#avr | Logs for 2014-07-31

[02:54:33] <NooM> wow my nrf24l01+ does work
[02:58:25] <NooM> https://www.dropbox.com/s/3i6097k0pwqf9z8/Bild171.jpg
[02:58:27] <NooM> yay
[03:20:08] <twnqx> gratuliere
[03:20:31] <NooM> danke :D
[03:20:45] <twnqx> is that an antenova antenna?
[03:20:55] <NooM> wait let me check
[03:21:34] <NooM> http://at.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=2450AT43B100Evirtualkey58450000virtualkey609-2450AT43B100E
[03:21:37] <NooM> its that
[03:22:07] <NooM> my nrf doesent have more range than the chinese ones tho.. well, i use a chinese as sender and mine as reciever right now
[03:22:14] <NooM> later ill build a second one of mine
[03:27:48] <NooM> well, it was just for fun and "cos i can" anyway :D
[03:28:02] <NooM> dont have a sectrum analyzer to make something really good :D
[06:23:32] <krysmin> Hello
[06:25:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> hello krysmin
[06:28:47] <krysmin> I did board with ATtiny13A, motion sensor and buzzer. If motion sensor dont send high signal to attiny, that go sleep. But it take too much mA. Can I do something with it? Sleep mode is power down
[06:29:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> what part takes too much current?
[06:30:22] <krysmin> ATtiny :-)
[06:30:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> how much current is it using?
[06:30:42] <krysmin> 6mA
[06:31:48] <krysmin> I want decrease it as most as possible
[06:31:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> how fast is it running?
[06:32:24] <krysmin> 9,8mhz and prescaler 8
[06:32:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> with the buzzer and sensor disconnected it is drawing that much current?
[06:33:06] <krysmin> 99% time in.this circuit is sleep mode
[06:33:22] <krysmin> Yes, without buzzer and sensor
[06:33:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would need to see your circuit. That chip should not draw near that much power.
[06:34:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> what voltage are you running it at?
[06:34:27] <krysmin> I give 4,8V
[06:34:57] <krysmin> From 4x 1,2 battery
[06:35:40] <krysmin> Buzzer and motion sensor needs 4,5v
[06:35:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> according to the datasheet, that chip should not draw even 1ma at 1MHz at 5.5V
[06:36:32] <krysmin> Oh, so I have to check one more time
[06:37:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> look at page 125 of the datasheet. Shows what it should draw at different speeds and voltages. If it is drawing 6mA at under 2MHz then something else in circuit is sucking power.
[06:37:44] <krysmin> Maybe it take 6uA :-) have to check it
[06:39:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> do you have a pullup resistor on the reset pin?
[06:39:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> 6uA is way below minimum consumption.
[06:39:47] <Jartza> I'm running attiny85 with lcd-display and backlight and that consumes 6.8mA at 3.3V
[06:40:03] <krysmin> I havent
[06:40:07] <Jartza> and most of it is backlight
[06:40:21] <krysmin> But that attiny is on sleep mode
[06:40:35] <twnqx> you really should try a 1W LED as backlight
[06:41:31] <Jartza> quite hard as that lcd doesn't have detachable backlight
[06:41:59] <twnqx> ah :(
[06:42:00] <krysmin> How min resistor can ne as pullup reset resistor?
[06:42:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> krysmin, I suspect there is something in there drawing a lot of current other than the attiny13.
[06:42:03] <Jartza> it's a small display, like 44mm x 28mm and only around 3mm thick with integrated side leds
[06:43:23] <krysmin> I will check it for a moment
[06:44:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> I typically use a 10Kohm resistor on the reset line.
[06:45:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok..off to work.
[06:45:20] <krysmin> Connect it to ground or vcc?
[06:47:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> pull-UP. to VCC.
[06:47:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> pull it to GND and the chip will be held in reset.
[06:47:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> reset pin is active low.
[06:47:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.atmel.com/images/atmel-2521-avr-hardware-design-considerations_application-note_avr042.pdf
[06:51:26] <krysmin> Thanks:-)*
[07:00:06] <bezoka> with pullup resistor it's still ~5mA
[07:02:04] <Jartza> some other problem with the schematics
[07:03:54] <bezoka> my second attiny in this circuit take ~2mA
[07:24:15] <bezoka> it is something with attiny
[07:24:22] <bezoka> maybe I have to change fuse bits
[07:26:41] <bezoka> I havent prescaler 8
[07:29:19] <bezoka> it was it, I though I changed that fuses
[09:57:07] <wondiws> when I use the -e option in avrdude, does it actually erase my flash? The operation takes so little time I start to wonder
[09:57:37] <antto> wondiws i think it depends on the other side
[09:57:40] <antto> and the protocol
[09:58:05] <antto> i have a stk500v2 bootloader, where it doesn't seem to matter whether you put the -e or not
[09:58:23] <antto> each page is erased before data is written to it
[09:59:10] <antto> you could test that btw
[09:59:25] <antto> by doing a flash dump and comparing
[10:01:07] <wondiws> test.bin: 0 bytes, so that is empty I guess
[10:32:17] <Jartza> hmmh, seems the thundertorms are over, maybe I go and install the new adsl
[12:18:06] <Jartza> I can't decide whether to visit assembly or not
[12:18:23] <Jartza> and can't even write to correct irc-channel, it seems :D
[12:18:53] <A124> Jartza: Visit assembly?
[12:19:45] <Jartza> A124: http://www.assembly.org/summer14/
[12:20:31] <A124> Oh crap.. I forgot one camp too, local.
[12:20:51] <A124> Not gaming but .. electronics and stuff.
[12:21:12] <Jartza> well, assembly isn't just about gaming either
[12:21:17] <Jartza> I visit it because of the demoscene
[12:21:22] <Jartza> http://www.assembly.org/asmorg/history
[12:22:39] <Jartza> or "digital culture and lifestyle", like they want to call it nowadays ;)
[12:23:39] <A124> Hm, reevaluationg, seems worth it. The one I am speaking is more undergound type of.
[13:38:38] <Jartza> does anyone know if there's even better (and similarly priced) dc-step-up chips than ncp1402?
[13:38:53] <Jartza> I did find hx3001, but it doesn't seem to be available anywhere
[13:39:01] <Jartza> and I'm not that good in component hunting yet :)
[13:43:58] <Jartza> the ncp1402 requires 47uH inductor, whereas hx3001 requires only 4.7uH
[13:44:06] <Jartza> 4.7uH is quite much smaller
[13:47:28] <myself> Jartza: parametric searchh: http://www.ti.com/lsds/ti/power-management/converter-integrated-switch-products.page
[13:47:37] <myself> just click "boost" as the topology and see what pops up.
[14:13:07] <Jartza> myself: thx, it seems I was looking at wrong category from the beginning :)
[14:14:39] <myself> Keep in mind that datasheets sometimes contain subtle "gotcha" statements that will test your attention to detail!
[14:16:10] <Jartza> that I do know :)
[14:16:24] <Jartza> been working with datasheets & drivers for decades
[14:16:38] <Jartza> but just haven't done hw myself before this year :)
[14:17:00] <myself> awesome, welcome to it!
[14:17:25] <myself> there's also a ##electronics on this net, but the signal-to-noise ratio can be somewhat poor.
[14:17:26] <Jartza> well, not decades, more than 10 years anyway :)
[14:17:43] <Jartza> I find people here more friendly :D
[14:17:52] <myself> hehe
[15:31:32] <nabukadnezar43> hello guys, can you recommend a good tutorial/book for avr c (gcc)?
[15:32:47] <myself> Is the Smileymicros book still considered relevant?
[15:39:45] <nabukadnezar43> myself, will take a look, thanks
[19:00:00] <ambro718> is there any instruction that can jump to an address plus a runtime offset, other than ijmp?
[19:38:12] <rue_bed> runtime offset?
[19:42:17] <rue_bed> like an offset determined by a variable?
[19:42:54] <rue_bed> add the address you want to the value you want, push it onto the stack and do a return
[19:59:00] <Casper> rue_bed: !
[19:59:18] <Casper> do you know of a way to control gui linux application from command line?
[19:59:27] <Casper> on windows you have ahk...
[19:59:33] <rue_bed> no
[20:03:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> Casper, what you wanting to do?
[20:05:12] <Casper> there is an app that I use that I need to change some stuff when I add things in it...
[20:05:22] <Casper> the web interfaces are too basic so I can't do it
[20:05:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, there is xdotool
[20:06:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> and xautomation
[20:06:18] <Casper> can it do OCR or alike?
[20:07:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, there is visgrep.
[20:08:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> where you can find images inside images..so you could take a screenshot and search for buttons and that kinda thing.
[20:09:22] <Casper> that is interresting
[20:09:31] <Casper> like ahk on windows
[20:09:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> and there is a kinda sorta pseudo port of AHK for linux called IronAHK
[20:09:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> lots of ways to do it.
[20:10:03] <Casper> I'll check that later tonight
[20:10:06] <Casper> thanks
[20:10:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> for hacking web interfaces there is always the monkey thing for mozilla.
[20:10:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> greasemonkey.
[20:10:46] <Casper> the web interface is too basic, so is unusable for that
[20:11:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> https://github.com/polyethene/IronAHK
[20:11:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2986286/simulate-mouse-movement-in-ubuntu
[20:11:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://danielj.se/2011/06/29/control-keystrokes-and-mouse-from-the-command-line-with-xautomation/
[20:11:50] <Casper> basically it's vuze, I add torrent, rename/retarget the linux distro that I download, so it have a better name than their generic ones... but when I want to give back to the linux community and reload the torrent... I have to retarget every time... a real pita
[20:12:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://tuxradar.com/content/xdotool-script-your-mouse
[20:13:34] <Casper> the gui interface have the option, the console and telnet interface do not... and the web ones too... currently I have 2 ways left: write a plugin, or use some automation stuff, which will half fail...
[20:20:55] <rue_bed> I was only stating I don know how
[20:20:59] <rue_bed> its totally doable
[20:21:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[20:21:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> lots of different ways.
[20:21:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've used a couple of those to cheat at MMOs
[20:22:20] <Casper> :D
[20:22:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> gold farming scripts rock.
[20:23:09] <learath> no, no they don't.
[20:23:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> I never got the combat scripts to work right.
[20:25:27] <Casper> on windows I use ahk to do automatic updates
[20:25:38] <Casper> but the actual windows theme screw up stuff
[22:27:02] <brabo> evening all
[23:09:54] <N1njaneer> Quite night!
[23:09:59] <N1njaneer> Quiet, rather
[23:11:03] <Thrashbarg> yup
[23:25:59] <twnqx> quiet noon
[23:26:04] <twnqx> not quite night yet :P
[23:28:01] <myself> UGT says it's midday when you're awake. Period. :P
[23:33:31] <Valen> http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/08/01/13/11/grass-fire-flares-in-sydneys-west is happening like 300 meters from me
[23:33:34] <Valen> so not that quiet
[23:34:10] <twnqx> i had horizontal rain this morning :X didn't start all that well
[23:34:19] <Thrashbarg> Valen: yikes
[23:34:58] <Valen> I have 2 customers on an adjoining property, i think they are less happy
[23:35:09] <Thrashbarg> :(
[23:35:40] <twnqx> did anyone here ever port some code from avr-usb to an actual usb mega?
[23:35:51] * twnqx wonders how much effort that woul dbe
[23:35:59] <twnqx> also, i have no idea about the usb protocol :X
[23:55:16] <rue_mohr2> lufa?
[23:59:15] <twnqx> nah
[23:59:26] <twnqx> tiny i2c