#avr | Logs for 2014-07-15

[01:11:31] <Valen> ey Tom_itx still breathin buddy?
[01:11:54] <Valen> I was wondering if you still have those atmega teensys for sale
[03:41:33] <Tom_itx> Valen, i may have a handfull assembled...
[03:43:16] <Tom_itx> the atmega32U2?
[03:44:01] <Valen> it'd be used in place of an opamp ;->
[03:44:24] <Valen> something with usb + ADC
[03:44:28] <Tom_itx> the U2 doesn't have ADC in case you would need it for that
[03:44:39] <Tom_itx> the U4 does
[03:44:45] <Valen> yeah it does need the ADC
[03:44:56] <Valen> is your website still around? dyndns doesn't seem to think so
[03:45:14] <Tom_itx> i moved it since dyndns dropped me
[03:45:34] <Valen> what is it now?
[03:45:55] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/index.php
[03:45:58] <Tom_itx> or
[03:46:16] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.ddn01.com:81/~webpage/index.php
[03:46:18] <Tom_itx> i think
[03:46:55] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.ddns01.com:81/~webpage/index.php
[03:47:01] <Tom_itx> there
[03:47:05] <Tom_itx> either one
[08:27:16] <tosmo> hi. on atmega2560, is there any interference between timer/counter1 and SPI ? both use PORTB, but different pins. when using OCR1C for 8bit fast PWM (didn't check other modes), the output of MOSI is *sometimes* high between transmitted bytes, while it *always* stays low between bytes when timer/counter1 is disabled. the documentation doesn't mention any effects. no simple code example yet.
[08:38:06] <rue_house> are you running 16Mhz with 115200 baud?
[08:38:56] <rue_house> er spi, hmm
[09:44:58] <nullset> freaking atmel studio 6 broke my jtagicemkiii again
[09:45:08] <nullset> firmware upgrade? more like "please brick my jtag"
[10:10:36] <learath> nullset: another updatE?
[10:10:57] <learath> to be fair, the last big one was a major ugprade
[10:11:17] <nullset> nah, i had to use atmel studio 4 ( yuck ) and it downgraded it
[10:11:20] <nullset> but now it won't upgrade again
[10:31:16] <malinus> nullset, try avrdude ;)
[10:31:44] <nullset> unfortunately avrdude isn't happy with the older firmware :(
[10:31:56] <nullset> so i need to restore it with atmel studio 6 before i can talk to it with avrdude
[10:53:45] <bezoka> hello
[10:54:00] <bezoka> is hard to programming avr if I havent got windows?
[10:59:07] <nullset> bezoka: what do you have?
[11:01:23] <bezoka> linux - debian
[11:01:44] <nullset> install the avrtools package
[11:01:49] <nullset> or whatever debian calls it
[11:01:59] <nullset> use avr-gcc and Makefile, or find some IDE
[11:04:44] <bezoka> for example?
[11:04:55] <bezoka> is can be "Code::Blocks"?
[11:05:36] <nullset> google ?
[11:05:45] <nullset> there are examples everywhere if you look
[11:07:12] <ivanshmakov> bezoka: This whole introduction is being written with Debian in mind. https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/AVR_programming_introduction
[11:07:52] <ivanshmakov> bezoka: In particular, its “Simplistic program” section explicitly mentions this one: # apt-get install -- avr-libc binutils-avr gcc-avr avrdude
[11:09:23] <bezoka> ivanshmakov: thanks :)
[11:10:39] <ivanshmakov> bezoka: Feel free to ask questions on AVR programming on the associated talk pages (as in: https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Talk:AVR_programming_introduction), although I guess I’m the only one monitoring them right now.
[11:14:00] <Tom_itx> bezoka, no it's pretty easy using avrdude
[11:15:02] <bezoka> yea, I will make script to programming with avrdude ;)
[16:34:36] <kosc> Hello, can't work with array in avr asm (tiny2313). There is the code: http://bpaste.net/show/466325/
[16:56:47] <ivanshmakov> kosc: What’s the specific problem?
[16:58:23] <ivanshmakov> kosc: (Curiously, is there some big reason to use assembly?)
[17:01:24] <kosc> ivanshmakov: I'm using assembler just for better understanding conception (started learning avr about 1 week ago)
[17:03:45] <ivanshmakov> kosc: My advice would be: learn C instead to understand the AVR /peripherals/ first.
[17:04:34] <kosc> ivanshmakov: I was planning switch to avr C after learning avr assembler.
[17:05:59] <ivanshmakov> kosc: Some of the introductory materials on AVR I’ve written are at https://ru.wikiversity.org/wiki/Архитектура_AVR_в_примерах. These are C-based, though, but they intended to guide one through a few of the most commonly used on-die peripherals.
[17:39:43] <Tom_itx> well if you learn assembler you won't need c
[17:41:41] <ivanshmakov> Tom_itx: I’ve learned AVR assembler first (primarily because I found no good introduction on how to use C.) Eventually, I’ve moved to C, though.
[17:42:55] <Tom_itx> c is quicker to get the code out
[17:47:26] <ivanshmakov> Tom_itx: Yes. Unless for a really constrained system, that is.
[20:58:29] <clixx_IO> Hello
[21:42:23] <clixx_IO> Good morning Valen
[21:42:32] <Valen> howdy
[21:42:36] <Valen> I'm off bbl ;->
[21:42:47] <clixx_IO> AVR processor boards are off at the hackvana factory
[22:34:03] <hackvana> clixx_IO: I think they'll be done soon
[22:34:30] <clixx_IO> great.
[22:34:45] * twnqx sits in shanghai this time
[22:35:01] <twnqx> not as much fun as shenzhen for electronics hobbyists...
[22:35:33] <clixx_IO> maybe you can ssh to something interesting
[22:35:34] <hackvana> Indeed
[22:35:52] <clixx_IO> I always take a hardware bag now when travelling
[22:36:14] <clixx_IO> if you get the urge to do something, it's nice to have those parts on hand
[22:37:56] <clixx_IO> I just found time to do my lunchtime hardware hacking
[22:38:16] <clixx_IO> sadly, my car solar-panel does not yet have it's Attiny85
[22:38:33] <clixx_IO> and I only just repaired it from catching fire last-time
[22:39:19] <clixx_IO> predicting wear on electrical connectors in the field can sometimes only be done by experience
[22:40:13] <clixx_IO> I had a 'sturdy' setup where two wires are inserted into those 'strong' screwdown connectors
[22:40:50] <clixx_IO> problem is, if it's bumped one wire pulls out and shorts to the other wire
[22:41:00] <Casper> fuses
[22:41:19] <clixx_IO> obviously
[22:41:55] <clixx_IO> but sometimes you don't think what could go wrong first
[22:42:28] <clixx_IO> I turned to 'bip' the alarm, stupid wires were smoking
[22:42:52] <clixx_IO> repaired now, onto version #2
[22:43:04] <clixx_IO> Version #3 will have an AVR
[22:43:12] <Casper> and by version 10 you will realise the importance of fuses
[22:43:18] <Casper> and then use them everywhere
[22:43:48] <Casper> by version 15 you will be pissed off by fuses and remove them because your stuff use more current than what your fuses can handle and keep blowing
[22:44:03] <Casper> at version 20 you will put back the fuses :D
[22:45:36] <clixx_IO> hopefully I will get a newer car by then
[22:46:29] <clixx_IO> I've been thinking about putting the stop-start controller on it like the new japanese cars
[22:47:01] <clixx_IO> that should only take one Attiny85
[22:48:57] <Casper> real car?
[22:49:39] <Casper> beware, those kind of modification may not be road legal, and in case of an accident it can be blamed, and cause issues with your insurer and the laws
[22:50:55] <clixx_IO> next time I will make sure there is no fire
[22:51:19] <twnqx> while other people try to figure out how to circumvent the stupid start-stop-automatic systems :P
[22:51:30] <twnqx> or you put in a smoke alarm!
[22:51:48] <clixx_IO> haha - smoke alarm - that will fix it :-)
[22:52:19] <Casper> but man memtest on 6G ram take forever
[22:52:50] <clixx_IO> serves you right for pimping your AVR. Is that legal?
[22:53:11] <twnqx> lol
[22:53:16] <Casper> ah there... the test is done, and this one is clean! took over an hour
[22:53:39] <twnqx> glue a highend-fpga with ddr3 controller to the extmem interface of your avr :D
[22:54:42] <clixx_IO> I've actually swapped to construction adhesive for doing that
[22:55:00] <clixx_IO> hot glue doesn't work because it melts when you solder the pins
[22:55:37] <twnqx> Casper: i quite often have zero errors in memtest while the ram is not working :(
[22:56:23] <Casper> twnqx: that can happend
[22:56:35] <clixx_IO> I often have Compile Errors: 0
[22:56:57] <Casper> I upgraded the ram in my server, because I had some I salvaged at work
[22:57:16] <Casper> but 1 of the 3 sticks (plus one, just put 2 in the server) was defect
[23:04:24] <clixx_IO> I just did a major server upgrade from linux K2.7 to 3.x
[23:04:59] <clixx_IO> over ten years of operation on the old server
[23:14:49] <clixx_IO> The "new" work server is "Dual-Core" whoot
[23:15:30] <clixx_IO> I think I work in one of Sydney's oldest computing environments
[23:16:47] <Casper> [>....................] resync = 0.8% (24301152/2930265088) finish=595.3min speed=81347K/sec
[23:29:51] <Valen> Casper: have fun with that ;->
[23:30:10] <Casper> yeah
[23:30:31] <Valen> 'd only 20 hours, what you complaining about
[23:30:44] <Valen> you did set the max sync speed? just checking
[23:32:12] <Casper> sure
[23:32:28] <clixx_IO> how much data is there?
[23:32:31] <Casper> but a 7 disks raid6 of 3TB each...
[23:32:56] <clixx_IO> oh you must have NSW Transports Opal Card Commuter trip database
[23:33:14] <clixx_IO> or quite a few movie downloads
[23:34:13] <Valen> nice
[23:40:17] <clixx_IO> at work they just use dBase4
[23:40:23] <clixx_IO> works well enough
[23:40:42] <clixx_IO> we can hack that thing to make it do anything ..
[23:41:39] <clixx_IO> dBase4 now has all of the power of the internet.. we've added so much extra functionality
[23:49:35] <Casper> there we go, backup script basically done