#avr | Logs for 2015-01-08

[01:50:09] <DO9XE_> good Morning Dean :)
[01:50:21] <abcminiuser> Hey
[01:51:41] <DO9XE_> I didn't have any luck so far :D now im googling wether the USB of xMega64a3u might be broken by design :D
[01:54:24] <abcminiuser> Try an ASF example first
[01:54:27] * abcminiuser dinnertime
[01:54:38] <hackvana> abcminiuser: RossMcK's been after you
[01:54:58] <DO9XE_> an he is after his dinner^^
[01:55:07] <DO9XE_> I'll do ;9
[01:55:09] <DO9XE_> ;)
[08:00:36] <LeoNerd> I2C optoisolation... What are my options?
[08:00:44] <LeoNerd> (well, doesn't have to be opto if there's capacitive things too)
[08:03:15] <Tom_itx> optoisolators would do the trick there
[08:05:02] <Tom_itx> http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slva229/slva229.pdf
[08:05:05] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. reading about them, they generally sound like they're slow
[08:05:14] <LeoNerd> http://www.esacademy.com/en/library/technical-articles-and-documents/miscellaneous/i2c-bus/frequently-asked-questions/i2c-faq.html e.g. on there
[08:06:07] <Tom_itx> http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-ArduinoRaspberry-Pi-Robot-Platform/step16/Make-an-i2c-optoisolator/
[08:06:20] <Tom_itx> har har
[08:06:43] <Tom_itx> http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/AN_913.pdf
[08:09:12] <LeoNerd> I'm pondering making one as a little board to plug over the bus pirate
[08:09:18] <LeoNerd> 2x5 connector either end
[08:10:32] <LeoNerd> Most people seem to use some sort of splitter chip, that turns a bidirectional I2C line into a separate Tx and Rx
[08:11:29] <malinus> Guys, just a sanity test. I had this quiz, and my answer was wrong. However I think the quiz is actually wrong and not me :D.
[08:12:26] <malinus> Your mega32 is running @ 3.6848MHz, timer1 is initialized as in "10bit phase correct PWM". The prescalar is set to 256. What is the PWM frequency?
[08:13:14] <malinus> spoiler: I answered 14Hz, while the quiz says 7Hz
[08:22:16] <LeoNerd> Isn't that because "phase-correct" counts both up and down?
[08:22:43] <LeoNerd> So it takes two runs of the 10bit counter to get back to the beginning
[08:24:12] <malinus> yeah?
[08:24:34] <malinus> ah, so the whole period is 2*0x03ff
[08:57:34] <malinus> thank LeoNerd
[08:57:36] <malinus> s
[12:25:07] <N1njaneer> It's a beautiful day in AVR land
[12:25:41] <LeoNerd> N1njaneer: Any word on the device file stuff?
[12:26:05] <N1njaneer> No, I'll poke my FAE here again to ask. I think he was away for the holidays recently :)
[12:26:40] <LeoNerd> OK
[12:26:52] <LeoNerd> Also, related to those files: I don't think they contain the "default" values of the fuses
[12:27:02] <LeoNerd> Makes it hard for me to provide a one-click "Default" button in my burner
[14:20:11] <Aer93> hi, I'm trying to integrate the data of a MPU600, I'm sampling at 200Hz... but the results are reallly bad, is that normal? Or just the results be good for atleas a few seconds?
[14:46:56] <LeoNerd> Remind us what is an MPU600? Is that the 3DoF accel/gyro?
[15:16:43] <Aer93> is a IMU
[15:16:47] <Aer93> yep
[15:16:54] <Aer93> 3DoF accel gyro
[15:16:58] <Aer93> I think I have found the problem
[15:17:08] <Aer93> but i do not know what is causing it
[15:17:28] <Aer93> normally, when still it returns values like 100-110
[15:17:34] <Aer93> but suddently it gives a 0.0
[15:18:04] <Aer93> 1 every 20 values it gives a 0, messing up the integration
[15:18:18] <Aer93> is that normal in a sensor? to give sudently 0 value?
[15:36:07] <N1njaneer> Depends on what you are trying to track, but the double-integration will compound errors quite quickly.
[15:37:00] <N1njaneer> There are tricks that can be used to help stabilize the results (i.e. looking for gravity vector when the gyros are relatively at rest, etc) but you WILL get drift over time. A magnetometer on board can improve further yet, but eventually it will drift.
[15:45:11] <Aer93> oh no ... that wasnt the error
[15:45:19] <Aer93> the sensor is giving also reaaaally big values
[15:45:34] <Aer93> something like .... 100, 100, 20 000, 100, 100
[15:45:36] <Aer93> when still
[15:45:38] <Aer93> :S
[15:46:56] <Aer93> really big jumps
[15:47:04] <Aer93> but the problem is that I cannot filter them
[15:47:19] <Aer93> as a normal turn has same order values
[15:50:32] <LeoNerd> https://www.tindie.com/products/leonerd/attiny-14pin-soic-to-pdip-adapter/ <-- my latest thing
[15:51:06] <N1njaneer> Values from what sensor? Gyro? Accellerometer, etc?
[15:56:04] <Aer93> gyro
[15:56:48] <Aer93> accell has also noise, but I guess that's normall... but gyro?? The thing is that gyro X does not do that , and gyro Y does
[16:09:37] <Fleck> anyone knows a pcb (would be good in ebay or aliexpress) for atmega 2560, with crystal, caps, and filters, and - pinouts :D
[16:11:32] <LeoNerd> I don't /know/ of one but given an hour in KiCad surely you could just make one
[16:49:57] <Fleck> yeah
[16:50:13] <Fleck> but that's not the q. though LeoNerd!
[16:51:44] <_methods> you just want a blank mega2560 pcb?
[16:54:07] <LeoNerd> Fleck: My point was more: I wouldn't bother looking for one, as it's unlikely to find one. Just make it yourself
[16:55:04] <Fleck> _methods: well, I would not call it blank! :D
[16:56:03] <_methods> so you just want a mega2560 board then?
[16:56:09] <_methods> already populated
[16:56:48] <_methods> http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATmega2560-16AU-CH340G-MEGA-2560-R3-Board-Free-USB-Cable-for-Arduino-/201197139954
[16:56:53] <_methods> like that?
[16:57:45] <Fleck> no
[16:59:25] <Fleck> http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-ATMEGA128-AT90CAN128-M128-mini128-Minimum-System-Board-Blank-Bare-Board-/320872805585?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab58274d1 << something like this, but for 640/1280/2560
[17:00:17] <Fleck> ehh no
[17:00:24] <Fleck> there is too much onboard
[17:00:24] <Fleck> sec
[17:00:37] <Fleck> http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATMega128-103-Bare-PCB-/321634454787?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ae2e84d03 << this one!
[17:00:46] <Fleck> perfect! :p
[17:01:54] <_methods> http://www.ebay.com/itm/MEGA2560-R3-development-board-Bare-Empty-PCB-ATMEGA16U2-Arduino-Compatible-/161471593908
[17:02:02] <_methods> like that?
[17:02:53] <Fleck> no, there is USB, vreg I don't need
[17:03:10] <Fleck> also pins are spread out too much
[17:09:46] <Fleck> http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATmega1280-16AU-ATmega1280-AVR-Development-Board-/181359949541?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a39e536e5 << this one looks nice also, but I have ICs, so I need just PCB
[17:21:17] <Fleck> http://img06.taobaocdn.com/bao/uploaded/i4/i1/T1m3aSXidyXXbBX4fX_115351.jpg << this is nice! :D
[17:22:06] <Fleck> http://www.siphec.com/item/ATm2561-TB1.2.html << and this
[17:58:35] <Fleck> _methods, LeoNerd tadaaa: http://www.mikroe.com/products/view/87/empty-bigavr-mcu-cards/
[18:01:14] <_methods> you just wanted a breakout board?
[18:01:26] <Fleck> nooo :/
[18:01:30] <Fleck> come on man
[18:01:35] <Fleck> http://www.tme.eu/pl/Document/74ff93373c4c722d40d90add7679365e/bigavr2_mcu_card_manual.pdf << check circuit
[18:01:38] <Fleck> for 1280
[18:04:52] <Fleck> I would be more happy if there where ISP header - then it would be perfect, but this one is great also :D
[18:19:57] <Fleck> wow http://www.mikroe.com/bigavr/v2/
[18:24:58] <Lambda-Aurigae> looks like a fun toy.
[18:38:52] <Fleck> yeah, would be fun to have ;P
[18:38:56] <Fleck> buy me one Lambda-Aurigae ;D
[18:39:25] <Lambda-Aurigae> not until I buy me 2
[18:39:31] <Lambda-Aurigae> which the wifey won't let me do
[18:39:33] <Lambda-Aurigae> so, no go.
[18:39:35] <Fleck> ;p
[18:42:24] <Lambda-Aurigae> base price doesn't include the display either.