#avr | Logs for 2014-10-31

[00:24:04] <timemage> gkwhc, is it a coincidence or did you mean to pick something that looks like a drop in replacement?
[00:26:28] <timemage> gkwhc, look at the bottom two rows of the first table on page 5. also note the distinction between A-1 and A1
[00:26:57] <timemage> gkwhc, also, load up both pdfs and flip back and forth with the pin package shown on both.
[05:31:45] <Dominykas> Hey guys, i have a question. I have an atmega8 and when i compile the .hex file, and transfer it to the mcu, i would like it to have some information from a file inside of it.
[05:32:23] <Dominykas> Like, i have a name in a .txt file on my computer, i would transfer that name into my mcu and then send the .hex file to the mcu.
[05:32:51] <Dominykas> Is there a way to do it like that? or do i have to connect the mcu to my computer and use serial?
[05:47:59] <malinus> Dominykas: that doesn't really make sense. Just add the name in a variable?
[05:49:42] <Dominykas> Well i wanted to know, so i could do this: Open a file, write 1 or 0 in lines, to make words and then compile it and send it to the atmega, which is connected to a led matrix
[05:50:05] <Dominykas> I just wanted a file for easy editing and addition of words and just ascii art
[05:50:57] <malinus> Dominykas: I'm still not sure what you want. Do you want to be able to control the led matrix *while the avr is running*?
[05:52:29] <Dominykas> I want to have a file, that has a line of 10101001, 1 means led is on, 0 means led is off. and i want to easily edit the .txt file, that somebody else could send me a whole file of 1 and 0 of art(led matrix art).
[05:52:55] <Dominykas> and then i want it to compile on the computer with that "art" and then after sending it to the atmega
[05:53:01] <Dominykas> it would light up in that pattern
[05:53:49] <malinus> Okay great
[05:53:55] <malinus> Do you have any specific questions?
[05:54:21] <Dominykas> yes, i cant realy wrap my head around, how would i go about sending that information to the .hex file
[05:54:31] <Dominykas> i know how to extract the info from the file
[05:56:21] <malinus> Dominykas: just write a script that makes a asciiArt.h file and creates an array (or how you fancy to store the info) from the .txt file of yours. Compile and flash.
[05:57:46] <malinus> Dominykas: you could probably even make it all automatic in your toolchain
[05:58:27] <malinus> by making it call the script, so all you need to do is just having the .txt file
[05:59:36] <Dominykas> for some reason, i cant wrap my head around this...
[05:59:52] <malinus> around what exactly?
[05:59:58] <Dominykas> if i dont run the .hex file on my computer, how will the .hex file get the "art"
[06:01:06] <malinus> I think you have some misconception about what a .hex file is, and how flashing avr's work in general
[06:01:40] <Dominykas> well i think the .hex file is like an .exe file for the atmega chip?
[06:01:57] <Dominykas> so if i dont run it, then it wont get the "art" ?
[06:02:16] <Dominykas> if im wrong, just point me to a link of the explanation and ill read it all through
[06:04:24] <malinus> Dominykas: the right approach would be to first make the software and hardware so that your avr works and displays whatever you want on the matrix. When that is done, introducing the conversion of ascii art into it will be trival.
[06:13:29] <Dominykas> alright ill do that first
[06:13:30] <Dominykas> thanks
[06:39:33] <Gaboose> hey, $3 solar panel + cheap battery = eternal power supply for an attiny
[06:39:56] <Gaboose> wonderful idea or an impractical way to go about making your attiny work a long time?
[06:40:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> Gaboose, cheap solar lights make great power supplies for microcontroller devices.
[06:40:42] <LeoNerd> I was once working with a guy who'd built a system that ran off a single AAA battery, whose average power usage was so low that the battery itself would self-discharge in ~10 years time, before the power usage of the board would drain it
[06:41:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> not hard to do with picopower devices.
[06:41:36] <LeoNerd> It was an 802.15 + eInk display meeting-room schedule board
[06:41:47] <LeoNerd> So it would wake up about once every 15 minutes, pull updates, then go to sleep again
[06:42:07] <Gaboose> display, presumably, had a separate power supply
[06:42:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> eink doesn't need power to display...just to change.
[06:42:37] <LeoNerd> Indeedy; and with schedules only likely to change once or twice a day... :)
[06:43:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> I made an m-ink(ish) display once.
[06:44:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> used quarter inch diameter black magnets in 1 inch long white tubes...8x32 pixel dixplay.
[06:45:01] <LeoNerd> Hah!
[06:45:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> used a bunch of tiny solenoid coils, relays, and mosfet h-bridges to drive it.
[06:45:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> was neat and noisy.
[06:45:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> the magnets would slide back and forth in the tubes..
[06:45:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> depending on the polarity of the h-bridge.
[06:46:13] <Gaboose> pics? :)
[06:46:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> will have to dig and see if I have any
[06:46:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> it was 10 years ago.
[06:46:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> early microcontroller project.
[06:47:56] <LeoNerd> I presume it unwise to stand too close if you have a pacemaker ;)
[06:48:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably.
[09:03:15] <sasdhdh> http://www.icstation.com/product_info.php?products_id=2739 , does this need an external programmer? or can i just connect it through usb and then just program it?
[09:06:03] <LeoNerd> It's not immediately clear from the description
[09:06:10] <LeoNerd> ... also it's not an AVR chip so here might not know ;)
[09:07:03] <sasdhdh> Well, i ask a friend, and he said there are people who know a little bit of everything, but yeah, i see your point
[09:30:11] <malinus> sasdhdh: I suggest ##electronics. I think almost all STM
[09:30:33] <malinus> sasdhdh: *I think almost all STM's come with a bootlader, so no I don't think you "need" an external programmer
[09:31:11] <sasdhdh> alright thanks!
[09:31:46] <malinus> the so called "STM32 STLINK v1/v2 protocol"
[10:01:51] <Jartza> https://slack-files.com/files-pub/T02FEAMUS-F02SS9XUV-b3c51e/20141031_004.jpg
[10:01:55] <Jartza> still waiting for the metal screws
[10:02:04] <Jartza> but cases turned out just like I wanted them
[16:12:27] <LeoNerd> http://www.amazon.co.uk/SP3UT-SMTpads-3U-Thin-Sided-Unplated-Ground/dp/B0040Z8FC6/ <== anyone ever seen/used board like this?
[16:17:29] <LeoNerd> I think that looks kindof fun
[16:17:43] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. though admittedly I can't do -any- TTH components on that
[23:09:47] <rooftopjoe> hi. i'm looking at a list of atmega16 parts and can't figure out the differences between some of them: http://www.atmel.com/devices/atmega16.aspx
[23:10:09] <rooftopjoe> for instance, what is the difference between the first two? as far as i can see, they have the same features but no other differences are given
[23:15:29] <rooftopjoe> perhaps R stands for Revision?
[23:19:31] <Tom_itx> reel
[23:19:36] <Tom_itx> vs tape or tray
[23:19:50] <Tom_itx> i didn't click but it's probably packaging
[23:27:03] <rooftopjoe> Tom_itx: could be reel, yeah.