#avr | Logs for 2015-02-03

[19:19:05] <anonnumberanon> I am sending a pwm to the esc connected to a brushless and I made the pwm between 1 milisecond and 2 miliseconds, sending 4.7 V at 500 hertz. The motor does not turn on but the ESC stops beeping when I connect the pwm cable. When I disconnect the pwm cable after like a minute the motor starts running magically sometimes, which lasts a few second of constant speed. Anybody can help please?
[19:28:48] <chupas> what is wrong with this circuit cellar challange?!
[19:28:50] <chupas> http://circuitcellar.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Challenge-1web.jpg
[19:28:59] <chupas> i cant see anything and its driving me crazy
[19:30:13] <chupas> the ground ref.. maybe?
[19:30:52] <chupas> yea i suppose so
[19:35:12] <Mr_Sheesh> C4 maybe s/b next to the reg not further away
[19:39:58] <Lambda-Aurigae> are the electrolytics on both sides of the 7805 supposed to be the same value?
[19:40:02] <Lambda-Aurigae> I thought that could cause issues.
[19:41:03] <Mr_Sheesh> Oscillation if there is no output decoupler cap I've seen, hmmm
[19:41:12] <aandrew> circuit cellar
[19:41:17] <aandrew> wow I haven't heard that name in a while
[19:42:27] <Lambda-Aurigae> also, without knowing the input voltage an transformer windings and such, how do you know how much voltage is going in?
[19:50:47] <Mr_Sheesh> Don't but that's not a schematic error really; no heatsinking on the 7805 or full wave bridge shown but that's not really a schematic error either really
[20:44:30] <totalanni> i was wondering
[20:44:41] <totalanni> if someone could look at this code in this project i have
[20:44:54] <totalanni> to make sure its generating random
[20:45:07] <totalanni> and any suggestions to make it better?
[20:46:52] <totalanni> https://github.com/btc-inf/armory-hardened/blob/master/hardened/src/rand.c
[20:47:02] <totalanni> https://github.com/btc-inf/armory-hardened/blob/master/hardened/src/hmac.h
[21:13:03] <totalanni> busy in here