#avr | Logs for 2014-09-11

[04:22:53] <abcminiuser> Huzzah! https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=63223
[04:48:56] <Duality> hey all\
[05:21:14] <STS_Patrik> does AVR MCU's with 2 CAN-interfaces support different bus speeds simultaneously? e.g. 250kpbs on one and 500kbps on second
[05:28:21] <jacekowski> STS_Patrik: check in the datasheet
[05:28:32] <jacekowski> STS_Patrik: if you can set clock prescalers separately then yes
[08:09:05] <funky1_> hi leute
[08:09:43] <funky1_> ich habe ein avr-net-io board am laufen und will die ip veraendern, verbinde mich via telnet aber setgw funktioniert nicht
[08:10:00] <funky1_> wenn ich help tippe sehe ich auch setip oder setgw nicht
[08:10:34] <funky1_> und wenn ich nur 'gw' mache sagt er ok, aber wenn ich dan mit 'gw' check is es noch immer die alte ip
[08:10:40] <funky1_> kann jemand helfen?
[08:10:57] <twnqx> ich nicht, aber die chancen würden auf englisch stark steigen :P
[08:11:16] <Fleck> I love when this happens :D
[08:11:37] <Fleck> it's like - "What? Not everyone speaks my native language??? How can this be?"
[08:11:48] <funky1_> np :)
[08:12:59] <twnqx> mal probiert, die aktuellste software zu flashen?
[08:13:25] <funky1_> hi everyon1, i'm running an avr-net-io board for a while now, I recently changed my lan setup and want to change its ip and gw as well, so i telnet into it but i have no commands available like 'setip' or 'setgw' though 'ip' and 'gw' which show me the current settings, if i try 'ip' i get 'OK' back but checking it with 'ip' shows old ip still, anyone knows how to get it set?
[08:14:10] <funky1_> twnqx: wuerde gerne ohne flashen, das wuerde natuerlich funktionieren wird aber bei mir mehr aufwand sein, da ich momentan keinen pc mit serial port hier habe..
[08:14:20] <funky1_> und ip aendern sollte ja eigentlich schnell gehen...
[08:14:38] <twnqx> hast du auch erste die IP geändert, so dass der gateway im subnetz ist?
[08:16:11] <funky1_> ich kann weder ip noch gw oder subnet auf avr aendern
[08:16:28] <funky1_> ich bin ja mit dem geart verbunden ueber telnet
[08:20:14] <twnqx> eventuell geht das auch einfach über telnet nicht :)
[08:20:56] <funky1_> doch sollte gehen
[08:50:13] <funky1_> ok habe es geschaft, einfach mit 'ip' setzen und am ende reset
[10:45:01] <xrlk> what do I purchase as hardware in order to use avr
[10:47:12] <fibbet> !ping
[10:50:57] <Jartza> fibbet: minimum would of course be some programming device (for example avr-isp-mk2) :)
[10:51:05] <Jartza> but of course, depends what you want to do with it
[10:51:52] <mheld-irccloud> Jartza!
[10:51:56] <Jartza> many avrs run nicely with just power and maybe 100nF cap on power input (and of course the power), but as such they are of course just a "black box sitting on your table"
[10:51:59] <Jartza> mheld-irccloud: hi!
[10:52:09] <mheld-irccloud> you're jari, yeah?
[10:52:12] <Jartza> yes
[10:52:19] <mheld-irccloud> marc here
[10:52:23] <Jartza> I guess Juha just sent you email
[10:52:47] <Jartza> (our ceo)
[14:04:20] <Jartza> hmmh
[15:04:15] <krizoek> good day. someone here knows about a opensourced alternative to labview?
[15:05:12] <krizoek> i mean, opensourced (php) alternative
[15:43:38] <suudy> I'm trying to program an ATmega128 via ISP, but I keep getting an error about being unable to identify the device. It then asks if I want to enable JTAAG, and when I say yes it says it succeeded. Looking at the PDI/PDO pins, I see them wiggling.
[15:48:32] <Tom_itx> you need to disable jtag if you want ISP programming
[15:49:01] <Tom_itx> do you have the miso mosi wired to the right pins?
[15:49:36] <suudy> I thought ISP was always available.
[15:49:56] <Tom_itx> i can't remember on the 128
[15:49:57] <suudy> I have the lines going to PE0/PE1 (PDI/PDO)
[15:50:05] <Tom_itx> right
[15:50:48] <suudy> I can see the PDI/PDO wiggle when I AVR Studio does the JTAGEN.
[15:51:09] <suudy> I'm using a jtagice mkii, I presume that can do ISP, right?
[15:51:17] <Tom_itx> i think so yes
[15:51:36] <Tom_itx> it will show up in the window if it will
[15:51:38] <Tom_itx> in studio
[15:54:34] <RikusW> iirc jtag is on portf on m128
[15:54:51] <Tom_itx> i've got a 128 wired up here
[15:55:04] <suudy> It is. But we have all the JTAG pins unused (indeed, they are all grounded).
[15:55:30] <Tom_itx> MOSI goes to PE0 MISO goes to PE1
[15:56:07] <RikusW> having TDO grounded and jtag enabled isa bad idea...
[15:56:21] <Tom_itx> kinda
[15:56:47] <RikusW> you'll need to use the jtagice in isp mode not jtag
[15:56:59] <RikusW> (if you connect to the isp pins)
[15:57:07] <suudy> The fact that I get "JTAG interface has been enabled. Reattach ..." tells me ISP is talking.
[15:57:13] <suudy> How do I put the mkII into ISP mode?
[15:57:49] <Tom_itx> select ISP from the studio connection menu
[15:57:53] <suudy> All I get is "Failed to identify target. Would you like to use SPI to disable..>"
[15:57:57] <RikusW> I messed with the protocols and found that its possible
[15:58:10] <RikusW> unless studio helps you it will be difficult
[15:58:15] <RikusW> or try avrdude
[15:58:48] <RikusW> studio should allow you to select between isp and jtag
[15:59:08] <RikusW> suudy: which version of studio ?
[15:59:14] <suudy> Which menu? I'm guessing I need a newer version of studio (I'm on 4.11).
[15:59:50] <RikusW> I'm not sure if it will allow ISP in 4
[16:00:21] <RikusW> try looking on the first tab in the progamming dialog
[16:00:49] <RikusW> or try the commandline tool that comes with studio
[16:00:57] <RikusW> as last resort try avrdude
[16:01:02] <suudy> I see "Programming mode: ISP" is selected (and greyed out)"
[16:01:19] <suudy> Yeah, I tried to command line tool as well. I can't get it to do anything either.
[16:01:27] <RikusW> Program Files (x86)/Atmel/AVR Tools/JTAGICEmkII
[16:01:44] <RikusW> avrdude might help you
[16:02:43] <RikusW> why don't you use jtag when you have the mkii ?
[16:03:00] <RikusW> having ocd is really nice
[16:03:02] <suudy> I didn't design the board...
[16:03:16] <suudy> I'm just the tech
[16:03:18] <RikusW> ooops
[16:03:40] <RikusW> is there many of these boards or just this one ?
[16:04:15] <suudy> Well, it's the first proto.
[16:04:38] <RikusW> you could attempt to solder wires to the jtag pins then....
[16:05:00] <suudy> Yeah. I was hoping it was just a software issue.
[16:05:34] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.ddns01.com:81/~webpage/boards/atmega128_exp_1.jpg
[16:05:40] <Tom_itx> i use isp on that one all the time
[16:05:45] <RikusW> there are other programmer capable of ISP
[16:05:50] <RikusW> +s
[16:06:08] <RikusW> I'd still try to use avrdude
[16:06:23] <suudy> I have an AvrISP, but AVR studio doesn't say anything when trying to connect. The window goes away and then reappears.
[16:06:36] <RikusW> use the jtagmkii_isp mode
[16:06:50] <Tom_itx> check in hardware to see if windows sees the device
[16:06:55] <Tom_itx> the programmer..
[16:07:50] <suudy> For the AvrISP use jtagmkii_isp mode?
[16:07:59] <RikusW> for the jtag
[16:08:09] <Tom_itx> for a USB device connected to the jungo driver
[16:08:25] <suudy> Yeah, I see the jtagmkii under Jungo
[16:08:49] <Tom_itx> and studio sees it?
[16:09:09] <suudy> Yeah.
[16:09:20] <Tom_itx> it should give you the option to select JTAG or ISP in a dropdown
[16:09:31] <suudy> I can apparently enable JTAG with it using SPI mode.
[16:09:39] <Tom_itx> you can
[16:09:48] <Tom_itx> but if the pins are shorted it may not be a good idea
[16:09:59] <suudy> But I can't erase, program, read signature bytes, fuses, etc.
[16:10:51] <Tom_itx> check the ribbon between the programmer and the board?
[16:11:23] <Tom_itx> bad solder joints...
[16:11:24] <suudy> Done. I've scoped out SCK, PDI, and PDO. All wiggle.
[16:11:25] <Tom_itx> the list goes on
[16:11:52] <suudy> But if AVR Studio says that I've enabled JTAG, apparently there is some comms working.
[16:12:30] <Tom_itx> does enabling JTAG disable ISP on that one?
[16:12:34] <Tom_itx> i can't remember
[16:12:50] <Tom_itx> it may
[16:13:02] <Tom_itx> if so you may need jtag to disable jtag :D
[16:13:24] <suudy> Yeah, that's what I'm not sure about. Looking at the datasheet I dont' see anything.
[16:17:26] <RikusW> no
[16:17:31] <RikusW> both can be on
[16:17:59] <RikusW> studio 4 probably won't allow isp
[16:18:15] <RikusW> it was only intended to enable the jtag fuse
[16:18:51] <RikusW> avrdude should allow you to use isp
[16:19:02] <suudy> Well, avrdude won't work (out of the box) for me. Requires libusb, and I can't install it since IS doesn't give us admin privileges.
[16:19:20] <RikusW> ouch
[16:20:06] <RikusW> studio 4 is old... can't you get studio 5 or 6 ?
[16:20:31] <RikusW> or get an actual ISP programmer
[16:20:37] <suudy> Well, the board is a spin of an existing product with parts replaced due to EOL issues.
[16:20:52] <suudy> They want to use the same firmware.
[16:21:04] <suudy> Like I said, I have an AvrISP, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
[16:21:19] <RikusW> the old serial one ?
[16:21:26] <RikusW> or use ISP mkII ?
[16:21:31] <RikusW> usb
[16:21:33] <suudy> The old serial one
[16:22:10] <RikusW> is it upgraded to stk500v2 firmware ?
[16:23:52] <RikusW> try the stk500 commandline tool with it
[16:25:11] <suudy> You mean with the AvrISP?
[16:25:16] <RikusW> yes
[16:25:26] <RikusW> it uses the same fw as the stk500
[16:26:06] <suudy> Ok. I gotta fiddle with the dables.
[16:26:07] <RikusW> the avrprog tool might work if its still stk500v1
[16:26:08] <suudy> er, cables.
[16:27:51] <RikusW> I'd try testing the AvrISP on another AVR that is known to work first
[16:29:15] <suudy> I get 'Cannot find STK500 on COM3' (it's connected to com3)
[16:29:23] <suudy> The LED is green.
[16:30:20] <RikusW> are you using a usb-serial cable ?
[16:30:40] <suudy> p
[16:30:42] <suudy> Yep
[16:30:54] <RikusW> try avrprog ?
[16:31:50] <RikusW> usb-serial might cause sync issues