#avr | Logs for 2015-02-16

[02:40:43] <DO9XE> Hey, can someone tell me, what happens to the TWI-Pins on a atmega, when I use them for TWI? I want to use a 5V-driven Mega32u4 on a 3.3V TWI Bus, because I got a part which is only capable of 3.3V.
[02:50:58] <Xark> DO9XE: AFAIK you will need a bi-directional level shifter (one that is I2C compatible, not are due to pullups).
[02:51:51] <DO9XE> I am reading something about open-collector/drain in the datasheet. Im not through the whole text yet
[02:53:27] <Xark> https://www.adafruit.com/products/1875
[02:53:46] <Xark> D'oh. That one is non-I2C...
[02:54:01] <Xark> https://www.adafruit.com/products/757 There we go...
[02:54:54] <Xark> That is just using FETs it looks like...
[02:55:03] <DO9XE> well, I should just addapt the scematics ;)
[02:55:19] <Xark> Bingo. Love open source HW. :)
[02:55:23] <DO9XE> I'm doing something smaler and all on one board :)
[02:55:28] <DO9XE> me to :)
[03:33:00] <DO9XE_> Xark, I Fonund this :) http://playground.arduino.cc/uploads/Main/i2c-level-shifter-transistors.png
[03:33:23] <DO9XE_> Now I just need really tiny transistors ;) smaller than sot23 :D
[03:33:37] <Xark> DO9XE_: Cool. Looks good.
[03:33:53] <Xark> Maybe a resistor pack?
[03:35:04] <DO9XE_> resistors aren't the real problem :D im using 603
[03:35:29] <DO9XE_> its just that sot23 is to huge for only one transistor :/
[03:37:40] <Xark> I see. Hmm, 603s are the inhale-able ones IIRC. :)
[03:38:42] <DO9XE_> yes :) my project is child friendly :D no parts which "steal your breath" ;) :D
[03:39:48] <Xark> :D
[04:00:57] <DO9XE_> does anyone know something smaller than sot23? :)
[04:07:08] <Tom_itx> wonder what cell phones use
[05:07:22] <twnqx> Xark: 0603 is so big, resistors still have their values printed on
[05:13:52] <LeoNerd> I seem to have a bunch of 0.5% ones at home, that have 4 digits on
[05:14:00] <LeoNerd> It's really hard to read 1002 off an 0603
[05:24:08] * twnqx generally prefers 0402 anyway
[05:45:42] <DO9XE_> im not allowed to use 402, because the guys, wich test my finaly project should be able to see them :D so my boss told me to stay at 603 :D
[13:34:10] <cart_man> My I2C is really screwed up when I get 0xF8 (No Relevant Status Information Available) right?
[13:35:20] <LeoNerd> 0xF8 ...?
[13:36:14] <cart_man> Yes I get 0xF8 as a Status in the status Register of my TWI Comms : /
[13:36:23] <cart_man> Cant figure out what Im doing wrong
[13:37:21] <LeoNerd> I don't understand the question
[13:37:25] <LeoNerd> What is this 0xF8 coming from?
[13:37:42] <cart_man> Do you know about the Status register for I2C ?
[13:38:22] <cart_man> When you use I2C every step updates the I2C status register with a Code relevant to the stage it is currently at.
[13:42:57] <cart_man> I got the value 0xF8 in my status register and it means that theres no Relevant status information
[14:30:42] <Jartza> hmmh
[14:30:48] <Jartza> time to learn homebrew-rules
[14:31:15] <Jartza> I need to pack my own ruleset to build avr-gcc and avr-libc that supports attiny841
[14:31:20] <Jartza> maybe it's helpful for others too