#avr | Logs for 2015-01-11

[00:02:25] <mulvane> This is new avrdude.exe: stk500v2_command(): failed miserably to execute command 0x10
[00:08:32] <Tom_itx> avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p t10 -vvvv -U flash:w:C:\avrtest\Tiny10_asm\t10blink.hex:i
[00:08:37] <Tom_itx> use a cmd line similar to that
[00:10:14] <Tom_itx> avrdude -c avrisp2 -P m128 -U lfuse:r:con:r -U hfuse:r:con:r
[00:10:23] <Tom_itx> that should read the fuses to the console
[00:12:32] <Tom_itx> i know in linux it can be a permissions thing too
[00:12:54] <Tom_itx> not sure how you're testing it..
[01:05:19] <mulvane> Got it all working.
[06:15:06] <LeoNerd> I want to set up (somewhere like) 6 buttons on an analog chain so I can read them with a single ADC pin (as that's all I have spare)
[06:16:03] <LeoNerd> What's a good strategy for resistor values, to minimise the number of different values I have to buy? I obviously could just go for a doubling chain, e.g. 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k, and have a button bridge each one to read the value. but that's many different values
[06:16:34] <LeoNerd> Oh, I suppose if I don't care about multitouch I can just use one value linearly
[06:19:56] <Lambda-Aurigae> and have each button bridge 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 resistors.
[06:20:21] <Lambda-Aurigae> or you can use one value resistor and stack them up for each button.
[06:22:34] <Lambda-Aurigae> an r/2r ladder would work too.
[06:23:07] <Lambda-Aurigae> just uses 2 values of resistors...or 1 if you double the resistors in series for the 2r side.
[06:30:00] <LeoNerd> r/2r?
[06:43:42] <LeoNerd> I wonder if SPI to a '595 is fast enough to PWM an LED at a good rate
[06:58:23] <Lambda-Aurigae> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistor_ladder
[06:59:49] <LeoNerd> Hmmmm
[07:13:41] <tommylommykins> hmmm, I've written a program that counts the times I can spin in a busy loop for every wraparound of timer1 on my 328p
[07:14:47] <tommylommykins> I seem to be getting a strange pattern. It exactly alternates between 1091 iterations and 5460 iterations per wraparound of TCNT1
[07:15:57] <tommylommykins> AFAIK, this is the only code that the chip is executing... I haven't written any ISRs
[07:17:08] <tommylommykins> so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how my busy loop isn't counting to exactly the same value every time timer1 overflows
[07:20:06] <Lambda-Aurigae> tommylommykins, might have something to do with where the overflow occurs in your loop.
[07:20:59] <Lambda-Aurigae> but it sounds rather fishy.
[07:24:10] <tommylommykins> mmm, all the loop does is increment a counter and checks for the last seen value of TCNT1 being less than the current value of TCNT1
[07:24:14] * tommylommykins scratches his head
[07:24:43] <Lambda-Aurigae> and how are you seeing these numbers?
[07:27:07] <tommylommykins> ohwait
[07:27:11] <tommylommykins> I see what I did
[07:27:17] <tommylommykins> I made an embarassing mistake
[07:27:25] <Lambda-Aurigae> oh?
[07:28:11] <tommylommykins> I made a variable to capture the "last seen value of timer1", so I could check if there was a wraparound in the next iteration of my loop
[07:29:16] <tommylommykins> instead I was capturing TCNT1 in a variable and then comparing TCNT1 to the caputred value of TCNT1 immediately afterwards
[07:29:21] <tommylommykins> which just completely doesn't make sense
[08:37:50] <LeoNerd> Lambda-Aurigae: So.... the confusion on the nRF radio module and the CE pin is resolved. The person using it on a tiny85 who just tied CE high, was only ever transmitting. That's fine. The problem with doing that is you need to pull CE low and high again to -switch- between TX and RX modes. Which I need.
[08:37:55] <LeoNerd> So I need control of the CE pin
[08:39:29] <Lambda-Aurigae> ok
[09:25:26] <Jartza> http://kuvaton.com/kuvei/warning_3.jpg :D
[10:01:13] <antto> so it's possible to specify full path to the hex file in avrdude with: -U flash:w:"C:\somewhere\bleh bleh\fw.hex":i
[10:01:15] <antto> yey
[10:03:54] <Lambda-Aurigae> well, yeah.
[10:05:16] <Lambda-Aurigae> do it in makefiles all the time.
[14:45:53] <redstonecraftpl> Hi!
[14:46:44] <redstonecraftpl> do anyone maked small, programmable computer with some atmega 8 µC?
[14:47:16] <specing> yes
[14:47:35] <redstonecraftpl> with composite video? or something more oldschool? :)
[14:47:41] <specing> the atmega8 is itself a small, programmable computer
[14:47:52] <specing> no additional components necessary
[14:48:14] <specing> someone even managed to run Linux on it
[14:48:32] <redstonecraftpl> on atmega 8? You are joking..
[14:48:45] <specing> I think it was atmega328p
[14:49:29] <redstonecraftpl> by writing programmable computer, i want to say: something that i can program without PC near
[14:49:42] <redstonecraftpl> (or MAC. mac's are crap)
[14:50:04] <redstonecraftpl> so, i want to connect ps/2 keyboard to it
[14:50:18] <specing> yes, PS/2 and VGA are easy
[14:50:47] <specing> I've implemented both on an FPGA, not sure how it would work on a 16MHz avr...
[14:50:54] <redstonecraftpl> hmm, so it is possible to make it on one atmega8? I thinked one for screen, and one for everything other...
[14:51:03] <specing> yes
[14:51:04] <redstonecraftpl> 16Mhz? hmm
[14:51:13] <Thrashbarg> you can implement a PS/2 port on an ATmega that supports a synchronous UART
[14:51:22] <Thrashbarg> or USART rather
[14:51:25] <specing> you don't need sync USART
[14:51:30] <Thrashbarg> it helps
[14:51:31] <Thrashbarg> :P
[14:51:32] <specing> PS/2 can be bitbanged easily
[14:51:34] <Thrashbarg> yea
[14:51:53] <redstonecraftpl> hmm, another question: could i make it 100% in c? or some parts in ASM?
[14:51:56] <Thrashbarg> I was thinking more with generating VGA, latency can become a problem
[14:52:07] <Lambda-Aurigae> actually, linux was on the atmega1284p.
[14:52:10] <specing> redstonecraftpl: C with ASM in the VGA part
[14:52:24] <redstonecraftpl> aa
[14:52:25] <redstonecraftpl> ok
[14:52:28] <specing> redstonecraftpl: there is a guide on how to do inline assembly with gcc
[14:52:33] <specing> for AVRs
[14:52:38] <redstonecraftpl> i must read it
[14:52:48] <redstonecraftpl> ( i use avr-gcc, btw)
[14:52:54] <specing> yes, we know
[14:52:59] <Lambda-Aurigae> however, it didn't have VGA or keyboard...just serial interface.
[14:53:01] <specing> everyone uses avr-gcc
[14:53:10] <redstonecraftpl> aa, k
[14:53:14] <specing> those who don't are shortly cluebatted into oblivion
[14:53:18] <Lambda-Aurigae> there are several VGA output thingies for AVR out there.
[14:53:51] <redstonecraftpl> (btw, please dont say i am dumb. only 12 years old.
[14:53:52] <redstonecraftpl> )
[14:54:02] <specing> the hardest thing to do with VGA is the framebuffer
[14:54:04] <Lambda-Aurigae> nobody said anything about being dumb.
[14:54:06] <specing> its huge
[14:54:12] <Thrashbarg> I got 80 column VGA working with the SPI bus... there's a hack I figured out which gets rid of the 'dead bit' in the interface too
[14:54:25] <Lambda-Aurigae> Thrashbarg, I read that..it rocks.
[14:54:47] <Thrashbarg> timing is an issue though
[14:54:53] <Lambda-Aurigae> yeah.
[14:54:57] <Lambda-Aurigae> takes a lot of the processor time.
[14:55:03] <Thrashbarg> yup
[14:55:10] <redstonecraftpl> what is easier to program:(perhaps vga) VGA or Composite or Scart(ya know it is 100% compatibile with composite)
[14:55:14] <Thrashbarg> that and if the routine executes one cycle out of time the screen goes black
[14:55:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> for my vga projects I usually use one AVR as vga generator.
[14:55:31] <specing> redstonecraftpl: VGA is trivial
[14:55:37] <specing> redstonecraftpl: not sure about the others
[14:55:53] <Thrashbarg> specing: composite is half the speed of VGA so it's even easier :P
[14:56:01] <redstonecraftpl> xD
[14:56:07] <Thrashbarg> just use a resistor network to combine sync and video
[14:56:22] <redstonecraftpl> i want something to start.. i want to display some text ;P
[14:56:24] <specing> Thrashbarg: I'm working on a 450 MHz FPGA, I don't care ;p
[14:56:30] <Lambda-Aurigae> problem with VGA is, if you go 320x200 in one color you need 9600 bytes.
[14:56:32] <Thrashbarg> well la-di-da!
[14:56:34] <Thrashbarg> heh
[14:56:36] <redstonecraftpl> so, composite could be easier for 1st time
[14:56:53] <redstonecraftpl> afk
[14:57:25] <specing> Lambda-Aurigae: 9600, where have I heard that number before...
[14:57:32] <Lambda-Aurigae> hehe.
[14:57:32] <Thrashbarg> baud rates
[14:57:44] <Lambda-Aurigae> 320*240/8
[14:57:59] <specing> my homework is to do xorg over serial over FPGA over VGA
[14:58:10] <Thrashbarg> oh man...
[14:58:13] <specing> oh yes
[14:58:18] <specing> ooooooh yes!
[14:58:30] <specing> THINK OF THE BRAGGING RIGHTS!
[14:58:36] <redstonecraftpl> back
[14:59:04] <Lambda-Aurigae> I have a device that does VNC over ethernet with FPGA.
[14:59:10] <Lambda-Aurigae> but I didn't make it.
[14:59:27] <redstonecraftpl> how many pins vga will use? and how many composite?
[14:59:41] <Lambda-Aurigae> redstonecraftpl, depends on how many colors you want.
[14:59:46] <specing> redstonecraftpl: atleast 3 for VGA
[14:59:48] <Lambda-Aurigae> usually it's all B&W.
[14:59:59] <redstonecraftpl> ook, not many
[15:00:11] <redstonecraftpl> i want at least 1 color
[15:00:19] <redstonecraftpl> and for composite?
[15:00:24] <Lambda-Aurigae> well, 1 color is monochrome or Black and White.
[15:00:30] <Lambda-Aurigae> composite is 1 pin usually.
[15:00:39] <redstonecraftpl> only one?
[15:00:40] <Thrashbarg> composite needs two, one for composite sync and video, mixed with two resistors
[15:00:48] <Lambda-Aurigae> oh, yeah,,forgot about the sync.
[15:01:14] <Lambda-Aurigae> if you had a fast enough DAC onboard you could get away with 1 pin.
[15:01:23] <twnqx> redstonecraftpl: just google "LFT craft"
[15:01:24] <Thrashbarg> yup
[15:01:34] <redstonecraftpl> kthx
[15:01:43] <Thrashbarg> generating colour in composite video is a pain in the arse
[15:02:23] <Thrashbarg> redstonecraftpl: http://kaput.homeunix.org/spivideo/ <-- this is the one I'm referring to, I imagine you've seen it as you said?
[15:03:29] <redstonecraftpl> i've seen something like that
[15:04:03] <Lambda-Aurigae> note that that is done all in assembly.
[15:04:08] <Thrashbarg> yup
[15:04:10] <Thrashbarg> avra
[15:05:22] <redstonecraftpl> 0.0
[15:05:27] <redstonecraftpl> i found this..http://www.linusakesson.net/scene/craft/
[15:05:32] <Thrashbarg> that's the one
[15:05:33] <Thrashbarg> it's nuts
[15:06:11] <twnqx> ;)
[17:04:15] <fbrx> Hi, I've an issue with an usbtiny 2.0, I can not make it work, can please someone give me a hint? is it the right chan to ask?
[17:04:30] <Tom_itx> right channel
[17:04:53] <fbrx> Tom_itx, well, thanks
[17:05:35] <fbrx> I'm just simply trying to interface usbtiny 2.0 on linux using avrdude to an atmega328p-pu
[17:05:55] <fbrx> but it seems that the usbtiny doesn't even see the atmega
[17:06:19] <fbrx> it reports me a bad signature which isn't even similar to the atmega controller
[17:06:57] <Tom_itx> i think we have more issues come up in here over cheap programmers than anything else
[17:07:34] <specing> fbrx: check connections
[17:07:56] <specing> Tom_itx: usbtiny works fine
[17:08:32] <fbrx> specing, I've done it, but nothing the issue persists
[17:08:38] <Tom_itx> not saying it doesn't but there sure are alot of issues with them
[17:09:16] <Tom_itx> you could program with 2 resistors too
[17:15:51] <fbrx> I've also another programming device, but it works just on windows and I've not, I don't know if it is possible maybe to flash it with usbasp fw
[17:17:13] <twnqx> try an older avrdude
[17:17:16] <twnqx> before version 6
[17:18:17] <fbrx> twnqx, thank you, I'm going to try it now
[17:27:16] <fbrx> twnqx, same stuff as before, now just changes the fact that the device signature reports 0x0 :(
[17:27:27] <twnqx> mh
[19:18:23] <vsync> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/FH12-40S-0.5SH%2855%29/HFJ140CT-ND/1110388 ... Stock part in eagle, under con-hirose, can't seem to pass even a 0mil clearance drc for this
[19:18:52] <vsync> 1mil*
[19:19:27] <twnqx> one thing about eagle
[19:19:36] <twnqx> never. ever. use any libraires you didn't make yourself.
[19:20:18] <twnqx> also note that netclasses override global clearing settings
[19:21:39] <vsync> ha. that's it.
[20:06:26] <hackvana> twnqx: That goes for any CAD package. If you didn't make the part yourself, check and double check, for example, with a printout of the board. (and yes, I know he's gone)
[20:06:44] <hackvana> For a year or so, KiCad shipped with an LED footprint that had soldermask over the pad.
[20:07:01] <hackvana> And I seem to remember there was a FET with reversed pins
[23:07:54] <Arbition> hi
[23:08:08] <Arbition> I was told there was a greeter bot here
[23:12:19] <hackvana> Where's the bot?
[23:12:38] <hackvana> seems trebbor is not here...
[23:43:16] <apo> I think I'll get an axoloti... got a friend who's also interested, so that already halves shipping cost :)
[23:48:37] <rue_shop3> did th microcontrollers channel die?
[23:49:03] <rue_shop3> I need to ask if anyone has heard of PICs losing their programming after about 5 or so years of operation
[23:50:18] <rue_shop3> found it
[23:50:29] <rue_shop3> I think all the pic people are over there
[23:51:04] <rue_shop3> haha #avr rules
[23:56:38] <hackvana> rue_shop3: tobbor coming back any time soon?
[23:58:13] <rue_shop3> ugh
[23:58:28] <rue_shop3> there are major porting problems between versions of its foundation
[23:59:04] <rue_shop3> and to put 'm back online I'd have to use the new version cause the old one dosn't auth with the server properly
[23:59:12] <rue_shop3> (thats why old tobbor went poof)