#avr | Logs for 2014-05-23

[06:41:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/smartwatches.png
[06:50:40] <theBear> hehe, i like it
[07:22:16] <oholiab> hey, I've got an ATMega328, and I'm wondering if I should be able to reference CKSEL in my code at all (i.e. are the fuse settings even readable) or if it's throwing compilation errors because I'm referencing it it incorrectly (e.g. CKSEL when it should be CKSELn)
[07:23:03] <Tom_itx> should be able to iirc
[07:24:41] <RikusW> you can read it using LPM
[07:30:44] <oholiab> heh, looks like more yak shaving then :)
[07:31:35] <oholiab> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc1233.pdf ah, here we go
[07:31:48] <oholiab> that's my bedtime reading sorted then
[07:31:54] <oholiab> RikusW: thanks :)
[08:52:03] <Darkwell> Hey there .. a powerball i a gyroball rotating in speeds between 0 to 30 000 rpm .. will any hall densor do to detect the magnetic oscillations from such ...powerballs has a small ,aget in the rotor for this purpose
[08:53:51] <Darkwell> just pondering to assemble something to use to track workouts on a large monitor
[08:59:26] <myself> unless the hall sensor is filtered, yeah it should. I think the effect is pretty quick.
[08:59:46] <myself> get an analog ratiometric hall sensor and watch it on an oscilloscope as you wave the ball near it.
[11:30:23] <guanche> guys, wouldn't it be possible to have this circuit:
[11:30:26] <guanche> http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slva444/slva444.pdf
[11:30:37] <guanche> on page 4, driven by an atmega instead of a 555?
[11:31:27] <guanche> I'm looking into charge pumps so, instead of doing bootstrap with a capacitor, I can make a high-side nmos switch from 0% to 100% duty cycle
[11:31:46] <guanche> else I would use a bootstrap designed accordingly
[11:32:15] <guanche> and live without 0% and 100% duty-cycle
[12:07:15] <ub|k> so, is an AVR's UART unusable in internal oscillator clock mode?
[12:07:29] <ub|k> i cannot manage to make mine work. I get gibberish on the other side.
[12:13:10] <Kev> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc2563.pdf
[12:13:20] <Kev> maybe this would work ub|k
[12:13:45] <ub|k> Kev: would this work for an atmega32?
[12:15:55] <ub|k> this seems to suggest so: http://d1.amobbs.com/bbs_upload782111/files_1/armok0127583.pdf
[12:17:13] <Kev> there's an OSCCAL register so i think it should work
[12:29:27] <oholiab> ub|k: I've been having the same problem, I'm trying to write some code for my ATMega328P to blink out the CKSEL settings on an LED at the moment
[12:31:53] <oholiab> afaict you just need to be able to give it the right F_CPU and the baud rate you're intending on using so it can calculate the message frequency
[12:32:06] <oholiab> so it shouldn't matter which clock you're using'
[12:34:25] <oholiab> marley genie ack
[12:34:29] <oholiab> whups
[12:34:33] <oholiab> wrong channel :P
[12:43:09] <ub|k> oholiab: yeah, but how do i guess that?
[12:43:35] <malinus> ub|k, if you haven't changed the fuses, the internal clock will run at 1mhz
[12:48:06] <oholiab> malinus: when you reflash, if you don't specify the fuses subsequently, do they stay the same?
[12:49:18] <oholiab> I don't actually know what mine are set at because I started out using the arduino IDE with what I assumed was an external oscillator but I've subsequently realised that unless the IDE queries this stuff before flashing, how would it know to set the fuses?
[12:50:12] <malinus> the arduino IDE shouldn't change the fuses. you specify the F_CPU i na special file, if you want to keep using the arduino IDE
[12:50:17] <oholiab> (which is precisely why I stopped programming the chip using the arduino codebase and started using the avr one... with arduino what it's ACTUALLY soing is anyone's guess
[12:50:20] <oholiab> )
[12:50:37] <oholiab> I really don't, I prefer vim and makefiles :)
[12:50:49] <oholiab> that way I actually have some understanding of what it's doing
[12:51:11] <malinus> you can just read the fuses and check what they are
[12:51:30] <malinus> enjoy: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc
[12:51:55] <oholiab> heh, yeah but that invo
[12:52:01] <oholiab> whoops
[12:52:03] <oholiab> can you read the fuses externally?
[12:52:51] <oholiab> someone told me what I need to look at to read them from flash at runtime so I'm going to get on that later
[12:55:31] <malinus> no you don't need to do that, just read them.
[12:55:38] <oholiab> ah, to be fair when flashing from the arduino IDE the instructions for my third party breadboard based kit said to use the Arduino Duo profile so the avrdude settings for that probably change the fuses for an external oscillator
[12:59:25] <malinus> that shouldn't burn the fuses iirc
[13:02:56] <oholiab> hmm
[13:03:31] <oholiab> well, at any rate I should be able to get the code working to flash CKSEL out over an LED over the weekend so I can work out exactly what it's done
[13:04:11] <malinus> what are you talking about, just read the fuses....
[13:04:18] <oholiab> I've got the brunt of the code written, there's just something fishy about my use of a bitwise & inside and if conditional
[13:04:23] <oholiab> I'll figure it out :)
[13:05:11] <malinus> having it flash the fuses with LED sounds like a waste of time, when you can just read them with one line.
[13:08:07] <ub|k> malinus: i have, it's running at 8MHz
[13:09:43] <ub|k> btw, i need a cable to connect pcb headers (row of 6) between boards
[13:09:59] <ub|k> is there such a thing, or will i need to make it?
[13:10:58] <ub|k> i thought i would find them in electronics stores, but I cannot find anything like that
[13:11:08] <ali1234> you have to make them yourself
[13:11:27] <malinus> doesn't he just need a female-female jumper cable?
[13:11:38] <ali1234> yes
[13:12:12] <malinus> ali1234, I'm assuming you were ironic/sarcastic?
[13:12:22] <ali1234> no
[13:12:36] <malinus> why in the world would you make those yourself?
[13:12:43] <malinus> they are like $1 for 50
[13:12:59] <ali1234> you mean use 6 individual cables?
[13:13:15] <ali1234> that's shit, that's why
[13:13:33] <ub|k> i'd like to avoid that
[13:13:57] <malinus> nah I usually use them glued. but the heads can seperate, yes
[13:14:07] <ub|k> 6 different wires...
[13:14:13] <ali1234> so buy some 6 way SIL headers and crimp pins and make it yourself
[13:14:21] <malinus> well you will have 6 different wires no matter what ;P
[13:14:35] <ub|k> malinus: a cable is much easier to transport
[13:14:40] <ub|k> to connect
[13:14:41] <ub|k> etc
[13:14:46] <malinus> yeah, sure.
[13:14:54] <ub|k> i would need the crimping tool
[13:15:02] <ub|k> i don't feel like buying one to make a cable
[13:15:08] <ali1234> http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/cables-connectors/crimp-conn-housing-6
[13:16:05] <ali1234> you dont actually need a crimp tool
[13:16:08] <ub|k> can i crim them with pliers?
[13:16:09] <ali1234> you can easily to it with pliers
[13:16:16] <ub|k> *crimp
[13:16:18] <ub|k> cool
[13:16:35] <ali1234> disclaimer: i think my pliers are specially designed for this
[13:16:40] <ali1234> but still...
[13:17:35] <ali1234> anyway, it's hard enough to buy the parts. buying it already made up in the exact configuration you need is almost impossible
[13:17:58] <ali1234> plus, get ready to pay £10 + p&p for it
[13:18:36] <malinus> ali1234, even on ebay?
[13:19:40] <ali1234> oh, another thing you can do if you don't want to crimp is buy a load of the 1-way ones and carefully remove the pins from the single sockets, and just slide them into the 6 way sockets
[13:20:14] <ali1234> BUT there's multiple different kinds of socket locking mechanisms so this doesn't always work
[13:21:18] <ub|k> yeah
[13:21:21] <ub|k> it's a mess
[22:50:58] <Casper> I wonder if there is some good wireless serial modules that take care of error correction and can handle multiple devices (addressing)