#avr | Logs for 2014-08-17

[01:22:43] <rue_shop2> anyone have a uart library for the m328?
[03:12:15] <CoolBear> AVR Appnote, Tips and tricks to optimize your C code for 8-bit(pdf): http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8453.pdf
[03:13:07] <The_Coolest> good stuff
[03:18:52] <DKordic`> CoolBear: Only most obvious stuff, not interesting. Unless they have updated it.
[03:34:44] <rue_shop2> all moderatly obvious
[04:59:58] <mux_> abcminiuser: I need to bother you :)
[09:42:42] <Tom_itx> rue_shop2, i think fleury does
[09:52:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> yeah...fleury's libs will work on a 328...or any mega for that matter. might have to mod for those with dual usarts though.
[09:56:29] <rue_bed> I got it, I think, but the timers aren't working
[09:56:38] <rue_bed> 1am wasnt' happening for me
[14:33:40] <Bigpet> If I flash an ATmega with *.hex will it leave the flash memory not described in the file intact?
[14:36:22] <Tom_itx> it will flash only the area taken by the file
[14:40:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> each line in a .hex file describes a short area of memory.
[14:40:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> they don't even need to be in order in the file really.
[14:41:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> however, to program it, you have to erase it first...or at least the block you are trying to program.
[14:42:01] <Bigpet> alright, I was just wondering, didn't have a chip with me right now and couldn't test that on the simulator
[14:43:00] <Bigpet> got a hex file here that initially copies 56 bytes from 0x32CE program memory and that memory wasn't described in the *.hex file itself
[14:43:16] <Bigpet> so I was wondering whether it might rely upon a previously written program
[14:43:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> how does a hex file copy something from program memory?
[14:43:55] <Bigpet> I mean it copies a program to the flash that does the copying
[14:44:31] <Bigpet> it's part of the initialization of the program, as in, clears SREG, initializes Stack pointer and then copies those bytes
[14:44:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> could be relative addressing rather than specific memory locations.
[14:48:02] <Bigpet> nah, this is pretty unambiguous: http://i.imgur.com/k5NtoDE.png
[15:30:51] <Bigpet> Hm, nevermind that adress was part of that *.hex file after all, my tools were just being stupid
[17:35:00] <Fleck> http://im9.eu/picture/img-20140818-011309 << low-side current sense op-amps output, SMPS, ideas how to eliminate this?
[17:42:42] <Kev> i'm going to guess with a filter of some sort
[17:43:33] <Kev> usually an LC filter
[17:44:30] <Fleck> what do you mean - with a filter?
[17:44:35] <Fleck> SMPS output?
[17:45:00] <Fleck> SMPS output is traditional ATX PSU output :D
[17:46:06] <Kev> oh, i thought it was leftover ripple from switching
[17:46:59] <Fleck> I have no clue what's that is Kev! :(
[17:47:18] <Fleck> *what
[18:14:32] <Fleck> Kev: I think it's a switching noise in GND
[18:56:08] <specing> Hmm, programmer stopped being recognised via USB
[18:56:51] <Tom_itx> u broke it
[18:57:26] <specing> Tom_itx: tell me more
[18:57:35] <Tom_itx> windows or linux?
[18:57:47] <Tom_itx> i'd try rebooting
[18:57:50] <specing> linux
[18:58:08] <specing> Nah, I waas soldering stuff on/to/off it
[18:58:09] <Tom_itx> can't help you there
[18:58:19] <Tom_itx> well thar's yer problem
[18:58:42] <specing> I connected DASA to it, found out that its barely alive with a scope
[18:58:54] <specing> then tried plugging it in once more
[18:59:27] <specing> could it be that the ambient noise reprogrammed its FLASH?
[18:59:53] <specing> Is there a "magic" sequence that must be sent to the chip to enable actual flash write (not read)?
[19:00:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[19:00:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> major special sequence.
[19:00:36] <specing> So there is no way it could erase it flash or sth?
[19:01:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> not just from random noise, no...
[19:01:10] <specing> means I should check connections
[19:01:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[19:01:33] <specing> Lambda_Aurigae: I had another programmer connected there, was reading / trying to communicate with it
[19:01:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> bad chip?
[19:01:49] <specing> I have absolutely no idea what is wrong with it
[19:01:53] <specing> Lambda_Aurigae: no, it worked before
[19:02:18] <specing> It was sliding up and down a drawer of mine for the past year
[19:22:37] <specing> yeah, one of the usb data lanes is shorted to ground
[19:25:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, a bad connection.
[19:25:48] <specing> one down, 1000 to go
[19:25:57] <specing> err, "up"
[19:29:25] <specing> This is my hackjob: https://imgur.com/cM9hEdu
[19:29:52] <specing> On the right you may see an USB connector erm ... on its right
[19:42:51] <aandrew> heh, swapped pins? been there, done that
[19:43:15] <aandrew> although I spent a LOT of time ignoring it because I had it in my head that USB could auto-correct polarity inversion
[19:43:33] <aandrew> then finally out of exasperation I was like "fine, fuck it, I'll swap D+/D-" and it started to magically work
[19:47:48] <specing> sadly it can't auto-correct Vcc/.. its all rotated!
[19:58:05] <Tom_itx> woops