#avr | Logs for 2014-08-22

[13:33:42] <Jartza> what's the point of the internal temp sensor of attiny85?
[13:33:57] <N1njaneer> Cheap temperature reading
[13:34:00] <Jartza> accuracy 10 degrees C
[13:34:17] <Jartza> quite useless? :)
[13:34:39] <woodyj21> lets you know if you are about to melt your chip, or not
[13:34:49] <woodyj21> but yes, quite useless :)
[13:35:21] <Jartza> well yeah, for that the accuracy is enough
[13:36:40] <woodyj21> i use it in debugging sometimes... if i want a number in a certain range.... it can be used for some stuff
[14:07:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> the internal temp sensor is good for random numbers. or for just futzing with the ADC without external hardware.
[14:17:00] <woodyj21> Lambda_Aurigae: hadn't thought of that one, the ADC part....
[14:38:42] <jeremyabel> hullo
[14:38:52] <jeremyabel> got a quick question about some code I'm reading through
[14:39:06] <jeremyabel> http://paste.pm/img.c not sure what's up with the serialEvent1() bits at the top
[14:39:52] <jeremyabel> http://paste.pm/imh.c here this might be more clear
[14:40:06] <jeremyabel> that serialEventRun is called in the main loop
[14:40:29] <Bigpet> so if I have a terribly documented assembly program which are the instruction that I can search for to find out where button inputs are initially sensed? SBI, CBI and IN is what I already know
[14:46:43] <jeremyabel> no clue, sadly
[17:25:26] <jeremyabel> whooo, ISR-based USART comms with the bluetooth module, good to go
[19:08:59] <nhere> will this programmer support attiny87? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221489292891
[19:09:46] <jeremyabel> it's not in the list, so I'm gonna go with "probably not?"
[19:10:38] <nhere> yeah, it is not in
[19:10:53] <nhere> *the list, that'w why i wanted to double check
[19:11:20] <jeremyabel> if I were you, those cheap non-official programmers are pretty junky
[19:11:38] <jeremyabel> I'd get an AVRISP mkII, I haven't had mine blow up on me yet
[19:12:01] <jeremyabel> I've had at least 4 non-official programmers either fail to work, release magic smoke, or just not program the thing half the time
[19:15:27] <nhere> i see, i need to program only one uC, so i wanted to go the cheap way, but i don't want any magic smoke
[19:15:53] <jeremyabel> ah yeah then that'll be fine for one-time use
[19:16:04] <jeremyabel> I mean are you gonna program it a bunch of times?
[19:16:09] <jeremyabel> like, develop with it?
[19:17:50] <nhere> yes, i will program it several times, but i will use programmer only for attiny87
[19:19:04] <jeremyabel> yeah I mean that'll probably work for now
[19:19:13] <jeremyabel> well
[19:19:16] <jeremyabel> it won't cause it won't program that one!
[19:19:59] <nhere> ?
[19:20:11] <nhere> so you say it will not work with attiny87?
[19:20:12] <jeremyabel> well that programmer won't program the tiny87 cause it's not in the list
[19:20:25] <jeremyabel> I'm saying I wouldn't take the reisk
[19:20:26] <jeremyabel> *risk
[19:20:37] <jeremyabel> I mean it's only like 2 quid so it's not a huge deal
[19:21:26] <nhere> it is all about the delivery time, i will need to wait for one month
[19:21:39] <jeremyabel> oh jeez
[19:21:56] <jeremyabel> where do you live?
[19:22:27] <nhere> Europe, but all that stuff from China is very slow on delivery
[19:22:30] <jeremyabel> ah yeah
[20:45:11] <bsdfox> nhere, yeah that should work
[20:46:28] <bsdfox> it supports ISP so at worst you would need to modify avrdude.conf to add support
[20:48:17] <nhere> bsdfox, i see, i will give it a try
[20:49:08] <bsdfox> nhere, https://github.com/TCWORLD/ATTinyCore/issues/15 that tells you what to add :)
[20:50:50] <nhere> very nice, thank you!
[20:56:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> nhere, do not ever get a usbisp or usbasp programmer in my opinion.
[20:57:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> although that programmer should work with an attiny87...the chip is just too new to be on their list...it uses standard avr ISP for programming...
[20:58:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> more people have problems with those cheapy vusb based programmers than with any other programmer out there.
[20:58:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> or so it seems to me anyhow.
[21:00:53] <nhere> Lambda_Aurigae, it seems there is nothing in beetween AVRISP mkII and cheapy vusb based programmers, so it is $2 vs $30+
[21:01:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> and you get what you pay for.
[21:01:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> I like the programmer that Tom_itx sells...
[21:01:55] <nhere> url?
[21:02:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> the vusb based programmers are bitbanged usb..not real usb hardware..and, while it's a fun and interesting toy, is not something I would rely on. I find that vusb is picky on some machines and doesn't work at all on others and works on 1 in 2 computers I have here.
[21:02:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://tom-itx.ddns01.com:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[21:03:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> I think his ecommerce site is down so you have to talk to him directly.
[21:03:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> that supports pdi, isp, and tpi so will work with all attiny, atmega, and atxmega chips.
[21:03:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> and is hardware usb with the LUFA usb stack written by abcminiuser who hangs out here sometimes and used to work for atmel.
[21:10:36] <nhere> Lambda_Aurigae, would you choose USBTiny MkII over AVRISP MkII?
[21:12:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> either/or...about the same features it seems. I chose the usbtiny from Tom_itx to help support his electronics habit...and I got one of his usb avr breakout boards at the same time.
[22:34:17] <StructuredArray> hej
[22:35:11] <jeremyabel> hej!
[22:35:22] <jeremyabel> a greeting I know well
[22:35:32] <StructuredArray> hehe
[22:35:49] <jeremyabel> you swedish?
[22:35:55] <StructuredArray> nah
[22:36:11] <StructuredArray> do you remember Sigismund the 3rd?
[22:36:28] <jeremyabel> never heard of 'em
[22:36:30] <StructuredArray> I think he was the 3rd
[22:36:33] <StructuredArray> a swedish king
[22:36:48] <jeremyabel> heh, I'm american, they don't teach us shit about the rest of the world's history
[22:36:56] <StructuredArray> oh pity
[22:37:02] <jeremyabel> indeed
[22:37:16] <StructuredArray> it's like that everywhere
[22:37:49] <StructuredArray> something to do with politics I think
[22:37:55] <jeremyabel> yeah...
[23:15:27] <learath> jeremyabel: they teach us plenty of history! it's all bullshit, but that's unrelated