#avr | Logs for 2014-07-05

[03:44:06] <rue_house> hi
[03:44:39] <rue_house> I seem to be having challanges installing avrdude 6.1 which apparently I should have to work with the m328
[03:46:52] <rue_house> not d0
[03:47:00] <rue_house> d4 thru 7
[03:48:00] <rue_house> the v0 is contrast, in new displays ground is full contrast, in older displays it has to go down to about -3V
[04:59:12] <Jartza> I like those SPI-displays more, no need for that many wires
[04:59:21] <Jartza> although I still need to try i2c display
[05:45:23] <malinus> Jartza, yeah spi/i2c displays are very nice compared to that 4/8bit interface
[06:29:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> I just put a pcf8574 on an lcd and have an i2c display...have to modify fleury's lcd lib to work with it but no biggie.
[06:43:46] <twnqx> are there any 8bit avrs with ethernet?
[06:45:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> don't think so.
[06:45:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> add an enc28j60 and a couple extra bits and you have ethernet.
[06:46:33] <twnqx> yeah, probably not worth it
[06:46:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> might be an xmega with ethernet but not atmega or attiny.
[06:46:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> I like the enc28j60..nice little chip..spi interfaced.
[06:47:12] <twnqx> yeah... i was looking at that one
[06:47:23] <twnqx> just considering options
[06:47:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> it seems to be the simplest option for me...and cheap enough.
[06:48:00] <twnqx> this project gets stranger with every consideration iteration :X
[06:48:16] <twnqx> at least i am close to finishing the power supply stage...
[06:48:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> and I use the tuxgraphics tcp/ip stack.
[06:50:07] <Kev> those wiz modules have the stack built in
[06:50:23] <twnqx> i don't care about that part :P
[06:50:48] <twnqx> the driver will be on linux anyway
[06:51:16] <Kev> but they're a little bit more expensive and can almost only find then as arduinos shields on ebay
[06:51:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> gotta have a tcp/ip stack on the avr if you use the enc28j60
[06:51:31] <twnqx> nah
[06:51:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are some modules that have a full stack on them..I have a couple.
[06:51:37] <twnqx> tcp/ip will be on linux.
[06:51:44] <twnqx> you have no idea what i want to do :P
[06:51:58] <Kev> whatever
[06:52:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> are you going to communicate with the avr over ethernet?
[06:52:28] <twnqx> no
[06:52:57] <twnqx> it will just pass the ethernet frames through
[06:53:06] <Kev> i received a free wiz550io and it's awesome
[06:54:20] <Kev> twnqx, pretty sure it won't be fast enough to work at 100mbps or more
[09:22:34] <Casper> kev: it will if he use specialised hardware :D
[09:22:58] <Casper> some old cisco run on a 10MHz risc cpu and route 100Mbit
[09:32:02] <twnqx> that uses DMA thoug
[09:32:16] <twnqx> and that's totally not the point if my interface is 500kbit/s
[12:43:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> for the americans herebouts...happy hangover day!
[12:44:05] <Tom_itx> are we all drunks?
[12:44:48] <Tom_itx> i spent the evening setting up 3 laptops
[12:55:38] <malinus> Looking at this mosfet: http://datasheet.octopart.com/FDN306P-Fairchild-datasheet-62198.pdf . Would this be suitable for switching a load running at 5V with an avr? both load and gate would be 5V. The negative values confuse me.
[12:56:11] <malinus> I guess the negative values are because it's a P channel, what a bummer
[12:58:55] <Tom_itx> 568-2353-1-ND
[12:59:02] <Tom_itx> 497-4327-1-ND
[12:59:11] <Tom_itx> FDN337NCT-ND
[12:59:18] <Tom_itx> maybe one of those would work
[12:59:32] <malinus> thing is I want something from tayda. http://www.taydaelectronics.com/t-transistors/fets-mosfets.html?dir=asc&order=price
[12:59:39] <learath> is there a reason the PNP won't work?
[12:59:52] <Tom_itx> generally high gate voltage
[12:59:54] <learath> it just means you have to switch on the other side right?
[12:59:55] <learath> ah
[12:59:55] <learath> ok
[13:00:19] <malinus> learath, it was a mistake. I would rather use a pnp. It's just hard to find one that can give you 1A @5V gate and source
[13:01:10] <learath> ahh I misunderstood
[13:03:24] <malinus> the avr datasheets don't require you to actually understand anything. MOSFET datasheets do :D
[13:10:15] <malinus> it's like SOIC-8 is the only package with logic mosfets
[13:28:38] <twnqx> uh
[13:28:53] <twnqx> mosfets have just a small amount of things you need to consider
[13:31:05] <twnqx> type (n/p channel, enhancement/depletion), breakdown voltage, rds(on) to consider the loss, gate threshold, and the existence of a body diode.
[13:34:47] <malinus> twnqx, there is more than that. Just because the treshold is, let's say 4V, that doesn't mean I can use it with 5V (maybe only up to a few mA). So actually you also need to look at the source-drain current vs gate voltage graph. The list seems to continue ;)
[13:35:56] <twnqx> uh, there is normally no gate current flowing...
[13:37:47] <malinus> I didn't say so, I've said source-drain
[13:37:59] <malinus> (or rather, drain-source)
[13:38:07] <malinus> (I guess)
[13:38:30] <malinus> twnqx, most mosfets won't conduct at all close to their gate threshold
[13:38:55] <malinus> I've learned all this today, so feel free to correct me :D
[13:39:26] <twnqx> hence you want to look at the special "logic level mosfet" type
[13:40:40] <malinus> yeah, but the packages for those on tayda.com suck :/
[13:41:55] <twnqx> on what?
[13:42:08] <twnqx> it's mostly sot-23, which is neat
[13:42:15] <malinus> http://www.taydaelectronics.com
[13:42:37] <malinus> twnqx, that's not neat at all :(
[13:42:59] <twnqx> i consider that VERY neat, given how large it is
[13:43:13] <malinus> large, maybe for ants
[13:44:21] <twnqx> obviously you don't use small components :P
[13:47:24] <malinus> twnqx, DIP ;
[13:47:26] <malinus> ;)
[13:48:04] <twnqx> uh, haven't used that in ages :X
[13:48:56] <malinus> twnqx, how do you even prototype? dead bug everything? or etch boards for every new chip you play with?
[13:49:18] <twnqx> order them for 10$ from seeed etc
[13:49:28] <malinus> order what?
[13:49:31] <twnqx> PCBs
[13:49:51] <malinus> custom PCB for $10 with shipping?
[13:50:40] <twnqx> 10$ + shipping in 5cm x 5cm
[13:55:07] <twnqx> 5$ shipping to europe
[14:03:58] <malinus> twnqx, link pls
[14:04:35] <twnqx> http://www.seeedstudio.com/service/index.php?r=site/pcbService or google itead
[14:27:30] <malinus> twnqx, have you tried hackavana?
[14:38:25] <twnqx> not yet, haven't done projects recently. i am in the planning phase for the next
[16:22:27] <Darkwell> n intressant frågeställning som tas upp där om än ganska enkelt är om en persons jag kan bevaras om den transformeras in till artificiell hårdvara ist att finnas kvar i jhärnan
[16:24:46] <Darkwell> sorry wront tab..
[16:24:51] <Darkwell> wong