#avr | Logs for 2014-06-14

[05:57:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> Klapo, you can connect an HDMI monitor to a VGA
[05:57:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> grr
[05:58:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> Klapo, you can connect an HDMI monitor to an AVR if you really wanted to.
[05:58:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's not always easy or good quality output, but is doable.
[05:59:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> driving the LCD from a smartphone is going to be a non-trivial task, both the hardware and software sides.
[05:59:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> that particular one you mentioned is not a smart display and will need a video driver which is usually included in the processor on phones.
[07:26:26] <Klapo> Lambda_Aurigae: oh... hmm, so I have to find documentation
[07:26:48] <Klapo> and I should extract display lib from kernel on smartphone
[09:27:28] <Jartza> hmmh
[09:27:32] <Jartza> I already love the oscope
[09:27:41] <Jartza> got my "modem" working with 12kbps
[09:41:35] <Jartza> 4000-12000bps average, depending on the samplerate
[09:47:12] <Jartza> and the modem code on attiny85 is
[09:47:12] <Jartza> Program: 264 bytes (3.2% Full)
[09:47:24] <Jartza> including ring buffer code
[10:28:30] <Encrypt> Hi everybody o/
[10:28:36] <Encrypt> I'm a beginner in avr programming
[10:28:52] <Encrypt> I'll use an ATtiny 861 for a project
[10:29:13] <Encrypt> In order to save the "mode" chosen by the user, depending on jumpers connected or not to digital inputs...
[10:29:17] <Encrypt> I coded this:
[10:29:24] <Encrypt> mode &= (((PINB & (1<<PB0)) << 0) | ((PINB & (1<<PB1)) << 1) | ((PINB & (1<<PB2)) << 2))
[10:29:29] <Encrypt> Apparently, that is wrong
[10:29:56] <Encrypt> (That's what somebody told me on ##electronics)
[10:31:02] <Encrypt> However, it looks good to me
[10:31:24] <Encrypt> PINB & (1<<PBx) gets the value of the pin
[10:31:31] <Encrypt> Which is then shifted x times
[10:32:11] <Encrypt> The ORs create the current state
[10:32:26] <Encrypt> And the AND correctly changes the mode value consequently
[10:48:49] <Jartza> so what is wrong with that?
[10:49:01] <Encrypt> Jartza, That's correct for you?
[10:49:12] <Jartza> depends what you want to outcome to be? :)
[10:49:14] <Encrypt> _abc_ told me:
[10:49:16] <Encrypt> <_abc_> Encrypt: wrong, skip the << 0 << 1 etc parts
[10:49:23] <Encrypt> <_abc_> Because they are already shifted
[10:49:43] <Encrypt> Jartza, Imagine PB0 & PB2 are high
[10:49:54] <Encrypt> I'd like to have mode = 0b00000101
[10:50:16] <Encrypt> That would be correct the way I implemented the solution?
[10:51:15] <Jartza> hmm
[10:51:40] <Jartza> well, depends what PB0, PB1 and PB2 are defined to
[10:52:06] <Jartza> but for example, if PB2 would be for example "6" (not sure if it is on any avr, but let's pretend it is)
[10:52:15] <Encrypt> Well
[10:52:21] <Encrypt> PBx will be 1 or 0
[10:52:29] <Encrypt> Because it's a logic I/O
[10:52:36] <Jartza> no it's not
[10:53:09] <Jartza> PBx tells the "location" of that pin's bit in PORT for example
[10:53:15] <Encrypt> Oh yes
[10:53:15] <Jartza> PBx can be 0-7
[10:53:23] <Encrypt> I mean the aprticular value of the pin
[10:53:48] <Encrypt> That is to say; PINB & (1<<PB0))
[10:53:50] <Encrypt> :
[10:53:50] <Jartza> but let's pretend PB2 is 6
[10:53:52] <Encrypt> Argh
[10:53:56] <Encrypt> Ok
[10:54:26] <Jartza> PINB & (1<<PB2) would be "64" if the pin was high, "0" if pin was low
[10:54:43] <Jartza> shiftin 64 << 2 whould be 0
[10:54:54] <Jartza> if using 8bit variable
[10:54:58] <Encrypt> Oh yes!
[10:55:00] <Encrypt> I see!
[10:55:00] <Jartza> and 256 if using something longer
[10:55:29] <Jartza> lose the last shift
[10:56:15] <Encrypt> Jartza, Bu then...
[10:56:42] <Encrypt> On AVR forums, I understood that to execute something depending on the value of a pin
[10:56:44] <Jartza> mode &= (((PINB & (1<<PB0)) ? 1 << 0 ? 0) | ((PINB & (1<<PB1)) ? 1 << 1 : 0) | ((PINB & (1<<PB2)) ? 1 << 2 : 0))
[10:56:47] <Jartza> :)
[10:56:52] <Encrypt> They used something like that:
[10:56:52] <Jartza> maybe something like that
[10:57:04] <Encrypt> if (changedbitsa & (1<<PA3))
[10:57:31] <Jartza> or just lose the shift part totally
[10:57:47] <rue_more> Jartza, Please make use of macros
[10:57:48] <rue_more> !
[10:57:54] <rue_more> can I show you how?
[10:58:15] <Jartza> mode &= (PINB & (1<<PB0) | (PINB & (1<<PB1)) | (PINB & (1<<PB2))
[10:58:25] <Encrypt> I looks simpler
[10:58:30] <Encrypt> And easier to understand...
[10:58:32] <Jartza> then you could check if (mode / (1<<PB1)) { something }
[10:58:32] <Encrypt> :]
[10:58:38] <rue_more> Jartza, wait, that code wont work...
[10:58:52] <rue_more> no
[10:58:55] <rue_more> no thats broken
[10:59:04] <Encrypt> Because of priorities?
[10:59:11] <rue_more> if you mask a bit, its not gonna be one or zero
[10:59:17] <rue_more> its gonna be zero or soemthing else
[10:59:18] <Jartza> yeah, / was a typo
[10:59:21] <Jartza> would be &
[10:59:24] <rue_more> this is why you should use macros
[10:59:31] <rue_more> 1 sec
[11:00:01] <rue_more> #define SetBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT |= (1<<BIT))
[11:00:02] <rue_more> #define ClearBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT &= ~(1<<BIT))
[11:00:02] <rue_more> #define IsHigh(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) != 0
[11:00:02] <rue_more> #define IsLow(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) == 0
[11:00:02] <rue_more> #define NOP() asm volatile ("nop"::)
[11:00:28] <rue_more> so, if I get what your trying to do,
[11:00:49] <Encrypt> That would be:
[11:00:58] <rue_more> and you have trypos in it...
[11:01:10] <Jartza> mode = (PINB & (1<<PB0)) | (PINB & (1<<PB1)) | (PINB & (1<<PB2));
[11:01:17] <Encrypt> mode &= (((PINB & (1<<PB0)) != 0 << 0) | ((PINB & (1<<PB1)) != 0 << 1) | ((PINB & (1<<PB2)) != 0 << 2))
[11:01:27] <Jartza> if (mode & (1<<PB1)) { something }
[11:01:30] <Jartza> that would work just fine
[11:01:37] <rue_more> Jartza, no, use macros to make your code READABLE
[11:01:45] <rue_more> in 2 months your not gonna be able to read that
[11:02:00] <Encrypt> Apparently, macros are not a good solution
[11:02:15] <Jartza> rue_more: actually I hate that kind of macros
[11:02:18] <Encrypt> That's what I read in an article
[11:02:18] <Jartza> that's totally readable
[11:02:46] <Jartza> I think everyone who's doing embedded, should learn those bitshifts and know them "by hearth"
[11:02:50] <Jartza> -h
[11:02:54] <kastein> jesus christ
[11:03:04] <rue_more> mode = IsHigh(0, PINB) | IsHigh(1, PINB) | IsHigh(2, PINB)
[11:03:23] <kastein> as a professional embedded systems programmer and assembly/c programmer... you are all making my head hurt
[11:03:25] <rue_more> Jartza, accept you would have just gone in circles for like 5 hours fixing bugs because you didn't do it right
[11:03:28] <kastein> use macros, dammit
[11:03:36] <rue_more> because you didn't want ot use a macro that was already doing it right
[11:04:01] <Encrypt> But then, if I understand what you mean...
[11:04:12] <rue_more> and there is another ambiguty in your code
[11:04:14] <Encrypt> The code (after the update section) here is completely wrong?
[11:04:16] <Encrypt> https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/50380/determining-which-pin-triggered-a-pcintn-interrupt
[11:04:23] <rue_more> I assume your not trying to build 3 bits
[11:04:31] <rue_more> your or'ing all 3 bits
[11:05:39] <Encrypt> How can "if(changedbits & (1 << PB0))" be true or false?
[11:05:48] <rue_more> if (bla & foo) {
[11:05:51] <Encrypt> Considerng that there is an 8-bits number in it?
[11:06:01] <rue_more> this line of code will automatically be !=0
[11:06:06] <Jartza> Encrypt: if it's 0, it's "false", something else, "true"
[11:06:08] <rue_more> its the same as saying
[11:06:11] <Encrypt> OK!
[11:06:18] <Encrypt> I didn't know that! :D
[11:06:18] <rue_more> if ((bla & foo) != 0) {
[11:06:21] <Encrypt> Fun...
[11:06:32] <Encrypt> Considering that something else than zero is one...
[11:06:58] <Encrypt> Interesting... :)
[11:08:20] <rue_more> Bender: Whoa, what an awful dream. Ones and zeros everywhere. And I thought I saw a two.
[11:08:20] <rue_more> Fry: It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two.
[11:09:38] <Encrypt> rue_more, Then how would I build these three bits?
[11:09:50] <Encrypt> With the state of the inputs?
[11:09:51] <rue_more> you dont, you build 11 bits
[11:10:05] <rue_more> do you want to build it as 3 bits?
[11:10:16] <Encrypt> I'd like to have PB0 state on the fisrt bit, PB1 on the second bit and PB2 on the third bit
[11:10:24] <Encrypt> rue_more, Yes, I'd like :)
[11:10:36] <Encrypt> The aim is to get the "mode" set on the device
[11:10:42] <rue_more> mode = PINB & 0b00000111;
[11:10:48] <Encrypt> Oh yes...
[11:10:54] <Encrypt> Simply that (-.-)
[11:10:57] <Encrypt> I'm stupid :p
[11:11:09] <rue_more> I just optimized your ass
[11:11:12] <rue_more> :)
[11:11:15] <Encrypt> :D
[11:11:37] <rue_more> want the include file to make b00000111 work?
[11:11:48] <Encrypt> Nope :D
[11:12:07] <rue_more> too bad, seeing it in binary lets you immediatly see whats going on
[11:12:14] <kastein> premature optimization is the root of all evils. write clear, concise code, optimize it if it isnt fast enough.
[11:12:30] <rue_more> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/avr/binary.h
[11:12:51] <kastein> uh
[11:12:59] <Encrypt> rue_more, I also solved equations strangely when I was in high scool
[11:13:04] <kastein> rue_more: i hope you arent a pro
[11:13:07] <kastein> because...
[11:13:08] <rue_more> kastein is promoting a new line of 4Ghz processors that run java directly
[11:13:09] <Encrypt> I got something like "x > -x"
[11:13:11] <kastein> jesus fucking christ
[11:13:17] <kastein> just put a leading 0
[11:13:24] <kastein> 0b00000111
[11:13:26] <Encrypt> I made 3 cases considering x < 0, x = 0 and x > 0
[11:13:30] <kastein> it is part of the c standard
[11:13:35] <rue_more> no its not
[11:13:44] <rue_more> but it should be
[11:14:10] <rue_more> go to #c and they will tell you your an ass for trying to use binary, that nobody uses it anymore and to go get a life
[11:14:23] <Encrypt> I'm used to write 0b... / 0x... however
[11:14:25] <rue_more> but, they say that about everything
[11:15:10] <kastein> oh? http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Binary-constants.html
[11:15:21] <kastein> it may not be standard but it works in every compiler
[11:15:31] <rue_more> did they fianlly add it!?
[11:15:49] <kastein> rue i hate to say it, but you know just enough to be dangerous and that header file you linked is an embarrassment
[11:15:50] <rue_more> sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[11:15:50] <rue_more> t
[11:16:25] <rue_more> 5 years ago 0bxxxxxxxx didn't work
[11:16:29] <rue_more> in gcc
[11:16:43] <rue_more> I was pissed
[11:16:51] <kastein> uh
[11:16:51] <rue_more> cause 15 years ago it worked in dos
[11:16:56] <kastein> sorry, but guess what
[11:17:04] <kastein> that page has existed since october 07
[11:17:22] <rue_more> oo maybe time slipped
[11:17:24] <kastein> you just think you know more about programming than you do, or use ancient compilers
[11:17:28] <rue_more> in 2000 it didn't work
[11:17:36] <rue_more> I'm ancient :)
[11:17:49] <kastein> im not arguing that because it is a silly academic argument and you just want to save face
[11:18:32] <rue_more> I'm really happy that I can just use binary properly now
[11:19:20] <rue_more> YES! avr-gcc works with it now too
[11:19:34] <rue_more> thanks, this is COOL
[11:20:12] <kastein> also shut the fuck up about java, it sucks ass and you are the one who should probably be using it
[11:20:26] <rue_more> I hate java....
[11:21:10] <rue_more> but if you WANT sucks, I made a BF interpreter for the mega32
[11:21:20] <rue_more> you put the raw BF code in flash
[11:22:05] <kastein> i designed a bf microprocessor using 74ls series logic with a 27cxxx eprom for microcode storage in high school, you need to up your game
[11:22:12] <rue_more> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/prog/avrbf/main.html
[11:22:22] <kastein> supporting nested loops was the hard part
[11:22:32] <rue_more> yea, searching those braces
[11:22:57] <rue_more> the only trick with uploading the BF if that I require a 0x00 at start and end of the file
[11:23:10] <rue_more> for the search to bump into
[11:23:30] <rue_more> ouch, I hardcoded the domain int he link
[11:23:43] <rue_more> (had to change dns name)
[11:23:49] <kastein> lets go back to why you shouldnt be giving programming advise. nor accusing people who know c better than you of being java fans.
[11:24:03] <rue_more> :P
[11:24:38] <rue_more> the idiots are running the place!
[11:24:47] <kastein> i am entirely unsurprised
[11:25:04] rue_more changed topic of #avr to: Start here: http://www.avrbeginners.net http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/index.php http://www.avrfreaks.net ENCOURAGE PEOPLE OR WE WILL SQUASH YOU, REALLY!.
[11:25:35] <kastein> encourage people with CORRECT ADVISE and i have no problem with that.
[11:25:38] <kastein> ;)
[11:25:42] <rue_more> pff
[11:25:49] <rue_more> so you write firmware for a living?
[11:26:04] <Jartza> oh well
[11:26:09] <Jartza> happy with my modem now
[11:26:26] <rue_more> eek I gotaa have breakfast, brb
[11:26:54] <kastein> i do everything from designing the hardware, PCB, assembling the prototype, building the wiring harness, writing the firmware and debugging the whole thing
[11:26:58] <Jartza> https://www.dropbox.com/s/fvh21qwxtx89zj7/VID_20140614_171041.mp4
[11:27:24] <kastein> in a previous life i was a post silicon validation engineer with intel for 3 years
[11:27:25] <Jartza> my android-phone feeds audio, attiny85 parses that and feeds to serial
[11:28:01] <rue_more> kastein, yea, I do that for hobby
[11:28:28] <kastein> but got tired of finding the same problems in other peoples designs time and time again, so i decided to go back to my original dream and become an embedded systems engineer so i could make some mistakes myself for a change
[11:28:34] <kastein> so far so good!
[11:28:48] <Jartza> my sd camera doesn't quite follow the scrolling anymore
[11:29:07] <rue_more> I'm all excited beause gcc now supports binary... hahaha
[11:29:29] <kastein> since 07 or earlier :P
[11:29:54] <kastein> on that note, ive got a shower to take and a foundation to repair and a truck bumper to weld for a friend, so bbl
[11:30:01] <hetii> HI :)
[11:30:07] <Encrypt> o/ hetii
[11:30:23] <Jartza> I have a house to build but I'm too "busy" playing with my oscope that I just got :)
[11:30:23] <hetii> :)
[11:32:38] <rue_more> hell with the house, tell us about the scope!
[11:32:45] <hetii> Q: I use system where have set timmer in 100hz, then I use other register to set duty cycles to control my LED by PWM signal. It almost work but the diodte itself is not linear so what can I do to control it to get better dimming animation ?
[11:33:49] <hetii> BTW its 16 bit timmer.
[11:36:02] <rue_more> wow, my binary.h goes back so far I cant even find the program I wrote to create it
[11:37:01] <rue_more> it was already well in use 2007
[11:37:48] <rue_more> I'm getting the impression that the genorator was written in BASIC...
[11:39:51] <rue_more> huh, I rebuilt the file in 2009
[11:40:08] <rue_more> added the non-8bit entreis
[11:42:28] <rue_more> the cats just came in the back door and went out the front door, I think they are trying to find the outside where its not raining
[11:43:13] <Encrypt> :D
[11:43:28] <Encrypt> Nobody can understand cat logic
[11:43:32] <rue_more> hetii, 100hz?
[11:43:51] <rue_more> hetii, why do you not use the built in pwm genorator?
[11:43:57] <hetii> -I use
[11:43:59] <rue_more> or are you
[11:44:03] <rue_more> ok
[11:44:22] <rue_more> hetii, do you want to use all 16 bits ?
[11:45:03] <rue_more> you can adjust it to anything with a lookup table
[11:45:08] <rue_more> but not for 16 bits...
[11:45:31] <hetii> well in fact for me the more important think is a animation effect and not how its made
[11:45:46] <rue_more> or use a quadratic, I think an avr could solve one at 100hz
[11:45:51] <hetii> I have two 16bit timer and two 32bits
[11:46:55] <hetii> rue_more: any example with the time.
[11:48:04] <rue_more> I need a map of values in and desired pwm values
[11:48:09] <rue_more> then make equation
[11:48:17] <rue_more> then made codee solve equation
[11:48:20] <rue_more> there are other ways
[11:52:08] <hetii> Well my prescale is set to 1us, then I reset timer on every 10000 so its 10ms = 100Hz, so the values for duty cycles can be from 0 till 10000
[11:55:53] <hetii> I suppose around 300 steps will be fine for me
[12:30:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> Klapo, and you will need something like an LVDS driver.
[12:30:31] <Lambda_Aurigae> Klapo, and likely a video processor capable of generating continuous signal for the display.
[12:31:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> Klapo, it's not like the cheap small video displays for the nokia that have their own control chip onboard.
[12:31:55] <Klapo> sounds difficult
[12:32:09] <Klapo> can't even find documentation for it...
[12:32:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> you probably won't.
[12:32:45] <Klapo> how do I know which ports use
[12:33:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> not sure what you are asking.
[12:33:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> the AVR doesn't have any kind of video port and the interface for that display is likely LVDS which is not directly compatible with anything the AVR has. You will need some interface logic, like an LVDS driver chip.
[12:35:26] <Klapo> hmm, well I was just wondering if it's hard to write some hello world on lcd like that
[12:36:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes
[12:36:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> it is hard.
[12:36:11] <Klapo> but... no doc, no info about it on google, can'e even find source code + a few days ago I just finished my 1st project on AVR
[12:36:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> unless you use a magic marker
[12:36:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> you won't find source code for something like that display.
[12:36:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> look for the nokia color display, maybe you can find something for that.
[12:36:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> but those other displays are going to be an advanced project to make work.
[12:37:08] <hetii> rue_more: I calculate duty cycles in such way: s = (PWM_val*PWM_val+254)/255; and its look very nice :)
[12:37:20] <Klapo> well, right now I'm using hd44780 display, so it's easy
[12:38:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> difference between the hd44780 and a TFT LCD interface is like the difference between driving a bicycle and a helicopter.
[12:38:47] <Klapo> : )
[12:38:54] <Klapo> thanks for explaining it to me
[12:38:58] * Klapo afk
[12:39:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Use-a-Nokia-Color-LCD/
[12:39:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> there's one that is doable.
[12:39:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's much smaller than the one you are looking at...and has a useable interface.
[12:40:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://thomaspfeifer.net/nokia_6100_display_en.htm
[12:40:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> those nokia displays have a controller onboard that handles all the video ram and everything.
[12:41:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> and they are an SPI interface as I recall.
[12:41:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> or maybe i2c...
[13:55:16] <Jartza> d'oh
[13:55:25] <Jartza> 12kbps transfer to attiny85 with audio
[14:08:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> nice
[14:09:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> considering the processor in a 28.8Kb/s modem was considerably slower than an attiny85 runs, you are getting there.
[14:09:57] <Jartza> yeah, I'm actually amazed myself
[14:10:07] <Jartza> and the processor still has plenty of time to do other stuff :)
[14:10:41] <Jartza> but with this simple version I did, I'm kind of approaching the limits
[14:11:35] <Jartza> of course the "real" modems do all kind of other magic stuff, this is a "kiss"-modem
[14:11:43] <Jartza> almost the simplest one can have
[14:11:47] <TheArtist> hi guys! I am trying to make an usbtinyisp programmer and i need some help... When i flash the vusbtiny.hex is says that there was a verification error. What could possibly cause that?
[14:12:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> bad flash, the hex too big to fit, programmer not hooked up right..
[14:12:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> problem with the programmer, problem with the chip, wrong clock source,
[14:13:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> TheArtist, it could be a number of issues.
[14:13:06] <TheArtist> Note that when i execute sudo avrdude -c dapa -p t85 -P /dev/parport0
[14:13:16] <TheArtist> it says evything is fine
[14:13:21] <TheArtist> 9/10 of times
[14:13:31] <TheArtist> the 1/10 says it could not read lfuse
[14:13:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> still could be any of the things I listed.
[14:14:31] <TheArtist> ok i'll try to elliminate them one by one and i'll tell you
[14:17:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> what programmer are you using?
[14:17:36] <TheArtist> a dapa cable
[14:17:55] <TheArtist> it is working fine with other chips
[14:59:46] <rue_more> using avrdude?
[15:00:08] <rue_more> oh, your using a non-buffered programmer aren't you
[15:00:13] <rue_more> those dont work, use a buffered one
[15:00:46] <rue_more> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/avr/programmer/avrprog.pdf
[15:00:51] <rue_more> just dont use that 6 pin pinout
[15:01:10] <myself> I've done an awful lot with a dapa cable, works great :) I could probably recommend a capacitor on the power supply pins..
[15:01:42] <TheArtist> it is working fine with other chips
[15:02:11] <rue_more> use a buffereed programmer, it'll work properly
[15:02:18] <rue_more> 10/10 times
[15:02:25] <TheArtist> ok
[15:02:27] <TheArtist> i did it
[15:02:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> and keep cables as short as possible.
[15:02:36] <TheArtist> i programmed it fine
[15:02:42] <TheArtist> and verification fine
[15:02:46] <rue_more> yes, I dont reccomend cables longer than about 6"
[15:02:49] <TheArtist> i managed to set the fusses
[15:03:15] <rue_more> of course, with a buffered programmer, the cable between the programmer and the parallel port can be as long as you want
[15:03:24] <TheArtist> but now usbtiny is not recognised.... and i dont know how to reset the fuses
[15:03:24] <rue_more> I think mine is on a 50 foot cord
[15:03:24] <myself> within reason :P
[15:03:41] <myself> resetting the fuses needs hvsp/hvpp depending on the chip
[15:03:54] <rue_more> which works good, casue it gets tangled around the shop 4 times and still has enough length to reach the project *most* of the time
[15:03:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> or might need external crystal, depending on how it was set.
[15:04:13] <TheArtist> i set it only with the dapa cable
[15:04:24] <TheArtist> ok any easy way to reset them
[15:04:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> I mean the bits in the fuses.
[15:04:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> it all depends on what you set the fuses to.
[15:04:47] <rue_more> I have to admit, since I put the ponyprog firmware on the m32u4 devboard I made, I'v not used my parallel programmer much
[15:05:02] <rue_more> er
[15:05:10] <rue_more> not ponyprog..
[15:05:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've been using the programmer I got from Tom_itx lately.
[15:05:34] <rue_more> yea, his are good
[15:05:46] <TheArtist> i set the reset pin to something else
[15:05:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> but for the current problem, what did you set the fuses to TheArtist ?
[15:05:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> OOPS
[15:06:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> then you will need a high voltage serial programmer to reset it.
[15:06:07] <TheArtist> it was needed to make the usbtiny work
[15:06:11] <rue_more> you dint' know to not reprogram the reset line
[15:06:14] <TheArtist> ok how do i make one
[15:06:17] <rue_more> heh, that just cost you $5
[15:06:46] <TheArtist> can i make a diy high voltage programmer?
[15:06:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.simpleavr.com/avr/hvsp-fuse-resetter
[15:06:47] <rue_more> next chip...
[15:07:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> TheArtist, give me 30 seconds to find it..sheesh.
[15:07:13] <rue_more> ooo
[15:07:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://jimlaurwilliams.org/wordpress/?p=2668
[15:07:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.instructables.com/id/AVR-Attiny-fusebit-doctor-HVSP/
[15:07:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> how many more do you want?
[15:08:23] <rue_more> ... the transistor is wrong?
[15:08:29] <Lambda_Aurigae> an avrdragon can do it too.
[15:08:30] <TheArtist> i like the first one
[15:08:42] <rue_more> the CE are backwards, I think
[15:08:42] <TheArtist> but it does not say what are the variables
[15:08:44] <rue_more> yea
[15:08:47] <TheArtist> of the resistances
[15:08:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> rue_more, I haven't built any, just remember reading about them
[15:09:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've yet to brick a tiny.
[15:09:28] <TheArtist> Ok i have all the parts
[15:09:34] <TheArtist> i'll go make one :P
[15:09:41] <TheArtist> REALLY thanks for your help
[15:09:47] <TheArtist> you are the best ones guys]
[15:10:05] <TheArtist> have a good night
[15:10:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> if you need the resistor values, look at the breadboard layout picture...read the resistor color codes.
[15:11:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> and in red just above the schematic it tells you the pins on the transistor are swapped.
[15:11:24] <TheArtist> ok thanks for the clarification :P
[15:11:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> read the WHOLE page before starting.
[15:11:55] <TheArtist> OK
[15:12:37] <rue_more> cool\
[15:22:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> one wonders if one can use a max232 or max233 to generate the 12V needed for HVSP or HVPP...
[15:23:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> hmmmmm
[15:40:02] <myself> Lambda_Aurigae: it's just a charge pump, I don't see why not. They don't usually go to 12v, though, usually it's a doubled 5v so you get just shy of 10
[15:41:36] <hetii> Maybe some of you play with lpc11xx mcu ?
[15:42:32] <hetii> I have such code: http://pastebin.com/Bkf1ViAp Then I have PWM signal on MAT0 and MAT1 but not in MAT3. I check PWMC register and all bits for MAT0,1,3 are set to PWM_MODE_IS_ENABLED
[16:17:04] <easygoing> hello, someone here?
[17:31:06] <Jartza> someone here, yes
[17:56:52] <Tom_itx> what if there was?
[17:59:11] <umquant_> yes :)
[18:25:53] <mischief> hi
[18:27:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> hello mischief
[18:27:39] <mischief> has anyone tried to fit an atmega328p dip inside a snes controller
[18:27:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> probably.
[18:28:12] <mischief> anyone here*
[18:28:13] <mischief> :)
[18:28:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh.
[18:28:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> not I...no reason to do so...
[18:28:39] <mischief> well
[18:28:50] <mischief> i don't really want to put it outside..
[18:29:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> haven't even ever seen a snes controller myself.
[18:29:17] <mischief> i thought about getting an extension cable and then using the female port
[18:29:44] <mischief> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2kxx3OTO9mk/UAcNLdXl3JI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/Z8TpLcIkMtY/s400/PC-SNES+controller.jpg
[18:30:44] <mischief> the port is a little weird, http://www.8-bitcentral.com/images/nintendo/snes/controllerPorts.jpg
[18:31:08] <mischief> the inside is very cramped. http://www.ppl-pilot.com/SnesHack/img/controller_open.jpg
[18:31:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> from the looks of it, that thing is very tight inside.
[18:31:20] <mischief> yes
[18:31:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> why would you want to put a microcontroller in it anyhow?
[18:31:42] <mischief> to convert the signal to a usb device
[18:32:04] <mischief> one atmega328p can do it
[18:32:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> you will need more than just the microcontroller then.
[18:32:17] <mischief> but i think i might get a teensy 2.0 instead
[18:32:32] <mischief> Lambda_Aurigae: yea i know, but the atmega328p is biggest
[18:32:38] <mischief> https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/features.gif <-- teensy 2.0 on left
[18:32:52] <Lambda_Aurigae> the atmega328p doesn't have usb on it so you will need to use vUSB.
[18:32:59] <mischief> Lambda_Aurigae: yes, i know
[18:33:06] <mischief> i already have it wired on a breadboard
[18:33:16] <mischief> the question is, do i want to try to fit it inside
[18:38:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> sounds like a personal problem to me.
[18:39:33] <mischief> that's not very nice
[18:39:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> I never claimed to be nice.
[18:39:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> but, it's personal, whether you want to put it in there or not.
[21:27:13] <jadew> looks like Rigol is comming out with a MSO1000Z: http://www.rigol.com/prodserv/DS1000Z/
[21:35:06] <Casper> oh that look nice
[21:35:10] <Casper> too bad I already have one
[21:42:34] <jadew> exactly my thoughts :P
[21:43:13] <jadew> I love this scope
[21:59:39] <jadew> people, that apparently, I may know: http://dumb.ro/files/people%20you%20may%20know.png
[22:15:07] <umquant_> Oh yea parvina.. she's a hoot!
[22:20:19] <jadew> it's obviously spam, but I wonder how it's getting there
[22:20:46] <jadew> head of the list