desynced from video :S
[13:03:14] <Laurenceb_> unless its an camera firmware glitch
[13:03:14] <Tekkkz> haha
[13:03:25] <Laurenceb_> about 3 frames mismatch
[13:03:33] <Tekkkz> 3 frames isnt much
[13:03:38] <Laurenceb_> its 240fps
[13:03:43] <Tekkkz> yeah
[13:03:57] <Tekkkz> 3 frames doesnt matter, not at a time of one min i think or?
[13:03:58] <Laurenceb_> i count 104 frames (+- ~2)
[13:04:16] <Laurenceb_> for the three beeps at power up
[13:04:24] <Laurenceb_> so ~433ms
[13:04:29] <Laurenceb_> very odd
[13:04:40] <Tekkkz> hm, sorry, i need to go eating now, byebye
[13:04:41] <Laurenceb_> ~144ms / beep
[13:04:42] <Laurenceb_> cya
[13:07:45] <markm_> does anyone know how i can extract the entire atmel example source tree in one fel swoop without having to create a new example project one at a time over and over and ovber and over and over .. . . . .
[13:08:50] <aandrew> markm_: are they in the ASF archives?
[13:08:59] <markm_> i assume so.
[13:09:13] <aandrew> http://www.atmel.com/tools/avrsoftwareframework.aspx
[13:09:18] <aandrew> there's a 300MB download there
[13:09:54] <markm_> i dont think thats in a human readable form after downloading it. it installs as part of as6
[13:10:18] <markm_> and you have to do pointy, clicky clicky pointy clicky wait...... pointy clicky clicky.... a billion times
[13:11:39] <markm_> new->example project... select xmega, see 28465297845 examples in the list. click on first. 3 minutes later the example project is on your hard drive in a project folder. repeat, select second project.. . . .
[13:12:06] <aandrew> markm_: I download that regularly for reference. it's human readdable as far as I can tell
[13:12:33] <markm_> does it have the example projectecs for their xplained boards also in human readable form?
[13:12:40] <aandrew> they used to have asf in the atmel spaces git repository
[13:12:44] <aandrew> but it hasn't been updated since 2012
[13:12:53] <aandrew> markm_: that was my question to you
[13:12:57] <aandrew> you said "I assume so"
[13:13:19] <markm_> oh yea lol. just want to make sure is all :)
[13:13:32] <aandrew> download the standalone archive, unzip it and look
[13:15:33] <markm_> so freeking annoyingl. i cant log in to atmels web site because i have ad blockers and spam blockers and tracker blockers that i will never disable in windows.
[13:15:40] <markm_> gotta boot my gentoo vm and do it from there
[13:17:54] <markm_> does atmel have a feedback form anywhere?
[13:27:37] <uskerine> so when static functions should be used ?
[13:46:43] <markm_> uskerine, in a c project EVERY SINGLE FUNCTION should be declared static unless it needs to be exposed as part of some API
[13:52:31] <markm_> no. this ASF zip file does not contain any of the example prokects
[13:55:46] <markm_> why does my finger keep htting K when i mean J blargh :P
[14:21:55] <aandrew> markm_: shitty. ok. I guess AS buries them somewhere
[14:22:52] <aandrew> uskerine: global variables declared static can only be "seen" from the source file they were declared in. static functions are exactly the same.
[14:23:49] <aandrew> uskerine: variables inside of functions or blocks which are declared static don't "forget" their value. They're allocated from the heap, not the stack.
[14:24:40] <markm_> a static variable is like a global variable but it has been defined inside a function so only that function can see it
[14:24:42] <aandrew> uskerine: functions which use static variables are inherently not threadsafe nor reentrant*
[14:25:00] <aandrew> * some conditions apply, please don't bother being pedantic :-)
[15:44:12] <Tekkkz> is someone here who have a atmega32u4?
[16:10:08] <malinus> Tom_itx: how do you put that nice slikscreen-like white text on your MkII clone cases?
[17:00:04] <Tom_itx> malinus, http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/silkscreen/
[17:01:10] <Tom_itx> it's UV cured paint
[17:02:15] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/silkscreen/text.jpg
[17:02:30] <malinus> nice
[17:03:11] <malinus> thanks
[17:03:17] <Tom_itx> np
[17:05:38] <aandrew> Tom_itx: wow
[17:05:43] <aandrew> that's very nice
[17:06:01] <aandrew> I've given up doing boards on my own, I cannot get the results you guys do
[17:06:28] <aandrew> miek in #hackvana was showing off some home-etched tiny boards for BLE, similarly impressive
[17:07:58] <hackvana> It's a way nice job: http://imgur.com/a/kzhMi
[17:08:15] <malinus> wow wtf
[17:08:35] <malinus> hackvana: what kind of printer does even have that precision?
[17:08:49] <aandrew> 600dpi laser would have no issue with that
[17:08:57] <malinus> really?
[17:09:22] <aandrew> but I expect it's more in the process. good flat lighting, resist image pressed flat against board, correct exposure,e tc.
[17:09:48] <aandrew> well 1/600 gives you 1.6mil wide traces at best
[17:09:54] <malinus> They are doing boards for free at my uni. And it's like 0.5mm minial
[17:10:16] <malinus> min. 20mil/0.5mm
[17:10:20] <aandrew> so the paper and toner and fuser would all have to be well matched, those BGA balls are only maybe 10mil wide at most
[17:10:37] <aandrew> er not paper, acetate
[17:11:09] <malinus> traces min. : 15mill/0.4mm
[17:11:12] <malinus> *16
[17:11:22] <hackvana> I have done 8mil at home ok.
[17:13:29] <malinus> I guess they are just terrible at their work -_o_-
[17:13:57] <malinus> Or have some terrible hardware. Idk. but it's for free, and I don't have to lift a finger
[17:18:18] <Tom_itx> i haven't done any boards in a while but let mitch make them as well
[17:22:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> 8mil at home with toner transfer is doable. Better to use photo resist though.
[17:23:53] <specing> printing it is not the problem
[17:24:08] <specing> the problem is not scraping off all the photo resist with your fingers
[17:24:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> transfer to the board gets to be the pain.
[17:24:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> scraping?
[17:24:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> never had to scrape it myself.
[17:24:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's what acetone is for.
[17:24:35] <specing> no, I mean
[17:25:01] <specing> I held the board in the wrong place and accidentally scraped off the photoresist :(
[17:25:05] <specing> 0.8 mm
[17:25:08] <specing> traces
[17:25:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> oops.
[17:25:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> again, never had that problem.
[17:25:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> mostly I do toner transfer though.
[17:25:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> done some photo resist but that gets a bit pricier than toner transfer.
[17:30:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> for toner transfer I found a t-shirt press to work great.
[17:47:01] <theBear> like the drycleaners use for ironing stuff ? interesting
[17:47:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[17:47:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use press-n-peel blue.
[17:48:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> can print front and back on separate sheets along with alignment marks...tape them together to get them lined up...slip board in between...then put in t-shirt press and iron on.
[17:48:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> thing heats front and back at the same time and gets as hot as a steam iron.
[17:49:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> and the wife can use it to do iron on transfers for her quilts.
[17:51:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> still working on getting direct toner printing on copper to work reliably without frying components.
[19:18:42] <Tom_itx> ok i don't know what i did different from yesterday but FLIP is working ok now
[19:19:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tom_itx, you bit the wrong side of your tongue yesterday.
[19:26:46] <Tom_itx> i bit something nasty for sure
[19:29:57] <Tom_itx> there must be something in the air on the W coast. this is the 2nd time a company sent me a check that didn't belong to me but rather a W coast company
[19:30:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> oops.
[19:30:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> check made out to you?
[19:30:48] <Tom_itx> the first one was, this one had my Co name with another person below it
[19:31:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> send it back and tell they put the wrong name on it.
[19:31:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> maybe they will send you a corrected one.
[19:31:32] <Tom_itx> i had to google the payment firm to find their phone #
[19:31:35] <Tom_itx> again.
[19:32:10] <Tom_itx> next time send an extra envelope...
[19:32:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> bah..
[19:32:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> if they want it back they send you an envelope to send it back in.
[19:33:02] <Tom_itx> google said the principle at the firm has been arrested twice
[19:33:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> oops.
[19:34:49] <Tom_itx> now all i got left to do is figure out how to get programs from an old dos machine to this new win7 box
[19:35:03] <Tom_itx> i transfer data files for further processing
[19:35:10] <Tom_itx> was using floppies
[19:35:16] <Tom_itx> to win xp
[19:35:29] <Tom_itx> this doesn't have a floppy drive
[19:35:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> personal netware!
[19:35:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> or,,
[19:35:36] <Tom_itx> only 2 sata ports
[19:35:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> external ide adapter.
[19:35:58] <Tom_itx> ide for what?
[19:36:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> what is on the old dos box?
[19:36:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> only floppies?
[19:36:25] <Tom_itx> some old programs i use on a daily basis
[19:36:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> hardware wise.
[19:36:32] <Tom_itx> hdd floppy and cd burner
[19:36:37] <Tom_itx> no usb
[19:36:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> hdd is ide? or is it mfm or rll?
[19:36:48] <Tom_itx> or i'd use a thumb drive
[19:36:56] <Tom_itx> umm
[19:37:00] <Tom_itx> i think so
[19:37:08] <Tom_itx> sata
[19:37:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> single 40 pin cable?
[19:37:14] <Tom_itx> hell i can't remember now...
[19:37:19] <Tom_itx> yeah
[19:37:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> sata? on an old dos box? I doubt it.
[19:37:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> 40 pin cable is ide...pata
[19:37:30] <Tom_itx> no, that's on windows
[19:37:35] <Tom_itx> pata then
[19:37:49] <Tom_itx> it would be nice if i could plug the floppy in a pata adapter to the usb
[19:37:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/321504349060?lpid=82&chn=ps
[19:38:05] <Tom_itx> i've got all sorts of adapters
[19:38:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> pull harddrive, hook to that, plug that to win7 box.
[19:38:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> read data.
[19:38:25] <Tom_itx> way too much trouble for a daily basis thing
[19:38:31] <Tom_itx> i can boot it under nt
[19:38:34] <Tom_itx> it's dual boot
[19:38:38] <Tom_itx> 6.22 and nt
[19:38:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use one all the time.
[19:38:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> mostly for wiping harddrives from copiers.
[19:39:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> both ide(pata) and sata
[19:39:20] <Tom_itx> i got a bunch of adapter a while back including the one you linked
[19:39:55] <Tom_itx> btw will that go sata to pata or just to usb?
[19:40:01] <Tom_itx> i haven't tried that yet
[19:40:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> sata or pata to usb
[19:40:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> you can't go sata to pata
[19:40:16] <Tom_itx> but not to each other
[19:40:18] <Tom_itx> ok
[19:40:24] <Tom_itx> i have other adapters for that
[19:40:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> you would need 2 of them and a computer between.
[19:40:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have seen devices that will copy harddrives.
[19:41:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> used to have one at a place I worked years ago.
[19:41:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> one original, up to 8 copies at once.
[19:55:01] <Tom_itx> i can just boot nt. seems that is the least headache
[19:55:11] <Tom_itx> still a pita
[19:55:31] <Tom_itx> or a way to get dos to read a thumb drive
[20:00:32] <ASRock_pc> i did just run across this though: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1046069/yes-usb-drivers-dos
[20:04:01] <Tom_itx> worth a try anyway
[20:04:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tom_itx, interlink....or laplink
[20:04:59] <Tom_itx> except that pc doesn't have any usb ports
[20:05:07] <Tom_itx> i had a laplink cable here somewhere
[20:05:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> will work over serial null modem or special parallel cable.
[20:05:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have several.
[20:05:26] <Tom_itx> rue told me about a dos program that did the same thing
[20:05:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> interlink was a dos program that worked similar to it.
[20:05:38] <Tom_itx> maybe that was it
[20:05:47] <Tom_itx> had a server side and client
[20:05:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.pcxt-micro.com/dos-interlink.html
[20:07:26] <Tom_itx> yeah that was it
[20:07:33] <Tom_itx> i need to make up a cable i guess
[20:08:05] <Tom_itx> will 2 wires work or do i need hand shaking?
[20:08:44] <Tom_itx> problem is running interlnk on win7
[20:09:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> not sure.
[20:09:24] <Tom_itx> OMG! it's still there in win7
[20:09:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> always just used my laplink cables.
[20:09:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh?
[20:09:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> haha.
[20:09:32] <Tom_itx> heh
[20:09:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> standard serial null modem should work.
[20:09:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> tx/rx cross.
[20:09:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> parallel would be much faster.
[20:10:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> it runs in 4-bit mode.
[20:10:07] <Tom_itx> they're real small files
[20:11:47] <hackvana> Tom_itx: What bus?
[20:12:29] <hackvana> Do you have a serial port?
[20:32:18] <Tom_itx> yeah