#avr | Logs for 2014-10-04

[07:28:05] <LeoNerd> Woo. Well, of my various orders, only one so far has shown up. Some SOIC8 chips. Still awaiting on the SOIC-DIP8 adapter boards then
[07:28:18] <LeoNerd> And then I'll have a go at soldering them
[07:28:34] <LeoNerd> RikusW: I decided to take your advice in the end and get some ST662s
[07:30:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> boost converter LeoNerd ?
[07:31:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> aahh...charge pump
[07:33:04] <LeoNerd> Yeah; to make +12V for the HVSP
[07:34:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> awww.
[07:34:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> no dip package anymore.
[07:35:17] <LeoNerd> Yah. I have some of these inbound => http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/electronic-components/breakout-boards/soic-dip-breakout-8-ht so hopefully I'll be able to manage one of them
[07:36:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> looks like the chip used to be available in dip package but ST has dropped that.
[07:36:40] <LeoNerd> Also yesterday I think I worked out what the CLKDIV8 fuse is for. All it does is sets up the initial clock prescaler value, right? But I can still change it in software..?
[07:37:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> correct
[07:37:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> if it's set then it sets the bit in the prescaler on boot.
[07:37:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> you can change the prescaler on the fly in software.
[07:38:00] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. I thought I read somewhere that at 3.3V you can't use the full clock speed
[07:38:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably can't
[07:38:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> depends on the chip.
[07:38:46] <LeoNerd> Oooh. I see, yes there's a graph here. at 1.8V up to 4MHz, but at 3.3V I can go up to 10. So the internal 8MHz is fine there
[07:39:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> usually on the first page of the datasheet too.
[07:40:18] <RikusW> LeoNerd: I used the mega32u2 at 16MHz and 3v3 without any problems, yet....
[07:40:23] <LeoNerd> Huh.. Ohyes, thre it is. Looks so obvious now
[07:40:47] <LeoNerd> Eh; I doubt I'll need even >1MHz. If I leave it at 1MHz then battery life should be better
[07:41:10] <LeoNerd> All I'm doing is polling some buttons and an nRF radio module. I want good battery life. 1MHz should be plenty
[07:41:28] <RikusW> yes
[07:42:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've run them with a 555 timer for the clock source before...and used both a digital pot and a linear slide variable resistor to control the speed.
[07:43:04] <LeoNerd> Hah
[07:43:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> to the point that I could run them down to 1Hz
[07:43:44] <LeoNerd> Does the chip still work that slow? I mean.. are there lower bounds on it?
[07:43:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[07:44:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> the ADC doesn't work for shit at that speed.
[07:44:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> but the digital parts work fine.
[07:44:38] <LeoNerd> I guess the ADC needs to complete its conversion before the sample-and-hold cap leaks too much
[07:44:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[07:44:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've also overclocked them
[07:45:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> again, the ADC was the first thing to fail.
[07:45:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> but did get an old atmega32 running at 24MHz.
[07:45:22] <LeoNerd> Hrm. I think I need either more breadboards, or fewer concurrent projects
[07:45:28] <LeoNerd> I'm running out of space to squeeze this on
[07:45:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> more breadboards!
[07:45:43] <LeoNerd> I may have to get the üuberbig one out
[07:45:47] <RikusW> sounds familiar :-P
[07:45:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> one?
[07:45:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> ONE?
[07:46:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> muahahahahaha!
[07:46:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> last time I bought them I got 20.
[07:46:09] <LeoNerd> I have two little ones and a huuuuge one that barely fits on the desk
[07:46:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> can click them together to make bigger units.
[07:47:22] <LeoNerd> Actually, given as half the desk has my Saleae-clone and my 8+8 box on anyway, I can just overlap them on the board anyway. Mmm... Migration time
[07:47:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh man...snow an hour drive from me last night.
[07:48:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> and maximintegrated is upsetting me this morning.
[07:48:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> trying to check out their charge pumps and their site is half down!
[08:16:49] <LeoNerd> So today I'm playing around with Eagle. Does anyone have suggestions on where I might find library parts for random bits and pieces? E.g. I can find the nRF24L01 SMT chip itself, but I don't seem to have any parts for the integrated module board I have
[08:18:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> make one.
[08:18:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> eagle has lots of libs for things.
[08:18:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> you have to grab them from their site
[08:18:49] <LeoNerd> Eh, I know I cooould. But then I have to measure pin positions and all sorts.
[08:19:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> most things should be on 0.1 inch spacing I would think.
[08:20:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> for board to board connections anyhow.
[08:20:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> and spacing between connectors will often fit that too.
[08:33:50] <LeoNerd> Hrm, if I'm going to make this module then, what should I name this to distinguish it from the nRF24L01 chip itself..?
[09:17:45] <Tom_itx> LeoNerd all you gotta do is follow the data sheet dimensions
[09:17:52] <Tom_itx> it couldn't be simpler
[09:18:28] <kastein> the datasheet usually even has a footprint recommendation with dimensions yeah
[09:19:02] <kastein> most of the time i use that to make my own footprints for nonstandard packages because people have interesting ideas about what layers to use for their packages sometimes lol
[09:19:24] <kastein> most fan/user produced footprints have at least something that breaks my DRC
[09:21:41] <LeoNerd> "data sheet"? Hah
[09:21:56] <LeoNerd> Have you ever seen one of the nRF radio modules? Nordic themselves don't make them... cheap Chinese companies make them.
[09:22:02] <kastein> ahhh
[09:22:04] <kastein> welp.
[09:22:39] <LeoNerd> Nordic just make the chip that lives on it
[09:22:43] <Tom_itx> you kinda ask for it there
[09:22:47] <kastein> got a link for the module actually? it sounds useful
[09:22:49] <LeoNerd> Also: my usbasp is still not burning at 3.3V
[09:23:05] <Tom_itx> mine does
[09:23:22] <LeoNerd> http://arduino-for-beginners.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/setup-nordic-nrf24l01-rf-modules-to.html <== see these here
[09:23:23] <Tom_itx> even at 1.7v
[09:23:37] <LeoNerd> They're all based on Nordic's suggested reference, but they all slightly differ in size and shape
[09:24:06] <LeoNerd> Yah; mine burns just fine at 5V, but not 3. It claims: http://pastie.org/9620008
[09:25:07] <LeoNerd> The warning about sck doesn't seem that important, it works at 5V. But maybe it just works at a clock too fast for 3v
[09:25:49] <Tom_itx> try -B32
[09:27:52] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. nope.
[09:28:01] <Tom_itx> (it won't help cause it's a cheapass programmer)
[09:28:01] <Tom_itx> i don't have much use for any of those bitbanged programmers
[09:28:36] <kastein> oh its just a 2x4 pin header, a board outline, and maybe an sma connector for the antenna? yeah fuck it, look in the "pinhead" stock eagle library for a 2x4 footprint, copy it, make yourself a library, make a custom schematic symbol with the right named pins, drop the pcb footprint in, extend the toplayer silk footprint to match board dims so you dont place tall parts under the daughterboard, maybe slap down some tkeepout and/or trestrict polygons under
[09:28:38] <Tom_itx> i've got some i'd give ya: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/prog/prog_batch.jpg
[09:28:46] <Tom_itx> i quit making em
[09:28:55] <Tom_itx> cause the other one is 10x better
[09:29:26] <LeoNerd> kastein: Yeah.. I did basically exactly that :)
[09:29:30] <kastein> i figured it was a lot more complex a footprint than that lol
[09:29:34] <kastein> ahh, good work
[09:30:20] <kastein> every time i need a custom footprint its some weirdo smt module with edge pads at random points and i have to follow the dimensions to the letter
[09:31:49] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. My SPI code doesn't seem to be affecting the IO pins
[09:33:25] <LeoNerd> http://pastie.org/9620026 anyone see something I forgot to do?
[09:35:49] <Tom_itx> you're bitbanging the spi?
[09:36:23] <LeoNerd> I'm using software clock, yes.
[09:36:39] <LeoNerd> USI + software clock. The nRF can talk nicely fast SPI so no need to use a timer on this
[09:37:37] <Tom_itx> have you watched the pins on a scope or LA?
[09:38:06] <LeoNerd> Yeah, I have my Saleae attached to it. They're all just static. MOSI and SCK are low
[09:39:34] <Tom_itx> i'd probably single step thru it in studio to see if it's doing what you think it's doing
[09:39:53] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. Studio.. <.< Yah; this is gcc-avr
[09:40:16] <Tom_itx> i know, i generally don't use it but it's quick to see what's happening
[09:41:15] <Tom_itx> does bit just toggle a pin?
[09:41:27] <Tom_itx> maybe it needs a small delay between
[09:41:54] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. ahyes
[09:42:06] <Tom_itx> could be happening too quick
[09:43:00] <Tom_itx> add a couple nops
[09:44:03] <LeoNerd> _delay_ns(200) :)
[09:44:14] <LeoNerd> hmm.. still nothing
[09:45:16] <Tom_itx> asm volatile ("nop"::);
[09:45:16] <Tom_itx> no need for all that overhead
[09:45:26] <LeoNerd> Yah butI want it slow remember? :)
[09:45:40] <Tom_itx> had more of em
[09:47:29] <LeoNerd> Aha! Now I add the SS line in, I see my function does at least get called, and the SS transition happens
[09:47:31] <Tom_itx> i don't use _BV
[09:47:32] <LeoNerd> Just no SPI
[09:47:43] <Tom_itx> but i know what it does
[09:47:53] <Tom_itx> it's more visual the old way
[09:50:53] <Tom_itx> why is USIDR set to be mosi?
[09:50:53] <Tom_itx> and returned?
[09:51:17] <LeoNerd> Er, bad naming of my variable. uint8_t mosi is supposed to be the data to send out. I renamed it to uint8_t out
[09:51:52] <Tom_itx> isn't that the direction reg?
[09:52:05] <Tom_itx> im not that familiar with usi
[09:52:36] <LeoNerd> No, the data reg.
[09:52:56] <Tom_itx> ahh ok. i'm not quiet awake yet
[09:53:07] <LeoNerd> General operation of SPI via USI is you write the output byte to USIDR, twiddle the clock bits, then at the end read the input byte back from USIDR
[09:53:21] <LeoNerd> USIDR is iterally the shift register whose serial ends are attached to the MISO/MOSI pins
[09:53:28] <Tom_itx> yeah i get that
[09:55:00] <Tom_itx> i'd fire studio up and look at USIDR and see what's in it
[09:55:02] <LeoNerd> Aha! Improvement, if I use the USITC bit instead of the USICLK
[09:55:49] <LeoNerd> Hmm.. but my MOSI has remained zzero
[09:58:30] <RikusW> did you set the MOSI pin DDR reg as output ?
[09:58:42] <LeoNerd> Yup, that's in the setup function
[10:00:11] * LeoNerd shall sit and read AVR319
[10:00:35] <Tom_itx> i'd fire studio up and look at USIDR and see what's in it
[10:00:46] <Tom_itx> or any of the rest of it for that matter
[10:00:50] <Tom_itx> then you'd know
[10:01:24] <LeoNerd> I'm not sure what it is, where to get it, or how it will help?
[10:01:33] <LeoNerd> So perhaps you could explain any of those
[10:02:18] <Tom_itx> get it from atmel
[10:02:23] <Tom_itx> load your code and debug it
[10:02:37] <Tom_itx> be warned studio 6 is huge
[10:02:44] <Tom_itx> i still use 4 when i can
[10:02:57] <LeoNerd> But then how does it talk to the chip?
[10:03:03] <Tom_itx> you can open a view window and watch the registers
[10:03:21] <Tom_itx> it will step thru the code
[10:04:06] <LeoNerd> .. of the actual chip?
[10:04:11] <Tom_itx> sim
[10:04:14] <LeoNerd> Ahhh
[10:04:19] <Tom_itx> if you had jtag it would
[10:04:31] <LeoNerd> Mmm.. the tiny84 doesn't JTAG
[10:04:45] <LeoNerd> It does have dW but I'm not sure if/how the hardware can talk to it. I imagine the usbasp doesn't
[10:04:55] <Tom_itx> no
[10:04:57] <Tom_itx> it won't
[10:05:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> usbasp will barely program it.
[10:05:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> no way it would ever do debugwire.
[10:06:39] <LeoNerd> GAHHHH!
[10:06:45] <LeoNerd> ONCE AGAIN the STUPID pin diagram pisses me off
[10:06:56] <LeoNerd> The reason is that I have the out/in pins swapped around. I've set the output as an input and VV.
[10:07:17] <LeoNerd> All because the data sheet labels MISO and MOSI from the perspective of "obviously we'll label these in the directions you'd use to ISP-program them"
[10:07:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> miso..master out slave in
[10:07:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> err
[10:07:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> mosi..master out slave in
[10:07:50] <LeoNerd> Yes, but when in ISP mode, the ATtiny chip is the slave.
[10:07:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> miso..master in slave out.
[10:08:07] <LeoNerd> So MOSI in that case refers to data /input/ into the ATtiny; the DI line
[10:08:32] <LeoNerd> When I am using the USI as an SPI master because I'm talking to the nRF radio module I have to run the other way around; the DI line is my MISO
[10:08:40] <kastein> wait, fucking really?
[10:09:20] <kastein> alright that is retarded and i am going to use my usual dpdt smt resistor pad bet-hedging on any first rev stuff using spi
[10:09:23] <LeoNerd> The hardware pins are inputs and outputs - the DI pin is always SR input, DO is always SR output. The meanings of the labels MISO and MOSI depend on whether the chip is being a master or a slave
[10:09:43] <Tom_itx> of course
[10:09:58] <LeoNerd> Why is why I ought to learn to ignore the words MOSI and MISO printed in MCU data sheets
[10:10:45] <LeoNerd> Hrmmmm.. Though; still no output
[10:11:46] <kastein> got your ddr and port registers set right i assume?
[10:11:56] <LeoNerd> 99% sure, yes
[10:12:07] <LeoNerd> Though I'll set them again in the actual transfer function just to be sure
[10:12:37] <LeoNerd> Mhmm. still zeroes
[10:12:48] <kastein> i hate it when i forget to set them, or refactor my code and then forget to change that too
[10:12:59] <LeoNerd> Just to check the logic probe works, I'm going to toggle all the lines before the SPI
[10:13:29] <Tom_itx> make sure you're on the right pins :D
[10:13:31] <kastein> moved everything from portA to portF once for pcb layout reasons... yeahhhh forgot to move the ddr settings over :P
[10:14:24] <LeoNerd> Aaahh.. now this is interesting. even if I toggle the MOSI/DO line from software, nothing happens.
[10:19:07] <LeoNerd> Oh I suppose if I've enabled the USI then I don't have software control of the pins any more
[10:28:20] <LeoNerd> Aha! The trick is to follow some of the examples and ignore the wording in the datasheet
[10:28:25] <LeoNerd> The wording misleads :/
[10:31:08] * Tom_itx snickers
[10:31:44] <LeoNerd> The whole arrangement of USI clock select and the USICLK and USITC bits is most confusing
[12:44:24] <LeoNerd> Hmm. I rather think I'm getting the hang of Eagle now
[12:51:23] <kastein> it takes a while to get used to - you using schematics and netlists/ratsnest as well or just the pcb editor/
[12:51:57] <LeoNerd> Oh the schematic, definitely. I'm drawing up my circuit -as- I'm building it
[12:52:12] <LeoNerd> If nothing else, it's useful to have a reminder on the screen of all the pin numbers and so on
[12:56:34] <Tom_itx> saves mistakes when you do the full schematic and board
[12:59:03] <N1njaneer> Indeed!
[12:59:06] <LeoNerd> Yeah. I haven't really got as far as making up boards yet, though maybe this project will be the first I actually get as far as sending out to get the PCBs made up
[12:59:30] <N1njaneer> Awesome! That's a major milestone in your Quest To Master Circuit Boards!
[13:00:03] <Tom_itx> i've got gerber rules for most of them when you get to that
[13:00:30] <N1njaneer> I still have my very first commercially-fabricated PCBs around, and a blank one or two. It's fun to look back on that stuff years later! You realize how far you've come and can actually be in a position to critique your own work.
[13:02:29] <Tom_itx> a tip i used was making 2 extra layers just for top and bottom silk so i can re'arrange it like i want without messing with the lib packages
[13:02:45] <Tom_itx> and a ulp to copy all the top and bottom data to them
[13:04:19] <Tom_itx> then my gerbers use those layers instead of the regular ones
[13:52:00] <Cykey> Just like there is #ifdef __APPLE__ or _WIN32 (etc), is there #ifdef AVR?
[13:52:09] <Cykey> I just need to detect if the code is being compiled for an AVR processor
[13:52:21] <Cykey> not if it's an ATtiny or ATmega specifically
[13:56:06] <Duality> Cykey: why ?
[13:56:18] <Cykey> what?
[13:56:34] <Duality> why do you want to know what your code is compiled for ?
[13:56:42] <Cykey> why does that even matter?
[13:56:54] <Duality> Cykey: i don't know just curious
[13:56:57] <Cykey> but if you really want to know, it's because the code is part of a common library
[13:57:08] <Duality> if thats alright :)
[13:57:09] <Cykey> that is used on OS X (for testing), and on an AVR (production)
[13:57:16] <N1njaneer> Cykey: Because sometimes people write cross-part libraries that will compile seamlessly for multiple part series or platforms.
[13:57:30] <N1njaneer> Er, Duality:
[13:57:32] <N1njaneer> :D
[13:58:50] <Duality> i know of defines that tell the code what micro controller it's compiled for, but not that it's in general compiled for avr
[14:00:13] <Duality> like these http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/using_tools.html
[14:23:07] <LeoNerd> WOO :) I can send radio packets from my board to my PC. :) Progress is progressing
[14:23:44] <N1njaneer> Duality: You can always use #ifndef's against the OS-specific compilations, too. Use mutual exclusion :)
[14:58:32] <Jartza> Duality: I think "AVR_ARCH" is defined only when compiling to AVR
[14:59:28] <Jartza> also there is __AVR but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work if using -std=c99
[14:59:51] <Jartza> ahh
[14:59:57] <Jartza> you actually pasted that link too :D
[15:00:08] <Jartza> maybe I should read the scollback first and answer then
[15:05:54] <Cykey> Jartza: I'm using gnu99, should it work?
[15:46:27] <Jartza> Cykey: should!
[15:52:00] <Cykey> thanks
[16:44:44] <Jartza> spent few hours debugging code but it seems that timers need to be restarted after resuming from pwr_down sleep
[16:45:39] <Jartza> at least that's my conclusion now because everything works when I do so
[16:45:45] <Jartza> this is on attiny85
[16:47:28] <LeoNerd> Does anyone have any suggestions on how best to arrange source for a project that shares some .c files among two different builds, for two different devices (ATtiny84 vs. ATmega328p) ?
[16:50:50] <Jartza> how about making a library out of it?
[16:59:01] <LeoNerd> Well sure
[16:59:13] <LeoNerd> So my current ponderance is how to arrange a Makefile, so that I can build one or other targets nicely
[16:59:28] <LeoNerd> Or maybe I just have two sets of target name.. hmm
[17:01:29] <Jartza> or make a #define and #ifdef -hell ;)
[17:02:07] <Jartza> that's what I did because I have multiple pcb versions which required different code
[17:02:11] <bezoka> If I will buy arm it can be programming by uart for first?
[17:02:12] <Jartza> but much of it is still same
[17:02:25] <Jartza> I just compile like
[17:02:38] <Jartza> make TAGSUVER=v3 or make TAGSUVER=v4, v5....
[17:03:33] <Jartza> bezoka: depends of the arm, there are quite many different ones
[17:03:47] <Jartza> if it has an uart bootloader, then sure
[17:04:07] <bezoka> Do you know any arm with?
[17:05:07] <Jartza> if I remember correctly, some stm32 versions do
[17:08:16] <bezoka> Okay, thanks :-)
[17:08:59] <bezoka> I want learn arm, but in begin I dont want buy programator
[17:09:12] <Jartza> oh
[17:09:46] <Jartza> why not buy some cheap learning board?
[17:09:54] <Jartza> like stm32nucleo
[17:10:06] <Jartza> it has built-in programmer and the headers are even arduino-compatible
[17:10:14] <Jartza> so you could use arduino-shields
[17:11:04] <bezoka> I dont have arduino and I dont like it :-)
[17:11:18] <Jartza> you don't need an arduino
[17:11:33] <Jartza> but the stm32nucleo has footprint like arduino
[17:11:39] <Jartza> and built-in programmer and stuff
[17:11:46] <Jartza> http://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-69421/l/STM-NUCLEO-F030R8
[17:11:52] <Jartza> and it costs like, nothing
[17:12:16] <Jartza> and that programmer can even be snapped off from the pcb and used as a stand-alone
[17:13:13] <vsync> that board looks like paper
[17:13:15] <vsync> wtf
[17:13:41] <vsync> can you control rgb lcd with it??!!1 make rokkits????
[17:13:46] <bezoka> How much cost programer for arms?
[17:13:58] <Jartza> wtf. that price can't be real
[17:14:01] <vsync> foursquare check-in @lcdrockets
[17:14:05] <Jartza> I remember it was like ~30€
[17:14:08] <vsync> twitter: lcd rockets are real
[17:14:17] <vsync> facebook: lcdrockets.avi
[17:14:27] <vsync> LIKE
[17:14:31] <vsync> RETWEET
[17:14:49] <Jartza> vsync: I bet I can ;)
[17:15:02] <Jartza> vsync: btw. already 230 rocket lcds sold :)
[17:15:32] <vsync> they need to remake daft punk's technologic because of this software "engineer" (read, idiot) jargon is unbelievable
[17:15:33] <Jartza> uhh, they have messed up the pricing?
[17:15:58] <Jartza> even the cortex-m4 version sells at 8.32€
[17:16:51] <vsync> Jartza: wowzers. Now you need to hire peter vesterbacka (read, hubris fag) to manage your company
[17:17:14] <vsync> i swear, it will rival disney's revenue in a heartbeat
[17:17:34] <Jartza> I guess we don't need no angry birds here, thank you
[17:18:05] <vsync> no, but i mean if there ever was a better way of making money than selling lcds that can show rockets, i mean come on it'd be TOO GOOD.
[17:18:13] <vsync> you have the golden goose. Don't kill it.
[17:18:45] <Jartza> you seem to be quite upset about it
[17:18:49] <Jartza> want to talk about that? :)
[17:19:26] <vsync> You know, the jealousy of you making the big $$$... Nothing there to elaborate
[17:19:34] <Jartza> luckily we're anyways profitable company so we can even afford to make lcd's that fly rockets ;)
[17:19:39] <bezoka> Jartza: how much arms programator cost?
[17:20:06] <Jartza> bezoka: few euros, depends of the programmer. for beginning, any cheap jtag will do.
[17:20:25] <bezoka> Jtag is for all of arms?
[17:20:33] <Jartza> vsync: luckily our main business is not that LCD :)
[17:20:48] <vsync> Jartza: It should become it
[17:21:35] <Jartza> vsync: http://www.finder.fi/IT-sovelluksia,%20IT-ohjelmistoja/Rakettitiede%20Oy/HELSINKI/taloustiedot/2498718
[17:21:40] <Jartza> but I guess you can read that
[17:22:08] <vsync> I'd say
[17:22:12] <vsync> Your website says
[17:22:24] <vsync> embedded systems... arm/avr/pic
[17:22:38] <vsync> hahah. I think you need to focus on the software business
[17:23:14] <Jartza> thanks for caring
[17:23:27] <Jartza> those rocket-lcds just brought us few new customers
[17:23:44] <Jartza> I just don't know why you care so much
[17:24:08] <Jartza> so much, that you make this absolutely pointless rant every time I say something on irc
[17:24:11] <vsync> :D
[17:24:20] <vsync> I wouldn't say every time
[17:24:24] <Jartza> wasting good bits on internet
[17:24:26] <Jartza> I would say ;)
[17:24:43] <vsync> You are delusional ;)
[17:26:32] <Jartza> naah, you've just flooded more about my rocket-lcd than I've flooded the videos about it :D
[17:26:42] <Jartza> but if you care so much, you can always order one!
[17:26:46] <Jartza> http://tagsu.io/
[17:27:01] <vsync> Wow.
[17:27:39] <vsync> multiple nice effects man, multiple nice effects.
[17:27:50] <Jartza> yep. like. flying rockets!
[17:27:54] <vsync> I'm ordering a batch. 10 000?
[17:28:02] <vsync> Can you deliver?
[17:28:15] <vsync> So marvellous. Woah.
[17:28:17] <Jartza> something that was actually a lot of fun creating.
[17:28:49] <vsync> The cool web 30.0 something.something domain also. Wow, so modern
[17:28:53] <Jartza> and something that didn't need to be taken so seriously
[17:28:57] <Jartza> ...except by you
[17:29:07] <vsync> How long did it take for you guys to come up with tagsu.io
[17:29:11] <vsync> Genius!
[17:29:24] <Jartza> if you're so fucked up with that, why don't just ignore? I'm pretty tired of your bullshit, to be honest.
[17:29:43] <vsync> Awww
[17:29:47] <vsync> I'm sorry
[17:29:50] <Jartza> don't be
[17:29:54] <Jartza> just don't be an asshole ;)
[17:30:02] <Jartza> that would be much better
[17:30:06] <vsync> news at 11, no i'm not really sorry
[17:30:09] <vsync> you know, jk.com
[17:30:33] <vsync> or as in web 3.0 (or whatever the fuck it is nowadays), iwas.jk
[17:31:03] <Jartza> well, the joke got a bit old like a week ago ;)
[17:31:17] <Jartza> maybe it's time for web 4.2 already
[17:32:22] <vsync> maybe it's time for web 5, it's a good web to web hard
[17:33:37] <Jartza> it's a sort of a fashion to pump up the version numbers nowadays, so why not
[17:34:00] <Jartza> or maybe even invent some nothing-meaning names instead of versions, let's say like beginning with letter X
[17:34:19] <Jartza> web xylitol, next week it's web xanadu
[17:34:31] <Jartza> and after few weeks we run out of nice sounding words beginning with x
[17:34:39] <vsync> this coming off a web guy
[17:34:49] <vsync> usually i can appreciate the irony
[17:34:51] <Jartza> I'm not a web guy :D
[17:35:00] <vsync> a software guy anywhooo
[17:35:47] <Jartza> I did web before it was fashionable but I got over it
[17:36:19] <vsync> web, software, whatever. Same diff.
[17:37:07] <Jartza> last few years I've been mainly working with elevators, wouldn't call that even remotely same than web
[17:37:23] <Jartza> but actually I'm also a plumber
[17:37:40] <Jartza> so I know my hardware ;)
[17:38:32] <vsync> I know a guy who used to program the elevators' stopping points
[17:38:38] <vsync> But that was back in the day. What do you do?
[17:39:15] <Jartza> destination control systems, mainly
[17:40:10] <vsync> so in reality, that actually is, software
[17:40:26] <Jartza> so?
[17:40:37] <Jartza> ...the point being?
[17:40:47] <vsync> oh, nothing.
[17:40:49] <vsync> haha
[17:42:48] <Jartza> anyhow, too late for pointless rambling, off to bed :)
[17:42:51] <Jartza> nighties all!
[17:42:51] <vsync> can i hire you to program my arduino
[17:43:00] <Jartza> preferably not
[17:43:04] <vsync> i need help in a certain high performance task
[17:43:08] <vsync> and other trendy words
[17:43:11] <Jartza> I have my hands full
[17:43:21] <vsync> damn.
[17:43:31] <Jartza> but I'm sure we also have some arduino coders available
[17:43:49] <Jartza> just email us and we'll see what we can do ;)
[17:43:54] <Jartza> but now, I'm off ->
[17:44:04] <vsync> yes. i need to light up a led
[17:44:26] <vsync> high performance - bleeding edge - lightweight
[17:44:30] <vsync> all the trend words
[17:49:31] <kastein> you forgot "internet of things" vsync
[17:49:59] <LeoNerd> I'm a little short on IO pins on an ATtiny, but I'd like to attach an LED + button for human input, so I have an idea. I'm using the USI as an SPI port, which means that when SS is high, I effectively have three IO lines that aren't doing anything.
[17:50:49] <Getty> LeoNerd: why arent you on #hardware on irc.perl.org? ;) and hi
[17:51:01] <LeoNerd> Would it be OK to use just one more IO pin, normally low, but if pushed high it's the anode of an LED and one end of a button; on the other end of these are the DI and DO pins from the SPI lines, wherein I just output/sense what I want on the LED
[17:51:24] <LeoNerd> Neither end of the SPI link should care what goes on if SS is idle, right?
[17:51:56] <LeoNerd> Getty: Didn't know there was one. Also hi
[17:54:06] <LeoNerd> Oh, hmm.. though, while I could sense the button I couldn't drive an LED the entire time
[17:54:29] <LeoNerd> Though I could still drive it all the time /except/ during an SPI transaction, which is -most- of the time. Probably the human eye wouldn't notice
[17:54:48] <Tom_itx> you think so ehh?
[18:36:54] <aandrew> Hm I didn't know there was a hardware channel on perl
[18:39:36] <xrlk> my stuff is shipping
[18:39:37] <Getty> aandrew: now you know :)
[18:39:41] <xrlk> have to wait for weekdays tho
[18:39:45] <Getty> xrlk: \o/
[18:39:50] <LeoNerd> New apparently
[18:39:51] <Getty> xrlk: what stuff?
[18:39:56] <xrlk> atmega328
[18:40:00] <xrlk> breadboard
[18:40:09] <xrlk> resistors
[18:40:09] <Getty> ah ok ;)
[18:40:16] <Getty> "toys" :D
[18:47:42] <vsync> kastein: Yeah, damn.
[18:53:57] <Tefad> chinese arduino-alikes are so cheap : |
[23:29:07] <Casper> has anyone used capacitive touch sensor on avr without specialised chip or the atmel qtouch lib?
[23:29:15] <Casper> or actually, with the lib...