#avr | Logs for 2014-10-24

[00:22:23] <rue_bed-aok> hobbyking sucks
[00:22:38] <rue_bed-aok> the shipping cost as much as the badly operating product
[00:22:42] <rue_bed-aok> +1 ebay
[00:23:42] * Casper turns off rue_bed-aok's laptop
[00:23:46] <Casper> SLEEP NOW!
[00:23:47] <rue_bed-aok> and aliexpress, I guess customer feedback ratings really do make things better
[00:23:51] <rue_bed-aok> no
[00:24:13] <rue_bed-aok> I have this laptop built into my bed so I can make typos right till I fall asleep
[00:24:53] * Casper ddos rue's connection
[00:25:28] <rue_bed-aok> ok, well, technically I only added 18" to the length for the laptop, and technically I did that by just neglecting to cut the 8' sheet shorter, but it was still specifically to compute till I fall asleep
[00:26:06] * Casper is somehow not sleepy :(
[00:26:18] <rue_bed-aok> dont sleepwith me!
[00:26:31] <Casper> but hey! atleast I got my raid in better shape... well, partially
[00:26:34] <rue_bed-aok> wanna code something?
[00:26:46] <rue_bed-aok> what kinda raid
[00:26:48] <rue_bed-aok> dont say 0
[00:27:00] <Casper> 6
[00:27:07] <rue_bed-aok> hu?
[00:27:13] <rue_bed-aok> 5+1?
[00:27:17] <Casper> no, 6
[00:27:23] <rue_bed-aok> 1+5?
[00:27:28] <Casper> nope, still 6
[00:27:34] <rue_bed-aok> wtf is 6
[00:27:48] <Casper> it's a better level than 5
[00:27:51] <Casper> :D
[00:27:53] <rue_bed-aok> striped stripes on striped drives?
[00:27:56] <Casper> it's 2 parity
[00:28:02] <Casper> N-2
[00:28:12] <rue_bed-aok> how about 8 parity?
[00:28:20] <rue_bed-aok> raid 12?
[00:28:23] <Casper> but I screwed up when I made it initially, and noticed only way later
[00:28:50] <Casper> I partitionned the drives, then somehow I told mdadm to make the raid from /dev/sdX
[00:28:57] <rue_bed-aok> ah
[00:29:04] <rue_bed-aok> hah
[00:29:10] <rue_bed-aok> and it did
[00:29:13] <Casper> now I have a disk that is in not too good shape
[00:29:32] <Casper> so wanna replace one day (for now it's bad sectors got remapped
[00:29:36] <rue_bed-aok> did you change it out one disk at a time and rebuild it to disks on partitions?
[00:29:57] <Casper> I shrinked the ext4
[00:30:07] <Casper> then shrinked the raid
[00:30:08] <rue_bed-aok> I do mirrored drives for my data
[00:30:11] <Casper> then failed a disk
[00:30:15] <rue_bed-aok> ah
[00:30:16] <Casper> then removed it
[00:30:20] <Casper> then repartitionned
[00:30:25] <rue_bed-aok> yep
[00:30:26] <Casper> then added it back to the array
[00:30:32] <rue_bed-aok> and rebuilt
[00:30:40] <Casper> yeah... now the fun part
[00:30:48] <Casper> once it will be rebuilt the job will continue
[00:30:48] <rue_bed-aok> how many drives?
[00:31:03] <Casper> then I'll need to grow back the raid to the full size of the partition
[00:31:10] <Casper> then grow back the ext4 to the full size
[00:31:19] <Casper> then finish the partitions on all the disks...
[00:31:20] <Casper> 7
[00:31:30] <rue_bed-aok> I'v never done size changes of filesystems and partitions
[00:31:34] <rue_bed-aok> what do you use?
[00:31:53] <Casper> I'm trying to find some other spare drives to backup all, and reformat with -O64_bits
[00:32:08] <Casper> then most likelly add another drive and grow to 18TB
[00:32:27] <Casper> resize2fs
[00:32:49] <Casper> # resize2fs /dev/md127 -p 3540039062
[00:32:51] <rue_bed-aok> <flood warning>
[00:32:53] <rue_bed-aok> #define SetBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT |= (1<<BIT))
[00:32:53] <rue_bed-aok> #define ClearBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT &= ~(1<<BIT))
[00:32:53] <rue_bed-aok> #define IsHigh(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) != 0
[00:32:54] <rue_bed-aok> #define IsLow(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) == 0
[00:32:54] <rue_bed-aok> #define NOP() asm volatile ("nop"::)
[00:32:54] <rue_bed-aok> #define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))
[00:32:55] <Casper> # mdadm --grow /dev/md127 --array-size 14641325440
[00:32:58] <rue_bed-aok> #define SIGN(x) (x)==0?0:(x)>0?1:-1
[00:33:01] <rue_bed-aok> </flood warning>
[00:33:03] <Casper> then fdisk
[00:33:21] <rue_bed-aok> resize2fs, cool
[00:33:30] <Casper> mdadm /dev/md127 -a /dev/sdj1
[00:33:36] <rue_bed-aok> -a?
[00:33:39] <Casper> add
[00:33:42] <rue_bed-aok> ah
[00:33:48] <rue_bed-aok> oh yea, mdadm
[00:33:51] <Casper> first you -f (fail) then -r (remove)
[00:34:09] <rue_bed-aok> yea, I'v had the pleasure of not having problems yet
[00:34:44] <rue_bed-aok> my array is sub 200G tho
[00:34:56] <Casper> and it's amazing how much heat an heatpump can give
[00:34:56] <rue_bed-aok> oh, hmm
[00:35:05] <Casper> this unit can do 14000btu in heating mode
[00:35:07] <rue_bed-aok> sub 1G and sub 200G as per 2 servers
[00:35:28] <Casper> rue... one of the folder on my raid is...
[00:35:31] <Casper> 4.5T
[00:35:50] <rue_bed-aok> yea
[00:35:59] <rue_bed-aok> movies you dont like or watch
[00:36:02] <rue_bed-aok> just like mp3's
[00:36:12] <Casper> lol in a way
[00:36:22] <rue_bed-aok> you have them to have the largest collection, or something your not quite sure of
[00:36:29] <Casper> this is actually why I wonder if I get another 3TB or if I just kill some files
[00:36:58] <rue_bed-aok> whas 3T, like $200 or less?
[00:37:20] <rue_bed-aok> I hanv't priced drives in a long time
[00:38:27] <Casper> 130 or so it seems
[00:38:55] <rue_bed-aok> the boiler circ pump needs a check valve, it keeps going into reverse flow, which messes with the temp sensors, makes it look like its losing heat
[00:39:49] <rue_bed-aok> local seems to be $100/TB
[00:40:01] <Casper> http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148844&cm_re=seagate_3tb-_-22-148-844-_-Product
[00:40:13] <rue_bed-aok> monitors come touchscreen now!@?
[00:40:24] <Casper> yes..
[00:40:31] <Casper> due to wincrap8
[00:41:02] <rue_bed-aok> I wonder if SSD have improved any
[00:41:03] <Casper> http://i.imgur.com/KLpK2mM.jpg lol
[00:41:13] <rue_bed-aok> both the ones I got before died within a month
[00:41:24] <Casper> ish what have you done with them?!?
[00:41:57] <rue_bed-aok> I sent them in for warranty, I now have 2 good ssd's I dont want to use for anything I need to be reliable
[00:42:19] <rue_bed-aok> kitty needs some antistatic sheets
[00:43:19] <rue_bed-aok> windows 8 is only $160, they must be making up for the rest by bombarding customers with ads and making them not be able to reinstall it without buying antoher copy
[00:43:44] <rue_bed-aok> seagate drives are cheap
[00:43:48] <Xark> rue_bed-aok: They are better. Now you just need to run a "performance restoration" utility once a month. :) -> http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/14/10/21/1914208/samsung-acknowledges-and-fixes-bug-on-840-evo-ssds
[00:44:04] <rue_bed-aok> I wonder if fujitsu still makes drives
[00:44:48] <rue_bed-aok> one is a kingston drive and the other is an adata
[00:45:36] <rue_bed-aok> hhahahah ms office costs more than windows
[00:45:59] <Casper> fuji is gone
[00:46:25] <Casper> but really... I hope that windows 10 will be better
[00:46:32] <Casper> we see all weird issues with win8
[00:46:38] <Casper> with no fix from microsoft
[00:47:29] <rue_bed-aok> microsoft WILL give in and post a linux kernel, and sell all their software for it
[00:47:39] <rue_bed-aok> its just a matter of time
[00:47:52] <rue_bed-aok> the only thing they ever change is explorer anyhow
[00:48:25] <Casper> do you imagine if microsoft make a linux distro... how shitty it will be?
[00:48:38] <rue_bed-aok> prolly BSD with an emulation layer
[00:48:56] <rue_bed-aok> I think their future lies in whats left of their good apps
[00:49:16] <rue_bed-aok> but they have scerwed up word, excel, and paint so badly...
[00:49:40] <rue_bed-aok> who the *&^(*^ broke PAINT so badly you cant just draw a line anymore?
[00:50:28] <rue_bed-aok> my 5400 rpm fijitsu outpreforms the 7200 rpm maxtor I had
[00:50:55] <rue_bed-aok> the media transfer rate is that much better
[00:51:35] <Casper> yeah but fuji had some life issue
[00:51:41] <Casper> fast, but unreliable
[00:51:49] <rue_bed-aok> never had a problem there
[00:51:52] <rue_bed-aok> huh
[00:52:18] <rue_bed-aok> maxtor used to have a lifetime warranty
[00:52:20] <rue_bed-aok> I wonder
[00:52:35] <rue_bed-aok> I wonder if they will still honor the warranty on that drive
[00:52:45] <rue_bed-aok> I'd just have to get it to fail
[00:52:55] <rue_bed-aok> .....
[00:53:07] <Casper> http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822178338&cm_re=seagate_barracuda-_-22-178-338-_-Product
[00:53:23] <Casper> maxtor is gone
[00:53:27] <rue_bed-aok> the WD drives I got did pretty good
[00:53:45] <Casper> they used to be good, until the thailand flood
[00:53:58] <rue_bed-aok> but strnage thing, after sitting on the shelf a few years, they dont seem to be able to read their platters, AT ALL
[00:54:18] <rue_bed-aok> aka, they cant even load their firmware off them
[00:54:38] <Casper> [==>..................] recovery = 13.5% (397393408/2927624192) finish=1075.5min speed=39208K/sec
[00:54:40] <Casper> grrr
[00:55:00] <rue_bed-aok> searved you right for hording so much data
[00:55:14] <rue_bed-aok> dataphile
[00:56:29] <Casper> well, still have redundancy anyway, so I'm not worried
[00:56:32] <Casper> plus it have an ups
[00:56:52] <rue_bed-aok> I upgraded my ups batteries
[00:56:57] <rue_bed-aok> from 8Ah to 87Ah
[00:57:04] <rue_bed-aok> that should last a while
[00:57:29] <Casper> I upgraded my ups charger, from standard "13.9V/batt" to temperature controlled one :D
[00:57:37] <rue_bed-aok> huh, newest smallest drive available is 320G
[00:57:58] <Casper> 320? really? our supplier can only get 500G minimum
[00:58:25] <rue_bed-aok> I upgraded my boiler system to a 100gal thermal storage tank that I insulated rather well, its working great
[00:58:54] <rue_bed-aok> a cycle of heating the house only took about 3c off it
[00:59:30] <Casper> I do not think that a big tank is good...
[00:59:41] <rue_bed-aok> why?
[00:59:54] <Casper> too much water to keep hot for no real reason
[01:00:00] <rue_bed-aok> I have 100gal of water at 75c sitting there
[01:00:22] <rue_bed-aok> it only loses like 4c overnight, I can heat the house long after the fire is out
[01:05:13] <Casper> wood?
[01:08:37] <rue_bed-aok> yup
[01:09:00] <rue_bed-aok> $10/220Kg
[01:12:08] <Casper> ah then it make sense to have that big tank
[01:12:37] <Casper> and now I start to be hungry... grrr
[01:14:21] <twnqx> rue_bed-aok: http://pastebin.com/Ytw6jPfM
[01:16:43] <rue_bed-aok> heh, nice
[01:17:06] <rue_bed-aok> should it be set_bits(
[01:17:16] <rue_bed-aok> what about clear_bits
[01:17:23] <rue_bed-aok> and ishigh(
[01:17:26] <rue_bed-aok> and islow(
[01:19:06] <twnqx> i capitalize all macros to make it clear it's not a function call
[01:19:19] <rue_bed-aok> I wasnt talking about case
[01:19:24] <rue_bed-aok> I was talking about the s
[01:19:26] <twnqx> ah, plural
[01:19:31] <rue_bed-aok> ploodle
[01:19:32] <rue_bed-aok> yea
[01:19:45] <rue_bed-aok> :)
[01:51:16] <twnqx> rue_bed-aok: not yet renamed, but still better: http://pastebin.com/CaUYJkMJ
[02:16:34] <Thrashbarg> wheeee
[02:54:39] <twnqx> rue_bed-aok: http://pastebin.com/TV2gHC9s - that's how bored i am at work.
[05:15:58] <LeoNerd> Sooooo; what is the (physically) smallest DIP AVR with a real UART? Anything better than the 20pin tiny[24]313?
[05:18:10] <LeoNerd> Or maybe there's 20pin mega chips?
[05:22:22] <Jartza> LeoNerd: attiny841?
[05:22:47] <LeoNerd> Mmmmm; not in DIP though
[05:23:00] <Jartza> ahh, true
[05:23:08] <LeoNerd> I could maybe get a SOIC converter board though
[05:23:16] <Jartza> yes, they are cheap
[05:24:47] <Jartza> list of attinys with usart: https://www.dropbox.com/s/39wb5pvtleh60gi/Screenshot%202014-10-24%2013.05.07.png?dl=0
[05:25:17] <Jartza> I think only 4313 is available in dip
[05:26:07] <Jartza> but zero atmegas with 20pin or less and usart
[05:27:00] <LeoNerd> Amd the 2313; I have two at home
[05:27:32] <LeoNerd> But I'm thinking 2Ki is a bit tight to write an STK500 clone in
[05:27:39] <LeoNerd> Even just HVSP
[05:29:07] <Jartza> hmmh. might be.
[05:33:12] <[1]AR> avr or pic?
[05:33:20] <Rohan_14> AVr all the way
[05:45:53] <kline> [1]AR: depends on what you need to do and what sort of resources you have
[05:50:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> AVR vs PIC vs 8052 vs msp430 here and all depends on what project I'm working on at the moment.
[05:50:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> in fact, I have one project that uses 3 of the 4.
[06:07:22] <[1]AR> i wanna start i am a beginner
[06:09:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> how much do you know about electronics in general?
[06:09:52] <[1]AR> basic analog and digital
[06:10:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> you know how to build a regulated power supply?
[06:10:36] <[1]AR> yes
[06:10:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> what operating system do you have?
[06:11:01] <[1]AR> currently windows
[06:11:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok.
[06:11:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> you need to get an avr or three...atmega88 or atmega328 is a good place to start..
[06:11:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would get at least 2 of the same chip.
[06:11:56] <[1]AR> Ok
[06:12:09] <[1]AR> Any resource from where i can study?
[06:12:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmega88 and atmega328 are the same chip just different amount of memory...8K vs 32K
[06:12:28] <[1]AR> ok
[06:12:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> getting there.
[06:12:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> once you pick the chip, get the datasheet...read it,,cover to cover.
[06:12:52] <[1]AR> ok
[06:12:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> gives you something to do while it's being shipped.
[06:13:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> and pretty much everything you need to know about that chip is in the datasheet.
[06:13:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> you also need a programmer
[06:13:40] <[1]AR> I'll get one
[06:13:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> do NOT ever ever EVER(in my opinion) get a usbasp or anything based on usbasp.
[06:13:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> the cheap 5 dollar ebay programmers are usbasp
[06:13:55] <[1]AR> then?
[06:14:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> talk to Tom_itx here. He sells a really nice one. He also sells a usbAVR on a dip adapter board that is good. Or get an official one from atmel.
[06:15:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> atavrisp2 is under 40 dollars.
[06:15:44] <[1]AR> whats wrong with usbasp?
[06:16:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> usbasp uses something called vusb...it is bitbanged usb. It does not work on all usb ports. while it is a nifty technology it is a hack. also, 90% of the problems people have with programmers around here are from usbasp based programmers.
[06:18:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> as you are running windows you will probably want to get atmel studio which is a full IDE for the atmel AVR and atmel ARM microcontrollers.
[06:19:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> along with that there is an open source gcc based toolchain that atmel studio uses to actually compile the code.
[06:20:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.atmel.com/tools/ATMELAVRTOOLCHAINFORWINDOWS.aspx
[06:20:08] <[1]AR> i need both studio and toolchain?
[06:20:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just use the gcc toolchain myself...I don't touch studio...but, I also don't use windows.
[06:21:11] <[1]AR> ubuntu?
[06:21:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> on this machine, yes.
[06:21:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> debian and arch on other machines.
[06:21:29] <[1]AR> ok
[06:21:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.atmel.com/tools/ATMELSTUDIO.aspx
[06:21:38] <[1]AR> windows 8 does not allows dual boot
[06:21:49] <[1]AR> i want to install ubuntu as wells as keep 8
[06:22:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have a machine at work with windows 8 dualbooted with linux.
[06:22:14] <[1]AR> how can i do that?
[06:22:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are ways.
[06:22:18] <[1]AR> i have tried that
[06:22:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> you have to turn off the secure boot crap on the PC.
[06:22:34] <[1]AR> done that
[06:22:45] <[1]AR> but still unable to achieve dual boot
[06:22:56] <[1]AR> i disabled dual boot from bios
[06:23:16] <LeoNerd> More like duel boot
[06:23:25] <[1]AR> duel?
[06:23:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/
[06:23:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> dueling boots.
[06:26:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> once you have your toolchain and chip and other bits-n-pieces such as regulated power supply and programmer and stuff,,,,do a google search such as this.
[06:26:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=atmega88+tutorial&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
[06:27:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://hackaday.com/2010/10/23/avr-programming-introduction/
[06:27:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> decent little series.
[09:23:52] <antto> N1njAway well, i did a few more tests.. MIDI THRU isn't required to corrupt the MIDI-IN data.. it was enough to just send some data via FTDI and the midi-in data gets rotten. i queued the outgoing data to the ftdi, but.. that doesn't really fix the issue
[09:31:57] <rue_house> antto, say again?
[09:32:37] <rue_house> so its interuart related
[09:33:31] <antto> another guy looked at the midi in/out/thru and predicted that the midi-in data may get corrupted even if i just plug a midi cable on the THRU with the other end free (as an antenna)
[09:34:05] <antto> everybody who looked at it said that the IN and THRU are horrible ;]
[11:54:59] <day> did anyone here ever had the problem that the efuse on the atmega88 was not programmable via avrdude?
[11:55:19] <day> i only tried one so it might be not a atmega888 general thing
[12:02:20] <Ksori_> hi. is it correct to use ".equ something, r16" ? Im using avr-as
[12:02:48] <specing> pfft asm is so 1950
[12:03:02] <specing> these days we do
[12:03:09] <day> python
[12:03:10] <specing> asm volatile ("",...);!
[12:04:12] <Ksori_> hmm. but is it correct:?
[12:20:27] <Kre10s> hi. I remember reading somewhere that its possible to emulate avr bytecode... any tutorials on that? with gdb i think
[12:22:16] <N1njAway> Emulators exist, but they are notoriously difficult or inaccurate at best, or practically useless at the worst.
[12:23:53] <N1njaneer> The more useful way to do it is to run code on the actual device, and just use in-circuit debug on the actual processor. They you get 100% accurate behavior :)
[12:24:08] <LeoNerd> Emulating the AVR doesn't sound very useful if you don't have all the rest of the logic circuit around it
[12:24:14] <N1njaneer> Exactly.
[12:24:15] <LeoNerd> debugWire on the real chip seems much preferrable ot me
[12:27:37] <Kre10s> Yea. I just found some gdb examples. no clue how to print out the register file in this case though...
[12:28:01] <N1njaneer> gdb is generally used for actual debugging on a device, though
[12:28:48] <Kre10s> ah. yea. i don't think host gdb will run my cross compiled code...
[13:54:06] <hetii> Hi
[13:54:07] <hetii> :)
[13:55:47] <N1njaneer> Hiyas!
[14:14:57] <hetii> whats up ?:)
[16:22:28] <hetii> hmm interesting : :) I bay a max485 http://www.gotronik.pl/konwerter-rs485-ttl-na-ukladzie-max485-p-2363.html and connect just DI and GND line
[16:22:37] <hetii> and its still work
[16:22:38] <hetii> :)
[16:22:56] <hetii> I mean drive my dmx chain :)
[16:33:24] <Kre10s> hetii, You are probably feeding the VCC cap through the anti static protection diode on the MAX485.
[16:34:51] <Kre10s> the only thing draining that cap are the 10K pullups and the chip. As long as you keep that DI pin high long enough you should see that effect.
[16:38:56] <Kre10s> I recall some three legged MAXIM battery monitoring chips use this method to feed their interface logic without draining the battery... you communicate with the chip, and it leeches power from your data signal.
[16:40:01] <hetii> Yep, must be like that :)
[16:40:37] <LeoNerd> I wonder... if I wanted a physically-small board with UART and about 6 GPIO pins, could I glue a SOIC-20 tiny2313 chip on and use small bridging wire to pull out the pins I need? That might be smaller than a DIP20
[16:41:26] <Kre10s> you could always make a board and solder the chip like normal...
[16:41:35] <LeoNerd> "make a board"?
[16:41:52] <hetii> General my plan for future is to migrate to chip like lpc1114
[16:41:53] <Kre10s> get one made. by a PCB manufacturer.
[16:42:23] <hetii> its cost less then most popular 8 bit mcu and have much more power/interface on it
[16:42:50] <LeoNerd> Getting /one/ PCB made seems to me impossible. I can't find anyone doing boards in runs of fewer than 5
[16:43:32] <Kre10s> LeoNerd, so just make 5.
[16:43:44] <Jartza> I'm not so fond of nxp's cortex-chips
[16:43:47] <Jartza> I like stm more
[16:44:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> dirtypcbs.com is not a bad thing but you gotta get 10 at a time minimum.
[16:45:07] <LeoNerd> Yah... I just want one-offs.. so I tend to just stripboard everything
[16:45:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> homemade pcb for that here.
[16:46:12] <LeoNerd> Eh... I'm not sure I'd bother with home-etching either, really. By the time I've etched (double-sided?) and drilled holes, I'm still missing via plating, solder-resist and silkscreen; so it's barely any better than strip.
[16:46:19] <LeoNerd> Except with stripboard I can start rightnow
[16:46:36] <Kre10s> LeoNerd, doing it by hand will most always end up with a larger board that if you get a pcb made.
[16:46:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> I can do 2 sided easily enough...have a small drill press for holes...and for vias, I just stick a piece of wire in and solder both sides.
[16:47:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> screw solder-resist and silkscreen for oneoffs.
[16:47:48] <LeoNerd> Ohyes, I'm not saying necessarily I'd want those (since I don't get those on stripboard anyway); just it doesn't feel like making a custom PCB is worth it for that
[16:48:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> I also use perfboard with the solder pads on each hole.
[16:48:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> man...14 dollars for 9 to 12 boards, 5cm x 5cm.
[16:48:54] <LeoNerd> Ooh, hmm.. plain perfboard and lots of wrapping wire...
[16:49:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> for 10cm x 10cm it's 25 dollars.
[16:49:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> LeoNerd, I also have projects that I used solderless breadboard for,,,that have been running for at least 4 years.
[16:50:09] <LeoNerd> Ohsure but that's hardly compact or robust ;)
[16:50:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> I got a bunch of them real cheap and a bunch of wooden boxes with latching lids for 1 dollar each inside of which I can fit 3 boards.
[16:50:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> anyhow, gotta flit...be back later.
[16:50:34] <LeoNerd> I dunno.. It's wierd... I think I'd be happy to pay £20 for /one/ PCB, but not £40 for 5..
[16:50:55] <LeoNerd> Perhaps I'd pay $40 for two, but not if that involves someone throwing away the other three...
[16:52:02] <Kre10s> LeoNerd, but if you made and tested a good design on perfboard. wouldn't you be able to use more than 1 board?
[16:52:21] <LeoNerd> Mm?
[16:52:39] <Kre10s> when do you ever only need 1 of a board?
[16:52:46] <LeoNerd> Almost all th etime
[16:53:00] <LeoNerd> I just make things.. half the things I make are tooling to help me make more things, even.. :)
[16:53:11] <LeoNerd> Currently I'm looking at HVSP'ing ATtinys
[16:53:25] <LeoNerd> When I get on to something I might /actually/ want more than one of then sure, I'll PCB those up
[16:54:56] <Kre10s> I would Invest more in my development environment. Its better two have two well designed and robust programmers, than one built on perfboard in a wooden box.
[16:55:45] <LeoNerd> Well, I'm not sure why I'd ever need more than one programmer of a given type...
[16:55:55] <LeoNerd> What could I do with two HVSP burners that I can't do with one?
[16:55:58] <Kre10s> when you fry one.
[16:57:30] <Kre10s> You'll be working on the-next-greatest-gizmo and then you'll make a mistake... wire something wrong or something... then you'll want to pull your second programmer off your shelf.
[16:58:43] <LeoNerd> OK so -maybe- you've made the case for two.. but five minimum?
[16:59:09] <Kre10s> LeoNerd, do you have any friends :)
[16:59:30] <LeoNerd> I don't believe I have any that would be interested in an HVSP programmer, no
[16:59:32] <Kre10s> I've been wanting to get into tinys... Can I haz one?
[17:00:13] <LeoNerd> You likely just want one of these https://www.tindie.com/products/bot_thoughts/eezee-tiny-breakout-programming-board-kit/
[17:00:21] <LeoNerd> I bought a full set of those (8/14/20pin) - they're lovely
[17:01:08] <LeoNerd> HVSP is a pretty specialised cornercase; either you're doing full 6/12 GPIO, or you want to use debugWire, and right now (*ahem*) the only way to use debugWire is to use the fancy Atmel kit and AVR Studio
[17:02:39] <Kre10s> I see.
[17:03:19] <Kre10s> lol. Made in USA... somehow I imagine those parts come from china.
[17:04:17] <LeoNerd> Besides; I don't believe the "free" Eagle licence would allow me to sell them anyway
[17:04:27] <Kre10s> use Kicad.
[17:04:44] <Kre10s> not the best... but the best free one.
[17:06:03] <LeoNerd> OH hmm.. Eagle Light; €62. That's almost reasonable
[17:23:39] <LeoNerd> I think I found a boardhouse that do minimum runs of 3
[17:24:18] <Tom_itx> seeed will i think