#avr | Logs for 2014-04-25

[01:01:23] <voxadam> Isolated 485 transcivers are stupidly expensive. Not to mention large.
[01:02:36] <voxadam> A single transceiver is stuck in a 28 pin package.
[04:05:49] <hetii> HI :)
[04:06:27] <Fleck> 0.8% error in bitrate for UART is OK to use?
[04:07:49] <Xark> Fleck: Probably. Generally tolerates ~2% or so (until you get fast).
[04:08:11] <Fleck> 9600
[04:08:18] <hetii> Q: I have such simple code,: http://pastebin.com/MRZqjQsA, the idea is to use the same PORTC as output for leds and input for keyboard and use mutiplexing to read pressed key and keep it till nex pressed occure. It almost works but sometime i need pres few time to change my bit,(or it change so many time that i don`t see it)
[04:08:37] <Xark> Fleck: I suspect no-problemo
[04:08:51] <Fleck> ok, thx Xark
[04:40:36] <Fleck> how would you convert int to string for attiny13, I can't include stdio.h, no flash space
[04:41:15] <Valen> there are cheating ways
[04:41:25] <Valen> i don't know them that well however
[04:41:31] <Valen> how many numbers?
[04:41:36] <Valen> IE what range
[04:42:18] <Fleck> integer
[04:50:34] <Fleck> 2byte integer Valen, if my answer wasn't clear
[05:29:06] <specing> Fleck: there itoa()
[05:29:17] <specing> though I recommend hexdumping it
[05:29:31] <specing> its faster and constant in characters used
[05:29:56] <specing> +The sooner you start reading hex, the better
[05:30:29] <Fleck> yeah, I'm thinking about that too!
[05:31:30] <specing> you can even generate the dump on-the-fly
[05:31:34] <specing> no string needed
[05:38:24] <Fleck> yep
[06:35:53] <krysmin> hello, is good to learn assembly for atmegas?
[06:36:55] <Fleck> sure
[06:37:20] <w|zzy> Gives you a better understanding of the chip.
[06:37:49] <krysmin> and is good to write only in assembly:D?
[06:38:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> all depends on what you want to do.
[06:42:54] <Fleck> Need some ideas - I am sending UART data (5 bytes) every second, how do I read it, how to know if first data in buffer is first from those 5 bytes?
[06:53:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> Fleck, umm...you know what you are sending.
[06:54:02] <Fleck> two byte Integer actually,
[06:54:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> you might want to do some kind of framing...like, send 0xF0F0F0 first or something.
[06:54:12] <Fleck> yeah
[06:54:18] <Fleck> thinking about that right now
[06:55:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> I often use the character U or 0b01010101
[06:55:22] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use that for autobaud too.
[06:55:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> keep sending that until I get a response then send the data.
[06:57:45] <Fleck> I have one way comunication
[07:07:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> then you need to send some kind of start information.
[09:08:47] <rue_house> mmm framing
[14:27:19] <Fleck> rue_house: :) ideas about framing? :)
[16:58:53] <bezoka_> hello
[17:29:10] <awozniak> My AVR JTAG ICE mkII is stuck in bootloader mode (reports as AVRBLDR). How do I upgrade its firmware (win7, Studio 6.2) ?