#avr | Logs for 2015-02-24

[08:22:08] <Romualds> Hello!
[08:22:39] <Romualds> I need to connect antena extender for my nrf24l01
[08:22:45] <Romualds> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SMA-2-4GHz-9DBI-Wireless-Wifi-WLAN-5-X-Range-Booster-Antenna-Extender-Base-VM-/221660259752?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item339bfb25a8
[08:23:01] <Romualds> Can I take this antena and cut connection cable shorter?
[08:23:34] <Romualds> I know antena lenght must not be changed but is connection cable refeared to antena?
[08:28:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> if it is the proper cable, yeah, it should work pretty much no matter how long it is.
[08:29:19] <Romualds> thx Lambda_Aurigae!
[08:29:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> longer the cable the more attenuation of the signal but generally a shorter cable shouldn't be a problem unless it is a very finely tuned system that is tuned to the cable and antenna and many other factors.
[08:29:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> and an nrf chip is anything but a finely tuned system.
[08:30:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=9535416&sku=SMB-102795324&SRCCODE=WEM4445BY&utm_source=EML&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=WEM4445&cm_lm=ray@bethnray.com
[08:30:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> nifty price on a 1TB ssd...419 dollars.
[08:31:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> and if you use the coupon code KOB153352 it should get you an additional 30 dollars off.
[08:46:59] <megal0maniac> It runs at 2.4ghz-ish :P
[10:44:15] <Cazou> Hey, I'm having a proble with an atmega1284p in slave mode. It seems to be seeing repeated start as a stop
[10:44:50] <LeoNerd> Do you mean I2C?
[10:47:37] <Cazou> LeoNerd: yes, sorry
[10:54:07] <Cazou> LeoNerd: I don't have an oscilloscope so I can't make sure a repeted start is actually sent but I'm using the python SMBus package (bus.read_word_data)
[10:55:19] <LeoNerd> Ah..
[10:55:38] <LeoNerd> Get yourself a digital probe. I got one for around $20 and it's been one of the most useful things I ever bought
[10:56:52] <Cazou> and the statuses on the atmega are 0x60, 0x80 (and 0x15 is read, which is the command), 0xa0
[10:57:04] <Cazou> LeoNerd: I should find that
[11:10:31] <Cazou> LeoNerd: Still, the 0xa0 status corresponds to a Repeated start or a stop according to the datasheet, how can i differenciate those 2 ?
[11:11:05] <LeoNerd> I've no idea offhand; I've never used the AVR I2C module
[11:13:39] <Cazou> ok, thanks, I'll try to figure this out :)
[12:44:36] <vsync_> LeoNerd: earlier, you said digital probe, referring to a logic analyzer?
[12:45:01] <LeoNerd> Yah
[12:45:06] <vsync_> what'd you get?
[12:45:17] <LeoNerd> A Saleae clone :)
[12:45:25] <vsync_> 8 chan?
[12:46:00] <vsync_> i'm in the market for an 8 channel one. 4's not enough and i don't need 16 really.
[12:46:19] <LeoNerd> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hobby-Components-24MHz-Analyser-1-1-16/dp/B00DAYAREW/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424802299&sr=8-1-fkmr1&keywords=8ch+logic+probe
[12:46:22] <vsync_> got a 4 chan scope, but sometimes it's just a bit ehhh to use
[12:46:29] <LeoNerd> This thing. It's not *amazing* but it's very good for the price :)
[12:47:17] <vsync_> so. "saleae clone". Can you use the saleae software then?
[12:47:23] <LeoNerd> Yup
[12:47:29] <vsync_> Hahah. Cool.
[12:47:32] <LeoNerd> Just, not up to the full 12Ms/sec. It only copes with about 4
[12:47:53] <vsync_> Hmm...
[12:48:03] <LeoNerd> And those probe cables are *horrible*, you'll want to get some nicer ones. E.g. the Bus Pirate ones, which have the same 2x5 connector
[12:48:03] <vsync_> That's kind of borderline
[12:48:09] <LeoNerd> But still... £10 :)
[12:48:16] <vsync_> yeah, £10...
[12:48:38] <vsync_> but, would have to debug 4MHz SPI stuff, seems borderline...
[12:48:40] <LeoNerd> Obviously a real Saleae is nicer, but at >£100 it's not 10 *times* nicer, in my opinion
[12:48:49] <LeoNerd> I can usually debug 4MHz SPI just fine
[12:49:01] <vsync_> the old 8 chan is ~140$ afaik
[12:49:02] <LeoNerd> It will do faster rates, for short shots of time. It just can't sustain it for many minutes
[12:49:07] <vsync_> + shipping from the US, lol
[12:49:36] <vsync_> "usually"? =D
[12:50:15] <vsync_> though, i guess, i'm only debugging simple stuff. i2c, i2s and spi. Could drop the frequency down for a proof of concept...
[12:50:30] <vsync_> It's still relatively low freq, if it works, it works. Then just raise the freq.
[12:50:57] <LeoNerd> Yah.. I find that good enough. If I ever *needed* higher speed, it would likely be because someone was paying me to make something that fast...at that point they can contribute to my tooling
[12:50:58] <vsync_> scope's sometimes really clunky to use
[12:51:10] <LeoNerd> Ohyeah, this thing is physically tiiiiny as well :)
[12:51:15] <LeoNerd> It's really convenient to just have sat on the desk
[12:51:18] <vsync_> Yeah, seems like it
[12:51:28] <vsync_> the original saleae isn't that big either
[12:51:37] <LeoNerd> Compared a scope, though...
[12:51:39] <vsync_> Was looking at an "open source" LA from Seeed the other day
[12:51:52] <LeoNerd> I generally these days like USB-attached things I can run software on, over dedicated hardware displays
[12:52:11] <LeoNerd> I already have my laptop on the table anyway, so might as well reuse its screen/keyboard/mouse/CPU/memory/disk/....
[12:52:14] <vsync_> well, all depends on your deskspace
[12:56:25] <vsync_> Hah well, ordered it actually.
[12:56:39] <LeoNerd> :)
[12:56:49] <vsync_> Got a bunch of, i don't even know wtf they are called
[12:56:51] <vsync_> hook-type probes
[12:57:01] <LeoNerd> Mmm.. I find most of *those* are fairly crap
[12:57:16] <LeoNerd> I hunted long and hard, and found a really nice set from the US. A set of 20, 2 in each of all 10 colours
[12:57:21] <vsync_> well, they aren't that bad
[12:57:21] <LeoNerd> (I appreciate such neatness)
[12:57:32] <LeoNerd> Those cheap yellow ones are: cheap and fall off, and: all yellow
[12:57:36] <vsync_> unless you are doing in-circuit stuff
[12:57:41] <vsync_> then you need something else
[12:58:05] <vsync_> don't know, these are multi-colored.
[12:58:39] <vsync_> or i mean, in-pcb* stuff
[12:59:03] <LeoNerd> Oh, just jumper cables?
[12:59:09] <vsync_> no
[12:59:26] <LeoNerd> Hmm
[12:59:30] <vsync_> well, i bought it mostly for prototyping. I'll need to get a set of serious probes in case i need to debug pcbs
[12:59:42] <vsync_> But, I can use the scope if necessary :|
[13:00:29] <vsync_> I once had this, plastic mould -type of thing. With contacts on the inside, and you could fit it on top of TQFP-packages, this one was for 48 pin iirc. It's like a reverse socket
[13:00:34] <vsync_> Do you know what they are called?
[13:03:28] <LeoNerd> Oooh...
[13:03:36] <LeoNerd> An IC test clip?
[13:03:47] <LeoNerd> I've usually only seen them for PDIP or *very occasionally* SOIC sizes
[13:04:42] <vsync_> Yeah, test clip.
[13:04:48] <vsync_> was very cheap though
[15:13:09] <vanquish> okay guys...i have one for you
[15:13:31] <vanquish> i'm using atmel studio 6
[15:13:46] <vanquish> i'm programming an atmega2560
[15:14:19] <vanquish> I'm outputting data over serial, but to debug, i'll just output 'X' or something
[15:14:38] <vanquish> looking at the oscope, the baud rate is some fraction of what it's supposed to be
[15:14:43] <vanquish> but heres the catch
[15:15:10] <vanquish> if i open up another solution i have from another project, same uart.c library, same F_CPU, same serial port
[15:15:49] <vanquish> main() is basically sei(); uart_init(9600); while(1) uart_putc('X');
[15:15:51] <vanquish> for both solutions
[15:16:09] <vanquish> one outputs at the right rate, the other is some odd baud i can't figure out
[15:16:39] <vanquish> it's like 1/10 the speed ( i don't know the exact ratio, i can't match it to a baud option on my oscope)
[15:16:50] <vanquish> everything else works at the right speed
[15:17:06] <vanquish> clockout is right, _delay_ms() is about where it should be
[15:17:43] <vanquish> wtf? is there something somewhere in atmel studio that would affect the baud rate after programming?
[15:51:21] <Willd> vanquish: Pushed the wrong fuses?
[15:53:56] <vanquish> Willd: nah, checked that. does the same thing at all speeds
[15:54:48] <Willd> vanquish: I tend to push attiny48 fuses to my atmega328p..
[15:54:59] <vanquish> heh, yeah it happens
[15:55:03] <Willd> external 8mhz crystal here I go
[15:55:08] <vanquish> only working with 2560 here though
[15:55:36] <vanquish> i'm thinking it *might* have something to do with modifiying the uart lib and not doing a make clean
[15:55:41] <vanquish> still trying to verify
[15:55:45] <vanquish> ...really screwy problem
[15:56:00] <vanquish> spent all yesterday troubleshooting the hardware
[16:14:13] <vsync_> MMMMeh
[16:14:41] <vsync_> god damn nrf8001 still refuses to setup. After sending the whooole setup it still wants more, qq
[16:26:49] <megal0maniac> nrfs are a bit meh
[16:27:05] <megal0maniac> lots of setup