#avr | Logs for 2014-07-22

[05:44:20] <djflix> Ohai!. I have a simple question that I cannot find the answer to in the data sheets or the internet in general. I have an Atmel ATMEGA256RFR2 and I wanted to know if it is possible to flash them using UART0 and UART1? Or would only one of them work? Can I use any of them?
[05:45:01] <abcminiuser> Normal AVRs can't be programmed via the UART, unless they have a preloaded bootloader
[05:45:25] <abcminiuser> If it has a bootloader programmed into it chances are it only works on the one UART
[06:01:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> if you install a bootloader capable of communicating through the UART then it can be programmed that way.
[06:01:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh..duh...didn't scroll down far enough...morning abcminiuser
[06:01:40] <abcminiuser> Ahoyhoy
[06:01:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> how's life down under?
[06:31:41] <djflix> Lambda_Aurigae: Thank you very much! That is exactly the information I needed. Have a great day!
[06:32:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> huh, who, wha? I didn' do it!
[06:32:28] <djflix> Yeah, you did, @12:26 :P
[06:32:36] <djflix> no
[06:32:37] <djflix> 12:423
[06:32:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> still not my fault! abcminiuser did it!
[06:33:03] <djflix> hahaha
[06:33:10] <djflix> Thank you both
[06:33:13] <djflix> :)
[06:33:44] <djflix> Apparently the user with the most appearances drew my attention the most
[06:34:12] <abcminiuser> Boo
[06:34:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> there should be a plethora of bootloaders out there...probably not too many specifically for that chip but many that can be ported to it easily.
[06:36:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> what'd I say?
[07:09:31] <Tom_itx> glad i could help!
[07:09:33] <Tom_itx> :D
[07:11:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> help? I thought we were here to hinder.
[07:16:06] <Tom_itx> mostly...
[14:03:51] <wondiws> I notice that sometimes when I don't even power my avr board, I can still program it with my dongle, are there any implications in doing that?
[14:06:28] <Casper> maybe
[14:06:57] <Casper> the power come from the programmer data lines, that flow throught the protection diode and power your board
[14:07:11] <Casper> there is a chance of overloading those diode and frying a pin due to that<
[14:07:23] <Casper> if there is stuff on the board that take too much current
[14:08:17] <wondiws> my two programmer dongles both use itself an AVR MCU. So technically they are just ordinary AVR boards?
[14:17:12] <Casper> yes
[14:17:23] <Casper> but if you add periphericals, it will try to power them too
[14:17:33] <Casper> basically, almost all of the pins on the avr have 2 diodes
[14:17:40] <Casper> one going to VCC and one to GND
[14:17:53] <Casper> the interresting one here is the VCC one
[14:18:14] <Casper> if the voltage on the pin is higher than it's VCC pin, then the diode "redirect" the voltage to the VCC
[14:18:30] <Casper> which then will charge the board diode
[14:18:40] <Casper> so now it have a stable power on VCC
[14:19:42] <Casper> now, imagine if you have something else connected to VCC
[14:20:04] <Casper> the diode, which is good only for some few mA, now have to also power that device
[14:20:20] <Casper> it will overheat and possibly melt
[14:20:23] <Casper> and short
[15:14:58] <wondiws> I want to reprogram one of my programmers: it has some obscure chinese firmware on it that only works with a Win32 chinese GUI :S
[15:15:26] <wondiws> I need to connect MOSI <-> MISO (crosslink) when I connect another programmer to it?
[15:15:35] <wondiws> and do I need to invert RST perhaps?
[15:16:23] <ivanshmakov> wondiws: MOSI/MISO are typically “cross-linked” at the devices themselves.
[15:16:50] <ivanshmakov> wondiws: That is: MOSI is the /output/ for the programmer, but /input/ for the chip.
[15:17:01] <ivanshmakov> (MOSI = Master Output Slave Input.)
[15:18:37] <wondiws> that way I just get timeout
[15:18:53] <wondiws> with (my crosslink ;) ) I get device 0x000000
[15:30:19] <Tom_itx> no surprise there
[15:36:26] <jhn> Do I need any patches when building an avr-ggc with gcc 4.9.1
[16:06:11] <Tom_itx> for windows?
[16:06:21] <Tom_itx> why not get it from atmel?
[16:06:35] <Tom_itx> you can get it separate from studio ya know
[16:12:52] <jhn> Nope, for Mac OS. To be independent of release cycles and other people updating toolchains I prefer to compile from source.
[16:13:34] <Tom_itx> can't help you there then
[16:14:54] <jhn> Yep, thanks anyway. Do eric Weddington or Brian Dean show up here occasionally?
[16:15:13] <Tom_itx> http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/avrlibcreferencemanual/overview_1overview_distros.html
[16:15:30] <Tom_itx> can't associate those names with nicks... no
[16:20:32] <jhn> Well the Distro overview is merely a placeholder, not leading to any distro…
[16:22:18] <jhn> Next question: While avrlibc supports atmega32/64M1, avrdude does not. Any explanation?
[16:30:13] <Tom_itx> add it to the avrdude.conf file
[16:30:27] <Tom_itx> or google for one and add that
[16:44:04] <jhn> Yep, when I get around to fix the compiling probs of avrdude. wanted to know if there is a reason for the missing, possibly license/lawyer issues, buggy parts, EOL, or the factual poor availability…
[16:44:40] <Tom_itx> newness of the part?
[16:45:20] <Tom_itx> atmega32 should be in it
[16:45:30] <Tom_itx> dunno about the 64M1
[16:46:16] <Tom_itx> gawd i hate atmel's site
[16:48:25] <ivanshmakov> Tom_itx: Looks pretty good in Lynx. Or in EWW, either.
[16:48:44] <ivanshmakov> Still better to just https://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=site:atmel.com+WHAT-TO-SEARCH-FOR
[16:49:01] <ivanshmakov> (Add ‘+filetype:pdf’ as necessary.)
[18:00:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> jhn, avr-libc and avrdude are totally separate projects too...just because it's added to avr-libc doesn't mean the avrdude people have added it.
[18:01:03] <jhn> True, still I thought the would have been integrated after 2+ years…
[18:01:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> you have the latest and greatest avrdude.conf?
[18:05:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://lucidarme.me/?p=3301
[18:05:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> info on patching avrdude.conf to include the atmega32m1
[18:05:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/avrdude-dev/2010-02/txtNzYHxIZIvm.txt
[18:06:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> and diff file for the atmega64m1
[18:06:23] <jhn> Thanks! Still struggling with compiling avrdude. Creating patches right now.
[18:06:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> those are just for the avrdude.conf file.
[18:06:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> what distro do you use?
[18:08:00] <jhn> I am on Mac OS and compiling the whole lchain.
[18:08:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> dang..isn't the latest available for the mac?
[18:08:15] <jhn> toolchain that is
[18:10:02] <jhn> I have learned the hard way, that ready made stuff is mostly lacking features, built on too old releases, not maintained etc etc.
[18:11:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've been happy with the prebuilt releases on debian and ubuntu.
[18:11:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> they do everything I need anyhow.
[18:11:51] <jhn> There you go - no Debian and Ubuntu on my table.
[18:12:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> they aren't the latest and greatest but they work for me.
[18:12:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> and I broke my one and only mac.
[18:14:39] <jhn> Hottest tip in town: For getting a real powerhouse shop for a used Early 2009 Mac Pro 4,1.
[18:14:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have an early mac mini intel.
[18:15:29] <jhn> Can be had for under a grand, are sturdy, reliable and expandable. Unlike its latest successor…
[18:15:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> just need to find a core 2 duo processor with PINS!
[18:16:01] <jhn> Mac Minis are an option if you do not need expandability in terms of GPU.
[18:16:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> I have 3 core-2-duo wintel boxes here and the chips are all pinless.
[18:16:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm not a mac fan in general.
[18:16:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> the interface bugs me no end..specially on multiple monitor setups where the menu bar is on one monitor and my window is on another.
[18:17:12] <jhn> Get Mavericks and all is done. This was one of the major improvements.
[18:17:50] <jhn> I gave up Multi Monitor though 53 inches was too much…
[18:18:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> that requires a much more powerful mac than I have at hand.
[18:18:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> and no parallel or serial ports.
[18:19:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> this quad core amd I'm running here I built less than 6 months ago and it has both parallel and serial ports.
[18:19:43] <jhn> I do not see why. Serial is always a FTDI nowadays, and parallel - never did miss that since the last millenium. Of course yourr application dictates what you need.
[18:21:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> my old parallel port programmer,,,first programmer I ever made for AVR many years ago,,,still works on this computer...and works well.
[18:22:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> and I have access to controls on the serial port that you don't usually get with cheap ftdi serial adapters.
[18:22:23] <jhn> That would not hold me back
[18:22:48] <jhn> *is looking at his first S100 system right now…
[18:22:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> and more realtime i/o with the parallel port than with anything usb really..
[18:22:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> wish I had my old s100 machine!
[18:23:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> I still have my first vic-20 though.
[18:23:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> aaand it still works.
[18:24:10] <jhn> Youp, dumped that h19 Termnal years ago.
[18:24:26] <jhn> Still have a Pr1me 300 in the basement…
[18:24:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> I like old gear..specially when it just works.
[18:24:29] <aandrew> I got rid of my C64s in the last move
[18:24:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> thinking of selling all my c64s except the c64c.
[18:25:37] <jhn> I used old gear for a long time as well. Now 10.6 is starting to bite me. Too much software that requires 10.7 or later.
[18:25:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> hehe
[18:25:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> 10.x.....
[18:26:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> last month I had to make a bunch of 9.x machines print to a new xerox copier.
[18:26:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> waaay too much fun modifying a ppd file to make things work right.
[18:26:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> newspapers and their fucking ancient mac software.
[18:27:03] <jhn> Ah. Only if I get paid for. And good payment that must be.
[18:27:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> 20 bucks an hour is what I get paid to do it.
[18:28:36] <jhn> sell you must be a super specialist in order to be able doing that. You have trained on that matter for years without end… 200 sounds better.
[18:28:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> nope.
[18:28:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm a general fix-whats-fucked guy.
[18:29:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> if there's a problem none of the other techs can figure out it gets thrown at me.
[18:29:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's why when I went looking for another job a month ago the boss almost shit himself, called me into his office, and gave me a 4.75 dollar an hour raise.
[18:30:14] <jhn> If no other can do it, tzhis is the most prominent indication that your wages can increase.
[18:30:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> ain't nothin' broked what I cain't fix it given time and motivation.
[18:30:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> and 20 bucks an hour is good motivation for me.
[18:31:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> I am now the highest paid tech in the company and there are guys who have been doing it longer than me by double and more.
[18:32:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> aaand, now I gotta go cook steaks for me and the wifey.
[18:32:45] <jhn> Sounds - tasty. Good point, gonna fetch me a good-nite-beer!
[18:57:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> rare ribeyes, garlic toast, and crinkley cut french fries!
[18:58:19] <aandrew> damn you Lambda_Aurigae
[18:58:22] <aandrew> why you gotta be like that
[18:58:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> thank you.
[18:58:33] <aandrew> now I want steak and fries and beer
[18:58:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've sold my soul 5 times now too.
[18:58:35] <aandrew> at least I have beer
[18:58:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> no beer here.
[18:58:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> alcohol does nasty things to my blood sugar levels.
[20:03:49] <jhn> Lambda_Auriga: Thanks for the links, avrdude compiles now, will inspect those patch files after a good sleep.
[20:15:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> jhn, it's not difficult to add chips to the avrdude.conf
[20:16:22] <jhn> No not at all. But I doubt that these are in proper shape.
[20:16:40] <jhn> I fear too much copy and paste.
[20:17:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> make backups.
[20:17:39] <jhn> youp.