#avr | Logs for 2014-05-30

[03:40:12] <hetii> Hi :)
[04:12:55] <RattusRattus> :-) /me is happy just got my new PCBs back in... http://koipond.org.uk/~andy/tmp/LWB.jpg
[04:17:58] <Valen> shiny
[04:18:48] <Valen> wassit do?
[04:19:21] <RattusRattus> ack. its a full on Linux box with a couple of AVRs thrown in for some 'hardware accelerated' dedicated functions.
[04:19:43] <Valen> fancy
[04:21:26] <RattusRattus> so there is an 1.4GHz ARM cortex A8 SoC running Debian Linux (when I finish board bring up) - LARGE BGA, 1GB DDR3 RAM BGA bottom centre, 4GB eMMC BGA NE of ARM.
[04:21:56] <RattusRattus> there is sound (CODEC and connectors on west of PCB in the area for the screening can
[04:22:54] <RattusRattus> north of that are two switch inputs (this is a medical device so they oporate on nA transitions and are fully issolated)
[04:23:56] <RattusRattus> the larger AVR to the East of the switch jacks is being used as a coulomb counter and smart battery charger (for NiMi and LiPol battery pack)
[04:24:22] <RattusRattus> what looks like a SIM socket is really uSD (more storage)
[04:24:56] <Valen> what you using to do the counting with?
[04:25:10] <RattusRattus> to the East of the uSD socket is anothe AVR, this time it is being used as an intelegent IO bus expander (SPI to paralell bus)
[04:26:26] <RattusRattus> Valen: I sample supply voltage, and current (both in and out) differentially directly onto the AVR, it has an 8MHz xtal
[04:26:44] <Valen> I was wondering how you were measuring the current
[04:28:09] <RattusRattus> kelvin points accross a shunt into ADC on the AVR, I have 2 shunts in series with the AVR virtual gnd between them that way I can measure current in both directions
[04:28:38] <Valen> kelvin points huh, never heard of that
[04:30:02] <RattusRattus> its just a fancy way of saying that I have a shunt resistor in the main current path with a seporate track (routed as a differential pair) also going to the shunt resistor, and it is this differential tracking that goes to my ADC
[04:31:17] <RattusRattus> (i.e. I have 4 pads on my PCB footprint for the shunt resistor, the resistor straddles 2 pads for each terminal)
[04:32:40] <Valen> that better in some way than just running 2 traces off one pad?
[04:35:10] <RattusRattus> well it means that you gan assign the traces to differant nets, and therfore assign differant design rules (trace widths, routing constraints etc) it also ensures that the monitoring traces originate from the shunt itself. of cause you can do all that by hand, but having your CAD package enforce it by rules means that I don't forget to do 'special things'
[04:37:10] <RattusRattus> you do want to run a differential trace to your shunt for the measurment rarther than just take a single ended trace from the posative side into your ADC. you get a much cleaner signal that way
[09:30:50] <oholiab> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/640-x-480-CMOS-Camera-Module-OV7670-and-24-Pin-Socket-PCB-for-DIY-/321081940784?_trksid=p2054897.l4275 don't suppose anyone knows whawt the name of the socket connector on this thing is?
[09:31:17] <oholiab> I want to see if there's a cheap breakout for it that will save me all the soldering
[09:33:18] <myself> oholiab: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/0-5mm-To-1-2mm-Pin-Pitch-Adapter-PCB-FPC-Board-2-0-3-5inch-TFT-LCD-SMD-To-DIP-/141149749183
[09:33:27] <myself> something like that will probably fit it
[09:34:36] <oholiab> cool, thanks
[09:34:38] <myself> But with no dimensional drawings or anything, I wouldn't give them my money. I'll always go to the seller who provides the most data.
[09:34:45] <myself> (the camera seller, I mean)
[09:36:28] <oholiab> I can only find one seller that actually sells that particular model unfortunately
[09:37:48] <oholiab> oh I take it back
[09:38:19] <myself> Well, anyway, having a handful of those adapter boards around will never be a bad idea
[09:38:27] <oholiab> very true
[09:38:28] <myself> you can get 'em in various pitches
[10:44:02] <z0idb3rg> Hi
[11:33:30] <oholiab> myself: decided to leave it for now - the reason I was looking at that particular one is that it appears they've stopped making it (and I want a really small one) but with it not having an external lens I don't know if it's going to be any use at all anyway
[15:21:34] <Getty> mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh....... what might be the minimum needed to make a "V8 Chip".... <showerthought>
[15:23:59] <theBear> probly potatoes and tomato juice mostly :)
[15:25:06] <tzanger> V8 is mostly carrot juice IIRC
[15:26:23] <Getty> LOL
[15:26:39] <Getty> seriously, there is a juice called V8?
[15:26:50] <Getty> i am from germany, so i dont recall having that on our market
[15:27:08] <johnwalkr> yeah, common in north america
[15:27:24] <Getty> ah ok :)
[15:27:25] <johnwalkr> mostly tomato flavour i’d say
[15:27:33] <johnwalkr> plus other veg and salt and pepper
[15:27:36] <Getty> in germany noone would buy "V8"
[15:27:50] <johnwalkr> i guess it has 8 types of vegetables
[15:28:47] <Getty> but nice that i triggered a talk about vegetables juice
[15:28:48] <Getty> \o/
[15:48:32] <tzanger> I like v8
[15:48:37] <tzanger> it's got a good flavour
[15:48:44] <tzanger> prefer the reduced salt version though
[16:43:50] <Kev> Kev-, eh :p
[16:44:00] <spillere> hellow
[16:44:12] <Kev> hello :)
[20:17:08] <mischief> anyone have experience using a pure-software usb stack on an avr
[20:47:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> mischief, yes
[20:47:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's call
[20:47:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> it's called vUSB
[20:48:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> all those usbtinyisp devices use it.
[21:56:48] <mischief> Lambda_Aurigae: i understand there is software to do it
[21:57:00] <mischief> my question was regarding whether anyone here has experience using it!
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