#avr | Logs for 2014-11-12

[00:13:13] <rue_house> anyone have a favorite i2c master library?
[02:35:06] <STS_Patrik> anyone ever encountered problems running AVR's outside "safe operating zone" of the F_CPU vs VCC, e.g. the ATmega328p running 16MHz @ 3.3V
[02:37:48] <rue_house> I'v not had problems overclocking, except when it came to battery life
[02:40:14] <rue_house> void Delay(int delay) {
[02:40:14] <rue_house> int x;
[02:40:14] <rue_house> for (x = delay; x != 0; x--) {
[02:40:14] <rue_house> asm volatile ("nop"::);
[02:40:14] <rue_house> }
[02:40:14] <rue_house> }
[02:40:16] <rue_house> void Delay2(int delay) {
[02:40:18] <rue_house> int x;
[02:40:20] <rue_house> for (x = delay; x != 0; x--) {
[02:40:22] <rue_house> Delay(65000);
[02:40:24] <rue_house> }
[02:40:26] <rue_house> }
[03:53:37] <rue_house> huh, twi library I have dosn't work
[03:53:51] <rue_house> I'm recalling why I dont use peoples libraries
[03:54:32] <Tom_itx> the one i gave you does
[03:54:47] <rue_house> uint8_t TWIXfer(uint8_t header, unsigned char * out, uint8_t OCount, unsigned char * in, uint8_t ICount) {
[03:54:51] <rue_house> is that from it?
[03:54:58] <Tom_itx> no clue
[03:55:07] <Tom_itx> i just posted it in garf
[03:55:18] <rue_house> this is a dirt simple thing and its not working
[04:30:49] <twnqx> did i mention
[04:30:56] <twnqx> i found a set of orignal (c) atmel libs
[04:30:59] <twnqx> ona chinese site?
[04:32:01] <antto> any asm h4x0rs awake?
[04:33:11] <antto> http://x0xb0x.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/x0xb0x/bootloader/x0xb0x_boot.asm?view=markup <- there around line 233.. i'm trying to understand how to talk to this.. as far as i understand 'F' is to read the low fuse, 'N' for the high fuse, and 'r' for the lockbits
[04:33:15] <antto> is that correct?
[04:34:47] <antto> and the second question is.. is there no way to read the extended fuse?
[05:36:39] <malinus> antto: they wrote the whole bootloader in asm?
[05:45:57] <antto> malinus "they" ?
[05:46:24] <malinus> whoever made that thing
[05:46:39] <LeoNerd> Generally bootloaders are fairly small, low-level, do things that can't be done easily from C (i.e. SPM), and want to be as tight code as possible for space reasons
[05:46:54] <antto> i think they used some exisiting bootloader and only modified it a bit
[05:47:28] <antto> it has to fit in 512 bytes.. so.. that might explain why it's in asm ;P~
[05:47:53] <antto> and is also a horror for me to understand
[06:11:07] <LeoNerd> Ugh.. When I opted for the super cheap-but-slow 10 day board fab turnaround option, I think I underestimated how much I'd be waking up every day thinking "ooh I wonder if my boards are ready yet?" and staring blankly at the screen
[06:23:31] <RikusW> heh
[06:34:57] <LeoNerd> Ah, morning RikusW... The time is approaching that I'll start playing about with debugWire :)
[06:35:17] <RikusW> morning LeoNerd
[06:35:43] <RikusW> I'll be interested in and dW progress
[06:35:47] <RikusW> *any
[06:36:14] <LeoNerd> Sure.. I might start a blog tag. or a page on my website, or something
[06:37:22] <LeoNerd> My ultimate end goal will be similar to my HVSP programmer; a dual "bus pirate adapter" plus better thing to plug on instead of BP.
[06:38:18] <LeoNerd> Though in dW's case, I suspect it'll have to be custom software on the PC side, as there isn't anything free I can hook into, as compared avrdude etc
[06:40:26] <RikusW> indeed
[06:40:43] <RikusW> you could try emulating in sw the jtag ice mkii
[06:40:51] <RikusW> and use serial port loopback
[06:41:17] <RikusW> then is should work on Atmel Studio
[06:41:49] <RikusW> though getting a serial loopback driver for win 7/8 can be painful
[06:41:57] <RikusW> I have one for XP (unsigned)
[06:42:26] <antto> loopback?
[06:42:47] <LeoNerd> Well maybe as an eventual add-on. I'd like to start off only having -one- undocumented blackbox to implement; namely dW
[06:43:17] <LeoNerd> Well, undocu,ented save for your notes. which are looking to ne an excellent starting point :)
[06:51:38] <LeoNerd> I might end up making the real probe on a tiny841, to make use of the two UARTs
[06:55:49] <twnqx> go for something real, use an intel gallileo :P
[06:57:37] <LeoNerd> Hah... Sledgehammer. peanut
[06:58:19] <LeoNerd> Or the Russian equivalent of that I saw; using a canon to shoot down a sparrow
[07:00:42] <twnqx> that's the german saying, too
[07:00:47] <twnqx> "Mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen"
[07:01:31] <twnqx> time to search for my olf laptop with win xp nd parallel port
[07:02:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> Schlock Mercenary...Maxim 37. There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.'
[07:03:27] <RikusW> google translate on the german part - >Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut
[07:03:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schlock_Mercenary#The_Seventy_Maxims_of_Maximally_Effective_Mercenaries
[07:04:22] <twnqx> RikusW: cool. the literal translation is still shooting sparrows with cannons :P
[07:04:35] <twnqx> ok, laptop found
[07:04:38] <twnqx> now for the power supply...
[07:04:53] * RikusW sort of understand German
[07:04:58] <RikusW> I'm Afrikaans
[07:05:19] <RikusW> Dutch is a bit easier to comprehend still
[07:05:40] <RikusW> though I don't know when its spoken....
[07:05:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> 25. If the damage you do is covered by a manufacturer's warranty, you didn't do enough damage.
[07:06:46] <twnqx> power supply, check
[07:49:59] <megal0maniac> RikusW: German is fun :)
[07:50:37] <RikusW> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaans
[07:51:12] <RikusW> With a comparison between Dutch English German and Afrikaans
[07:51:33] <RikusW> megal0maniac: is the following A or E ? -> My hand is in warm water
[07:54:34] <RikusW> both...
[11:40:36] <Duality> hey all:)
[11:40:41] <Duality> anything happening ?
[11:41:09] <Duality> malinus: yea it scrolls my text :) i have a vid of it.
[11:55:38] <Duality> this shows it working http://youtu.be/zj5XiLHMHdg?list=UUJNGLUSFXEEydmIsHgsJZWQ
[15:02:15] <Bright> hmm
[15:02:24] <Bright> okay, so i need a SWD programmer for atmel's ARM stuff
[15:02:32] <Bright> think i'm going to build one out of xmega
[15:02:43] <Bright> xmega: good for something!
[15:05:59] <learath> lies!
[15:22:52] <malinus> Duality: is that a home-made matrix?
[15:24:16] <malinus> Bright: were you the guy who didn't know which 32-bit mcu to pick?
[15:24:20] <Bright> yea
[15:24:26] <malinus> Bright: sorry I'm bad with nicks :V
[15:24:30] <malinus> names etc.
[15:24:30] <Bright> well maybe
[15:24:34] <Bright> i asked about which atmel arm to pick
[15:24:57] <malinus> Bright: yeah, you made some hospital pager thing?
[15:25:02] <Bright> no
[15:25:08] <Bright> not me sorry :P
[15:25:15] <malinus> well something similar though, right?
[15:26:17] <Bright> i haven't made anything specific with them, i'm just looking for a good 32-bit mcu to start with
[15:27:05] <malinus> Bright: I just started with the STM F4
[15:27:14] <malinus> If you are interested
[15:27:24] <Bright> hmm, what's the package
[15:28:01] <Bright> i'd like to stick to 48 and 32 pins for now
[15:28:19] <malinus> Well I just got the a dev board ($30 with shipping). And yeah, it has more pins than that and some very small package
[15:28:46] <Bright> where did you buy the dev board from?
[15:29:09] <malinus> ebay ofc. :D
[15:29:11] <Bright> i'm debating that right now, just to avoid having to make a programmer
[15:29:39] <malinus> yeah, no programmer needed, and all tools are free as freedum for linux too (which is a pretty big deal for me)
[15:30:18] <Bright> yea that's important for me too
[15:30:58] <Bright> malinus: though it looks like stm32 comes with usb dfu bootloader
[15:31:53] <malinus> well I'm using the "STM32 STLINK V1/V2 protocol", not sure if that's the same thing.
[15:32:13] <Bright> that's just the programmer that they have on the development board, i think
[15:32:30] <Bright> i've looked at the serial wire debug protocol, and it seems reasonable to implement
[15:33:07] <Bright> with regards to another mcu line, the EFM32, silicon labs has a SWD programmer example code to bitbang a programmer on an EFM32
[15:33:29] <Bright> and the EFM32 comes with a UART bootloader, and i have a USB to UART bridge
[15:34:08] <Bright> and i have a handful of assorted EFM32 zero/tiny/gecko MCUs already so i think i'll start there
[15:35:58] <Bright> but on the other hand if i roll it myself i can make it compatible with *any* microcontroller i choose
[15:36:22] <malinus> just get a Z80
[15:36:23] <malinus> ;D
[15:40:42] <Duality> malinus: yea i soldered it myself
[15:41:00] <twnqx> the z80?
[15:41:23] <malinus> Duality: is it just a protoboard?
[15:41:28] <Duality> no
[15:41:34] <malinus> so some DIY-set?
[15:41:43] <malinus> (pre-fab PCB?)
[15:41:54] <Duality> i didn't use any pcb :)
[15:42:09] <malinus> what am I looking at then Duality ? haha
[15:42:19] <malinus> twnqx: yes, the future is now.
[15:43:18] <malinus> Duality: I'm wondering because I need to make some LED-matrix's
[15:43:29] <twnqx> lul
[15:43:32] <twnqx> just buy them :P
[15:43:34] <twnqx> cheap enough
[15:44:19] <malinus> twnqx: not the gold ones
[15:44:35] <twnqx> golden led matrix?
[15:44:55] <malinus> lol, I thought we were talking about Z80
[15:45:02] <Duality> yea they are cheap, but it isn't as fun (in my case)
[15:45:06] <malinus> but sure, gold-coated LED-matrix
[15:45:13] <malinus> Duality: so how is yours made?
[15:45:23] <twnqx> ENIG plated PCB, no solder mask
[15:45:32] <twnqx> sure will look golden :3
[15:45:41] <malinus> hah
[15:48:39] <Duality> malinus: i'll show you :)
[15:49:37] <twnqx> malinus i am working on a 8x8x8 led cube
[15:49:41] <twnqx> with intelligent LEDs
[15:50:15] <malinus> sounds like a lot of word
[15:50:21] <twnqx> PL9823 are fun
[15:50:55] <malinus> work, even haha
[15:51:32] <Duality> twnqx: like build in logic ?
[15:51:55] <twnqx> yes
[15:52:08] <twnqx> no power less through multiplexing :P
[15:54:14] <Duality> less ?
[15:54:19] <twnqx> loss*
[15:54:28] <twnqx> in terms of brightness i mean
[15:57:12] <Duality> nice
[15:57:22] <Duality> feels kinda like cheating though
[15:57:45] <twnqx> surely is :P
[15:58:01] <twnqx> single avr pin to control 512 LEDs :D
[15:58:36] <Duality> yea but how fast can you controlle them ?
[15:59:02] <twnqx> 1.7ms/bit, 24bits/led, 50µs common pause
[15:59:11] <twnqx> 1.7µs/bit, 24bits/led, 50µs common pause
[15:59:43] <twnqx> so the "refresh rate" depends on the number of leds
[16:00:26] <twnqx> ca. 21ms to set all LEDs to a value, so a bit unter 50 frames/second
[16:00:37] <twnqx> under*
[16:00:47] <twnqx> "fast enough" :P
[16:01:02] <malinus> what do you need it for?
[16:01:04] <malinus> just for fun?
[16:01:07] <twnqx> yes
[16:02:52] <rue_house> http://paste.debian.net/131496/
[16:03:19] <rue_house> er
[16:03:29] <rue_house> ^^ the code that didn't work, wrong channel :)
[16:10:20] <rue_house> anyone have a favorite i2c library?
[16:10:34] <LeoNerd> Library?
[16:10:56] <rue_house> yes, a file with fucntions that perform generic operations that dont have to be rewritten every time you use them
[16:11:07] <rue_house> thats generally reffered to as a library
[16:11:17] <twnqx> only after i wrote it
[16:11:26] <rue_house> anyone have a favorite i2c library?
[16:11:28] <twnqx> and currently i am writing an i2c soft slave :P
[16:11:36] <rue_house> oo, nice
[16:11:39] <LeoNerd> .. yes I'm aware :) I just wasn't sure what kinds of things you expect this one to do, that isn't just performed by reading/writing to the appropriate register
[16:11:41] <rue_house> how long you been on it?
[16:12:08] <Duality> malinus: have a looke how i did it :) https://flic.kr/p/pZXuU3
[16:12:13] <rue_house> right now I have an i2c master setup with a pcf8574, I'v tried 2 libraries of others and its going nowhere
[16:12:19] <rue_house> this was supposed to be easy!
[16:12:40] <twnqx> http://read.pudn.com/downloads76/sourcecode/embed/287010/AVRembeded_sourecode/avr302.asm__.htm
[16:12:52] <rue_house> Duality, nice array, but its not charlieplexed :)
[16:13:06] <Duality> rue_house: no it's multiplexed :)
[16:13:08] <twnqx> it's fun how atmel posted that code in 1997
[16:13:23] <twnqx> and today you only can find it on chinese sites...
[16:13:28] <rue_house> that would be the code that didn't work for me the first time
[16:13:42] <twnqx> rue_house: can't use the hardware spi?
[16:13:47] <rue_house> oo no wait, this is assembler...
[16:14:00] <rue_house> its not working for me, I'm annoyed
[16:14:33] <twnqx> i know for sure that the code in the usb tiny i2c works
[16:14:40] <twnqx> 'cause i flashed one with it
[16:14:49] <rue_house> if I can just write 0x00 to the pcf8574a once I can call this a success
[16:14:50] <twnqx> (i2c master, i think in software)
[16:15:20] <twnqx> http://www.harbaum.org/till/i2c_tiny_usb/index.shtml that one
[16:15:21] * Duality is wondering if you could write a bootloader that bootloads with i2c
[16:15:37] <rue_house> there is a appnote on that
[16:15:58] <twnqx> rue_house: maybe you want to try the i2c code from that
[16:16:22] <twnqx> as i said, it worked for me for reading EDID data from a monitor
[16:16:39] <rue_house> I should walk thru what I have
[16:17:13] <twnqx> also, twi != i2c
[16:17:15] <rue_house> I'm using pc1 as sda and pc0 as scl... I'm sure thats the right uart
[16:17:31] <twnqx> that would depend on the chip :)
[16:17:50] <twnqx> but does it matter if you use soft i2c?
[16:17:52] <rue_house> uart... hmm, Specific Synchronous Recieve Transmitt SSRT....
[16:17:55] <rue_house> m32
[16:18:01] <twnqx> hmmm
[16:18:09] <Duality> twnqx: oh, i though twi was the same as i2c but with different names :)
[16:18:13] <rue_house> it dosn't matter if its soft, I almost started writing my own last night
[16:18:40] <twnqx> rue_house: m32u4 has it on pd0/1
[16:18:49] <rue_house> Duality, when you look at some of the maxim adc/dac chips you see that they were dodging around the term i2c
[16:18:55] <rue_house> just m32
[16:19:00] <rue_house> dip, breadboard
[16:19:02] <LeoNerd> 2WI or TWI, "two-wire interface"
[16:19:15] <LeoNerd> Not to be confused with when some people make an SPI-like thing and call it "three-wire interface (TWI)"
[16:19:22] <rue_house> I think I should put more deug leds on this thing...
[16:19:28] <twnqx> ... why did i think twi as a single wire
[16:19:33] <LeoNerd> Can never have enough debug LEDs :)
[16:19:41] <twnqx> ignore me on that, duality :P
[16:19:45] <rue_house> indeed
[16:20:04] <rue_house> I'v realized of late that my robot arms get better with led count
[16:20:17] <Duality> TWI is used by manufacturers (like Atmel) to refer to their I2C interface to avoid legal trouble with Philips since I2C is a registered trademark.
[16:20:23] <rue_house> it does help debug when there are leds on everything
[16:20:26] <Duality> https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/50915/what-is-difference-between-i2c-and-twi
[16:20:46] <rue_house> yea, they do say the word philips tho!
[16:21:00] <LoRez> Tom_itx: how's your house?
[16:21:25] <rue_house> thanks people, I have to go shopping, I'll be back later
[16:29:32] <malinus> Duality: thanks
[16:31:24] <Tom_itx> LoRez ok
[16:31:30] <Duality> malinus: it was a lot of work but it was fun :)
[16:31:32] <Tom_itx> i was outside and didn't even feel it
[16:31:44] <Tom_itx> the rest of the family was inside and said they did
[16:31:52] <Tom_itx> LoRez, where was it located?
[16:32:11] <LoRez> Tom_itx: 4.8 8mi S of Conway Springs, KS.
[16:32:18] <LoRez> We felt it here in OK.
[16:32:43] <malinus> Duality: did you 3d print the thing the LED's are sitting in?
[16:32:44] <Tom_itx> that's 25 min from me
[16:32:57] <Duality> malinus: yes :D
[16:32:57] <Tom_itx> seems to be moving further north each time
[16:33:52] <Tom_itx> LoRez, the fault line runs just west of me about 4-5 mi on up to KC
[16:34:23] <Tom_itx> they have USGS instruments along the road there
[16:35:12] <LoRez> that sounds exciting
[16:35:18] <LoRez> in a bad sort of way
[16:35:56] <Tom_itx> google says 4.8
[16:36:12] <LoRez> yeah, that's what I said.
[16:37:40] <Tom_itx> seems there were more than one
[16:37:51] <Tom_itx> one by Haysville 4.8 as well
[16:38:25] <Tom_itx> unless they're referring to the same one
[16:38:33] <LoRez> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000swru#summary
[16:39:10] <Tom_itx> one 21 hrs ago and one 40 min ago
[16:39:30] <Tom_itx> ponca city a day ago 3.5
[16:52:18] <Jartza> btw. anyone going to Slush event next week?
[16:53:11] <Tom_itx> i may get a slush from the QT.. does that count?
[16:53:21] <Jartza> heh
[16:53:36] <Jartza> sure it does. it might be slush around Slush venue too
[16:53:48] <Jartza> forecast says around -2°C
[16:53:59] <Tom_itx> was 17F this morning
[16:54:05] <Tom_itx> not sure about tonight
[16:54:24] <Jartza> what, colder than finland
[16:54:48] <Tom_itx> we had an artic blast come thru couple days ago
[16:54:55] <Tom_itx> from alaska
[16:54:58] <Jartza> ahh
[16:55:04] <Jartza> we get those from siberia
[16:55:07] <Jartza> :P
[16:55:12] <Jartza> not sure which one is better :D
[16:57:08] <Tom_itx> it brought all the fishery in from up there so it must have been something..
[23:32:44] <Casper> hey rue_house
[23:33:39] <rue_house> negh
[23:33:41] <Casper> do you know where to get some inexpensive air tank able to store like 200psi? and where I can get a regulator that do 200 to 100 cheaply? and an air solenoid normally open for 200psi? :D
[23:33:43] <rue_house> neigh
[23:33:56] <rue_house> propane tank
[23:34:12] <Casper> I'm thinking to beef up a bit my compressor...
[23:34:18] <rue_house> regualtors aren't cheap
[23:34:31] <Casper> I'm actually worried about propane tank, as they ain't really mean to be thousands time cycled
[23:34:35] <rue_house> a hot water tank is tested up to 300psi
[23:34:47] <Casper> and not mean to store wet gas
[23:35:18] <Casper> I'm worried about a catastrophic tank failure
[23:35:27] <rue_house> they fail with a pinhole
[23:35:33] <rue_house> nothings catastrophic
[23:35:54] <Casper> except when mythbuster get on it's case :D
[23:36:03] <rue_house> that I'v ever had
[23:36:21] <rue_house> did they say what pressure that thing(s) was (were ) up to?
[23:36:35] <rue_house> but that was steam too
[23:36:37] <Casper> 342psi
[23:36:44] <rue_house> steam is different
[23:37:28] <rue_house> at 200psi water boils at 200c, meaning if you let the pressure off, the water turns to steam as fast as the pressure is realeased
[23:38:19] <rue_house> if you do, remember to have a water drain
[23:38:27] <rue_house> compressed air tanks accumuate water
[23:39:06] <Casper> I plan to put the tank upside down
[23:39:14] <Casper> so any water drain right away
[23:39:21] <Casper> I have a water separator
[23:39:32] <Casper> which I tested, work great
[23:39:53] <rue_house> hot water tanks have a convienient explosion baffle :)
[23:40:25] <Casper> the thing is... I'ld like to have more 100psi runtime than... 2 seconds :D
[23:40:32] <Casper> my compressor is 1.2cfm hehe
[23:40:37] <rue_house> air could not do what that steam did
[23:40:58] <rue_house> what are you running?
[23:41:02] <rue_house> mostly...
[23:41:08] <Casper> mostly air gun
[23:41:20] <rue_house> well thats nothing
[23:41:21] <Casper> and it take 3 refill to clean a computer....
[23:41:29] <rue_house> ooh, nozzel
[23:41:33] <rue_house> hmm
[23:41:36] <Casper> the compressor have a 4 gallon tank...
[23:41:50] <Casper> and take a loooong time to fill....
[23:41:56] <rue_house> I used a fridge compressor and a propane tank for years
[23:42:04] <rue_house> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[23:42:09] <Casper> yup...
[23:42:15] <Casper> zzzzzzzzzzzzzz PSSSHSHHHHHHHHHHH
[23:42:24] <rue_house> never had any problems
[23:42:38] <rue_house> I retired the tank for one with a larger compressor
[23:43:11] <Casper> but I wanted to boost the pressure
[23:43:16] <Casper> so I have more storage
[23:43:44] * rue_house nods
[23:44:05] <rue_house> I have a few old welding regulators, but I couldn't tell you where you could get one
[23:44:08] <Casper> the compressor is rated 7A
[23:44:16] <Casper> I mesured 3.5A@120psi
[23:44:21] <rue_house> maybe you could use a house water regulator valve
[23:44:58] <rue_house> 7 chinese or north american amps? 3.5NAA = 7CA
[23:45:24] <Casper> https://www.dropbox.com/s/lsszvftdo1pmkr4/Snapshot%402013_1013_154416.bmp?dl=0 <=== did I show you that? it was in my ceiling
[23:45:57] <rue_house> what is it?
[23:46:07] <rue_house> need to see back more
[23:46:22] <Casper> lamp wire going in a junction box with no cover
[23:46:44] <rue_house> intrseting
[23:46:51] <rue_house> was it done neatly?
[23:47:08] <Casper> yes and no
[23:47:11] <rue_house> its got a connector, thats a +
[23:47:28] <rue_house> looks like its got some sort of strain relief
[23:47:50] <rue_house> was the wire anchored within 6" of the box?
[23:47:55] <Casper> copper pipe throught concrete, tar to block one end, duct tape at the other end
[23:48:08] <Casper> nope
[23:48:27] <rue_house> copper eh?
[23:48:29] <Casper> but the pipe stopped 12" close to the junction box
[23:48:41] <Casper> yup, copper, 1/2" OD
[23:48:41] <rue_house> was there a grommit to make sure the pipe didn't cut into the cable?
[23:48:48] <Casper> nope
[23:48:52] <rue_house> hmm
[23:49:00] <Casper> 2-3 turns of electrical tape
[23:49:08] <Casper> and duct tape over
[23:49:17] <rue_house> its like they almost knew what to do, but didn't have any of the right materials
[23:50:13] <Casper> but still.... dangerous...
[23:50:19] <Casper> and not up to the code
[23:50:31] <Casper> and there is still a few wires with no junction box too
[23:50:35] <rue_house> was the lamp wire going to the panel or another load?
[23:50:43] <Casper> to some light
[23:51:15] <rue_house> and ending there?
[23:51:44] <Casper> starting there
[23:52:29] <rue_house> I could see an old fart doing that and stating that the light fixture must never have a bulb of more than X watts put in it :)
[23:52:34] <rue_house> huh
[23:52:50] <Casper> oh the light fixture was an old lamp upside down :D
[23:53:07] <rue_house> totally sounds like an old fart
[23:53:09] <Casper> and the wires started to brow near it on over a feet
[23:54:00] <rue_house> must have been around the trade or something,
[23:54:17] <rue_house> if not, there wouldn't be a connector on the box or putty on the pipe ends
[23:54:18] <Casper> basically, the front porch is in concrete, he closed the sides to "extend" the basement and made a kind of cold room there
[23:54:31] <rue_house> k
[23:54:37] <Casper> the wire goes there
[23:54:43] <Casper> but now I fixed it
[23:55:05] <Casper> https://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/sets/72157636567986904/
[23:55:08] <rue_house> with the right end dressings for the pipe and the right cable thru it, prolly workable
[23:55:33] <rue_house> nice
[23:55:47] <rue_house> remember not to staple the crap out of the high freq coax cable ;)
[23:56:25] <Casper> yeah, mind you, that's the installer job...
[23:56:47] <rue_house> are most of those crazy ozy light screw in or bayonette?
[23:56:47] <Casper> I almost filled a complain when that lazy ass came to do it
[23:57:06] <Casper> he didn't wanted to drill the hole!
[23:57:12] <rue_house> heh
[23:57:16] <Casper> I had to do it...
[23:57:22] <Casper> took.. 2 minutes...
[23:57:28] <rue_house> well you cant put aluminum BX thru copper pipe!
[23:57:46] <Casper> no copper pipe there
[23:57:54] <rue_house> the 1/2"
[23:58:01] <Casper> second pic, the hole on top of the wood is where the old pipe was
[23:58:13] <rue_house> yep
[23:58:14] <Casper> which I should fill up one day...
[23:58:33] <rue_house> it could come in handy for an ethernet run
[23:58:38] <Casper> and I love the outlet beside the switch
[23:59:04] <Casper> too bad that they still hasn'T made new style outlet for those box...
[23:59:09] <rue_house> but its not thick concrete if it only took 2 mins to drill
[23:59:18] <rue_house> there is
[23:59:22] <rue_house> you can get them in decora
[23:59:39] <rue_house> but those ones will take more abuse
[23:59:46] <Casper> dewalt drill with like bosh bit....
[23:59:48] <rue_house> decora stuff is flimsy