#avr | Logs for 2014-08-19

[00:00:36] <FoxGT> Very little. I'm fairly new to electronics at this level & fairly new to microcontrollers. That brake light is actually my first usable project.
[00:00:57] <FoxGT> http://pastebin.com/ipct4zKj
[00:01:03] <FoxGT> Better way to do this?
[00:01:21] <FoxGT> I basically just had it running through the code every 1ms.
[00:01:40] <FoxGT> It worked though.
[00:02:44] <FoxGT> I wasn't quite sure how to do the turn signal flashing while still having pwm for the running light so I just had it run through all of it every ms.
[00:03:04] <FoxGT> then used the 1/10 ms on time for the running light.
[00:04:03] <FoxGT> I'm basically just teaching myself with youtube videos & other people's examples so critiquing is welcome.
[00:05:27] <Casper> oh
[00:06:31] <Casper> the antenna start to look more like an antenna and less like a squid
[00:06:49] <FoxGT> I wish I understood more about them.
[00:08:09] <Casper> same
[00:08:19] <Casper> I tought I understood how this one work
[00:08:30] <Casper> but reading some stuff... made me realise how wrong I was
[00:11:59] <Casper> oh this signal sounded more like a fax :D
[00:38:42] <Casper> antenna basically done! yay!
[00:43:21] <Casper> ok, this new antenna might be good
[00:43:23] <FoxGT> Win.
[00:43:30] <FoxGT> What can it do??
[00:43:36] <Casper> the current antenna is in the attic
[00:43:40] <Casper> the new is in the basement
[00:43:49] <Casper> the one in the basement I get +7db of signal
[00:45:18] <Casper> it can get signals! :D
[00:49:39] <Casper> https://www.dropbox.com/s/swbcmhp4gk2ojj9/2014-08-19%2001.30.05.jpg
[04:40:36] <donnib> anyone know if i can reset the fuses on an atmega328p with this device http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Wholesale-Mini-USB-AVR-JTAG-Programmer-Debugger-for-AVR-ATMEGA-10pcs-lot-free-shipping/642948382.html ?
[04:41:01] <donnib> i accidentally disabled the reset pin on a Arduino Nano so i need to get it back to life
[06:06:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> donnib, no, you can not. you need a high voltage parallel programmer for atmega328p with the reset pin disabled.
[06:06:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> look at a fuse doctor.
[06:06:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> or an avr dragon can do it too.
[06:07:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> unless you have jtag turned on for the atmega328p....but not 100% sure on that one as I've never used jtag on them.
[07:04:42] <mux_> any asm experts in here?
[07:15:33] <mux_> nevermind
[07:15:53] <mux_> I love this irc!
[07:23:15] <CoolBear> It's kind of a bad time slot atm, it's early morning in US(people still sleeping or going to work) and in Europe people are probably still at work.
[07:24:46] <CoolBear> And I'm certainly no expert, my asm usage is usually inline nops.
[07:52:00] <jacekowski> mux_: what's your question?
[07:52:20] <jacekowski> Lambda_Aurigae: jtag needs reset as well
[07:52:41] <mux_> jacekowski: I figured it out already, my questino had to do with which instructions could be affected by RAMPn and EIND registers, but I found the culprit already
[07:52:48] <mux_> eijmp was being naughty
[11:20:29] <learath> can anyone translate "firdes check failed: 0 < fa <= sampling_freq / 2"?
[11:21:17] <learath> it's clear that fa isn't right, but I don't know what fa is, and all my vaules (except cutoff frequency) are between 0 and sampling_freq/2
[11:30:54] <learath> ah. hates my cutoffs
[11:57:22] <Tom_itx> learath, is that homework?
[11:59:10] <Tom_itx> http://gnuradio.4.n7.nabble.com/IndexError-gr-firdes-check-failed-0-lt-fa-lt-sampling-freq-2-td40130.html
[11:59:14] <Tom_itx> https://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/186835
[11:59:20] <Tom_itx> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2013-03/msg00205.html
[11:59:30] <Tom_itx> seems to show up on those pages
[11:59:38] <learath> Tom_itx: nope, it's wrong channel! and I figured out my problem
[11:59:52] <learath> I was expecting the band pass filter to read the offset, and it wasn't
[12:00:06] <Tom_itx> we get lots of homework here at the start of school ya know :)
[12:00:10] <learath> so I was asking it to band pass what it saw as 0 as RF_FREQ
[12:00:27] <learath> and it was like "you crazy man! RF_FREQ is 100x the highest frequency I can see."
[12:00:36] <learath> I just needed to remove the offset
[12:33:37] <krizoek> goo da
[12:34:35] <krizoek> good day. its been a few years since i did some electronics. and i just took up a old usb jtag. but when i connect it to my circuit that has 5.4V; and a powersupply thats rated to 0.4A; the circuit seem to go to 0V
[12:35:00] <krizoek> i found a old serial jtag programmer too, and the same seem to happen
[12:35:46] <krizoek> http://www.sm.luth.se/csee/courses/smd/138/avr-p40-usb.pdf i connected it according to this schematics too
[12:36:00] <krizoek> someone here got a idea of what it could be?
[12:36:31] <krizoek> it would be strange if both jtag's made a short circuit after such a time just by being in a box
[12:37:34] <Jartza> hmmh
[12:37:51] <Jartza> can I use attiny85 pwm together with some power savings?
[12:38:44] <Jartza> didn't quite get that from datasheet
[12:38:45] <krizoek> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc1041.pdf im using this one, the pdip model of the at90s8515
[12:39:08] <krizoek> at90s8535 i mean
[12:39:36] <krizoek> it was a old one i had in storage for many years too
[15:54:43] <krizoek> i got now to try a jtag with a old atmega32, and i keep getting invalid id while attempting to connect using a jtag usb; "jtag ice"
[16:23:59] <umquant> Looking for feedback on some SPI slave code. http://pastebin.com/rTnPhyra
[16:24:40] <umquant> The slave will be a digital IO card. Essentially it can either take a WRITE command with an argument of what output to drive.
[16:25:15] <umquant> or a read command which will return a 16 bit integer representing the state of all 16 digital inputs
[20:48:07] <whiskthecat> Does anyone have any experience using the USI as spi slave on an attiny?
[20:51:00] <N1njaneer> I have not.
[20:51:18] <N1njaneer> AVR as SPI-target in general is a bi tricky due to timing requirements.