#avr | Logs for 2014-10-21

[03:53:58] <STS_Patrik> is it common to use your internal ADREF for calibrating against external ADref before usage to compensate for possible hardware variations?
[05:28:03] <ColdKeyboard> Could someone recommend some temperature and humidity sensors to me? I need like 10 of them, as cheap as possible. Should I go with DHT22 or there is a better chip?
[05:32:36] <LeoNerd> I quite like the DHT22s
[05:32:45] <LeoNerd> Certainly nicer than the 11s; higher resolution
[05:50:32] <ColdKeyboard> Indeed, DHT11 have like +-5 for humidity and +-2C for temperature...which is aweful :)
[06:22:17] <jadew> they're probably the cheapest
[07:51:04] <MarkX> morning ladies and germs
[07:56:45] <Tom_itx> bugs
[07:56:58] <Tom_itx> plenty here
[08:08:09] <MarkX> heh
[08:09:15] <MarkX> ugh
[08:09:23] <MarkX> cant wait for work to send me a new laptio
[08:09:27] <MarkX> laptop*
[08:09:32] <MarkX> this old one is killing me
[08:09:51] <Tom_itx> windows or linux?
[08:10:06] <MarkX> both actually
[08:10:16] <MarkX> i switch between gentoo and win7
[08:10:54] <MarkX> was thinking about moving to arch for the new laptop
[08:20:23] <jadew> arch sucks
[08:21:09] <jadew> there's always some broken package because it relies on something that is not compatible with the latest whatever lib
[08:30:59] <MarkX> gentoo killed me a couple of times
[08:31:12] <MarkX> especially when ati changed the labelling of their packages
[08:31:55] <Tom_itx> i was just gonna suggest a surface pro3 but i doubt linux would run on it
[08:36:29] <malinus> Tom_itx: linux can virtually run on anything :D
[08:36:43] <Tom_itx> touch screen may be an issue
[08:36:49] <jadew> I'm looking for a new laptop for my wife
[08:37:06] <malinus> old thinkpad for $100, done
[08:37:07] <jadew> but it needs a nice touchpad
[08:37:10] <jadew> eventually with buttons
[08:37:20] <jadew> malinus, new
[08:37:28] <jadew> I wanted to give up on my thinkpad, but I couldn't
[08:37:50] <jadew> I like the look on that surface pro
[08:37:50] <MarkX> Tom_itx: company will send what they send. i dont really have a say
[08:37:53] <jadew> how much is it?
[08:38:02] <malinus> jadew: why new? does she need to run farmville on highest settings?
[08:38:08] <MarkX> jadew: i think its like 700+ iirc
[08:38:20] <MarkX> uh oh, shots fired
[08:38:24] <jadew> malinus, so it doesn't get completely obsolete in 2 years
[08:38:35] <jadew> MarkX, that's pretty cheap
[08:38:50] <MarkX> they were giving major discounts cause no one was buying them
[08:39:02] <MarkX> but they've gotten great reviews
[08:39:09] <MarkX> a lot of people were saying even gaming is possible
[08:39:45] <jadew> looks really nice
[08:40:09] <MarkX> i think the keyboard costs extra though
[08:40:11] <MarkX> so watch out for that
[08:40:26] <jadew> good to know, thanks
[08:40:29] <MarkX> my brother got a lenovo though, and its actually pretty cool. got dedicated gfx and everything
[08:40:46] <MarkX> good deal too. ~1000$
[08:40:58] <jadew> I have a lenovo as well, but I got lucky and it was both cheap and not garbage
[08:41:03] <jadew> which is rare these days
[08:41:11] <MarkX> oh ya?
[08:41:20] <jadew> they adopted clickpads, which are a pile of shit
[08:41:24] <MarkX> omg yes
[08:41:30] <MarkX> i used his, its annoying as hell
[08:41:40] <MarkX> i prefer 2 buttons under the touchpad personally
[08:41:46] <jadew> I actually got her a laptop with that this year and we returned it
[08:41:49] <jadew> yes!
[08:42:07] <MarkX> i found his was somewhat unresponsive as well
[08:42:23] <MarkX> fiddled with the settings and stuff but could never get it to play nice
[08:42:25] <jadew> yeah, it's crappy, then there's the number pad
[08:42:32] <jadew> which is completely useless for most people
[08:42:44] <jadew> it just means the center of the keyboard doesn't matches the center of the laptop/screen
[08:42:44] <MarkX> i like it. and i love the spacing in the keyboard
[08:42:48] <jadew> which is awkward
[08:43:00] <MarkX> crap can't get under the keys and stuff
[08:45:04] <MarkX> the lightup keys is a nice feature too
[08:45:18] <jadew> on which one?
[08:45:37] <MarkX> the lenovo. my bro's has a button you press and the keyboard lights up
[08:46:03] <MarkX> can turn the brightness all the way down at night and still see the keyboard buttons
[08:46:15] <malinus> jadew: it will be another 10 years before older thinkpads can't be used as facebook machines
[08:46:31] <jadew> malinus, that's true
[08:46:58] <jadew> MarkX, the one that shines from the top of the screen?
[08:47:09] <MarkX> hmm?
[08:47:27] <MarkX> oh no, these keys have a light under them.
[08:47:31] <jadew> oh
[08:47:35] <jadew> interesting
[08:48:53] <MarkX> http://www.everythingusb.com/media/logitech-illuminated-keyboard-backlight.jpg
[08:48:56] <MarkX> kind of like that
[08:49:07] <MarkX> except it looks cleaner on the laptop
[08:51:36] <MarkX> i hereby dub my first altium board complete
[08:51:40] <MarkX> w0o0ot
[09:01:14] <Tom_itx> you should boast that when it's returned and in a working circuit :D
[09:01:34] <Tom_itx> (rev 4)
[09:10:07] <MarkX> lmao
[09:10:14] <MarkX> i'm not even getting that far with it
[09:10:20] <MarkX> it was just a basic 555 timer circuit
[09:33:40] <MarkX> http://www.embeddedwirelesssolutions.com/schematics/ews_atmega32u4_breakout_board.png
[09:33:59] <MarkX> so the chip they have there. pin 33 being pulled down on reset activates the bootloader.
[09:34:18] <MarkX> on their website >> http://embeddedwirelesssolutions.com/ews_atmega32u4_breakout_board?search=atmega32u4 << it has download links for the bootloader
[09:34:38] <MarkX> now my question is, does the chip come with a bootloader from factory?
[09:35:07] <MarkX> in the datasheet it does talk about HWB (pin 33) being used to get into the bootloader but I didn't see if the chip actually has a bootloader out of the box
[09:35:48] <Shavik|Work> Anyone got a second to help me with 485?
[09:36:40] <rue_house> ask and I'll see if I'm awake
[09:36:46] <Shavik|Work> Reading up on the termination resistor which value to use
[09:36:52] <Shavik|Work> Seeing everything from 100 - 150 Ohm
[09:37:02] <Shavik|Work> Seems there isn't a one size fits all solution :/
[09:37:06] <MarkX> the fuse for HWBE comes enabled by default but it doesn't say if there is actually a bootloader on the chip....
[09:37:08] <rue_house> what kinda wire are you using?
[09:37:20] <Shavik|Work> Got multiple devices in a room, all connected via a bus running across CAT5E
[09:37:29] <Shavik|Work> 24v and 485 is supplied in the cable
[09:37:36] <rue_house> cat5e is 100ohm, I thihnk...
[09:37:36] <Shavik|Work> along with a 422 feed for other capabilities
[09:37:51] <Shavik|Work> Anywhere that has a reference for this that you know of?
[09:37:57] <MarkX> oh wait, ignore everything i said. bootloader is on the chip
[09:37:58] <MarkX> booya
[09:37:59] <Shavik|Work> Not doubting you, just so I have it
[09:38:04] <rue_house> the EOL needs to match the cable
[09:38:21] <rue_house> yup 100R
[09:39:00] <rue_house> http://bit.ly/ZMzdeC <-- checkit out
[09:40:29] <malinus> MarkX: I think the teensy is cheaper than that :V:
[09:40:51] <rue_house> Shavik|Work, enough proof?
[09:40:56] <MarkX> malinus: i was just using it as a reference
[09:41:16] <Shavik|Work> rue_house, :P
[09:41:17] <MarkX> i like the way they utilize the HWB unlike sparkfun and adafruit
[09:41:30] <malinus> MarkX: HWB?
[09:41:31] <Shavik|Work> Well I didn't know you juse straight up used the same resistor as the impedance of the cable
[09:41:34] <Shavik|Work> That was the part I didn't know
[09:41:49] <rue_house> now you know!
[09:41:55] <MarkX> malinus: hardware bootloader activation
[09:42:04] <Shavik|Work> So RS485 EOL resistor just matches cable impedance?
[09:42:06] <MarkX> basically pulling down a pin during reset to enter the bootloader
[09:42:08] <Shavik|Work> Just double checking
[09:42:21] <rue_house> Shavik|Work, provided someone didn't use random wire on it
[09:42:26] <malinus> MarkX: instead of what?
[09:42:30] <Shavik|Work> This is in a hospital
[09:42:39] <Shavik|Work> So I hope not, but there is a chance with 3rd party techs
[09:42:40] <Shavik|Work> heh
[09:43:12] <rue_house> find out they used a peice of RG59 :)
[09:43:53] <MarkX> malinus: sparkfun and adafruit do it different somehow. their method says "If you have an application already on the IC and you want to reprogram, simply press the on-board reset button and the bootloader will run for 7 seconds to allow time for programming."
[09:44:44] <MarkX> their HWB pin is always to ground, meaning they must not have the HWBE fuse enabled
[09:45:37] <MarkX> maybe its because they use the LUFA CDC bootloader
[09:47:07] <malinus> ah
[09:50:23] <rue_house> Shavik|Work, I found it in writing
[09:50:38] <rue_house> "The value of the terminating resistor is ideally the same value as the characteristic impedance of the cable. "
[09:50:43] <rue_house> http://www.maximintegrated.com/en/app-notes/index.mvp/id/763
[09:50:53] <Shavik|Work> Thanks
[09:50:57] <Shavik|Work> I've just found and been reading http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slla272b/slla272b.pdf
[09:51:05] <Shavik|Work> Good reads, both of them
[09:51:22] <rue_house> I was looking for a proper document on balanced line signal transmission, but I cant see any
[09:51:59] <rue_house> which is funny, cause I have a rather thick book on it from the 1950's
[10:09:26] <Shavik|Work> Trying to make sure I have enough isolation now
[10:09:30] <Shavik|Work> Don't want any fires :P
[10:17:43] <MarkX> ping N1njaneer
[10:21:44] <hetii> Hi :)
[10:21:59] <MarkX> hello
[10:48:48] <hetii> avrdude: ERROR: address 0x800e out of range at line 129 of main.hex
[10:48:50] <hetii> :(
[10:49:11] <hetii> I try add support for led displan on usbasploader bootloader
[10:49:50] <hetii> but cannot even initialize my display.
[10:49:59] <hetii> text data bss dec hex filename
[10:49:59] <hetii> 0 2068 0 2068 814 main.hex
[10:50:34] <hetii> wonder how can i optimize my code to take less space :/
[11:24:11] <brabo> hi, i'm having serious problems getting the xmega 16 bit rtc to work.. whatever i try, the counter does not want to increase.. i think i'm messing up because of clock selection and prescalers etc.. can anyone guide me a bit through it?
[11:28:59] <samktri1> i am trying to use AVR307's code to get USISerial working on an ATTiny85. I was able to successfully get it running at 9600 baud, 1Mhz. But I read that not all baud rates are supported at different frequencies. Is there a way to figure that out ? I need atleast 57600 if not 115200
[11:34:43] <Tom_itx> samktri1, not sure if this applies to that but you can decide: http://makezine.com/2014/10/21/first-look-inventables-carvey/
[11:35:04] <N1njaneer> samktri1: If you aren't using a crystal, it may be difficult to get to those baud rates reliably.
[11:36:18] <N1njaneer> samktri1: The datasheets for the AVRs have lists of common crystals vs baud rates. With a 4-8Mhz crystal you can easily do 57600-115200, however, the thing you have to keep in mind is that even though you can technically receive data at that speed, if it's a sustained burst
[11:36:37] <Jartza> samktri1: do you need rx/tx or just tx?
[11:36:43] <N1njaneer> +and not just a couple characters here and there, you won't likely have enough clock cycles to actually do something useful with the data.
[11:40:09] <samktri1> Jartza I need both rx/tx but not simultaneously. N1njaneer even if I use a crystal, do i need a sustained burst ?
[11:40:41] <samktri1> because my data is small packets of 6-7 bytes each
[11:43:12] <Jartza> samktri1: use ralph doncasters asm code?
[11:43:25] <Jartza> https://sites.google.com/site/ralphdoncaster/home/files/BasicSerial3.zip
[11:43:41] <Jartza> that can do 230400bps with 8MHz attiny85
[11:44:08] <Jartza> but only half-duplex, not simultaneously
[11:44:08] <Jartza> * 1%/2% Tx/Rx timing error for 115.2kbps@8Mhz
[11:44:09] <Jartza> * 2%/1% Tx/Rx timing error for 230.4kbps@8Mhz
[11:45:01] <N1njaneer> samktri1: No, my point is that if you are only processing at 1Mhz, you are only going to have about 86 clock cycles per character to do your processing at if you are running at 115,200 baud. Far less if you are using interrupts to process the incoming data.
[11:45:13] <samktri1> i am not very familiar with asm Jartza, but will look into that. any other resources in C ? also, what would be the maximum reliable baud with internal oscillator ?
[11:45:51] <N1njaneer> samktri1: The other problem is that the internal oscillator isn't terribly reliable, and would probably need to be specifically trimmed if you want any hope for reliable data reception.
[11:45:51] <Jartza> well there's a header to include to your C program
[11:46:44] <samktri1> N1njaneer, I am willing to go till 8 or 16 Mhz for 115200. but it seems not all baud rates are supported. i was getting garbage at 57600, 8 mhz. i don't know that's because its not supported or because of the oscilattors error...
[11:46:47] <N1njaneer> Actually, at 1Mhz, the best you will ever be able to do is 57600, and at 8.5% error rate assuming you have a perfectly trimmed RC oscillator.
[11:46:56] <samktri1> thanks Jartza will look into that
[11:47:19] <N1njaneer> You can do 57600 and 115200 perfectly fine with an external 8/16Mhz resonator or quartz. I do this all the time.
[11:48:23] <N1njaneer> But you are not going to get reliable reception off the internal oscillator without at least trimming it, and even then I'm a bit dubious. I would go to a using a part that supports an external oscillator - a ceramic resonator is super inexpensive and will solve the problem completely.
[11:49:41] <N1njaneer> If you need 115200, you probably want to go to 16 Mhz as the timing mismatch will drop to 3.5% vs 8.5% at 8 Mhz
[11:50:58] <N1njaneer> You MIGHT be able to get away with it if you are providing enough mark time between the bytes such that the UART reception state machine can resynchronize properly per-byte, but still it's kind of a hack solution that I wouldn't put a lot of faith in being long-term reliable when there are better ways to accomplish it with 100% reliability :)
[11:51:23] <N1njaneer> ... or not X.x
[11:51:28] <Tom_itx> heh
[11:51:59] <samktri1> hmm ok N1njaneer, and wat about 8/16Mhz ? is the oscillator reliable there ?
[11:52:18] <N1njaneer> samktri1: You ping's out. What's the last thing you got from me?
[11:52:32] <N1njaneer> +you had ping'd out.
[11:52:56] <samktri1> oops, ya some network issue. u said at 1 Mhz, 57.6 k is the best...
[11:53:15] <Tom_itx> zlog
[11:53:18] <Tom_itx> catch up.
[11:53:36] <N1njaneer> Tom_itx: Thanks! Forgot about that :)
[11:53:52] <samktri1> thanks Tom_itx idk that !
[11:54:17] <Tom_itx> is this a new design?
[11:54:22] <N1njaneer> Honestly I wish people would steer away from the ATTINY parts and just go to entry-level ATMEGA parts like the ATMEGA48 - cost is very minimal different, as is footprint. And it nips a ton of these problems out quickly due to better capabilities and higher pin count.
[11:54:57] <N1njaneer> ATTINY is great when you absolutely need a super cheap, super-low pin-count device that needs to do a very simple task.
[11:55:39] <N1njaneer> But there's going to be a lot more fighting with it to make it work correctly because of the limited resources.
[11:56:36] <specing> Why
[11:56:38] <samktri1> hmm, btw, when you said you do 57.6k/115.2k baud with resonator, do you do it on tiny or mega ?
[11:56:45] <specing> steer away from ATMEGA
[11:56:49] <specing> just go to XMEGA!
[11:57:00] * Tom_itx stabs specing with a fork
[11:57:11] <N1njaneer> I just used an ATTINY13 in an application that needed to read a voltage level with the ADC, filter the input, unset a relay when the voltage dropped below an averaged threshold for a while, then blink an LED when tripped. This is a good task for it. :)
[11:57:19] * specing spoons Tom_itx with a knife
[11:58:22] <samktri1> so you got 57.6k on the tiny using the crystal and this avr307 code ?
[11:58:37] <N1njaneer> specing: Making that argument, just go to Atmel ARM series. The SAMDxx series are less expensive than many AVR parts even.
[11:58:52] <N1njaneer> specing: XMEGA is also a dead-end chip series with Atmel.
[11:59:02] <N1njaneer> As is AVR32.
[11:59:13] <Getty> hey ;)
[11:59:19] <N1njaneer> Their entire future attention is on AVR and SAM right now.
[11:59:31] <specing> N1njaneer: I have a AT91SAM9260, is lovely
[11:59:44] <N1njaneer> specing: Good! Move in that direction. :)
[11:59:55] <specing> It runs Gentoo in some drawer
[11:59:57] <Tom_itx> didn't say it wasn't. it doesn't have a place in the world though
[12:00:10] <N1njaneer> I've started replacing a lot of my AVR stuff with SAM parts. Better capabilities for equivalent or lower price.
[12:00:30] <Tom_itx> all jtag aren't they?
[12:01:42] <samktri1> Jartza, the code that you suggested, ralph doncasters one, can that do 115.2k at 8mhz with internal oscillator or do i still need to use crystal ?
[12:02:03] <Tom_itx> i'm betting you need a crystal
[12:02:59] <specing> the internal osc is kinda stable if you ask me
[12:03:10] <specing> I did serial with it no problems
[12:03:21] <samktri1> hmm, there's a space constraint, if I could go to 16mhz and do away with the crystal for 115.2k, i'd do that...
[12:05:17] <Tom_itx> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/CSTCE16M0V53-R0/490-1198-1-ND/584635
[12:05:22] <Tom_itx> takes little space
[12:05:32] <N1njaneer> Tom_itx: The smaller SAM devices are a two-wire debug, which makes it very easy to do full program and debug without wasting four pins for JTAG
[12:06:23] <N1njaneer> I use the CSTCE's on thousands of boards here for data reception at 250k without and issues whatsoever. Good parts, built-in caps. :)
[12:06:34] <N1njaneer> +any issues
[12:13:02] <Jartza> I've been using ralph's code without chrystal successfully
[12:15:29] <N1njaneer> Jartza: Have you tested over a wide range of conditions, including temperature and data saturation in long bursts?
[12:16:22] <Jartza> not temp ranges, but multiple attinys
[12:16:30] <Jartza> which seem to have not-so-accurate-internal-osc
[12:16:53] <Jartza> but long bursts yes, if you count "jane austin's pride and prejudice" -ebook as long :)
[12:17:03] <Jartza> used that while debugging my modem
[12:18:23] <Jartza> 53 hours runtime with one AAA battery in my tagsu now
[12:18:29] <Jartza> now the screen starts to flicker a bit
[12:19:06] <Jartza> 0.798V left in battery :)
[12:19:23] <N1njaneer> Temp is going to be a big factor, as it will affect the rate of the internal oscillator the most out of anything. Check the datasheet, though, as they rate the lineariy and tolerance of the RC oscillator across the working temperature range of the chip.
[12:27:43] <Jartza> might be yes
[12:29:09] <MarkX> N1njaneer: do you have access to altium live?
[12:31:00] <N1njaneer> MarkX: Yes, but I don't use it.
[12:31:54] <MarkX> do you know if the libraries/components in their design content section cost extra?
[12:36:25] <N1njaneer> AFAIK it's included. I typically just do all of my own footprints and component library parts so I have more control, but I know things have improved dramatically as of recent, so might have to look in to this again at some point. :D
[12:38:28] <MarkX> hehe yea
[12:38:45] <MarkX> i was just wondering cause i went to see if the atmel library had a proper atmega32u4 model
[12:38:51] <MarkX> but apparently now you gotta pay for everything
[12:38:51] <MarkX> >_>
[12:39:11] <N1njaneer> It should take you like 20 minutes to build it. :)
[12:39:55] <N1njaneer> I've built up a lot of Atmel parts in a library over the past 10 years :)
[12:40:02] <MarkX> i'm building it now
[12:40:12] <MarkX> but i'm new to altium so i'm trying to figure out how to make an smd pad
[12:40:21] <MarkX> aka a pad without a hole in it
[12:40:36] <N1njaneer> Just set the hole size to zero, and the layer to Top Layer
[12:41:39] <MarkX> oh, not top solder?
[12:43:19] <MarkX> also any tips on the length of a smd pad? 1.5x the length of the pin?
[12:43:48] <N1njaneer> Top Solder is the top solder mask, which is negatively defined - you'd make an aperture in the LPI :)
[12:45:07] <N1njaneer> The pad length is entirely your preference. Atmel has suggested lands for their parts with regard to pad sizes and stencil apertures. I assume you are doing a TQFP and not a QFN? If TQFP I usually reccomend going with a bit of a longer pad if you are hand-assembling as it makes it a bit easier to rework if necessary.
[12:45:13] <MarkX> ah gotcha.
[12:45:47] <MarkX> yep tqfp. also cool! thanks
[12:45:56] <MarkX> i'll try it find my own size i guess
[12:45:58] <N1njaneer> There are also extensive JEDEC libraries, too, but you usually need to pay for access to those documents as well.
[12:46:11] <MarkX> what is JEDEC?
[12:46:16] <N1njaneer> Though sometimes you can just find built-in Altium footprints that work fine.
[12:46:25] <N1njaneer> http://www.jedec.org/
[12:46:54] <MarkX> ah interesting
[12:46:56] <N1njaneer> JEDEC is the international standards group who works on anything and everything related to microelectronics
[12:47:58] <N1njaneer> Basically they're the ones that have spent millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours characterizing performance and design aspects for everything from signal integrity for footprint and process design to figure out the best way to do things.
[12:48:23] <MarkX> right right
[12:48:40] <MarkX> do they have one of those books on basic rules to follow?
[12:48:46] <MarkX> (as suggested by them)
[12:49:07] <N1njaneer> Yes, but you have to pay for most of the standards AFAIK.
[12:49:32] <MarkX> ah cool
[12:49:37] <MarkX> eff that then
[12:49:37] <MarkX> XD
[12:50:28] <N1njaneer> Many times, though, if you look at a part datasheet, you can find what JEDEC footprint the device uses, then do a search and find a corresponding document that describes said footprint.
[12:51:16] <MarkX> yep just saw that now
[12:51:23] <MarkX> jedec ms-026 variation abc
[12:51:32] <MarkX> err acb*
[12:52:18] <MarkX> oh damn, they give recommended footprint dimensions
[12:52:23] <MarkX> this is what i was looking for :D
[12:52:38] <MarkX> don't have any formal training so i wanted to see what the pros do ;)
[12:53:17] <N1njaneer> And yes, most good datasheets will define the footprints for you.
[12:53:34] <MarkX> excellent
[12:53:46] <N1njaneer> Honestly unless you are getting in to mass production, you'll probably be about 90% on with just using common sense in footprint design.
[12:55:17] <N1njaneer> It gets a bit hairier when you are going to very small parts and mass production. I've had to fine-tune our processes here since we put down thousands of QFNs per year and need to get a 99% yield so we're not wasting time with a lot of rework. It's a combination of the pad geometry, paste mask apertures on the stencil, stencil thickness, parameters of the stencil printer, parameters of the paste,
[12:55:17] <N1njaneer> and then the reflow profile.
[12:55:31] <N1njaneer> If you aren't doing mass production, though, it's really not nearly as critical. :)
[12:55:38] <MarkX> hehe awesome
[12:55:45] <MarkX> should come work for you ;)
[12:56:07] <N1njaneer> I've just hired two more part time positions recently to help production out. :)
[12:56:26] <N1njaneer> I need to find another engineer next, through, as I'm constantly overloaded with stuff I can't delegate.
[12:56:46] <Jartza> unfortunately I can only code ;)
[12:56:47] <MarkX> i'd apply but my job right now is just too cushy
[12:57:04] <MarkX> all day on a laptop, doing my own thing and getting paid for it
[12:57:04] <MarkX> XD
[12:57:28] <N1njaneer> Jartza: I actually need someone else who can code. I've been able to show other people around here how to do board layout, so a lot of times they'll bang stuff in and I'll just do the final clean-us :)
[12:57:31] <N1njaneer> clean-ups
[13:04:11] <Jartza> N1njaneer: yeah, although you're also quite far away
[13:08:36] <N1njaneer> Yeah. :(
[13:10:02] <MarkX> where are you located anyways ?
[13:10:18] <Jartza> although, I've done few cases to US too
[13:10:23] <Jartza> from here
[13:10:42] <Jartza> but we also prefer customers that are closer
[13:10:56] <jeremyabel> supppp
[13:15:52] <Jartza> got my case proto
[13:15:53] <Jartza> https://slack-files.com/files-pub/T02FEAMUS-F02QT5UJ7-0cdf72/20141021_002.jpg
[13:16:00] <Jartza> just forgot to buy any screws :D
[13:17:24] <jeremyabel> sexy!
[13:17:52] <Jartza> yah
[13:18:16] <Jartza> proto is fine, I just need to add one more hole :D
[13:18:21] <Jartza> forgot that I added a button
[13:19:28] <Jartza> and also there's a tiny hole in all of the pieces, I must've forgotten some floating single pixel there
[13:19:32] <Jartza> as the hole is small
[13:20:57] <MarkX> that is one ugly sweater
[13:20:58] <MarkX> lololol
[13:21:25] <Jartza> but warm ;)
[13:22:29] <MarkX> :D
[13:22:43] <MarkX> i like how you didn't dispute its ugliness
[13:25:07] <Jartza> ;)
[13:25:23] <jeremyabel> Jartza: can I get it in metal?
[13:25:25] <Jartza> I'm one of those people who won't argue with the truth :D
[13:25:29] <jeremyabel> chrooome
[13:25:37] <jeremyabel> like slightly aged chrome
[13:25:40] <N1njaneer> Jartza: Are you using a boostpump on there?
[13:25:42] <jeremyabel> like delorean chrome
[13:25:55] <N1njaneer> jeremyabel: We could mill it out of aluminum. If you buff it, it looks like chrome :)
[13:26:09] <Jartza> N1njaneer: nope? :)
[13:26:28] <Jartza> how come?
[13:26:43] <N1njaneer> Is that a 3V lithium battery?
[13:26:58] <Jartza> ahh sorry, thought about something completely different :D
[13:27:10] <Jartza> like these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booster_pump
[13:27:23] <Jartza> yes, that has power booster, and AAA battery
[13:27:25] <Jartza> ncp1402
[13:27:30] <N1njaneer> Awesome.
[13:28:17] <Jartza> latest test-device ran 53 hours without screen flickering
[13:28:29] <Jartza> then there started some visible flicker, but it's still running
[13:28:45] <Jartza> before all my firmware power-saving-features it did run something like 12 hours
[13:29:33] <Jartza> 56.5 hours behind, still running, screen basically flickers in the beat of i2c :D
[13:29:52] <Jartza> only visible when updating the screen, that is
[13:30:25] <Jartza> battery now has 0.577V
[13:30:37] <N1njaneer> Very nice!!
[13:31:10] <Jartza> power booster output has fallen to 3.13V now (with load)
[13:31:31] <Jartza> I guess I can promise 48 hours with a confidence with one battery
[13:32:50] <MarkX> has it sold a lot?
[13:32:56] <MarkX> any crowd funding?
[13:33:06] <Jartza> over 300, I don't know the exact figure
[13:33:14] <Jartza> no crowd funding, no.
[13:33:26] <MarkX> nice!
[13:33:27] <MarkX> congrats
[13:33:31] <Jartza> thanks
[13:34:27] <Jartza> especially strange, as I never meant to sell one :D
[13:35:24] <MarkX> lmao
[13:35:36] <MarkX> what happened then? word got out and the pre orders came in?
[13:35:50] <Jartza> my boss started to wear one
[13:36:01] <Jartza> he goes into lot of meetings, conventions and fairs and stuff
[13:36:07] <MarkX> nice!
[13:36:12] <Jartza> and people kept asking "where can I buy one?"
[13:36:20] <Jartza> so he thought, what the hell, let's put up a website
[13:36:31] <Jartza> and we shared that on his & mine facebook profile
[13:36:46] <Jartza> and that's it, so far
[13:36:54] <Jartza> weirdest thing
[13:37:13] <Jartza> now I had to updte the website too
[13:37:13] <Jartza> http://tagsu.io
[13:37:18] <Jartza> there's even a logo ;)
[13:39:03] <MarkX> 0o0o fancy
[13:39:45] <MarkX> lmao i love the portraits
[13:39:45] <MarkX> http://www.rakettitiede.com/
[13:39:53] <Jartza> :)
[13:40:05] <Jartza> yeah, the site is unfortunately in finnish only
[13:40:56] <MarkX> so i'm guessing you'll be selling with with an aux cable?
[13:41:14] <Jartza> yes
[13:41:19] <Jartza> aux cable included
[13:41:29] <MarkX> cool
[13:41:38] <MarkX> try marketting it to thinkgeek, they might be interested
[13:41:49] <MarkX> .... or they might steal the idea and make their own knockoff
[13:44:35] <Jartza> hehe
[13:44:36] <N1njaneer> As long as you can afford to sell it to them with them getting a 30-50% margin on it :)
[13:44:56] <Jartza> let's see
[13:45:04] <Jartza> I guess I let my boss decide
[13:45:24] <Jartza> I just made a thing, that by accident became a product
[13:46:10] <MarkX> hehe comon man
[13:46:15] <Jartza> what I need to do now is to finalize the firmware, give some devices to testers and then start looking for an assembly -service
[13:46:18] <MarkX> be less modest ;)
[13:46:32] <Jartza> well, that's also truth
[13:47:02] <MarkX> when i was in comp. sci in highschool, my teacher taught us that if you cause a bug that ends up being something useful, always say you meant to do that
[13:47:03] <MarkX> :P
[13:47:03] <Jartza> I was looking to make 100 of those devices, much less features in firmware and they were supposed to be giveaways for our customers
[13:47:55] <Jartza> well, we still do the giveaways too
[13:48:09] <Jartza> the other reason was that I had so much TH components I wanted to get rid of
[13:48:24] <Jartza> I guess I was successful in that too
[13:48:47] <Jartza> but I might need to redesign the board for smd if we sell more :D
[13:51:33] <Jartza> I think this ncp1402 is actually quite amazing for it's price
[13:51:49] <Jartza> the little bugger is still running, 57 hours now
[13:52:21] <MarkX> N1njaneer: quick question, when making a symbol, how can i name it with a line above it
[13:52:23] <Jartza> 0.501 volts in battery
[13:52:29] <MarkX> for example ____________
[13:52:35] <MarkX> reset
[13:52:41] <MarkX> damn missed it XD
[13:52:52] <MarkX> but you get what i mean
[14:05:04] <Jartza> anyways, maybe today it's time to go to sofa to watch some telly
[14:05:16] <Jartza> and not spend the night coding
[14:05:17] <MarkX> nvm, got it!
[14:05:20] <MarkX> take care Jartza
[14:09:51] <N1njaneer> MarkX: When doing the names on the pin labels?
[14:10:06] <MarkX> yep
[14:10:11] <MarkX> its a \ before every letter
[14:10:15] <MarkX> ;)
[14:10:18] <N1njaneer> Follow each letter in the Display Name with "\" after each letter
[14:10:29] <N1njaneer> Has to be after.
[14:10:35] <MarkX> i just didn't google the right thing cause i didn't know what that is called
[14:10:37] <MarkX> ah k
[14:10:59] <N1njaneer> I highly prefer that to using the circle dot, personally :)
[14:12:17] <MarkX> i was going to just do !RESET
[14:12:26] <MarkX> but yes, the line above looks cleaner
[15:42:02] <MarkX> N1njaneer: know any way to revert the pad settings to default? now i'm making another component footprint and i need thru-holes. I was just going to use the default ones but it has changed them to the smd pad settings i had earlier
[15:44:10] <N1njaneer> You can do a multi-select and then use the Inspector to change properties of multiple objects all at once
[15:44:45] <MarkX> N1njaneer: nah i mean when placing a pad
[15:45:19] <MarkX> instead of placing a circular pad with a hole in the middle as default, its placing the square pads i made earlier for my surface mount chip.
[15:45:27] <N1njaneer> Oh, that
[15:45:30] <N1njaneer> Yes, hit TAB
[15:45:42] <MarkX> yep did that
[15:46:00] <N1njaneer> Generally I just make a pad and then copy-paste to make the rest of them.
[15:46:01] <MarkX> is there any way to get that screen to default?
[15:46:21] <N1njaneer> Not that I am aware without starting a new footprint.
[15:46:34] <MarkX> k cool
[15:46:38] <N1njaneer> Defaults are... pretty general. I think the intention is that you are going to set them to something anyhow.
[15:46:43] <MarkX> i just started a new empty component
[15:50:23] <MarkX> i find this so much easier than eagle
[16:00:52] <MarkX> lmao was looking up how to import symbols and this was one of the results >> http://i.stack.imgur.com/TF1A5.png
[16:09:48] <N1njaneer> LOL nice
[16:10:54] <N1njaneer> Just check your detail against what is producable by the board house if you are doing stippled dithering :)
[16:14:58] <learath> connor wolf? that looks like a board design he did
[16:46:57] <MarkX> hmm
[16:46:58] <MarkX> http://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/10118193-0001LF/609-4616-1-ND/2785380
[16:47:03] <MarkX> am i looking at that wrong?
[16:47:15] <MarkX> or does that look like gets mounted on the bottom of a pcb?
[16:50:12] <MarkX> never mind, looks like i'm probably wrong
[16:50:14] <MarkX> http://media.digikey.com/Photos/FCI%20Photos/10103592-0001LF.jpg
[16:50:41] <N1njaneer> No, tha's a top-down part. I've used the SMT version of that before - the flanges just go to the sides.
[16:51:28] <N1njaneer> No reason you can't put it on the bottom :)
[16:52:02] <N1njaneer> The funkier ones are the ones that go IN the PCB - as in you route a notch in the perimeter and the connector floats in the same plane as the board.
[16:52:41] <MarkX> it just looks weird
[16:52:52] <MarkX> if you look at the datasheet drawing they give
[17:37:48] <MarkX> N1njaneer: sorry, internet died and it was time to go home anyways, so i just left
[17:45:48] <MarkX> anyways, as i was saying, the views they show don't seem to line up from what i can tell
[17:49:10] <MarkX> they show an isometric view, the top left view they show is the top of the connector
[17:50:50] <MarkX> that would make the bottom left view the bottom of the component
[17:53:01] <MarkX> the pins look weird for that to be the case
[18:41:55] <N1njaneer> MarkX: Sorry, idle here getting stuff ready to ship. Will take a peek in a bit!
[18:42:41] <MarkX> N1njaneer: take your time. no rush