#avr | Logs for 2014-12-12

[04:23:01] <dylster3> When using `avr-as`, and `avr-objdump`, all relative branches go to PC+0
[04:23:26] <dylster3> Is this normal? It doesn't make sense to me
[04:26:17] <dylster3> Apparently it works if using `gcc` to assemble
[05:00:25] <Xark> dylster3: That is only because you are disassembling the pre-linked file.
[05:00:31] <Xark> (So yes, normal).
[05:00:53] <Xark> After you link, if you use avr-objdump -d you should see the real addresses (that the linker resoolves).
[05:01:35] <Xark> Add -v and gcc will show you what it is doing (i.e., invoking the linkier)
[05:01:39] <Xark> linker*
[05:17:11] <dylster3> Xark: Ah, I understand now
[05:17:20] <dylster3> Xark: Thanks
[05:17:35] <Xark> dylster3: Glad to help. :)
[05:28:05] <hetii> hi :)
[08:15:01] <aandrew> hetii: that is impressive
[08:36:50] <antto> given a atmega running on 5V, what's the threshold voltage for an input pin to register as logical "1" ?
[08:37:01] <antto> ..roughly
[08:37:03] <twnqx> officially 0.7VCC = 3.5V
[08:37:15] <twnqx> 3.3 works fine in my experience, though
[08:37:24] <antto> 70% of VCC?
[08:37:27] <twnqx> yes
[08:37:32] <antto> okay, thanks
[08:38:00] <antto> i might do some simulation on button debouncing, that's why i'm asking ;]
[08:49:33] <Casper> isn'T the specs 1/3 2/3?
[08:50:00] <twnqx> dunno, normal datasheets round to 0.3/0.7
[08:53:24] <antto> so somewhere 66 to 70% .. i don't need it to be uber precise
[08:53:37] <hetii> aandrew: what is impressive ?
[08:58:54] <aandrew> those projector builds with the 128W LEDs
[09:14:19] <rue_more> 128!?
[09:14:28] <rue_more> I only got a 100W for my projection tv
[09:14:33] <rue_more> maybe thats why it didn't work
[10:59:46] <t4nk283> Hello, I accidentally programmed ATmega16 to use external clock source, so I provided it using 4,096MHz crystal and 7400 to get correct clock signal. Now when I want to program it using avrdude, it says that signature 0x1eadaf is not correct.
[10:59:52] <t4nk283> can anybody help?
[12:29:53] <KWhat4> How does the adc external interrupt work? I am able to read data but not trigger the interrupt...
[13:24:57] <KataiKou> okay, weird problem that's driving me mad
[13:25:19] <KataiKou> I have a stack of Atmega168 that I'm programming, all with the same code
[13:25:35] <KataiKou> I flash the first one, drop it into my prototype board, and it works fine
[13:25:38] <KataiKou> the other 9 do not
[13:25:54] <KataiKou> does anyone have any idea why? or how to figure out why?
[13:26:14] <gjm> fusebits?
[13:26:32] <KataiKou> avrdude is reporting fuses are ok
[13:26:54] <KataiKou> it even completes the read-back verification just fine
[13:29:46] <KataiKou> just did a read on the good chip and the bad chips and they come back identical
[13:29:53] * KataiKou slams head on desk
[13:42:33] <KataiKou> i can't imagine that I got a full set of bad chips :/
[13:42:36] <KataiKou> ugh @_@
[16:58:04] <aandrew> bad boards? can you make a simple blinker prog and run it off a bench supply
[16:59:49] <hetii> ?
[17:07:04] <Tom_itx> you realize he left
[17:13:22] <hetii> http://www.taobaohub.com/baobei-46180228.html
[17:17:25] <hetii> I wonder do I need fresnels even for small screen like 5"~7" ?
[17:36:40] <N1njaneer> Hi Dean!
[17:36:52] <abcminiuser> Ahoyhoy
[17:37:13] <abcminiuser> Only on for 10 mins, we have an appt with a engagement center in a sec
[17:37:56] <N1njaneer> Woohoo?
[17:39:18] <N1njaneer> Captain Morgan, give me some rum!
[17:40:46] <abcminiuser> Hah I got my Norwegian friend to get me a bottle of Captain Morgan duty free
[20:43:17] <Bright> http://i.imgur.com/MbYS8hM.png ATmega328P die
[20:56:53] <Xark> Bright: Neat, but I can't quite make out the code bits... :)