#avr | Logs for 2015-01-07

[01:15:26] <hackvana> It's abcminiuser!
[01:18:47] <abcminiuser> No it's not
[01:25:19] <Thrashbarg> I'm not really Thrashbarg, I'm just pretending I am
[01:26:01] <Casper> Thrashbarg: also, you ain't from australia, you're just pretending you are? :D
[01:26:20] <Thrashbarg> NO! It's TOO DAMN hot here to pretend D:
[01:26:53] <Casper> wanna swap place?
[01:27:15] <Thrashbarg> is it cooler than 38C and without overcast where you are?
[01:27:35] <Casper> -10°C, feels like -16°C
[01:27:42] <Thrashbarg> perfect!
[01:28:36] <Casper> wednesday night, it will drop to -25°C, will feels like -36°C
[01:28:52] <Thrashbarg> nice
[01:29:09] <Casper> ... I should bring brother's boat battery out of storage... and give it a quick charge.... in case my car don't start..
[01:29:18] <Thrashbarg> yea
[01:31:43] <Casper> do you know how cold -25C is?
[01:31:52] <Thrashbarg> I've never experienced below zero hehe
[01:32:49] <Casper> hehe
[01:33:13] <Casper> the roads are really ugly right now....
[01:33:18] <Thrashbarg> I bet
[01:33:33] <Casper> we got snow, then freezing rain, then rain, then freezing rain, then -18C
[01:33:42] <Thrashbarg> yeah
[01:39:40] <Casper> I night have to give back a second charge on that battery later today
[01:39:56] <Casper> it was sitting in a cold room, so at around 5C... not best temp to charge the batt
[01:41:25] <Casper> you know what's funny?
[01:41:34] <Casper> my cousin's bf is a mechanics...
[01:41:43] <Casper> ... their car never start during winter
[01:41:48] <Casper> nine.. always start
[01:41:52] <Thrashbarg> :P
[01:51:12] <hackvana> ping not_abcminiuser
[02:10:50] <abcminiuser> Back
[02:35:22] <Eldunar> http://pastebin.com/MNmkAHRA hello i am learing how to use AVR uC. My model is ATMEGA 32.I want to use two switches, one will iniciate ligting of LED ( one by 1: 1000 > 0100 > 0010 etc..) but this program which i posted is not working can u tell me why?
[07:14:46] <RossMcK_> evening folks
[07:22:43] <hackvana> RossMcK_: Hi!
[07:24:30] <RossMcK_> hackvana: Hi Mitch. Cooler (more pleasant) now.
[07:25:46] <hackvana> Seems the temp we're at now is the temp we'll have all night
[07:25:57] <hackvana> http://www.wunderground.com/weather-forecast/zmw:00000.1.94868
[07:26:03] <RossMcK_> I can stand for that.
[07:27:29] <RossMcK_> hackvana: That link includes the METAR message. Haven't seen or decoded one of those for maybe 12 years.
[07:28:53] <RossMcK_> ABC TV weather reported that Blackburn North got 30mm of rain this afternoon. A few of my buckets left outside bear witness to that!
[07:32:46] <RossMcK_> night all
[09:47:59] <theBear> o
[09:48:03] <theBear> i'll show you bear witness
[09:48:21] <theBear> ross mckenna eh hehe
[09:51:12] <hackvana> theBear: You right there?
[09:53:00] <theBear> i'm often right, i wouldn't say i'm great, but i would say i'm awesome.. but i was referring to the comment that highlighted me
[09:53:27] <theBear> about err, 2.5 or 26.5 hours ago
[09:54:24] <Thrashbarg> 2:00 am COFFEE
[09:54:59] <theBear> if you say so, i'll set an alarm
[09:55:09] <theBear> not cos i'll be asleep, just forgetful, and a little drunk
[09:55:27] <Thrashbarg> I mean I have a 2am coffee
[09:55:30] <Thrashbarg> \o/
[09:55:42] <theBear> ooh, i'm gonna need one of them in about 2.5 hours, can i borrow it ?
[09:55:51] <Thrashbarg> not this one
[09:56:07] <theBear> aww, fairy nuff
[09:56:47] <theBear> there's some epic weird cartoon on the tv... called heavy metal... i wonder if it's made by zz top or perhaps those dudes
[09:56:48] <theBear> err
[09:56:59] <theBear> you know, they made the original heavy metal movie
[09:57:14] <Thrashbarg> cadmium?
[09:57:26] <Thrashbarg> or lead
[09:57:28] <theBear> heh nah
[09:57:36] <theBear> this is much worse for the human body
[09:57:40] <Thrashbarg> I am a huge metal fan
[09:57:42] <Thrashbarg> BRRRRRRRRRR
[09:57:52] <theBear> lol, i hope you got a huge finger guard
[09:58:02] <Thrashbarg> heh
[09:58:33] <theBear> hehe, that's smooth, such a common phrase and you are the first ever to misuse it brilliantly
[09:58:48] <Thrashbarg> far from the first
[09:59:08] <theBear> seriously ? i spose i DO avoid hanging around students, even chemistry ones
[09:59:27] <Thrashbarg> or the Internet
[09:59:47] <theBear> ooh yeah, that internet, jeez
[09:59:58] <Thrashbarg> can't believe it's still around eh?
[10:00:15] <theBear> still can't believe it ever took off <grin>
[10:00:21] <Thrashbarg> hehe
[10:01:21] <Thrashbarg> argh I need to write an assembler or evaluator or something for this architecture I've made
[10:01:26] <Thrashbarg> I suck at doing that
[10:02:54] <theBear> too late now, you made an architecture, you jumped in, and it wasn't the kiddie pool or the shallow end
[10:03:24] <Thrashbarg> are you kidding? This isn't even a von Neumann or Harvard architecture @_@
[10:04:18] <theBear> it has to be one
[10:04:25] <Thrashbarg> nope :D
[10:04:32] <Thrashbarg> it's a dataflow architecture
[10:04:32] <theBear> but but, please explain !
[10:04:42] <theBear> but the dataflow gotta flow from somewhere
[10:04:49] <Thrashbarg> it flows in pipes
[10:04:56] <theBear> where do the pipes come from ?
[10:05:00] <Thrashbarg> the program
[10:05:09] <theBear> *BAM*
[10:05:10] <Thrashbarg> but it doesn't matter what part of the program is executed
[10:05:30] <Thrashbarg> it could be random and it'd still work
[10:05:45] <Thrashbarg> albeit slower
[10:06:36] <Thrashbarg> that and it doesn't matter if multiple parts of the program are executed at the same time by different processors
[10:07:31] <theBear> hmmmmmmmmmm
[10:07:44] <theBear> i posess interest, but it is not piqued
[10:07:55] <Thrashbarg> I see
[10:08:18] <Thrashbarg> http://kaput.homeunix.org/~thrashbarg/piped.c <-- lots of comments and an introduction
[10:08:49] <Thrashbarg> compile and run as is and it spits out the Fibonacci series
[10:10:37] <Thrashbarg> well... until it overflows
[10:10:44] <Thrashbarg> then it spits out garberish
[10:10:58] <bitd> Thats a pretty nice comment block Thrashbarg, quite clear.
[10:11:05] <Thrashbarg> yay!
[10:21:57] <LeoNerd> Pondering using a tiny2313 as an I2C attached parallel port of custom design, basically. Want to read a bunch of optoisolators attached to LEDs on a domestic appliance
[10:22:13] <LeoNerd> Sensible? How nicely can you do I2C on the USI on those? OR should I use the UART instead?
[10:22:23] <LeoNerd> Actually, thinking of which - cable length for I2C?
[10:22:45] <Thrashbarg> I thought it was specified as a trace length :P
[10:23:43] <LeoNerd> I2C or UART would be two wires either way; the thought though is that I2C I can bus together, whereas UARTing I'll need one dedicated cable per appliance.
[10:25:59] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. primary problem seems to be cable capacitance, smudging the signal out
[10:26:07] <LeoNerd> So I guess just run it at lower clocks
[10:26:30] <LeoNerd> Also split the pullup resistance over both sides of the cable
[10:30:03] <bitd> What would you consider low clockrate for a application such as this?
[10:30:08] <bitd> Just curious btw.
[10:31:10] <LeoNerd> dunno.. could be tiny... 1kHz? Just reporting on LED states on a dishwasher
[10:37:14] <LeoNerd> "One particular application - clocked at about 500Hz - had a bus length of about 100m (300ft)" -- http://www.esacademy.com/en/library/technical-articles-and-documents/miscellaneous/i2c-bus/frequently-asked-questions/i2c-faq.html
[10:37:27] <LeoNerd> That's way more than I need :)_
[10:49:16] <Jartza> how about something like rs485
[10:49:52] <LeoNerd> I don't need -that- long...
[10:50:00] <Thrashbarg> heh
[10:50:08] <LeoNerd> I2C has the advantage of doing it directly from the tiny2313
[10:50:22] <LeoNerd> I want to embed that chip inside my dishwasher (the front panel has some spare space), without too much else on there
[10:50:57] <Thrashbarg> I had an old keyboard for a terminal that was built like a tank and used RS422 or something like that to connect to the machine.... :P
[10:51:01] <Thrashbarg> massive overkill
[10:51:03] <Thrashbarg> but it was British
[10:51:57] <LeoNerd> Also 485 would need more wiring
[10:52:08] <LeoNerd> I'd prefer just to run the little 4-wire thing to the appliacnes
[10:52:16] <LeoNerd> *appliances
[10:52:43] <Jartza> more wiring?
[10:54:37] <Jartza> well. rs-422 is option too :)
[10:54:52] <Jartza> but I guess slow speed i2c will also be just ok
[11:01:06] <LeoNerd> 422 is also a current loop though yes?
[12:06:53] <mitsakos> hello, i have connected the filaments of 6 tubes in series and i have noticed that the tubes thar are closer to the ground are less bright than the tubes close to the power supply. Why does this occure? The same current passes throw all of the tubes and all of the tubes have the same voltage. Am i wrong?
[12:07:54] <LeoNerd> "tubes" - what kind of tubes?
[12:08:08] <hackvana> mitsakos: What happens if you swap the order of the tubes?
[12:08:23] <hackvana> And have you measured the voltage across each one?
[12:13:16] <mitsokos> hackvana sorry i lost the connection
[12:14:12] <hackvana> mitsakos: What happens if you swap the order of the tubes?
[12:14:17] <hackvana> And have you measured the voltage across each one?
[12:16:02] <mitsokos> no i haven't measured the voltage on board only in theory
[18:34:52] <RossMcK_> morning folks
[18:38:12] <Lambda-Aurigae> if you say so.
[18:58:46] <RossMcK_> very quiet over here. presumably everyone has their heads down... either on pillows or hard at work
[18:59:44] <Lambda-Aurigae> hard at work watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
[19:05:48] <RossMcK_> Lambda-Aurigae: Isn't that a waste of presumably good brain power?
[19:07:12] <Lambda-Aurigae> presumably.
[19:07:34] <Lambda-Aurigae> I'm also reworking a C interpreter to run on an atmega1284p at the same time.
[19:09:38] <Lambda-Aurigae> eventually, hopefully, with a c-64 like full screen editor/interpreter/os.
[19:12:10] <RossMcK_> hmmm.... nice
[19:13:04] <Lambda-Aurigae> well, hopefully.
[19:13:26] <Lambda-Aurigae> might even call it the C-1284
[19:16:10] <RossMcK_> :-)