#avr | Logs for 2014-09-24

[00:00:06] <Casper> rue_mohr: have you toyed with I²C ?
[00:05:27] <rue_mohr> most loads dont count as 100%
[00:06:44] <rue_mohr> it'll prolly cost you just as much to do it yourself as it would to hire someone 'expensive' the difference is that the 'expensive' guy will have it finished in 4 hours, you will still be trying to adapt a power lug 3 weeks later
[00:07:07] <rue_mohr> IC?
[00:08:08] <Casper> father always get great "deals" everywhere
[00:08:32] <Casper> it's his money so who care, I'm getting paid for the job so for me more time = better
[00:09:04] <Casper> I²C bus and avr
[00:39:15] <rue_mohr> I dont know anyting called IC bus
[00:39:20] <rue_mohr> do you mean I2C?
[00:45:52] <Xark> rue_mohr: Your client is stripping his fancy super-script 2. :)
[00:59:42] <Casper> ... yeah look like it strip the ^2
[01:00:12] <Casper> I bet it also strip all of those: ²³¼½¾
[01:03:30] <Casper> bed time
[07:13:55] <mheld> is there something magic I can do to have a usart getchar timeout after N seconds?
[07:14:42] <Lambda_Auriga_> probably.
[07:14:46] <Lambda_Auriga_> or you could write code to do it.
[07:15:08] <Lambda_Auriga_> magic requires esoteric things like rubber chickens and the spikey dildo of enlightenment.
[07:16:35] <Lambda_Auriga_> why not use interrupt based getchar routine? the usart generates an interrupt when a character comes in then the interrupt routine puts that character into an array or something.
[07:16:57] <twnqx> well, n seconds doesn't quite sound like polling is the problem
[07:17:08] <Lambda_Auriga_> the interrupt routine could also set a flag variable signifying there is new data.
[07:17:11] <twnqx> but more like actively acting on a timeout
[07:17:23] <Lambda_Auriga_> in your main routine you just regularly check for the flag and grab the data.
[07:17:42] <twnqx> ah, the joys of volatile and atomic sempahores
[07:17:46] <Lambda_Auriga_> twnqx, does the usart have a timeout capability?
[07:17:50] <twnqx> ofc not
[07:17:55] <Lambda_Auriga_> hehe.
[07:18:02] <Lambda_Auriga_> didn't think so but figured I would check.
[07:18:04] <mheld> hah
[07:18:12] <Lambda_Auriga_> don't remember ever seeing one when I read the datasheets.
[07:18:14] <twnqx> you would have to run a timer
[07:18:20] <Lambda_Auriga_> sometimes I miss things.
[07:18:28] <mheld> I guess I could have an interrupt-based getchar
[07:18:32] <twnqx> or count the attempts through a delay loop
[07:18:41] <Lambda_Auriga_> twnqx, that was my next thought..
[07:18:41] <twnqx> you know
[07:18:48] <mheld> I'm just worried that having one of the usarts will be getting a bunch of messages
[07:18:53] <mheld> from the GPS device
[07:18:57] <Lambda_Auriga_> run a loop and check so many times then drop out.
[07:18:57] <twnqx> mheld: the solution strongly depends on _why_ you want to time out
[07:19:19] <mheld> twnqx: occasionally the GPS device doesn't send messages at all
[07:19:33] <twnqx> yes
[07:19:34] <twnqx> still
[07:19:38] <twnqx> does that hurt you
[07:19:43] <mheld> yeah
[07:19:43] <twnqx> are there other thigns you need to run
[07:19:46] <twnqx> etc
[07:19:48] <mheld> because I'm waiting for a character to happen
[07:19:49] <Lambda_Auriga_> interrupt based comms is the way to go.
[07:19:51] <mheld> then it never does
[07:19:55] <twnqx> yes
[07:20:02] <twnqx> but do you have to do something if nothing happens
[07:20:13] <mheld> yup
[07:20:23] <mheld> every N hours, a timer gets set off
[07:20:29] <mheld> that timer gets set when the coms are done
[07:20:36] <twnqx> then yes, event handling with asynchronous event generation is most likely the way to go
[07:20:40] <Lambda_Auriga_> ok...time to go to worky. laters all.
[08:16:29] <ecilop> timer interrupts?
[09:18:13] <Jartza> one question about the "temporary page buffer" in attiny85
[09:18:25] <Jartza> how long will the data stay there?
[09:18:52] <Jartza> until it's cleared, until it's flashed or... does "something else" use the same buffer for something except flash writing or eeprom writing?
[09:19:26] <N1njAway> I believe that it's dedicated, so likely until cleared or flashed or power-cycled or reset :)
[09:20:34] <Jartza> that would be nice
[09:21:14] <Jartza> because I get data in 16 byte blocks, block containing 18 bytes. first byte is block numbber, last byte is the crc-8 of the block
[09:21:25] <Jartza> but one page is 64 bytes in attiny85
[09:21:32] <Jartza> so I need to catch 4 blocks before flashing
[09:34:26] <N1njaneer> Yes, that should be no problem. I have written XMODEM bootloaders numerous times for AVR parts, and have never had a problem grabbing multiple packets, filling the page, the flashing.
[09:34:50] <N1njaneer> I wonder if there's a way to do read operations back out of the temporary page and use it like slower extra RAM :)
[10:10:03] <Jartza> heh
[10:10:06] <Jartza> that would be cool
[10:10:20] <Jartza> would be 64 bytes of extra memory for attiny85
[11:18:16] <Jartza> it's a pity the avr libc <avr/wdt.h> doesn't allow setting the interrupts
[11:18:26] <Jartza> only the watchdog timeout
[11:37:42] <LoRez> interrupts are handled elsewhere.
[11:47:21] <Jartza> LoRez: yeah, but watchdog can also be used for interrupts
[11:48:48] <Jartza> but without the interrupt-flag in those commands I need to manually set also the timeout
[11:51:28] <LoRez> Yeah, I know you can enable interrupts on the watchdog, but interrupts are handled in their own interface, which is distinct from watchdog things
[12:18:40] <Jartza> I know that too, but it's just annoying :)
[15:08:06] <Toneloc> where is a good, cheap place to buy sensors for interfacing to an mcu? Just for hobby work/experience - nothing really specific in mind
[15:09:34] <nomis> Toneloc: there are reasonably cheap sensor sets available on ebay, which have a wide variety and are reasonably easy to connect to a mcu.
[15:10:00] <nomis> Toneloc: however, if you know what you want there probably are more cheap options available
[15:11:58] <nomis> Toneloc: (look for "sensor module kit")
[15:12:03] <Toneloc> nomis- I have seen those Arduino sets on ebay- they are expensive
[15:12:17] <Toneloc> and don't cover anything overly exciting
[15:12:26] <nomis> Toneloc: ok, what would excite you? :)
[15:12:50] <Toneloc> nomis- the most exciting ones I have seen sense gas or liquid flow
[15:13:36] <Toneloc> the ultrasonic object detection looks quite interesting too
[15:14:00] <nomis> Toneloc: is it a problem for you to import stuff from china when bought e.g. via ebay?
[15:14:16] <Toneloc> nomis-is there any website that you can just look at to get an idea of what is available?
[15:14:37] <Toneloc> nomis-I have done ebay- but it's just the same stuff over and over
[15:14:47] <nomis> Toneloc: hmm, I am not aware of a "look what great sensors are available" site.
[15:15:10] <nomis> Toneloc: I guess you could browse sites like e.g. hackaday and try to get inspiration from them.
[15:15:12] <Toneloc> I guess sparkfun may be close?
[15:15:34] <nomis> Sparkfun has a great selection, also watch their tutorial sectin.
[15:15:56] <nomis> Adafruit of course, Pololu...
[15:16:09] <nomis> in germany Watterott and exp-tech are relevant.
[15:17:52] <Toneloc> nomis- thaks for the great leads
[15:18:11] <Toneloc> Page 1 of sparkfun has already got my interest going
[15:18:19] <Toneloc> A pulse sensor :-)
[15:19:52] <nomis> Toneloc: just be aware, that these shops are not exactly cheap, but "cheap" in electronics frequently implies "lots".
[15:21:39] <Toneloc> nomis-oh yeah, I'm only window shopping at sparkfun
[15:21:52] <Toneloc> I'll be going to Asia for this stuff
[15:22:08] <Toneloc> just using them to generate ideas
[15:24:46] <Toneloc> it will be "oh that's cool- but too expensive, let's see how cheap I can get it from a random chinese seller"
[15:25:59] <jeremyabel> beware of fraudulent parts
[15:26:22] <jeremyabel> I find it best to buy from a reputable distribution company like mouser or digikey
[15:26:38] <learath> ahh the America! option.
[15:26:42] <learath> heh
[15:26:55] <jeremyabel> or farnell or maplin or whatever :P
[15:27:02] <LeoNerd> Maplin--
[15:27:04] <jeremyabel> not "random chinese guy on ebay", is what I mean
[15:28:28] <Toneloc> high shipping/MOQ for free shipping is the killer for mouser/digikey
[15:28:36] <Toneloc> for us Europeans
[15:28:49] <Jartza> ooh
[15:28:50] <Toneloc> Maplin= so horridly expensive
[15:28:54] <Toneloc> and useless
[15:28:58] <Jartza> maybe my modem-flashing-stuff finally works
[15:29:44] <Toneloc> farnell- is expensive but fast delivery and a has a great stock of parts
[15:30:16] <jeremyabel> yeah I'm not up on european options
[15:30:25] <jeremyabel> I keep forgeting that digikey / mouser are not like, global
[15:38:46] <Toneloc> jeremyabel-well, they do offer free shippig here but the MOQ for that is quite high
[15:40:36] <Jartza> oh
[15:40:42] <Jartza> to finland mouser is quite nice
[15:40:48] <Jartza> order with 60€ and DHL is free
[15:41:18] <jeremyabel> Jartza: where in finland are ya?
[15:41:25] <Jartza> 70km from helsinki
[15:41:30] <Jartza> called Lohja
[15:41:31] <Toneloc> Jartza-€60 for me is alot
[15:41:58] <Jartza> Toneloc: well for many hobbyist it is
[15:42:05] <jeremyabel> Jartza: ah, to the west. I spent a few weeks north of helsinki last summer
[15:42:25] <Jartza> I've also ordered lot of basic stuff from taydaelectronics.com too
[15:42:58] <Jartza> jeremyabel: yeah, I used to live in helsinki for >30 years :)
[15:43:03] <jeremyabel> dang
[15:43:11] <Toneloc> Jartza- yeah, but it would be fine for a bulk order of stuff- it would just take awhile me a good while to get an order of that size together
[15:43:16] <jeremyabel> I was in Hyvinkää
[15:43:24] <Toneloc> by that stage- I would have lost interest in some of the stuff! lol
[15:43:50] <Jartza> Toneloc: yeah, I also order like every 2 months and make a big list of what I need
[15:43:51] <Toneloc> Jartza- yeah, I have looked at them- they seem very good
[15:43:54] <Jartza> to get over the 60€
[15:44:07] <Jartza> tayda has been very reliable
[15:44:24] <Toneloc> I bought alot of basic stuff from Futurlec years and years ago
[15:44:30] <Toneloc> ad it has been really good
[15:44:42] <Toneloc> *and
[15:44:56] <Jartza> also tayda packs and marks components nicely, so no need to guess
[15:45:02] <jeremyabel> man futurelec takes DECADES to get to me
[15:45:05] <Toneloc> is there any new stores like them on the scene?
[15:45:08] <jeremyabel> like, literally an entire month
[15:45:17] <Jartza> some chinese just have some undecipherable handwriting on ziplock bags
[15:45:38] <Toneloc> Jartza- same with my futurlec stuff- all seperated and marked with quantity
[15:46:01] <Jartza> it's quite funny, we have basically one electronics store in finland with decent prices, of course nothing comparable to tayda etc.
[15:46:02] <Toneloc> jeremyabel- 1 month for Futurlec and china is standard here
[15:46:15] <Jartza> but ordering anything from there and the postages are always 8-10€
[15:46:22] <Jartza> inside finland. that's crazy.
[15:46:35] <Jartza> from thailand to finland, it's usually from 2-3€ :P
[15:47:39] <Jartza> I only use it if I'm in a hurry
[15:47:40] <Toneloc> Jartza- we are right beside the UK- but they charge us 3 times as much shipping- often China or somewhere in Europe is the only option
[15:47:46] <Toneloc> but that all adds time
[15:47:58] <Jartza> true
[15:48:04] <Toneloc> Jartza-ever used TME?
[15:48:18] <Jartza> jeremyabel: I work at hyvinkää :)
[15:48:35] <Jartza> Toneloc: nope, never heard
[15:48:45] <Jartza> I'm so n00b in electronics-scene
[15:49:40] <jeremyabel> Jartza: KONE?
[15:49:41] <Toneloc> Jartza- quite cheap, like farnell in europe
[15:49:52] <Jartza> jeremyabel: bingo ;)
[15:49:52] <Toneloc> but with cheaper/ better prices
[15:49:56] <jeremyabel> hahaha
[15:50:01] <jeremyabel> do you know Ossi Rajuvaarra?
[15:50:12] <Jartza> no, not personally
[15:50:18] <Jartza> although the name sounds finnish :)
[15:50:32] <jeremyabel> friend of mine who works there in the testing department I think
[15:50:40] <Jartza> I work at Kone / HAT
[15:51:02] <Jartza> http://cdn.kone.com/www.kone.ae/en/Images/kone-ksp858-factsheet.pdf?v=2
[15:51:13] <Jartza> that's the latest device I've been making, that has been released
[15:51:56] <jeremyabel> ooh, sexy
[15:52:00] <Jartza> and currently working with the next gen. of the same device ;)
[15:52:23] <Jartza> that's darn nice looking device yes
[15:52:36] <Jartza> I can't take any credit of the design, though
[15:52:50] <Jartza> only for the UI and the coding -part ;)
[15:52:56] <jeremyabel> you did the ui design?
[15:53:06] <Jartza> I participated in that, yes.
[15:53:13] <Jartza> in Kone, you hardly do anything alone
[15:53:24] <jeremyabel> heh
[15:53:43] <Jartza> usually there's at least 3-5 people in every project
[15:54:08] <Jartza> but that device has 2 ARMs
[15:55:21] <jeremyabel> well done sir
[15:55:52] <Jartza> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcnjzrKyijo
[15:56:02] <Jartza> haven't seen that actually in any real building yet
[15:56:14] <Jartza> but I know it's at least in australia, central plaza 1
[15:56:24] <Jartza> and umm, manchester uk
[15:56:38] <Jartza> the rest I don't know, but those 2 were pilot sites :)
[15:59:47] <jeremyabel> nice!
[15:59:54] <jeremyabel> I haven't seen any kone elevators in america
[16:00:18] <jeremyabel> I think the only reason to be in hyvinkaa is to work at Kone though :P
[16:00:19] <Jartza> well, in america they have quite many of their own
[16:00:32] <Jartza> yeah, there would be no Hyvinkää without Kone I guess :D
[16:00:39] <Jartza> quite dead "city" otherwise
[16:01:04] <jeremyabel> you know it's a big deal when they have that elevator sculpture at that roundabout :P
[16:01:08] <Jartza> ohh, quite many, meaning quite many elevator companies
[16:01:20] <Jartza> yeah, that roundabout is ridiculous :D
[16:01:32] <jeremyabel> that was like my first distinctly finnish memory, an elevator structure in the middle of a roundabout
[16:01:43] <Jartza> :P
[16:03:36] <Jartza> although, officially I work for company called "Rakettitiede Oy", which directly translates to "Rocket Science Ltd"
[16:03:46] <Jartza> and I'm a consultant in Kone
[16:05:00] <jeremyabel> ah word
[16:05:09] <jeremyabel> yeah, Oy was weird, seeing that everywhere
[16:05:19] <jeremyabel> like our Ltd or Co
[16:05:23] <Jartza> yes
[16:05:27] <Jartza> short for "Osakeyhtiö"
[16:05:42] <Jartza> meaning "limited company"
[16:05:44] <jeremyabel> god I hate your language so much
[16:06:00] <Jartza> I know
[16:06:01] <jeremyabel> you guys and your "y"s like our "u"s
[16:06:03] <Jartza> who wouldn't
[16:06:16] <jeremyabel> like I can at least LOOK at swedish or german and sound it out
[16:06:23] <jeremyabel> finnish I get like 3 sylables in and my mouth turns to mush
[16:06:47] <jeremyabel> but at least I know "mutsis", and that's all you really need to know
[16:06:49] <Jartza> sure, but finnish is totally from different language family
[16:06:52] <jeremyabel> yeah
[16:07:00] <jeremyabel> hungary and estonian
[16:07:14] <Jartza> yep. although it doesn't resemble hungarian at all.
[16:07:15] <Jartza> :D
[16:07:18] <jeremyabel> nope
[16:07:26] <jeremyabel> I heard that you share 50 words with hungarian
[16:07:30] <jeremyabel> 39 of them are about reindeer
[16:07:34] <jeremyabel> the others are about fish
[16:08:05] <Jartza> :D
[16:08:17] <Jartza> "alavilla mailla hallan vaara" is in hungarian "alacsonyan fekvő fagyveszélyes"
[16:08:21] <Jartza> :D
[16:08:36] <Jartza> they share the first 3 letters
[16:09:24] <jeremyabel> lol
[16:09:27] <jeremyabel> well done finnish, well done
[16:09:33] <jeremyabel> at least everyone there speaks goddamn perfect english
[16:09:45] <Jartza> we have to
[16:09:53] <Jartza> nobody speaks finnish except us 5 million people
[16:10:17] <Jartza> without english we would still reindeer skins to each other and do no other business
[16:10:24] <jeremyabel> I tried to find finnish languages classes in NYC before I visited
[16:10:28] <jeremyabel> there are none.
[16:10:33] <jeremyabel> I could pay a tutor but that was expensive
[16:10:36] <Jartza> still sell, that should've been
[16:10:52] <Jartza> jeremyabel: why bother
[16:10:57] <jeremyabel> cause I was interested
[16:11:06] <Jartza> everybody who wants to learn finnish, I have advice to them: don't
[16:11:09] <jeremyabel> lol
[16:11:16] <Jartza> learn some language that has some use :D
[16:11:17] <jeremyabel> I mean I wanted like, to know words
[16:11:27] <jeremyabel> I learned some, almost all of them beginning with K
[16:11:35] <Jartza> like, chinese is equally hard, but at least few billion people speak it
[16:11:44] <jeremyabel> karhu, koira, kissa, kylla, kiitos
[16:12:18] <jeremyabel> also lonkeros are goddamn delicious
[16:12:27] <Jartza> that is strange finnish invention yes
[16:12:27] <jeremyabel> and karjalanpiiraka
[16:12:36] <jeremyabel> I made some of those at home when I came back
[16:12:38] <Jartza> the lonkero was invented to olympic games in 1952
[16:12:42] <jeremyabel> indeed
[16:12:50] <Jartza> when finland was still poor country, trying to rebuild after war
[16:13:07] <jeremyabel> my friend lived across from the curling stadium in hyvinkää
[16:13:07] <Jartza> gin was expensive... "well... let's add some grape pop there"
[16:13:11] <jeremyabel> lol
[16:13:25] <jeremyabel> do you like them?
[16:13:28] <Jartza> grape? grapefruit, that is
[16:13:34] <jeremyabel> yeah grapefruit
[16:13:35] <Jartza> every finn likes lonkero
[16:13:52] <Jartza> I just wonder why nobody has ever thought of exporting it
[16:13:53] <jeremyabel> I think every human would like lonkero if you could get them outside of finland
[16:13:57] <jeremyabel> yeah!
[16:14:10] <jeremyabel> I've looked, I've spent hours looking at booze distributor lists in NYC
[16:14:15] <Jartza> although I think "long drink" is not that fancy name
[16:14:32] <Jartza> because it can mean about anything, except in finland it's definately lonkero :)
[16:14:37] <jeremyabel> yeah but that's why you call it lonkero
[16:14:46] <Jartza> we call it lonkero, because we're finnish
[16:14:58] <Jartza> do you know what else lonkero means? :)
[16:15:02] <Jartza> the "official" meaning
[16:15:07] <jeremyabel> no?
[16:15:09] <jeremyabel> penis?
[16:15:10] <Jartza> tentacle
[16:15:10] <jeremyabel> :P
[16:15:21] <jeremyabel> shit yeah I do remember that
[16:15:56] <Jartza> we used to have this 8-pack of lonkeros at shop
[16:16:03] <Jartza> people called that "mustekala" (octopus)
[16:16:33] <jeremyabel> hahaha clever
[16:16:42] <jeremyabel> do you like karjalanpiirakas too?
[16:16:45] <Jartza> yes
[16:16:53] <Jartza> my wife makes helluva good ones
[16:17:57] <Jartza> much better than they sell in stores
[16:19:25] <jeremyabel> melt a little butter on top, so good
[16:20:44] <Jartza> or "eggbutter"
[16:20:47] <Jartza> did you try that?
[16:20:54] <jeremyabel> yes indeed
[16:21:14] <Jartza> boiled eggs, lot of butter and just mash it to sticky goo :)
[16:21:33] <jeremyabel> yep
[16:21:35] <jeremyabel> delicious
[16:22:17] <Jartza> but I think most of the finnish cuisines are quite simple
[16:23:57] <jeremyabel> yeah, most of the time we just ate like random stuff
[16:24:02] <jeremyabel> indian, mexican, pizza
[16:24:05] <jeremyabel> burgers
[16:24:10] <jeremyabel> heh hess burger
[16:24:13] <jeremyabel> I liked hess burgers
[16:24:20] <jeremyabel> better than mcdonalds here
[16:24:26] <jeremyabel> shit now I need a burger
[16:38:03] <Jartza> :)
[16:38:10] <Jartza> like... he's burger ;)
[16:39:54] <jeremyabel> I liked the frequecy of hess burgers on the highway
[16:40:04] <jeremyabel> I knew that if I ever felt hungry I was no more than like 5 minutes away from food
[16:40:11] <jeremyabel> the ABC marts
[16:40:28] <Jartza> they're everywhere
[16:43:28] <Jartza> agh
[16:45:16] <Jartza> yes, now my flash-function seems to flash something
[16:45:23] <Jartza> but not correct things and not to correct place
[17:04:24] <Jartza> agh. the buffer writing functions want the address as numeric, not as pointer :D
[17:04:27] <Jartza> stupdi me
[17:09:03] <Jartza> oh
[17:09:08] <Jartza> it works
[17:10:06] <jeremyabel> :D
[17:11:20] <jeremyabel> man my little intern-run assembly line is working well here!
[17:11:56] <Jartza> cooool, this is great, I can make audio-bootloader now ;)
[17:13:15] <jeremyabel> you mean, you can flash the chip with an audio clip?
[17:13:31] <jeremyabel> cause I have some synths that do that for firmware updates and I love it
[17:15:29] <Jartza> yes ;)
[17:15:38] <jeremyabel> iiiice
[17:15:40] <jeremyabel> *niiice
[17:15:56] <jeremyabel> do you plan on open-sourcing your solution?
[17:16:07] <jeremyabel> cause I'd love to implement that some day
[17:16:18] <Jartza> at least the modem, yes
[17:16:31] <Jartza> this is not ready bootloader, but masically does closely the same
[17:16:40] <Jartza> *basically
[17:16:52] <Jartza> it just flashes the last 2kB of attiny85 now
[17:17:10] <Jartza> for my tagsu, the data can be updated using audio
[17:17:11] <jeremyabel> how are you doing error checking for the audio data?
[17:17:38] <Jartza> it sends data in blocks of 16 bytes
[17:17:46] <jeremyabel> does it repeat packets?
[17:17:59] <jeremyabel> I think on the synths it sends each packet three times
[17:18:10] <Jartza> added to that is 2 bytes, first byte is block number, last byte is block crc
[17:18:35] <Jartza> for now I only send it once, but I could send it more times of course
[17:19:09] <Jartza> or send bigger blocks, I was just a bit conservative with the memory
[17:19:18] <jeremyabel> cool cool
[17:19:21] <Jartza> but actually 512 bytes lasts for a long time :)
[17:20:01] <Jartza> current implementation is around 2kB, but it also has LCD stuff
[17:20:59] <Jartza> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n16lougbfe3a5th/AABQIwcbPoSPP3xAAU3xSi5oa?dl=0#/
[17:21:13] <Jartza> this is tagsu, if you haven't seen ;)
[17:21:29] <Jartza> electronic nameplate, updateable by audio
[17:21:32] <jeremyabel> ha nice
[17:21:41] <jeremyabel> yeah your name is super finnish too :P
[17:22:03] <jeremyabel> it even has the name of another city in it :P
[17:22:06] <Jartza> there's a new design that's supposed to fit into "standard" id-badge holder
[17:22:20] <jeremyabel> rad
[17:22:20] <Jartza> yesh, lahti means bay
[17:22:29] <Jartza> so I'm "firebay" ;)
[17:22:36] <jeremyabel> ha sweet
[17:22:57] <jeremyabel> at least I can pronounce that without needing to roll any R's
[17:22:57] <Jartza> actually my name is quite rare in finland, there's only less than 40 with same name
[17:23:00] <jeremyabel> cause I can't roll my r's
[17:23:13] <jeremyabel> lord knows I butcher ossi rajuvaara's name plenty
[17:23:30] <Jartza> hehe
[17:26:16] <Jartza> https://www.dropbox.com/s/df2z1agosbup9ci/20140925_001.mp4?dl=0
[17:26:21] <Jartza> took a stupid video
[17:27:12] <Jartza> the modem actually can work faster than that, it's just slowed down now for debugging purposes, because the lcd is slower than flashing :)
[17:29:02] <Jartza> (that badge in the video is my "devboard", home etched prototype
[17:29:39] <Jartza> it fits 42 screenfuls of text, with some effects (that I didn't use yet)
[17:31:18] <jeremyabel> niiiicew
[17:31:20] <jeremyabel> -w
[17:31:36] <jeremyabel> would be cool to do like a loading bar
[17:31:41] <Jartza> I will
[17:31:51] <Jartza> with progress bar the 2kB can be flashed in around 4-5s
[17:32:03] <Jartza> without progress bar in less than 3s :)
[17:32:09] <jeremyabel> haha nice
[17:39:04] <Jartza> I still need to clean up the code quite much as this is now full of all kind of debug-stuff
[17:39:15] <Jartza> oh
[17:39:18] <Jartza> it was smaller than I thought
[17:39:19] <Jartza> Program: 1584 bytes (19.3% Full)
[17:39:42] <Jartza> ripping out all the LCD stuff I guess the bootloader would fit into 1kB? :o
[17:40:11] <Jartza> there's i2c and lcd code also that's not needed
[17:40:44] <jeremyabel> nice
[17:40:52] <jeremyabel> that's smallish?
[17:41:02] <Jartza> I don't know :)
[17:41:08] <Jartza> I've never used bootloader on attiny85
[17:41:23] <Jartza> I'm fairly new to avr also
[17:41:30] <Jartza> been doing arm-stuff for years though
[17:41:58] <Jartza> and started learning electronics spring this year, so quite n00b in that area
[17:42:33] <jeremyabel> you're doing well!
[17:43:11] <jeremyabel> made a board, a little product even!
[17:44:04] <Jartza> 0m4.351s
[17:44:14] <Jartza> 2kB with progress bar
[17:44:16] <jeremyabel> nice
[17:44:17] <Jartza> :)
[17:48:55] <Jartza> sorry
[17:49:00] <Jartza> the delays can be made much shorter
[17:49:07] <Jartza> I read datasheet pessimistically
[17:49:12] <jeremyabel> haha, nice
[17:49:14] <Jartza> ~3.5 seconds with progress bar
[17:49:42] <Jartza> so updating the 7kB left from bootloader would take like 12 seconds or so
[17:49:51] <jeremyabel> not bad
[17:50:56] <Jartza> although now there's not much safety margin
[17:52:36] <Jartza> 0m3.093s if I push it to the max
[17:54:04] <Jartza> the modem itself is ~12kbps :)
[17:58:05] <Jartza> there: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0vl0bnndu16vtq/20140925_002.mp4?dl=0
[17:59:48] <Jartza> now I need to make a better update-sw though
[17:59:56] <Jartza> current one is stupid command-line python-script
[18:00:32] <jeremyabel> niiiice that's turbo-speed right there
[18:07:10] <Jartza> yeah
[18:07:24] <Jartza> I'm actually both surprised and happy about how well that worked
[18:07:43] <Jartza> shenanigans:firmware jartza$ avr-size --format=avr --mcu=attiny85 modem.o
[18:07:43] <Jartza> AVR Memory Usage
[18:07:43] <Jartza> ----------------
[18:07:43] <Jartza> Device: attiny85
[18:07:43] <Jartza> Program: 320 bytes (3.9% Full)
[18:07:45] <Jartza> (.text + .data + .bootloader)
[18:08:26] <Jartza> plain modem without any error correction etc. is 254 bytes
[18:09:05] <jeremyabel> good size
[18:09:11] <jeremyabel> add two more bytes for perfect size!
[18:09:18] <Jartza> ;)
[18:09:31] <Jartza> like, one "nop"? :)
[18:10:11] <jeremyabel> I feel dumb for not knowing how many bytes that amounts to, compiled
[18:10:42] <Jartza> all the avr asm commands are words, so 2 bytes :P
[18:10:51] <Jartza> ...if I understood correctly
[18:11:55] <jeremyabel> there ya go then!
[18:12:37] <Jartza> "Instructions are one 16-bit word long"
[18:13:00] <N1njaneer> Correct :)
[18:13:08] <jeremyabel> which is 2 bytes!
[18:13:23] <Jartza> N1njaneer: did you see my modem-flash-success finally? :)
[18:13:47] <Jartza> modem has worked for ages, but finally I got some time to actually make it flash attiny85
[18:14:25] <N1njaneer> Cool, congrats!!
[18:14:29] <Jartza> thanks
[18:14:57] <jeremyabel> how's AVR feel compared to ARM?
[18:14:59] <Jartza> it's actually "amazingly fast"... or let's put it this way: like 20 times faster I ever expected when I began with my modem-idea
[18:15:06] <jeremyabel> (@Jartza)
[18:15:12] <Jartza> jeremyabel: so far easier ;)
[18:15:22] <Jartza> but I've only used tiny ones
[18:15:46] <Jartza> next I'll try atmega328 and then xmega
[18:16:02] <jeremyabel> code is the same, just more stuff to play with
[18:16:14] <jeremyabel> never done xmegas myself though
[18:16:16] <Jartza> already got me few of those, haven't started with anything yet, I have to finish the "Tagsu" firmware first
[18:17:52] <Jartza> ok. 3 seconds per 2kB.
[18:18:01] <Jartza> I guess that's acceptable ;)
[18:21:29] <Jartza> need to go to bed now though ;)
[18:23:09] <Jartza> nighties everyone!
[18:23:44] <jeremyabel> ight!
[18:23:46] <jeremyabel> *night, even
[18:24:01] <Tom_itx> gnite
[18:24:07] <Tom_itx> g'day
[18:30:41] <jeremyabel> hey tem
[18:33:19] <specing> Jartza: sts and lds are two words
[18:33:52] <Jartza> oh
[18:34:13] <Jartza> I stand corrected :)
[18:35:09] <specing> The More You Know
[20:52:02] <mheld> hey y'all
[20:52:06] <jeremyabel> yo
[20:53:43] <Lambda_Auriga_> blessed are the yo-yos,,,for they shall be the ones who go up and down and up and down and around the world and walk the dog...
[20:53:56] <jeremyabel> I never could do walk the dog
[20:54:22] <Lambda_Auriga_> cats cradle was hard for me.
[20:54:49] <Lambda_Auriga_> walk the dog just needed the right twist tension on the string and the right amount of wax.
[21:04:04] <jeremyabel> N1njan33r: fffffffff you there, and know some stuff about bluetooth?
[21:08:44] <Lambda_Auriga_> bluetooth...what happens when you pass out at a party and people around have blue markers handy.
[21:08:50] <jeremyabel> lolol
[21:46:07] <N1njan33r> jeremyabel: I don't have any direct experience with it at this point - ask me in a couple months :)
[22:05:17] <jeremyabel> N1njaneer: nevermind, panic attack averted
[22:05:52] <jeremyabel> I had bonding enabled on these 4 bluetooth modules, which according to the manual says that they will only accpet connections from the bonded device address
[22:05:58] <jeremyabel> I had all 4 bonded with my work computer
[22:06:07] <jeremyabel> then I put them all in a box and shipped them to the client for approval
[22:06:59] <jeremyabel> so I've been panicking about whether or not it'll connect with their machines, and it turns out yes, when the device cannot find the bonded machine, it will allow connections from others
[22:07:16] <jeremyabel> at least as far as "bonded machines" means "macs"
[22:08:35] <N1njaneer> cool :)
[22:09:50] <jeremyabel> god that was... that was not a fun 30 minutes
[22:10:24] <aandrew> heh
[22:10:45] <jeremyabel> I need a thicker solderpaste stencil though...
[22:11:18] <jeremyabel> some of these components aren't getting enough
[22:11:32] <jeremyabel> using 3mil, I wanted 4mil but I only had 3mil mylar
[22:12:56] <N1njaneer> Some of that has to do with the quality of the paste and squeegee, too
[22:13:10] <jeremyabel> my squeegee is utter shit
[22:13:22] <jeremyabel> the paste is ok? might switch to a new tube tomorrow and see how that goes
[22:13:37] <jeremyabel> chipquik paste, never used it or any other paste before
[22:13:44] <N1njaneer> Depends on a lot of variables, honestly.
[22:14:15] <jeremyabel> I dunno I might just roll with it, I want all these boards done by friday and I don't have the time to go print another stencil myself before then
[22:14:44] <N1njaneer> Get a pneumatic dispenser if you are doing shorter runs of boards. Will save you a lot of hassle.
[22:14:48] <jeremyabel> there's only 30 boards and we have 15 done so far
[22:16:03] <jeremyabel> at least the interns are good at all the stuff I'm asking them to do, it's not their fault the squeegee is crap or the stencil is too thin or the paste is to whatever
[22:16:06] <jeremyabel> *too
[22:16:24] <jeremyabel> they can do like 10 boards a day or so
[22:16:51] <N1njaneer> Pick 'n place!!
[22:16:58] <jeremyabel> money!
[22:17:12] <jeremyabel> also this is the first and last electronics project I'll be involved with at this job :P
[22:17:29] <jeremyabel> and probably the entire company's first and last engineering project of this level
[22:17:47] <jeremyabel> we're an advertising design studio, not an engineering house ;)
[22:17:53] <N1njaneer> Move to Cleveland! :D
[22:18:20] <jeremyabel> No you move to NYC :P
[22:18:55] <jeremyabel> man I bet your office rent is the same as my apartment rent...
[22:19:04] <N1njaneer> Too many employees, equiptment, house, goats... :)
[22:19:09] <jeremyabel> lol
[22:19:22] <jeremyabel> is your office rent above or below $2700/mo?
[22:19:36] <N1njaneer> Considerably below.
[22:19:47] <jeremyabel> mmm yeah, NYC prices
[22:20:02] <jeremyabel> I pay half that, split with a roommate, but still
[22:20:05] <N1njaneer> Though looking to purchase a building as soon as the current lease is up in a year or two.
[22:20:12] <N1njaneer> We need a lot more space.
[22:20:54] <jeremyabel> nice
[22:21:50] <jeremyabel> the crushing moment for me was moving out of my college apartment and seeing a sign on the wall advertising a 4 bedroom house with rent that was 1/4th my 2-bedroom NYC apartment rent
[22:22:31] <Roklobsta> country is always better. i live in the boonies, houses 1/2 to 1/3 the price of city and nicer.
[22:22:37] <jeremyabel> yeah
[22:23:00] <jeremyabel> when I get enough saved up a friend and I are gonna move to the country and spend a year making a videogame
[22:25:04] <Roklobsta> pot noodle for a year is worse than meth for a year
[22:26:40] <jeremyabel> not sure I get your meaning
[22:29:16] <Roklobsta> you will be saving money by eating pot noodle
[22:29:20] <Roklobsta> every day
[22:29:32] <Roklobsta> a joke. nevermind
[22:29:47] <jeremyabel> :P