#avr | Logs for 2015-01-27

[03:04:40] <LeoNerd> Bah.. AVR112 is kinda useless.. It's all wordy general handwavy description of how you might do it. It has no specifics on how to actually write the bootloader
[03:18:51] * inflex grumbles as he orders a $33 ESD safe container for his isopropyl alcohol :(
[03:24:23] <DO9XE_> is anyone familliar with the avr isp mk2? My programmer retruns status 0x00 in avrdude and the red LED is on. I didnt use it since yesterday, and back then it worked :P the programmer appears in lsusb as normal.
[06:36:14] <Valen> inflex: why?
[06:42:39] <inflex> Valen: used to see them for sale for $7 in one of my many catalogues
[06:42:52] <inflex> Valen: always considered buying them, but never did... and now I'm regretting it
[06:45:51] <Valen> yeah, I mean why are you buying said item?
[06:46:56] <inflex> oooh right, I find I need to do a lot of electronics cleaning with iPhones and many other items that humans have handled
[06:47:19] <inflex> so I like to use a lot of earbuds & swabs soaked with isopropyl
[06:48:14] <Valen> and the static safe part?
[06:49:05] <Valen> I just never really considered the need for a box of liquid to be static safe ;->
[07:28:32] <inflex> Valen: just can't seem to find any sturdy units that aren't ESD
[07:28:54] <inflex> It's an overkill, I don't need the static safe, but it seems that's all that's available
[07:29:48] <Valen> tiny dog bowl?
[15:22:31] <_methods> http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/01/27/9
[15:42:53] <malinus> _methods: wow old news, already upgraded hours ago :D
[15:43:22] <_methods> damn
[15:43:33] <_methods> i still gotta update all my stuff
[15:43:59] <malinus> you better, debian rolled out a patch for the libc binaries hours ago
[15:47:27] <_methods> yeah i'm just about to leave work then i can work from the house lol patching all night
[20:18:57] <inductiveload> hello! I'm trying to program an atmega328p (arduino uno board but without the USB side) with avrdude - I can run the program with Atmel Studio, but when I try with avrdue 6.0.1, I get "verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000"
[20:20:26] <N1njaneer> Make sure you are erasing the part first
[20:21:20] <inductiveload> the command I am using is "avrdude -pm328p -cjtag2isp -Pusb -e -Uflash:w:blinky.hex"
[20:22:24] <inductiveload> i also tried -Ulock:w:0x2F:m but that also faield verification
[20:26:39] <inductiveload> the device signature can be read OK
[20:48:54] <hypermagic> <N1njaneer> Make sure you are erasing the part first
[20:48:56] <hypermagic> inductiveload,
[20:49:38] <hypermagic> you can program an atmega multiple times and bits will only get erased, they will not be reset
[20:49:52] <inductiveload> doesn't the -e do an erase?
[20:50:54] <hypermagic> havent used that type programmer yet
[20:51:18] <hypermagic> but set your flags to not protected too becuse that will forbid reding f bytes
[20:51:23] <hypermagic> of
[20:53:53] <inductiveload> hypermagic, which flags?
[20:54:21] <hypermagic> lock bits
[20:55:09] <hypermagic> if you lock the device obviously you cannot verify it by reading
[20:56:49] <inductiveload> right, i set the lock bits to to 0x2F, and that also failed to verify
[20:57:00] <hypermagic> im searching for my sources now i cant show flags
[20:57:18] <hypermagic> is it right ?
[20:58:15] <inductiveload> section 28.1 of the Atmega328p datasheet would seem to indicate so
[20:58:38] <hypermagic> and avrdude -e erases ?
[20:58:41] <hypermagic> try chip erase
[20:59:25] <inductiveload> i get three "safemode: l/e/hfuse changed" warnigns but otherwise seems to work
[20:59:27] <hypermagic> i use 168PA btw
[20:59:44] <hypermagic> oh
[20:59:57] <hypermagic> that does not sound good
[21:00:13] <inductiveload> but atmel studio will still work ok
[21:03:51] <hypermagic> http://blog.louic.nl/?p=161
[21:05:22] <hypermagic> also disable safe mode to change fuses ?
[21:13:38] <inductiveload> basically the same thing - verification error
[21:14:16] <inductiveload> ok, well I can't do much more today, thansk for you help :-)
[21:29:07] <vsync> wow. i just read of this magda havas hag
[21:30:31] <vsync> did you guys know, there's a type III diabetes, and that em radiation can rise your blood sugar level
[21:50:32] <vsync> hm. decided to throw xmegas into the trashcan and swap over to stm32
[21:50:58] <vsync> which are like not comparable really but xmegas seem dead