#avr | Logs for 2014-12-15

[03:53:34] <LeoNerd> So.. here's a question: How come none of the software serial libraries can do non-integer baud-rate divisions?
[03:53:53] <LeoNerd> By which I mean: every single one of them uses a single constant value for the wait time between each of the (e.g.) 8 bits of data
[03:54:16] <antto> on windows you can open a serial port at arbitrary rate (at least on winXP it works)
[03:54:23] <antto> the argument is a plain integer
[03:54:33] <LeoNerd> What you want to do, for those faster rates, is have a schedule. In the likely event that it's not an integer (e.g. between 5 and 6), you want to pick sometimes 5, sometimes 6 as the delay
[03:54:56] <antto> on OSX i couldn't find such function iirc, the argument was enumerated from a bunch of available rates
[03:55:07] <LeoNerd> Hm? I mean on the AVR chips
[03:55:19] <LeoNerd> I want to use 115200baud with a 16MHz crystal
[03:55:19] <antto> oh, sorry
[03:55:31] <LeoNerd> That's a division of between 7 and 8 cycles
[03:55:49] <LeoNerd> I can very easily hand-write that code though I suppose...
[03:55:59] <LeoNerd> Actually I might just do that
[04:08:11] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. decisions. If I use a tiny841 on this design, I have a single spare pin left to drive some LEDs. I could use that pin to stick a shift register on the SPI-like pins and do it that way, but that's two chips on the board, at which point I might as well have used a larger AVR chip with more pins anyway
[04:11:32] <Jartza> like attiny88
[04:11:46] <LeoNerd> Does the 88 have a UART though?
[04:12:13] * LeoNerd consults http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmel_AVR_ATtiny_comparison_chart
[04:12:41] <Jartza> no
[04:12:50] <Jartza> no hw-uart :(
[04:12:56] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. yah; then I'd have to burn extra CPU/RAM/Flash on that
[04:13:12] <LeoNerd> It might end up being a mega8 at this rate
[04:13:42] <LeoNerd> but then why bother with an 8 when a 328 is cheaper
[04:14:29] <LeoNerd> Actually at that, I could stick the virtual USB firmware on it and do away with the PL2302
[04:14:32] <LeoNerd> Meh.. decisions
[04:16:36] <Jartza> attiny87 does have uart and 16 io-lines
[04:17:15] <Jartza> still cheaper than 328
[05:03:15] <LeoNerd> I don't have the detailed datasheet on the 87 with me here on the phone but 16 IO pinsI think still leaves me one short
[05:04:03] <LeoNerd> I need xtal 2; uart 2; hvsp 4; Vtg/Vprg 2; that's 10. leaving me 6 pins for LEDs and buttons. Hmm
[05:04:16] <twnqx> go from xtal to resonator and save one?
[05:04:22] <LeoNerd> Maybe if I charlieplex LEDs and analog read the buttons
[05:04:36] <LeoNerd> Can you get baudrate resonators?
[05:04:42] <LeoNerd> 14.mumble
[05:04:52] <LeoNerd> 5764 or whatever the number is
[05:05:28] <twnqx> hmmm
[05:21:38] <LeoNerd> Oooh.. :( The tiny87 isn't really 16 GPIOs.. It's 15 GPIOs and a RESET line
[07:53:36] <t4nk737> why is it not going into the switch case? http://pastebin.com/cV2R6afJ
[07:54:21] <t4nk737> receiving is 1 and its sending usart_sending(1)
[07:54:50] <t4nk737> but then its not going in the switch case and doing the motorup function.. does someone know?
[08:41:41] <apo> http://p.0au.de/5c19a8ca/ I wrote a guitar tuner! ;)
[13:31:15] <hetii> HI :)
[13:32:40] <hetii> I need some C library that allow me reprogram windbond SPI flash 25q32
[13:33:34] <twnqx`> same as all flash chips, no?
[13:34:57] <hetii> twnqx`: no clue ... but if yes is there some lib for that I can use or do I need go throught it datasheet ?
[13:35:11] <twnqx`> 25q32bv, w25q32dw or w25q32fv? :>
[13:35:49] <twnqx`> though i don't think it really matters
[13:36:13] <hetii> hmm was w25q32 as far as I remmeber but not sure now, the label is almost invisible on it
[13:36:54] <N1njaneer> The SPI subset of commands is generally the same, just different page counts.
[13:37:07] <N1njaneer> Have done a ton of flash programming with those series of parts. Very easy.
[13:37:13] <twnqx`> yeah
[13:37:30] <N1njaneer> You can always read the ID Code as well to see what the part number is.
[13:37:49] <twnqx`> not always :P but yes, these support it
[13:39:13] <hetii> N1njaneer: could you give me some more details. General I have allredy a lib that use stk500 protocol and can be easly used on avr as well as arm based mcu. Now consider to add support for this flash and some other mcu that I have...
[13:40:08] <LeoNerd> N1njaneer: Ah; afternoon. :) (or evening or morning or whatever is most appropriate)
[13:40:26] <twnqx`> hetii: not sure if it helps, but https://bpaste.net/show/9fe1aa6adee3
[13:41:49] <hetii> nice, can I use this code for my library and then put as open source ?
[13:42:02] <twnqx`> suit yourself
[13:42:08] <twnqx`> you can't comment all the IDs in
[13:42:15] <twnqx`> or you have to move them to progmem :P
[13:42:20] <twnqx`> i was so far too lazy for that
[13:42:53] <hetii> well I suppose this should be at the end of PC side ?
[13:43:04] <twnqx`> uh
[13:43:10] <twnqx`> i use this on an AVR
[13:45:29] <hetii> yep, but the content you transfer from PC via uart ?
[13:49:18] <N1njaneer> hetii: I've just done all interactions with the SPI flash devices using basic SPI communications on the AVR series of parts. The instructions for reading and writing the flash devices are pretty trivial.
[13:50:04] <twnqx`> hetii: i just use the flash as log from my avr...
[13:50:25] <twnqx`> that's also why there is buffering codes (_queue) in
[13:50:43] <N1njaneer> Read instructions are generally something to the effect of "byte command for reading, 3 bytes of address to start reading in linear space, read data, data, data..." until you terminate the transfer.
[13:51:04] <N1njaneer> Writing is similar, with the exception that you need to ensure the pages are blank before writing to.
[13:51:35] <N1njaneer> I usually wrap these commands in a couple functions to help facilitate easier and cleaner access, but there's really not much more to it than that.
[13:53:15] <hetii> hmm
[13:53:53] <hetii> twnqx`: as log ?
[13:54:00] <twnqx`> yeah. logging.
[13:55:40] <hetii> OK but whats the purpose ? you logging there some application data or debug?
[13:58:09] <twnqx`> it's a man in the middle device that logs data passing through
[13:58:19] <twnqx`> that can then be sent up to a pc for analysis
[13:59:35] <hetii> Hmm,interesting idea.
[14:00:09] <twnqx`> to be precise, it listens on a CAN bus, and sits in the middle as that's the only way to detect direction on a CAN bus
[14:00:23] <twnqx`> helps to reverse engineer automotive electronics
[14:00:38] <hetii> N1njaneer: if you want you can show me some example of your way.
[14:01:23] <hetii> twnqx`: but if its CAN why you not use some other CAN device and sniff by it all package that are on bus
[14:01:24] <hetii> ?
[14:01:47] <twnqx`> mh?
[14:01:51] <twnqx`> that what the avr does
[14:01:57] <twnqx`> and it logs the data into flash
[14:03:29] <N1njaneer> hetii: This is about all you need -- http://pastebin.com/USatMXZT
[14:03:38] <twnqx`> http://i.imgur.com/BGqhvCK.jpg this board (both CAN ports either separate, or as shown, in one connector
[14:04:24] <N1njaneer> That is admittedly written with the Arduino library wrappers for GPIO and SPI commands as per our client's needs, but easily replacable with direct PORT commands and SPI register writes. :)
[14:04:36] <hetii> hmm I see. But imho you could use uC like lpc1769 where you have usb host/slave and two CAN interface. Then for eg. by usb_cdc class you could in realtime send your packages to pc
[14:04:45] <twnqx`> yes
[14:04:51] <twnqx`> this board does it, too
[14:05:07] <twnqx`> but not when the thing is inside a car going to a dealer
[14:05:07] <N1njaneer> I would have to dig to find some slightly older code that is native, but the code is so simple that you can easily just port the specifics.
[14:05:46] <N1njaneer> It really is quite trivial. Hopefully this helps.
[14:08:37] <hetii> N1njaneer: thx will check it :)
[14:08:49] <N1njaneer> Let me know if you have any questions.
[14:10:10] <hetii> twnqx`: car you say, interesting topic. I have a friend who bay on ebay some usb<->CAN interfaces. There are few software that use it but there was always some issue with it
[14:10:34] <hetii> In of it I saw atmega uc and some GAL
[14:10:46] <twnqx`> Oo
[14:10:48] <hetii> and ask myself for what there is a GAL ... ?
[14:10:49] <twnqx`> a... GAL?
[14:10:51] <twnqx`> whatfor
[14:10:51] <hetii> yes
[14:11:00] <hetii> no clue...
[14:11:12] <hetii> was supprising also
[14:11:14] <twnqx`> wait, mega?
[14:11:27] <hetii> atmega16 or something like that.
[14:11:30] <twnqx`> hm
[14:11:50] <twnqx`> i bet he bought a clone of one of those i have here, too :P
[14:12:17] <hetii> maybe this GAL was just to encrypt something and protect transmision with frontend application
[14:12:51] <hetii> General when I saw it I have idea to build own interface and frontend
[14:13:40] <twnqx`> well, you are right in some aspects
[14:13:48] <twnqx`> choosing the platform i chose was... not so bright :3
[14:14:10] <twnqx`> bloody expensive (at90can + external ram + ftdi usb + second philips can + ...)
[14:14:28] <twnqx`> some arm would have cost the same
[14:14:47] <twnqx`> but i also had time constraints and had no idea how long it would take to get into a different chip
[14:16:25] <hetii> twnqx`: well there is also LPC11C14 its low cost and have CAN transmiter inside but there is no USB.
[14:17:03] <hetii> but I guess should be possible to use FTD uart bridge to make it working
[14:17:28] <hetii> On another side I have no clue about frontend software and the CAN data that is used in car
[14:17:44] <twnqx`> i... do know more than i ever wanted :D
[14:19:06] <hetii> cool so maybe we could design something together ?
[14:19:29] <hetii> some nice lowcost hardware and frontend.
[14:19:54] <hetii> I have even a car of my girl where need erase oil and check engine status :)
[14:21:44] <twnqx`> it's different by car maker
[14:24:52] <hetii> Well I can imagine that. But if we do it as open source and give api to define own protocol then why not.
[14:26:40] <hetii> I have even a friend who work on some project where he map all code errors to final tip what can be wrong in cars, maybe we can link that database to this forntend as well
[14:26:52] <hetii> as I said its just idea :)
[14:26:56] <twnqx`> or you just use the linux can over serial driver
[14:27:08] <twnqx`> forgot the name of the protocol
[14:28:09] <hetii> I just found http://www.fischl.de/usbtin/
[14:28:25] <twnqx`> ah right
[14:28:26] <twnqx`> slcan
[14:28:35] <twnqx`> that gives you a can packet interface on linux
[14:29:02] <twnqx`> over serial. but i think it's pretty slow as it uses hex data in ascii as transport...
[14:38:26] <hetii> is there some doc where I can read what the data from canbus means?
[14:38:39] <hetii> for eg for scoda fabia ?
[14:38:45] <twnqx`> ummm
[14:39:10] <twnqx`> obd is in an iso standard
[14:42:52] <hetii> ok will need read a bit maybe its used in this car :)
[14:52:30] <hetii> http://www.dx.com/p/elm327-v1-5-obdii-bluetooth-auto-car-diagnostic-scan-tool-white-12v-149344#.VI9FSYUVkjg
[14:54:47] <hetii> and here is on wifi: http://plxdevices.com/product_info.php?id=GSST2WIFI
[14:55:32] <hetii> well so we can grab esp8266 + lpc11C14 and will get the same :)
[15:01:02] <hetii> twnqx`: is the speed important when we talk about canbus tool for cars ?
[15:02:52] <Tom_itx> how fast is your car?
[15:04:53] <hetii> max 160km/h :)
[15:05:50] <hetii> but I ask about canbus speed... :)
[15:09:07] <Tom_itx> oh, the canbus isn't reliant on the car's top end?
[15:09:20] <Tom_itx> i'd guess it doesn't need to be extremely fast
[15:09:43] <Tom_itx> depends what's on the canbus i suppose
[15:27:10] <hetii> hmm why in this site: http://www.ianstedman.co.uk/Technical/Cars/ISO_B1_ICS_bom/iso_b1_ics_bom.htm
[15:28:00] <hetii> he call about odb2 and use vag com
[15:28:16] <TechChristoph_> are there 5-Volt Lithiumion-akkus out there ?
[15:28:30] <TechChristoph_> i wanna use them for my arduino-bluetooth application
[15:28:41] <hetii> hmm TechChristoph_ maybe from old phones something around 4.7
[15:28:48] <hetii> v
[15:28:51] <specing> TechChristoph_: no, but a normal power bank will do
[15:28:59] <TechChristoph_> ok
[15:29:25] <TechChristoph_> because when i iuse 3-VOlt-Batterys the arduino prints out false values
[15:29:45] <TechChristoph_> and when i use 9-VOlts i probably damage my arduino
[15:30:52] <hetii> TechChristoph_: http://www.dinobulk.com/Battery-Pack-Ni-MH-4-x-AA-4-8V-1800mAh.html
[15:31:46] <TechChristoph_> ok thanks
[15:32:03] <hetii> TechChristoph_: you could also try some dc/dc step up converter
[15:32:40] <hetii> http://www.lithiumlifepo4battery.com/sale-2090397-cell-phone-batteries-nimh-battery-packs-aaa800mah-4-8v-flat-battery-pack.html
[15:34:09] <hetii> TechChristoph_: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xaccu+4.8v&_nkw=accu+4.8v&_sacat=0
[16:34:31] <tpw_rules> those batteries are minimum order quantity 100
[16:34:50] <tpw_rules> also TechChristoph_ what's wrong with a dc/dc converter?
[16:35:03] <tpw_rules> a linear regulator would be wasteful, but there are liion battery managers/converters
[16:37:18] <tpw_rules> TechChristoph_: http://www.adafruit.com/products/1944
[16:37:41] <tpw_rules> actually if you have an arduino: http://www.adafruit.com/products/2078
[16:40:51] <tpw_rules> Tom_itx: can max data rate is probably 1mbps. it's most likely either that or 500kbps for the powertrain bus
[16:41:28] <N1njaneer> You can also consider the drop-in DC/DC converters which are a match for 78xx series parts. I use them regularly and reccomend the ones from CUI :)
[16:42:00] <tpw_rules> how many external components do they require? i've never heard of those before
[16:42:08] <tpw_rules> and will they boost or are they buck only?
[16:42:35] <N1njaneer> I just use buck, but they may also be avaliable in boost. Zero external parts required.
[16:42:47] <N1njaneer> It's literally a TO-220 drop-in replacement with same pin-out.
[16:43:05] <tpw_rules> oh. sweet
[16:43:22] <LeoNerd> N1njaneer: Hi there again... Any further progress with the question to Atmel about the device XML files? I released this at the weekend => https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::AVR::Info
[16:43:22] <tpw_rules> but the advantage of that shield is it's a charger and also has li-ion safety circuitry
[16:43:27] <N1njaneer> I primarily use them to convert 24V down to +5V or +3.3V -- individual quantity pricing is usually about $7-$10 USD
[16:43:44] <LeoNerd> Also, is that the Pololu boost/buck converted in TO-220 style? I have about 5 of those - lovely things
[16:43:59] <N1njaneer> LeoNerd: I haven't heard back from my FAE specifically on this, but will bug him again soon.
[16:44:21] <LeoNerd> Ah OK thanks. If you want to provide further motivation, maybe send a link to theabove? It's what I'm now using for parsing the files
[16:44:30] <N1njaneer> LeoNerd: I use the parts from CUI since they need a UL file number and need to be recognized part.
[16:45:02] <tpw_rules> pah you professionals :P
[16:45:19] <N1njaneer> Lab testing is.... annoying. And expensive.
[16:45:26] <LeoNerd> Bah.. me? Not yet...
[16:45:30] <LeoNerd> I haven't been paid for anything yet :P
[16:46:20] <tpw_rules> no, him
[16:46:50] <tpw_rules> having to use real parts. what's wrong with some piece of crap you bought in a back alley for 10c?
[16:47:10] <twnqx`> efficiency.
[16:47:53] <N1njaneer> That and it's not tracible for listing purposes, flammability ratings, etc.
[16:48:07] <twnqx> ti's simple switchers need one coil and two caps
[16:48:12] <tpw_rules> exactly. caring about that stuff is for nerds :P
[16:48:15] <twnqx> that's one part more than 7805
[16:48:22] <twnqx> oh, and the caps can be smaller
[16:48:32] <N1njaneer> Which is why the drop-ins are nice :)
[16:48:37] <N1njaneer> No offboard parts.
[16:48:43] <N1njaneer> All potted, too.
[16:48:43] <twnqx> pah
[16:48:51] <twnqx> make a board the size of a 7805
[16:48:55] <twnqx> put the parts on
[16:48:59] <twnqx> done
[16:49:11] <tpw_rules> or just buy it like that from CUI
[16:49:14] <N1njaneer> If you can afford to do so, that's definately a cheaper way to go depending on your needs :)
[16:49:34] <N1njaneer> There's a premium since CUI is doing that for you in a proven design :)
[16:52:09] <hetii> twnqx: I found http://elmelectronics.com/DSheets/ELM327DS.pdf
[16:52:36] <hetii> is there some library that act as this mcu and translate uart command to canbus ?
[16:54:08] <twnqx> no idea
[16:54:20] <hetii> more mcu for obd2: http://elmelectronics.com/obdic.html#Interpreters
[16:56:28] <tpw_rules> elm327 is not a canbus controller
[16:57:39] <hetii> as far as I read at beggining was a PIC mcu
[16:58:14] <hetii> and version 1.0 was unproteced thats the reason why many clones was made based on version 1.0
[16:58:50] <tpw_rules> it is. but it is ONLY for reading OBD2 data. it cannot send out or receive any other CANBUS message
[16:58:59] <tpw_rules> i don't know what you want to do, but it's only for obd2
[16:59:04] <hetii> but its a bit outdated and there is no sources or at least I don`t find it yet
[17:00:07] <hetii> well I saw some nice application here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOQLh1iGN60
[17:00:16] <hetii> that use this protocols.
[17:00:40] <hetii> maybe its worth to implement it in my board and see whats happen when I connect it to my car :)
[17:01:28] <tpw_rules> what are you trying to do?
[17:02:36] <hetii> I want to write own library or find some other one if exist and use with my lpc11C14 to talk over can with my car.
[17:02:50] <tpw_rules> what do you want to do with can?
[17:02:56] <tpw_rules> what kind of car is it?
[17:03:31] <hetii> tpw_rules: scoda fabia 2004 and want to for eg clear check engine status
[17:03:59] <tpw_rules> an elm327 is probably your best bet. your car may not even use can for the diagnostic interface. it's not required
[17:04:57] <tpw_rules> i don't think it does according to a quick google search. it uses k-line
[17:05:39] <tpw_rules> what is wrong with purchasing a cheap generic obd reader?
[17:06:38] <hetii> nothing wrong at all :) but build it from scratch can be a bit funy for me :)
[17:07:15] <tpw_rules> if that's all you want, an elm327 is what you want
[17:07:42] <tpw_rules> you could implement k-line yourself but it's not CAN, it's not compatible with CAN, and you will still have to figure out the protocol to access OBD2 information which may not be easily available for your car
[17:08:01] <tpw_rules> i've done a lot of this sort of stuff
[17:10:05] <hetii> tpw_rules: well I like to have it done in C instead buy a chip that do the work for me, but yep, all depends on documentations.
[17:10:22] <tpw_rules> just remember that the can interface on your board won't help you
[17:10:40] <hetii> I don`t know much about odb2 and even less about k-line
[17:11:15] <tpw_rules> i think k-line is equivalent to rs232 at 10.4kbaud
[17:11:15] <hetii> so the magic is in protocol and its secret ?
[17:11:17] <tpw_rules> http://www.onboarddiagnostics.com/page03.htm
[17:11:22] <tpw_rules> it's not secret
[17:11:44] <tpw_rules> k-line is ISO 9141-2
[17:12:25] <tpw_rules> http://www.obdclearinghouse.com/index.php?body=get_file&id=1343
[17:12:44] <tpw_rules> http://www.orion43.ru/pdf/22615.pdf
[17:13:16] <tpw_rules> you will probably have to purchase the ISO 9141 spec if you can't scrape what you need from the internet
[17:15:09] <hetii> hmmm need ask my firend who play with this card what kind of interface he use.
[17:15:25] <tpw_rules> there's a reason the elm327 costs that much. they had to pay to get the specs and write drivers
[17:16:12] <tpw_rules> the compatible interface depends on the car. do some research but i'm 97% sure it won't support can. it's not required to support anything but a single interface and k-line may be it
[17:17:33] <hetii> sure, as I said its not a critical thing for me but just want to play with it and if at the end will create some nice lib for others they why not :)
[17:17:35] <tpw_rules> if you look at the connector in your car, you can see which pins are present and which protocols they correspond to
[17:17:57] <tpw_rules> it may end up being illegal to publish it if you use the ISO specs to develop it. i'm honestly not sure though
[17:18:42] <tpw_rules> you can probably find a lot of this information if you just look for it
[17:19:02] <hetii> ehh I hate such limitations...
[17:19:33] <tpw_rules> i'm pretty sure that's not true but just watch out. i'm certain you'll be able to find this information without ISO if you look carefully. it's not that well protected because there are a lot of people doing similar things
[17:19:53] <tpw_rules> it may only apply if you are trying to sell a product based on it. then you might have to pay licensing fees
[17:20:50] <hetii> For me its illegal that I was 4 times in different services and none of them was able to fix this car. I just spend a lot of $
[17:21:02] <hetii> well I don`t mean that will sell it
[17:21:32] <hetii> just publish as open source library that can talk with obd2 or k-lite or whatever is in cars.
[17:21:43] <hetii> *k-line
[17:22:59] <tpw_rules> that is probably fine
[17:23:04] <tpw_rules> wait
[17:23:06] <tpw_rules> what is the issue?
[17:23:35] <tpw_rules> i know on volkswagen cars there are some codes that require a dealer to reset. a standard reader cannot do it.
[17:23:44] <tpw_rules> have you had the codes read?
[17:25:54] <hetii> Yes, but don`t remmeber now. First was something about sonda lambda, then about benzine and temperature senson. All that replaced by different services, and t the end of the day after 200km my check engine again shine.
[17:26:50] <hetii> I suppose the catalyst is old and make this issue
[17:27:05] <tpw_rules> okay. so it could be an issue. you sound like you're not from the US, but here many auto parts shops will read your codes for free
[17:27:27] <tpw_rules> the problem is, having done this, the knowledge you will gain from doing this yourself is not worth the time you will spend doing it
[17:27:39] <hetii> tpw_rules: true i`m not, and in my country its counted as extra thing.
[17:27:57] <tpw_rules> what about places that sell auto parts? not talking about the service places
[17:28:15] <tpw_rules> like you could buy headlights or oil.
[17:28:52] <hetii> you mean about checking whats wrong or order new catalyst ?
[17:29:07] <tpw_rules> i mean building your own code reader
[17:29:50] <hetii> ahh, well don`t know. I could easly order something on ebay. There are planty of such device.
[17:30:15] <tpw_rules> i think elm327 is about the closest you are going to want to get to building your own. there are many many $10 devices that will connect to your phone
[17:30:45] <hetii> sure, it`s one of possibility
[17:31:17] <tpw_rules> well it's going to be harder to build than any knowledge or fun you will have doing it, in my opinion and experience
[17:32:00] <tpw_rules> if you want your check engine light out, go get one of those readers
[17:32:55] <tpw_rules> if you have lots of time and money and are comfortable with the (admittedly remote) possibility of damaging your car's computer, then have fun. but you will need to purchase special interface chips anyway to do it correctly and safely so...
[17:35:15] <hetii> well the board I have already about other aspect you propably have right.
[17:35:35] <tpw_rules> that board will not help you because your car does not use CAN. what kind of board was it? you may have to buy a CAN interface chip to do the level translation and differential driving anyway. the board might not have that built in
[17:36:11] <hetii> for eg LPC11C14
[17:36:31] <tpw_rules> okay, that board does have the necessary level translation chip
[17:36:47] <hetii> yep
[17:37:01] <tpw_rules> so can is okay. but your obd port most likely does not use can. look at the pins physically present in the connector and see what protocol they correspond to
[17:37:13] <tpw_rules> i could be wrong. if the pins are there it most likely supports that protocol
[17:39:17] <hetii> as far as I remmeber my friend use OBD2 connector for it, there was atmega16 or similar, mcp2551 for CAN and don`t know why but some GAL
[17:40:09] <tpw_rules> the obd2 connector supports 5 different protocols. only one is CAN. a manufacturer is only required to support one of them (at least for cars in that period) and I think yours only supports k-line
[17:40:30] <tpw_rules> but i could be wrong. go look at the connector and see if it has the pins for can
[17:41:00] <hetii> sure, I will
[17:41:15] <hetii> btw other name for this k-line is VAG COm ?
[17:42:43] <tpw_rules> no. vag-com is the volkswagen group (skoda, VW, bentley, audi, etc) diagnostic software. this is what the dealer has to program and diagnose all the computers in your car. a standard obd2 reader can only access (generally) engine and emissions related information as mandated in the obd2 specification
[17:42:52] <tpw_rules> actually. where are you from?
[17:43:16] <tpw_rules> http://www.scantool.net/support/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=2 check this. your car may not even be obd2 compatible
[17:44:45] <tpw_rules> if you are committed to this car and like working on your own cars, i would invest in vag-com. it's kind of expensive but there are cheaper third-party hardwares and it will give you access to everything the dealer has (minus special things like programming keys which could lead to theft afaik)
[17:46:12] <hetii> I`m from Poland.
[17:46:55] <tpw_rules> it's part of the EU? look for that sticker. it might not even be obd2 compatible
[17:47:24] <hetii> yep
[17:48:00] <hetii> where this sticker can be located?
[17:48:37] <tpw_rules> in the engine bay somewhere. in my personal non-VW car, it's on the piece of metal above the radiator in front
[17:49:22] <hetii> ok will go check --- its cold outside but will do it :)
[17:50:07] <tpw_rules> i have to leave for 20 minutes
[17:51:08] <hetii> ok
[17:58:14] * twnqx has a vag-com too
[17:58:15] <twnqx> also the VAS 5054 or so bluetooth version, chinese clone :D
[18:06:08] <tpw_rules> lol gotta love suspicious chinese clones
[18:06:25] <hetii> ok I don`t find sticker
[18:06:48] <hetii> but my connector looks like this one http://oi61.tinypic.com/25fkh0g.jpg I mark on white where I saw the pins
[18:07:08] <hetii> 4 upper and 2 on lower side
[18:20:28] <hetii> This is interesting project: http://icculus.org/obdgpslogger/obdsim.html
[18:20:42] <hetii> can act as a proxy also for other protocols
[18:31:56] <hetii> I found also: http://www.obd-codes.com/faq/obd-ii-protocols.php
[18:32:25] <hetii> so its look like my protocol is some ISO
[18:59:39] <hetii> https://code.google.com/p/obd2-instruments/source/browse/obd2-instruments/AVR/README
[19:05:36] <twnqx> lol
[19:05:43] <twnqx> yeah, i have a complete obd emu as well
[19:05:55] <twnqx> i also have a complete uds and iso tp server
[19:05:58] <twnqx> and client
[19:06:10] <twnqx> and a kwp 2000 client
[19:06:18] <twnqx> damn many protocols spoken on can
[19:06:50] <twnqx> anyway, bedtime. it's getting cold in here :D
[19:07:24] <hetii> twnqx: yep I should also go to bed....
[19:08:02] <hetii> I hate to start reading something and discover that have no more time to go dipper
[19:08:23] <hetii> have a nice night and see you at day :)