#avr | Logs for 2015-03-09

[00:25:21] <Casper> hmmm
[00:26:06] <Casper> how would you guys do it? I'm doing some fancy garden light, RGB
[00:26:23] <Casper> I'ld like to have them do some pattern... like moving color fromm one to the other
[00:26:53] <Casper> but I have somewhat limited ressources on the controller... so... how do you think it would be the best to do it?
[00:26:59] <Casper> "complex" math? lookup table?
[00:27:08] <Casper> the table would make it a pain to change...
[00:27:44] <Casper> but 20 devices... can be a pain to calculate all the stuff on a tiny85...
[00:28:15] <rue_house> no, just do a sudorandom number generator and use bits fromt hat
[00:28:25] <rue_house> the alg is all over the internet, not hard to set up
[00:28:37] <Casper> I don't want pseudorandom
[00:28:42] <Casper> I want pattern
[00:28:57] <rue_house> well then program in the pattern you want
[00:29:41] <rue_house> did you get the pwm worked out?
[00:30:54] <Casper> yes
[00:31:18] <Casper> and fixed some bugs, and I don't like the coding I did, but hey, it work :D
[00:33:17] <Casper> I also killed some colors... I went online and found a 16 colors table, removed black and used all... then I noticed something...
[00:33:31] <Casper> maroon and red is the same, but maroon is 50%....
[00:33:38] <Casper> so is half of the colors there...
[00:33:43] <Casper> so killed the 50%
[00:42:42] <Casper> hmmm I think I need a way to easilly make a formula to calculate the colors on the fly...
[00:42:53] <Casper> i.e. make a lightweight algorith...
[00:43:01] <Casper> and I have nooooo idea how to do it :D
[01:14:48] <rue_house> so sudorandom
[01:14:56] <rue_house> its a formula
[01:14:58] <rue_house> its easy
[01:53:45] <Tekkkz> Morning!
[01:53:53] <Tekkkz> I got it with PROGMEM variable
[02:09:44] <Casper> anyone good in C know how to get multiple values from a function?
[02:10:02] <Casper> is struct the best way?
[02:10:18] <Casper> need 3x uint8_t...
[02:10:24] <Tekkkz> array
[02:10:47] <Tekkkz> i would recommend to use an array
[02:10:53] <Tekkkz> but im not an expert
[02:11:01] <Casper> oh array... duh
[02:11:23] <Tekkkz> okay
[02:11:30] <Tekkkz> but now you need to help me :P
[02:12:05] <Tekkkz> http://ix.io/gO7
[02:12:11] <Tekkkz> the function draw_letter
[02:12:32] <Tekkkz> it should turn the led-row from my matrix for every row on and do the stuff
[02:12:35] <Tekkkz> but
[02:12:45] <Casper> ack need to return a pointer to that array... grrr
[02:12:56] <Tekkkz> it doesnt select the row like first 0b00000001 then 0b00000010 ...
[02:13:23] <Tekkkz> it selects like: 0b00000001 then 0b00000011 ...
[02:13:25] <Tekkkz> why?
[02:14:46] <Casper> should be a walking 1...
[02:14:58] <Casper> wait
[02:15:15] <Casper> no a walking zero
[02:15:19] <Casper> you invert the byte...
[02:16:02] <Casper> oh and pointer... I always got issue with pointers
[02:17:40] <Tekkkz> what's with pointers?
[02:19:58] <Tekkkz> ahh
[02:20:01] <Tekkkz> ik my mistkae
[02:20:10] <Tekkkz> i need to first shift it and then negate it
[02:20:12] <Tekkkz> ^^
[02:20:20] <Tekkkz> but now i need to go to school, see you!
[08:31:44] <skroon> hi
[08:33:51] <skroon> i'm trying to do some Serial communication, all seems to work well until I add a _delay_ms(1000); to my code, then the timing is all off... as soon as I commentout my Serial port initialization the timing is correct again
[08:34:16] <skroon> e.g. my 1000 second delay becomes really large delay... when I put it down to delay(100); the delay takes about 3 second or so
[08:36:16] <specing> *milisecond
[08:36:33] <specing> check F_CPU and DIV8
[08:37:31] <skroon> specing: it's correct, as soon as I remove the USART initialization
[08:37:42] <skroon> during that change I didn't touch F_CPU or DIV8
[08:37:56] <skroon> i've narrowed it down to these lines:
[08:39:03] <skroon> http://pastie.org/private/5w5v3yzqcdilhtin7mr8vw
[08:39:49] <skroon> if I comment line #4
[08:39:53] <skroon> it works correct the timing
[08:40:58] <specing> enable interrupts at the end
[08:41:36] <LeoNerd> Morning RikusW
[08:41:57] <RikusW> hi LeoNerd
[08:42:05] <LeoNerd> I measured my board.. I've got 5pF on one trace and 9pF on the other; leading to a total capacitor load of 23pF on one side and 27pF on the other
[08:42:09] <LeoNerd> Which sounds a bit much :/
[08:42:17] <RikusW> solved the crystal issues yet ?
[08:42:31] <LeoNerd> Not as such... I suspect the layout might be to blame
[08:43:32] <RikusW> if you put 22pF on the shorter trace it might become equal
[08:43:40] <RikusW> (and 18pF on the other)
[08:44:28] <RikusW> its worth a try at least
[08:45:15] <skroon> specing: toobad, that didn't change it
[08:54:27] <skroon> specing: now narrowed it down to knowing that if I enable the UDRIE0 the timing is off
[08:57:26] <pepijndevos> If I put the ADC in free-running mode, how do I stop it
[08:57:53] <LeoNerd> change the mode again
[09:08:45] <skroon> anyone know about a good tutorial on how to do interrupted based uart transmissions?
[09:12:39] <twnqx> i don't know about tuorials, but i just used a ringbuffer with the main app writing to it and the interrupt handler reading from it...
[09:26:43] <pepijndevos> LeoNerd so I just set ADATE to zero?
[09:26:51] <LeoNerd> Seems reasonable
[09:36:36] <pepijndevos> I want to use SLEEP_MODE_ADC in free-running mode. Should I place the sleep call in my main loop or in the interrupt?
[09:41:34] <pepijndevos> Or maybe that makes no sense, if going to sleep triggers a read, maybe that clashes with free running mode?
[09:41:58] <pepijndevos> I also read some confusing things about the prescaler resetting.
[09:46:58] <RikusW> its unwise to sleep in an interrupt
[09:47:09] <RikusW> put it in the main loop
[09:47:48] <RikusW> pepijndevos:
[09:47:55] <pepijndevos> ok
[09:50:47] <pepijndevos> I have it working without sleeping... now with the sleep...
[09:55:56] <RikusW> just make sure you have a way to wake up the avr too
[09:56:12] <RikusW> some interrupt triggering somehow
[09:56:20] <LeoNerd> RikusW: Mm.. i'd have to get such a cap first then. :/
[09:56:24] <RikusW> like timer or pinchange
[09:58:18] <RikusW> or adc
[09:59:08] <skroon> when writing a USART device driver .c file... do I also place my ISR's inside that file? or they still go into main.c?
[09:59:33] <LeoNerd> The compiler doens't care where you put them
[10:00:44] <skroon> LeoNerd: but what is a nice way todo it ?
[10:01:29] <LeoNerd> Depends entirely on everything else
[10:01:37] <LeoNerd> "neatest" is whatever fits in with its surroundings
[12:40:55] <markm__> does anyone here know of any BLE devices i could attach to an AVR board? Im looking for something that can operate as a an observer
[12:41:15] <markm__> i.e. totally connectionless operation, just observing advertisments from other ble devices...
[15:51:26] <Timmy> is there any chance to make an avr programmer and a usb to serial on a single board or even on a single chip?
[15:56:55] <Willd> Timmy: Sure
[15:57:04] <Willd> Or you can buy one on ebay
[15:57:16] <Willd> Timmy: http://www.ebay.com/itm/USBASP-USBISP-AVR-Programmer-Adapter-10-Pin-Cable-USB-ATMEGA8-ATMEGA128-Arduino-/310506909410?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item484ba76ee2
[16:00:56] <Timmy> Willd: this programmer doesn't provide any usb to serial interface
[16:02:04] <Willd> Timmy: How do you mean?
[16:02:10] <Willd> What do you want to do?
[16:05:59] <Timmy> need to make a board which has an `avr programmer` + `usb to serial interface (like ft232)` but doing this on a single board with one usb interface/port requires using something like e a usb hub chip on the board. I am looking for a programmer or a chip which has both of these things at the same time
[16:06:03] <Timmy> Willd: ^^
[16:06:49] <LeoNerd> Pololu make one
[16:07:03] <Willd> Timmy: Oh, I thought you meant combined..
[16:48:56] <hypermagic> hello my friends
[17:10:50] <Casper> hmmm when you pass parameters to a function, is it cheaper on the cpu to assign an internal variable? or to use pointers?
[17:14:15] <LeoNerd> To answer that question I'd disassemble the compiled output
[17:15:14] <malinus> pass by reference is almost always quicker, no?
[17:15:35] <malinus> "reference" rather (in the event of C :) )
[17:15:54] <Casper> that is what I think
[17:16:06] <Casper> I'm unsure of how much ressources I will have left at the end
[17:16:38] <Casper> I think plently, but... who knows :D
[17:16:47] <malinus> just count then
[17:16:48] <vsync_> are you the ghost?
[17:16:57] <Valen> cheap to put a bigger mcu in ;-P
[17:17:31] <Casper> this one is technically already too big :D
[17:17:36] <Casper> tiny85
[17:17:43] <Casper> I could have went with a 45
[17:17:44] <malinus> even with a few 100's of kB, why would you worry about a single veriable
[17:17:48] <Casper> heck, possibly even a 25
[17:17:57] <Valen> how many thousand are you making?
[17:18:16] <Casper> 0.02 thousand :D
[17:18:35] <Valen> then put the biggest chip you can possibly physically fit into it
[17:18:41] <malinus> Casper: why the fuck would you worry about a few variables (I assume?), on a fuckhuge chip like the attiny85?
[17:18:58] <Casper> malinus: I'm more concerned about cpu usage
[17:19:06] <Casper> and also good coding practice
[17:19:27] <Valen> just use global volatile variables and be done with it all
[17:19:28] <Valen> ;-P
[17:19:45] <malinus> if you are worring about the cpu usage (time) too much, you might be using the wrong mcu :D
[17:19:54] <malinus> time 2 go fast
[17:20:01] <malinus> :D
[17:20:11] <Casper> 16MHz
[17:20:13] <Valen> I can understand where he is coming from
[17:20:28] <Valen> sometimes its good to know whats good
[17:20:40] <Valen> but the "best" way is to compile it and look at what comes out
[17:21:02] <Casper> I guess it's not a few cycles that will really change anything...
[17:21:16] <Valen> premature optimisation is the enemy
[17:21:30] <Valen> doing it as an exercise is fine though ;->
[17:22:23] <Casper> but I need to figure out why the chip crash sometime at a reset and powerup
[17:22:36] <Casper> might need to set the BOD and WDT
[17:22:40] <Valen> now that is a problem worth solving ;->
[17:24:17] <Casper> new fuses should work around it
[17:24:40] <Valen> what is your power supply like?
[17:25:00] <Valen> hanging during a reset sounds ominious
[17:26:21] <hypermagic> Casper, function calling takes precious time, if you write assembly anyway you can pass values as registers... or variables
[17:27:00] <hypermagic> pointer dereferencing adds additional memory read
[17:29:41] <hypermagic> you pass an address to an address where a value(s) can be read, it may have no impact at all on performance if you only pass the address of an array of values once though
[17:37:56] <Casper> Valen: 13.5V -> 78L05 with inapropriate caps -> tiny85 on breadboard without decoupling cap
[17:38:08] <Casper> in other words, power is not great at all
[17:40:38] <Casper> __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(__ticks_dc);
[17:40:38] <Casper> ^
[17:40:48] <Casper> /usr/avr/include/util/delay.h:246:2: error: __builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects a compile time integer constant
[17:40:51] <Casper> that..
[17:41:01] <Casper> does anyone know what can be the issue?
[18:00:35] <LeoNerd> Casper: That you didn't give it a compiletime-constant integer expression
[18:06:04] <hypermagic> you need at least a 100nf ceramic chip, and you should have additionl filter cap for the 7805 ...
[18:06:32] <hypermagic> Casper, you have to define F_CPU to use delay.h
[18:06:40] <Casper> it is defined
[18:07:11] <Casper> somehow, the avr-libc 1.8.0 I have on this computer (that work) is different than the 1.8.0 I have on my other computer
[18:07:24] <Casper> line 39 of delay.h is different
[18:07:39] <hypermagic> try a stable version
[18:10:52] <Casper> I just replicated the modification...
[18:12:38] <Timmy> here: https://transfer.sh/6lnsG/usbasp-schematics.pdf you can see that there are RXD and TXD lines as output to the uC. is this a usb to serial interface? Willd LeoNerd
[18:12:47] <LeoNerd> Mmm me?
[18:13:31] <hypermagic> timemage, yes it works off usb
[18:13:59] <theBear> i noticed a while ago that an avr is cheaper and more feature-packed than something like an ft2323
[18:20:56] <Casper> there we go, another issue taken care of (WDT)... hmmm should put it in a fuse...
[18:24:58] <hypermagic> Timmy
[18:27:33] <LeoNerd> Timmy: ?
[18:28:52] <Timmy> hypermagic: yes?
[18:29:01] <Timmy> LeoNerd: ?
[18:29:13] <LeoNerd> Timmy: You highlit me earlier, I'm not sure why
[18:29:25] <hypermagic> yes it works off usb
[18:30:42] <Timmy> LeoNerd: this is because when I was asking about a programmer+usb to serial interface, you suggested that polulu has made one. now I talked about usbasp which seems has this feature too
[18:31:31] <LeoNerd> Timmy: Ahright..
[18:32:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> usbasp sucks!
[18:32:41] <Timmy> Lambda_Aurigae: Y?
[18:32:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> most problems with programmers people have when they come in here are with usbasp type programmers
[18:33:39] <Timmy> Lambda_Aurigae: this is not programmer's, this is people's
[18:33:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> while the technology behind usbasp is nifty as a toy, I wouldn't use it for anything critical....vusb is a nifty technology but it is a hack.
[18:34:32] <Timmy> it's chip, you can make it in less than half an hour and seems provides usb to serial too, why not?
[18:35:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes, it works, but just barely.
[18:35:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> and usb-serial over low speed usb is a hack at best, when it works.
[18:35:33] <Valen> it works some of the time, that is the issue
[18:35:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> the usb specification doesn't support low speed usb-cdc
[18:35:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> not all computers will support it.
[18:36:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> not sure about the windows side but on the linux side you have to actually mod the linux kernel to make it even work...or did last time I tried it.
[18:36:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> which was 2 or 3 years ago, granted.
[18:36:44] <hypermagic> usbtiny ?
[18:36:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> vusb is a software implemented low speed usb for the AVR..it doesn't use actual usb hardware but bitbangs the usb connection.
[18:37:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> usbtinyisp uses vusb.
[18:37:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> usbtiny does as well..
[18:37:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes, it does work but I wouldn't rely on it.
[18:37:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> it does not always work.
[18:38:23] <hypermagic> ok
[18:38:26] <hypermagic> then dapa
[18:38:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> and there are several different ways of getting the avr voltage levels to match the usb requirements...the one that works most often is running the avr at 3.3V
[18:38:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> dapa or stk200 clones work just fine.
[18:39:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> they require parallel port though.
[18:39:44] <hypermagic> good thing one can get a pc from a junk yard that has one for free
[18:40:08] <hypermagic> https://avrfornoobs.wordpress.com/2011/09/06/14/
[18:40:14] <hypermagic> and hook the avr up
[18:40:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> if I were going to built my own programmer plus usb-serial adapter I would go with a real hardware usb chip...either an avr or, to simplify things, combine an avr and an ft232 chip.
[18:40:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> hypermagic, my computer here I built last year from not quite top of the line parts..and has both serial and parallel ports on the motherboard.
[18:41:13] <hypermagic> i do not have pc that do not have parallel ports
[18:41:26] <hypermagic> i did not buy any
[18:42:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a couple but I also have several pci serial/parallel cards for them if I need.
[18:42:57] <Timmy> dude, you are struggling about the ancient technologies, now you say parallel port? where the hell should I find a parallel port for my laptop?
[18:43:07] <vsync_> dude
[18:43:09] <vsync_> chillax brah
[18:43:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> Timmy, didn't say you needed one....but, in my personal experience, usbasp type programmers cause more trouble than any other programmer I've ever run across.
[18:44:07] <vsync_> you must be doing smth wrong
[18:44:31] <vsync_> get the fucking avrisp 2
[18:44:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> not me as I don't use them...but people coming in here and other chat channels I'm on have problems with them.
[18:44:34] <vsync_> and be done with it
[18:44:51] <vsync_> other chat channels. means #electronics
[18:45:00] <vsync_> which is a bunch of fucking clueless software nerds, well such as this
[18:45:05] <vsync_> but hey, umm... yeah
[18:45:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> well,,not #electronics on this network, no.
[18:45:16] <vsync_> on any network, it's the same
[18:46:08] <Timmy> that comes with double #
[18:47:07] <vsync_> whatever
[18:47:09] <hypermagic> i like dapa
[18:47:23] <hypermagic> i made a buffered and a direct wire version
[18:48:29] <hypermagic> for a laptop without parallel port i'd probably use usbasp
[18:49:01] <hypermagic> if it does not work i would prefer another laptop
[18:49:43] <hypermagic> i usually buy hardware that is supported by linux btw.
[18:51:09] <Timmy> you'll go to the heaven bro
[19:05:28] <hypermagic> <Timmy> dude, you are struggling about the ancient technologies, now you say parallel port? where the hell should I find a parallel port for my laptop? - well you can pick up a pc that has a parallel port for free? or maybe find someone who sells one for you for $5 ?
[19:06:43] <hypermagic> you don't need a parallel port anyway, you just need an io port.
[19:07:27] <hypermagic> if you had a driver that could toggle data lines you could use floppy cable or ide cable to program your avr directly
[19:08:16] <hypermagic> your next argument will be ... my laptop only has sata 3 connetors
[19:08:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_house, did it with an ide port!
[19:08:28] <hypermagic> Lambda_Aurigae, n1c3 :)
[19:08:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> huh?
[19:09:00] <hypermagic> sounds fun
[19:09:55] <hypermagic> so one must turn off DMA, and make the ide controller send the data :)
[19:10:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think he just faked the parallel port driver into looking at the ide port instead.
[19:11:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> minor kernel module hack as I recall.
[19:11:37] <hypermagic> :)
[19:11:39] <theBear> i can has quick and easy i2c eeprom programmer ? http://testing.rememberit.com.au/pics/Dec13__Jan14%20wkshop%20jumble/IMAG0317.jpg
[19:11:50] <hypermagic> tried gugle blinking leds on ide port on linux but no luck
[19:12:26] <theBear> some chipsets probly give you shortcuts more than others, if yer getting down that low
[19:13:29] <theBear> i suppose most of the hd-doctor kinda apps seem to talk to any old chipset you can find in a fairly low level way, manually reading in and out bytes of this and that
[19:13:30] <hypermagic> it does not matter much, low level stuff is strongly discouraged on pc
[19:13:49] <theBear> did you SEE the way i programmed my last eeprom ?
[19:14:03] <hypermagic> a beaglebone black, or olimex a20 would be a great machine controller
[19:14:20] <hypermagic> :)
[19:14:24] <theBear> maybe, these things i only heard of... i got so many pcs i can barely get to my kitchen
[19:14:28] <hypermagic> you gave rgb signal to it?
[19:14:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> hypermagic, VGA has an i2c port on it.
[19:14:52] <hypermagic> ^^
[19:14:55] <hypermagic> oh yea
[19:14:57] <theBear> nah maaaaan, treat the edid/dpms bus like a regular bus
[19:15:01] <hypermagic> never used that
[19:15:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's how it talks to the monitor to get display information.
[19:15:26] <theBear> tho i have often considered using the rgb for things, due to the lack of ports on modern machines including my sexy little netbook
[19:15:38] <hypermagic> :)
[19:15:48] <hypermagic> hmm hmm
[19:15:54] <hypermagic> RGB is 3 ports
[19:16:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> theBear, talk to jazarta about his acoustic uart.
[19:16:12] <hypermagic> and they are 6-8 bits analog
[19:16:16] <theBear> you can also do things like pfft, i dunno, hang temp sensors or fan-speed-controllers or whatever you can find off there, without even upsetting a working monitor
[19:16:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> tie that to your mic and speaker port.
[19:16:44] <hypermagic> :)
[19:17:06] <theBear> i can dig that... i been playing with the limits (not my idea, but i got into it a bit) of phone/regular audio outputs for driving 38khz-ish signals like tv remotes do
[19:17:21] <theBear> i know, 16bit/44khz, it sounds impossible, see if you can guess the "trick"
[19:17:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> jazarta built one on an attiny....I think he can use a soundcard for communicating with the attiny.
[19:18:05] <hypermagic> MOSI SCK RESET GND is ok on RGB, but MISO is missing :(
[19:19:04] <hypermagic> unless you can read the databit of the DPMS
[19:19:41] <hypermagic> programming avr using RGB port ^^
[19:19:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> hypermagic, you can always just use a 4 port usb hub.
[19:20:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://www.pjrc.com/hub_isp/
[19:21:58] <hypermagic> btw atmel sells arm chips that are preprogrammed with usb bootloader
[19:22:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[19:22:30] <hypermagic> sounds easy... hook it up, copy firmware on it
[19:22:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> they sell avr chips with similar.
[19:23:07] <theBear> i dunno if i can ever buy a preloaded usb or anything bootloader micro, feels too much like arduino land
[19:23:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> maxim sells 8052 chips with built in autobaud serial bootloaders too.
[19:27:12] <hypermagic> Lambda_Aurigae, that article is lol lol ;> usb hub hax
[19:27:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah.
[19:27:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is major hack
[19:27:27] <hypermagic> well
[19:27:40] <hypermagic> you can use a keyboard to program your avr then too..
[19:27:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[19:27:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've seen that done.
[19:27:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> using the LEDs
[19:27:55] <hypermagic> numlock, capslock, scroll-lock, and a key
[19:28:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://wiki.steve-m.de/hidkey_gpio
[19:28:32] <hypermagic> :)
[19:28:36] <theBear> hell, you can get a dongle for 10bucks these days and program it with a keyboard on your fone :)
[19:28:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://hackaday.com/2012/11/26/usb-keyboard-becomes-an-avr-programmer/
[19:28:55] <hypermagic> ^^ cool
[19:29:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> not much you can think up that hasn't been done already.
[19:31:00] <hypermagic> USB is a good 1 port led blinker lol
[19:31:42] <hypermagic> i can imagine our fellow haxx0rz have much free-time
[19:32:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have no fellow "haxxorz"
[19:32:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> hackers, yes.
[19:32:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> nor "haxx0rz"
[19:38:14] <Casper> I'm almost tempted to use the ADC to transmit data... as in the interrupt...
[19:41:28] <theBear> oooh you fiend !
[19:42:03] <theBear> usb blinker - pfft ! igor rules the usb world, he changed EVERYTHING
[19:42:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes.
[19:42:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> igor did some amazing work with his first bitbanged USB on avr.
[19:42:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> ever see his bitbanged ethernet on avr?
[19:42:46] <theBear> and of course credit to abcuser for changing everything left
[19:42:57] <theBear> eff yes i am familiar with the udp only ethernet
[19:43:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's transmit udp only but it is impressive.
[19:43:35] <theBear> eff yes it i s:)
[19:43:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> nifty for remote sensors on ethernet.
[19:44:01] <theBear> that's the kind of can-we-build-it?yesWEcan! bob with a hardhat attitude i approve of
[19:44:13] <theBear> don't forget ir-receivers
[19:44:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes.
[19:46:24] <theBear> damn i'm bad with mornings since i haven't been working... i mean, i wasn't exactly "good" at them then, i could afford a lot more alcahol for a start, but now i just kinda rant about electronics and maybe make a fonecall and half drink a coffee and suddenly it's not morning time anymore
[19:46:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> I do my best work in the morning.
[19:46:49] <hypermagic> actually i did make a keyboard using an avr before
[19:47:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> in the evening I'm too dead to think properly.
[19:47:23] <hypermagic> :)
[19:47:26] <hypermagic> hmm hmm
[19:47:39] <hypermagic> ethernet avr programmer?
[19:48:13] <hypermagic> 100 Mbps baby
[19:48:21] <theBear> one day soon i think i gonna turn one of these lappy carcasses into a portable self-powered keyboard + monitor, probly with composite in too, for things like checking cams are working while yer on a roof
[19:48:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> done that, been there, bought the book, read the t-shirt.
[19:48:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> used enc28j60 ethernet chip.
[19:48:42] <theBear> dead laptops are just the obvious choice for that kinda deal
[19:49:08] <theBear> heh, 99mbits of ack? ack? ack? and 1 or re:-)
[19:49:35] <theBear> meh, still only tuesday eh
[19:50:23] <hypermagic> :)
[19:50:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> mini-ftp server on an atmega1284p, 1Mbit serial sram, enc28j60 ethernet chip.
[19:50:49] <hypermagic> ok well a cat5e cable is good upto 1GBps for less than 10m
[19:51:24] <hypermagic> only problem is it has low voltage differential signaling
[19:51:33] <hypermagic> it needs level translation
[19:52:04] <theBear> i ssh'd into someone from ircs avr years ago now, that was kinda fun
[19:53:31] <theBear> a lot of them are eDP as the years move along, and rare ones tmds, but i know all about lvds... http://testing.rememberit.com.au/pics/LCD%20bits/IMAG0321.jpg
[19:54:00] <theBear> http://testing.rememberit.com.au/pics/LCD%20bits/IMAG0337.jpg
[19:54:16] <theBear> who can program an intel driver just like the bigboys ? theBear that's who !
[19:54:39] <theBear> driver AND bios :-) didn't really think taht one thru before i got too far to turn back
[19:55:14] <hypermagic> :)
[19:56:05] <hypermagic> you just simply hook up any tft to your laptop and use it?
[19:56:29] <theBear> but so far i been thinking one of the 10 odd tvs (of which around 5, which aren't yet assembled, probably work) in my loungeroom probly has a nice small board that'll do yer standard comp/hdmi/vga and maybe digital tuner for a bonus
[19:56:53] <theBear> nah, that was for a buddy, but i have been getting carried away since i last worked... gotta avoid the stir crazies
[19:57:12] <hypermagic> nice job reclycling that
[19:57:27] <theBear> turns out the hinges and the fine tuning of the backlight freqs and crap are the hardest bits, and DAMN those hinges are made of space-tanium
[19:57:57] <hypermagic> yes
[19:58:04] <hypermagic> well because of torque... force
[19:58:07] <hypermagic> leverage
[19:58:10] <theBear> but yeah, i was pretty pleased by the end... pulling that mess together into a practical working kinda thing
[19:58:49] <theBear> totally, dude, problem is that if you wanna frankenjoin them you kinda gotta break that part of them with yer mini boltcutters then find enough unsmashed parts to get 'em back together :)
[19:59:45] <hypermagic> i have some laptop parts too but never was there to make anything out of them
[19:59:56] <hypermagic> seems like not worth it
[20:00:44] <theBear> i been force-retired for a while now, subsidized by the state, so friends bring me the odd solder a dc socket or whatever and they always have one or two long-dead ones they were gonna throw out afterwards, the spares pile has gotten ridiculously extensive
[20:00:48] <hypermagic> but i like the idea of a low power consumption 0 noise pc including tft display
[20:01:24] <theBear> and the last council/curb pickup i got completely carried away with the turn 2 dead tvs into one thing, only i never finished, so i got a bunch of 20-something to 48" tvs in pieces all over the loungeroom and kitchen
[20:01:32] <hypermagic> first thing would be to make it fully passive without any fans
[20:01:45] <theBear> it's all about having spare room and no girlfriend :)
[20:01:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe.
[20:02:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> would love to have the time to play.
[20:02:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> work sucks so much of my time and brain juice.
[20:02:32] <hypermagic> you may have that 20 years after ?
[20:02:37] <theBear> meh, it's a tradeoff, you gotta also get crippled and spend all the time drugged up and/or in useless pain
[20:02:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> already in pain.
[20:03:01] <theBear> i used to say that <grin> i was wrong
[20:03:21] <theBear> but i got a springloaded foot like a robot now, and a cool scar on my back
[20:03:39] <hypermagic> so theBear smoking weed all day long?
[20:04:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> can't take painkillers for any length of time...effectiveness drops fast then they just turn off my brain-mouth filter system.
[20:04:16] <theBear> not as long as i'd like... pensions ain't exactly huge
[20:04:50] <theBear> yeah, i'm past painkillers, but old pfizer got these hitech nerve-receptor-alterator things now... one used to literally knock me out for 20 hours, now i have 2 or 3 each day and i THINK i'm not TOO slow
[20:05:12] <hypermagic> cbd should work i think
[20:05:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> cbd?
[20:05:32] <hypermagic> in the medical flowers
[20:05:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> no clue what you are talking about.
[20:05:47] <theBear> for reference, don't ever get acclimatized to benzos, turns out they're possibly the most painful and long withdrawl out of anything ever (literally)
[20:05:51] <theBear> me too
[20:05:56] <theBear> central business district ?
[20:06:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> I avoid anything mind altering.
[20:06:33] <hypermagic> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabidiol
[20:06:44] <theBear> i couldn't live without mind altering... well i probly could, but noone else would survive
[20:06:52] <theBear> i at least need my liquor
[20:06:57] <theBear> it's for the greater good
[20:07:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> and I won't do pot/weed/marajuana/whateveritscalledthisweek
[20:07:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> alcohol just makes me sleepy.
[20:07:52] <theBear> course after all these years i can function more or less "fine" on psychadelics or enough liquor and painkillers to kill a normal person etc etc, but i don't advocate it... do as i say, not as i do
[20:08:05] <theBear> same goes for os choice
[20:08:13] <hypermagic> and how about poppy seed tea?
[20:08:15] <theBear> unless you gonna ask me to fix it for you :-)
[20:08:27] <theBear> i dunno, i love poppy seeds, particularly on knot-rolls
[20:08:35] <hypermagic> that is a pain killer too
[20:08:39] <theBear> sounds a little bitter
[20:08:52] <theBear> hehe, like me
[20:08:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, alternating.
[20:09:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> catnip and cinnamon tea.
[20:09:31] <theBear> mm, i can't do most of them anymore, muscle relaxers that let me exist killed my tummy
[20:09:42] <theBear> tho it seems to be recovering slowly
[20:09:52] <hypermagic> cinnamon tea is pain killer?
[20:10:04] <hypermagic> do you filter the cinnamon?
[20:10:05] <theBear> i also like cinnamon
[20:10:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> no.
[20:10:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> but it makes me feel good.
[20:10:11] <theBear> and saying it with a spanish accent
[20:10:13] <hypermagic> hehe
[20:10:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> and is good for the blood sugar.
[20:10:24] <theBear> i often have a dash of cinnamon and/or nutmeg in my coffee or tea
[20:10:33] <hypermagic> not eating sugar is good for blood sugar too
[20:10:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> true.
[20:10:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> I don't eat a lot of sugar.
[20:10:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> I prefer my chocolate to be 80% or more coco.
[20:11:05] <theBear> +1
[20:11:10] <hypermagic> and 20% other
[20:11:12] <hypermagic> ^^
[20:11:31] <theBear> cocoa "butter" is the other 20%
[20:11:36] <hypermagic> poisons, heavy metals, opiates, psychedelics
[20:11:43] <theBear> you know, little appropriate oils to hold all that cocoa in one piece
[20:11:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> hersheys dark chocolate is like,,,10% coco I think.
[20:12:13] <hypermagic> a little monosodium-glutamate ;)
[20:12:17] <theBear> orright, now i really gotta go, people to do, places to see
[20:12:19] <theBear> heh
[20:12:25] <theBear> have fun now
[20:14:02] <hypermagic> anyway, alcohol, coffe, and cough suppressors are psychoactive drugs too.
[20:14:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> watching Hunger Games Mockingjay part 1 here.
[20:14:16] <hypermagic> wtf is that?
[20:14:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> hypermagic, taken in enough quantity, just about anything can be psychoactive.
[20:14:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> hypermagic, the third of the hunger games movies.
[20:14:44] <hypermagic> i read some of the hunger games' description but sounds like idiot movie
[20:14:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> not bad movies...
[20:14:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> haven't read the books yet.
[20:15:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> need to get them and read them soon.
[20:15:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> better than the flippin glowy vampire movies.
[20:15:29] <hypermagic> i don't think i miss anything by not watching it
[20:15:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's in a corner of my screen while I code.
[20:16:15] <hypermagic> to distract you?
[20:16:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> noise.
[20:16:42] <hypermagic> i assume it is some training to develop concentration ?
[20:16:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> wife always has the tv on.
[20:16:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh, I learned that years ago.
[20:17:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> could listen to music, read a book, and watch tv all at the same time.
[20:17:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> did that as a teenager.
[20:17:31] <hypermagic> do you use 6.1 ?
[20:17:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> 6.1 what?
[20:17:44] <hypermagic> you know, a speaker for every 6 of your ears
[20:17:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> naa..just cheap headphones.
[20:18:16] <hypermagic> Stephen King is on drugs too btw
[20:18:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> has been for years.
[20:19:56] <hypermagic> beer, cigarette, grams of cocaine, Xanax, Valium, NyQuil, dextromethorphan (cough medicine) and marijuana
[20:20:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> nyquil and cough medicine are the only ones out of that list I will touch.
[20:20:36] <hypermagic> so you don't touch alcohol?
[20:20:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> nope.
[20:20:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> being diabetic, alcohol does nasty things to my blood sugar.
[20:21:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> and a couple of the meds I'm on don't play well with it.
[20:21:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> alcohol is just a sugar after all.
[20:22:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> I take xarelto to keep clots from forming in my lungs...alcohol can work with that and cause intestinal bleeding.
[20:23:49] <hypermagic> cough medicine is a dissociative hallucinogen drug
[20:24:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> if taken in large enough quantity, yes.
[20:24:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> hell, taken in enough quantity, oxygen can do similar.
[20:27:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok..bedtime.
[20:51:02] <hypermagic> oh great, top scientists developed the usb cable that can be plugged in reverse in 15 years... http://www.cnet.com/news/usb-type-c-one-cable-to-connect-them-all/
[21:22:19] <vsync_> i gotta go see if templeos guy is available
[21:23:43] <vsync_> he isn't
[21:48:33] <vsync_> dumb question -
[21:51:39] <vsync_> wait what
[21:56:59] <markm_> ok so i cannot seem to be able to debug my code with avr studio 4 and an avr dragon
[21:57:13] <markm_> i did NOT write the code in avr studio, i just programmed a hex file through it
[21:57:48] <markm_> how do i debug code at a specified address with the avr dragon. there is NO code compiled or built within the avr studio
[21:58:42] <markm_> also. how do i program/erase ONLY the application area
[21:58:45] <markm_> and not the whole device
[22:02:14] <markm_> wow gotta love avr stupido 6, click "new project"
[22:02:19] <markm_> 15 seconds later... .. .. ..
[22:09:20] <markm_> fuck. how do i stop the fucking debugger erasing the boot sector?
[22:16:40] <markm_> if there is anyone awake i need some help
[22:17:36] <markm_> fuck this is pissing me off now
[22:17:51] <markm_> how do the fuck do you just FUCKING DEBUG THE CODE THATS ALREADY IN THERE
[22:18:05] <vsync_> dude
[22:18:06] <markm_> not fucking erase it
[22:18:10] <vsync_> take a chill pill
[22:18:28] <markm_> no ive been working on this for 3 fucking weeks trying to get it so i can start debugging it
[22:18:43] <markm_> the fucking applications is NOT fucking BUILT with avr stupidio
[22:18:50] <markm_> its built with MY fucking compiler
[22:18:59] <markm_> i need to debug the output. i have my avr dragon
[22:19:02] <markm_> how do i debug it
[22:19:41] <markm_> if i write a BS application to just JMP to the boot sector it programs that AFTER erasing the entire fucking device
[22:19:53] <markm_> i need it to to STOP fucking erasing my code
[22:20:06] <vsync_> Fuck!
[22:20:18] <vsync_> do you need it to stop fucking or stop erasing?
[22:20:51] <markm_> i want it to debug the code thats ALREADY on the device
[22:20:59] <markm_> not "obliterate everything" then have nothing to debug
[22:21:45] <markm_> no. dont try to burn anything to the device. no dont erase the device. just set the fucking program counter at the reset entry point and start fucking debugging
[22:22:19] <vsync_> it's really hard trying to distinguish fucking from erasing and debugging
[22:22:48] <markm_> right
[22:23:04] <markm_> meaning now YOUR fucking with me
[22:23:10] <markm_> help or dont
[22:23:24] <markm_> dont jerk me off with bullshit just because im pissed off. im not pissed off with you
[22:23:32] <markm_> im pissed off with dickhead development tools
[22:24:56] <vsync_> Okay.
[22:25:02] <vsync_> Debug -> Attach to Target
[22:25:45] <markm_> not in there
[22:26:10] <markm_> oj. i was trying avr stupido 4 but that wasnt working for me. so i switched to 6
[22:26:12] <markm_> switching back
[22:26:36] <markm_> not in there either
[22:26:45] <vsync_> it's there in 6
[22:27:00] <vsync_> at least 6.2, dunno which you are using
[22:27:27] <markm_> 6.0.1843
[22:27:45] <markm_> everythinbg is grayed out under debug
[22:27:46] <vsync_> if it's not there, then i guess you have to update
[22:27:55] <vsync_> you need to specify the debugger
[22:28:30] <markm_> in where
[22:28:38] <vsync_> i think you need to create a project first
[22:28:47] <markm_> i did i called it qwerqwerqwerqwe
[22:28:49] <vsync_> then under the project settings you can specify the debugger used for said project
[22:28:59] <markm_> nope
[22:29:01] <markm_> not in there
[22:29:04] <vsync_> project -> [project] properties
[22:29:31] <markm_> doesnt exist
[22:29:33] <vsync_> oh, and then
[22:29:36] <markm_> guess i have to upgrade
[22:30:00] <vsync_> yeah
[22:30:15] <markm_> i hate microsoft development tools
[22:30:17] <vsync_> it's project -> [project name] properties, and on the left you select "tool"
[22:30:28] <markm_> its a fucking editor not a fucking web browser.
[22:30:42] <markm_> noi
[22:30:43] <markm_> noi
[22:30:45] <markm_> aaew;lyt wpireu[hy
[22:30:46] <vsync_> i haven't got a studio 6, can't remember how to set it there
[22:30:49] <vsync_> gofdkgjfdsgfdsj lfdghbgflkhjsgfnb
[22:30:51] <markm_> no i cant upgrade that way
[22:31:00] <markm_> i will not create an account with them
[22:31:06] <vsync_> takes what, 30 sec?
[22:31:13] <markm_> i need a direct download link. atmel can go fuck themselves
[22:31:30] <markm_> i dont create accounts on every fucking site of every fucking tool i use. FUCK the spam
[22:31:55] <vsync_> i have a shitsngiggles email for all of the mandatory account creation bs
[22:32:38] <markm_> i http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/Atmel_Studio
[22:32:43] <markm_> or you can find a site like that
[22:33:00] <vsync_> fight the power.
[22:33:07] <Casper> grrrr what did I did wrong now...
[22:33:14] <Casper> ADC not working as expected...
[22:33:22] <vsync_> yeah, but i'm using the asf shit, as i recall you need the fucking account for that
[22:33:35] <vsync_> because it's faster to use the browser than start copypasta fucking 100 files
[22:33:50] <vsync_> for a simple implementation of... whatever
[22:34:03] <Casper> and no real mean to figure out the value (no debugwire hardware, not enought pin to output the value somehow)
[22:34:07] <markm_> no idea what the fuck u are talking about
[22:34:29] <vsync_> atmel software framework provides libraries for peripherals
[22:34:41] <vsync_> with avr's i don't really give a fuck
[22:34:48] <vsync_> because setting them up is so simple
[22:35:01] <markm_> their libraries are utterly USELESS to me
[22:35:04] <vsync_> with ARMs, it's really much better to use readymade libs
[22:35:15] <markm_> im not going to be developing ANYTHING using their IDE or using their libraries
[22:35:24] <markm_> i need a uart... i write the driver in asm or forth
[22:35:29] <markm_> i want spi? i write the driver
[22:35:34] <markm_> etc etc etc
[22:35:36] <vsync_> yeah sure, same here for avrs
[22:35:46] <vsync_> but arm's a diff. ballgame
[22:35:53] <markm_> i do the same on x86, arm or where ever
[22:36:11] <vsync_> well congrats, and then you spend 3 weeks on a mundane debugging task?
[22:36:18] <vsync_> because said libs failed you, or what?
[22:36:39] <markm_> no because i dont write 2846589724 lines of C code, wait 5 hours for it to build then spend montsh debugging
[22:36:43] <markm_> i write 4 lines of code. i debug it
[22:36:54] <markm_> i write the next 4 of 5 lines of code and debug them
[22:36:56] <vsync_> but to me it seems you haven't done any debugging, at all
[22:37:05] <markm_> i write a primitive, i test it. i write a primitive, i test it
[22:37:20] <markm_> i use primitives to create higher level definitions and... TEST THEM
[22:37:24] <vsync_> writing your own drivers just became a huge task then
[22:37:31] <markm_> at all stages of development everything i write is tested IMMEDIATELY
[22:37:34] <vsync_> but, to each their own...
[22:37:42] <markm_> no its not a huge taks
[22:37:50] <vsync_> so what the fuck have you written so far if you've been stuck with debugging for 3 weeks?
[22:38:02] <vsync_> written, or debugging, for that matter
[22:38:03] <markm_> i wrote a terminfo parser in 1 hour
[22:38:16] <markm_> because i dont have the ability to debug this internally yet
[22:38:33] <vsync_> eeeeeh...
[22:38:34] <vsync_> sure.
[22:38:41] <markm_> the compiler im using to create this is my linux forth compiler
[22:38:49] <markm_> its a target/metacompiler/assembler for avr
[22:38:53] <markm_> the assembler is debugged
[22:38:57] <markm_> the target compiler isnt
[22:39:05] <markm_> to do that i need to single step OPCODES
[22:39:37] <vsync_> amazing.
[22:39:39] <markm_> really the solution is to write a jtag driver under my x86 forth and add a disassembler
[22:39:54] <vsync_> why are you telling me all this?
[22:40:04] <markm_> you asked?
[22:40:16] <vsync_> well, not a life story --
[22:40:36] <vsync_> i'm glad you want to do it the hard way. Good for you
[22:41:03] <markm_> i put all the pain up front. once i have a working avr forth kernel i have NO issues
[22:41:14] <vsync_> but you coming in ranting like no tomorrow, you make your bed and you lie in it.
[22:41:23] <markm_> getting the kernel working is always painful but everythign after that is trivial to develop
[22:41:37] <markm_> no im pissed at shitheads that dont know how to write decent development tools
[22:42:02] <vsync_> the only decency which was lacking, was your ability to use said tools
[22:42:55] <markm_> and the fact that the tool constantly erased the devices i wanted it to debug... ya thats what it was
[22:43:30] <vsync_> and the fact that the tool enables you just to attach the debugger onto the device without programming it... ya, that's what it was
[22:43:51] <markm_> not the version i have
[22:43:55] <vsync_> you could have googled for the answer, found it in less than a minute
[22:44:20] <vsync_> and then, for the apparent lack of it in your version, with half a fucking mongoloid brain you could have deduced that maybe you need to upgrade it, then
[22:44:33] <markm_> like i said. help or not but stop being another shithead. im not being a dick with you stop being a dick with nme
[22:44:40] <vsync_> but that's obviously over your head
[22:44:56] <markm_> vsync_!*@* added to ignore list.
[22:44:58] <markm_> problem solved
[22:45:06] <vsync_> oh, likewise
[22:45:17] <Tom_itx> yeah he don't like me either
[22:45:35] <markm_> he can go be a dick sucker somewhere else
[22:45:44] <vsync_> what a hothead idiot, he has some apparent anger management issues I guess
[22:46:04] <Tom_itx> no need to start name calling though
[22:46:35] <vsync_> guess so, his attitude just ticked me off
[22:46:49] <Tom_itx> it's irc. get a thicker skin
[22:47:02] <vsync_> that's oxymoronic
[22:47:08] <vsync_> thicker skin, namecalling's not an issue
[22:47:23] <markm_> well i wasnt acting like a dick with him
[22:47:36] <vsync_> i have a thick skin, don't worry.
[22:47:37] <markm_> someone acts like a dickhead with me i call him a dickhead.
[22:48:13] <markm_> i hate having to fight the development tools i have just to create the development tools i want.
[22:48:40] <vsync_> no namecalling was done though, merely subtle implications
[22:49:13] <vsync_> and #elsewhere, templeos guy is still awol :(
[22:49:15] <markm_> 0x800b0101 - A required certificate is not within the validity period when verifying against the current system clock or timestamp in the signed file
[22:49:18] <markm_> srsly?
[23:25:46] <Casper> ARRRGGGGG
[23:26:01] <Casper> I think I hit a bug in the tiny85 interrupt definition
[23:28:11] <Casper> ... nope
[23:31:19] <Casper> work :D
[23:43:32] <markm_> attach to target is grayed out, doesnt fucking help one iota
[23:47:37] <theBear> heh, i've been known to call someone a dickhead even when they're acting normally <grin>
[23:52:37] <markm_> would be nice if my boss gave me a laptop that didnt take 10 minutes to apply configuration changes in atmel stupidio :/
[23:53:01] <markm_> would be even nicer if the fucking tool would do what i fucking want it to do
[23:55:10] <markm_> can someone tell me how to get avr studio 6.2 to debug a specific address on a target WITHOUT first trying to build shit that isnt there and erasing my device?
[23:56:01] <markm_> fucking attach target is grayed the fuck out :(
[23:57:42] <markm_> also pisses me off that the ide tells you shit needs to be updated but you have to fucking log in to download. REALLY fucking pisses me off